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Sody 'butterfly' - Music Video Review

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey everyone!

Another week in isolation, and another lockdown song! This week it's the turn of Sody with her newest music video for 'butterfly', a short music video which I thought I would react to, and see what the true meaning of the lyrics are! I've not heard of this artist before, but I believe she was a rising artist last year, so decided to take a listen to the song and watch the video too! Here's my review!

In this very simply filmed music video, it was easier to understand the meaning of the song, as there weren't too many outfit changes ot environments changes. It started with a short opening pan shot of a bedroom which showed a set of drawers, and Sody looking at her reflection in the mirror. Some of the opening lyrics included 'it's a lonely night, I need somebody to talk to' which could either be relating to the fact that she's been stuck in isolation and there's nobody that she has been able to meet, or that she just feels as if she's always been alone, and instead of trying to start a conversation with another human, she wants to see if she can get a better conversation out of an animal or insect. The song is called 'butterfly' as she questions whether the butterfly can hear her speaking.

There are some nice blurry shots that happen in the video, especially with the incredibly bright lamp that can be seen within the first minute of the video. The camera seems to follow Sody's body movements, especially when she moves her head or her hands, and there are also some video stutter shots which add more dynamic tension throughout the video. She sings the words 'I've been falling from heights, and I'm terrifed', which could be dreams that she has been having as she is spending so much time by herself, and she repeatedly is seen opening and closing the blinds, almost searching for somebody or waiting for somebody to come home. During the middle of the video, you can see a small group of butterflies beginning to fly from on top of her head, as if they're been sitting quietly and listening to Sody's calls for help from the beginning of the video. It also seems as if she has managed to summon the butterflies as she sings the words 'yeah you, you believe in me...when I'm feeling down, you're always around, and you remind me, how real growth takes time' - hinting at the evolution of a butterfly, from catapillar form to it's adult form, where it's able to fight the world by itself. Near the end of the video, there is a really nice shot of a butterfly sitting on Sody's shoulder, almost like the angel that is there to help her through difficult times, with a final shot of Sody watching the butterfly fly away somewhere in her room. The fact that there are other butterflies sitting on her bed, mean that she has multiple creatures looking out for her, and as she moves from off of the bed, the butterfly flies away, almost following her to wherever she decides to go next!

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