Hey everyone,
I thought I would write a quick blog about the perks of people watching. In simple, this is something that we all do everyday, right? Whether you're out shopping, using public transport, going to the local supermarket or just walking around town! I think it's quite easy to judge somebody based on their looks alone, without hearing their voice or knowing anything about them or their personality, but last week I decided to make a note of the some interesting people I spotted whilst on the underground train into London, and thought I would share the descriptions here, in case I ever meet them again (and also, in case they stumble across this and go 'Ahh that was me!), so either way, here's 5 people from my travels in July 2021!
Girl with long brown hair and red nails
I can't remember exactly how this lady looked, but I remember that she was quite young (maybe a similar age to me or slightly older) and she had really nice long red acrylic nails. She was listening to spofity music which was quite loud, and she had such long hair, it almost felt like a Rapunzel moment. I must say, we caught eyes once I believe, but it was a little windy on this particular carriage so I didn't really much of a chance to see anything else! I'm sure she was just off to see friends in London, but from what I remember, her outfit was simple, yet elegant and she wasn't wearing much makeup on her face!
Older lady with short hair and struggling with face covering
The next person that I thought was quite interesting to watch for a bit, was a lady who seemed to be between 25-35 (not too sure because I think she was wearing glasses, or because the mask she was wearing took up her entire face!). She was standing up, wearing a top and trousers, your standard travelling outfit, but I think she was on boob watch because when the train sped up a little, everything went out of control! After several stops she went to sit down on one of the chairs, but I wanted to praise her for wearing clothes that she felt comfortable in, rather than sticking to clothes that she might have felt a bit awkward or tight in! I think she looked over at me several times, but the reason I wrote 'struggled with face covering' is because whilst she was on her phone, she kept moving the face mask up and down to get it into the perfect position, but she gave me a very summery vibe with the bright outfit she was wearing.
Hot guy that looked like Joe Wicks, hairy legs and wearing shorts
I couldn't even begin to tell you how similar looking this individual was to Joe Wicks, but I also couldn't tell you where I thought he was from. I believe it could have been Italy/Greece purely based off of the hairy legs, but couldn't really give anymore specific details! I remember he was wearing a black top and matching shorts, with a pair of white shoes I think. It looked as if he was going to play a game of tennis, but then why would you travel all the way into central London to play, especially if you're not a professional and having to pay for travel there and from the venue. Oh, and he also had an incredibly good set of abs, as when he sat down you could see the definition through his shirt!
Sexy French guy in a white top with nice big eyes, wearing black trousers
Ok so I can't confirm if this guy was actually French, but he was giving me those kind of vibes. As soon as he got on the train, I made sure I tried to get eye contact (but he obviously didn't see me looking, so his eyes were on his phone). He literally sat down in the chat next to me (and by this point I was standing up and leaning against the train door, so had a kind of birds eye view?). He looked incredibly smart, wearing a white buttoned shirt which had quite large openings between each of the buttons, and he seemed to have really soft long brown hair which flowed in the moving wind of the train! I think several times he did look around, and when he got off the train I think we made eye contact very briefly, but I think you just had to be there in order to appreciate how attractive this man was! I was so tempted to give him one of my business cards and explain to him that I'm a photographer if he ever needed updated portraits...but I got nervous and didn't want him to think I was chatting him up...plus, this particular carriage was very busy!
Couple that were probably drunk and looking over at me
5/5, the drunk couple! I don't really know what to say about these two, other than, they were the last people I wanted to watch before coming home. I remember they were both drinking something on the train and the male kept looking over at me whilst I looked around the carriage and outside (before we went back into a tunnel); and I'm not sure if he was smiling at me or mouthing words at me, but I do know that I couldn't make out any other details or features about them...they could have been friends, brother and sister, who knows? I thought I would just add them to my list, because this point I was desperate to get 5 people and the carriage was pretty empty by this point, and I wasn't sure who else would be added to my people watching list! I love some drunk people because they're entertaining and so much more confident than sober people, but at the same time...if they're absolutely plastered, they can cause unnecessary damage/harm to anyone or anything they come in contact with (even themselves), so let's hope after the England vs Italy match today, whether it comes home or not, that people are safe, sensible and have a good time, but don't cause anybody else to not have a good time!
I actually enjoyed writing this blog post because it was kind of unique, a little strange but it also will remind me how many different types of people I can come across in one day! I think I'll limit it to 5 people per blog post, and if I come across 5+ people in a day, I guess I can spread them out across multiple different blog posts, so NO NEED TO WORRY! Yeah, I think I'll be turning this into a series, so until the next one, Peace out!