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'The Missing Princess', Panorama (2021) - TV Review

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey all,

One of the biggest stories at the moment is the story about Princess Latifa, the daughter of Sheikh Mohammed who tried to escape from her father in 2018 and has since been captured. Her father is one of the richest and most influential men in the world. A short 30 minute programme created by Parorama was shared on BBC One London yesterday with the short summary of the story so far. Tiina Jauhianian is one of Latifah's closest friends, and in an interview as part of the BBC programme 'Escape from Dubai' back in 2018, she explains the story of how she got in contact with the Princess and what has happened since. Ken Roth, explains that Dubai is a place that attracts tourists but they have an 'old fashioned view' of women.

In video recordings by Princess Latifah herself, she explained that she's not allowed to drive, travel or leave Dubai at all...and she went on to say 'that's my life basically, it's very restricted...I need to leave'. In February 2018 her escape plan was ready with Tiina and she said that she was 'feeling positive about the future, I don't know how I'll feel waking up in the morning and thinking I can go wherver I want, I'll do whatever I want today....I'm really looking forward to that. Tiina explained that whilst they were on the boat, travelling to leave for the USA, their boat was taken over by Indian special forces. Latifah could be heard screaming, kicking and trying to get away...and that was the last time she has seen her friend. On 4th March 2018, at around midnight, she was taken off of the boat.

Princess Latifah was allowed out of the confined space for a few hours and went to a meal hosted by Mary Robinson, who at the time was a previous representative of Ireland from December 1990 - September 1997, and to 'prove' that Latifah was still alive and well, by sharing the photos with the world, when they said the images would be private...Mary Robinson explained that Latifah was a 'troubled woman...and she's now in the loving care of her family', but she was tricked into believing that her life was ordinary..

Pictured above: Princess Latifah's friend Tiina Jauhianian on 'Escape from Dubai', 2018

Tiina went on to explain that somebody got in contact with her, and she had to confirm Latifah's nickname and what she received as a gift to prove that both sides were real. Although David Haigh (another person who was captured) said that he didn't know if it was real, Tiina replied and said 'I know my friend, I know it's her!'. That's when they thought it was time to take the next step and they managed to get a phone to Latifah. Latifah confirmed this story and said that she couldn't lock the door to her room so was hiding in the bathroom to record her video messages. Tiina added that she was really missing her, and was happy to hear her voice. Tiina was also able to track down Latifah's first cousin Marcus Essabri and he admitted that he cried, explaining that he couldn't speak, and just knowing that she's alive, and has surived everything...He added 'there's so much to catch up on, so much to find out about eachother and to say'. Tiina was worried that she would get caught with the phone, but she wanted to know in detail what had happened to her.

In other video messages by Latifah herself, she says 'the villa has been converted into a jail, all the windows are shut, can't open them. Police are outside and I can't go outside to get fresh air'. Further details explain that she is being guarded by 30 police who are working on rotation both inside and outside, and she was able to sketch what she can see from her room. Panorama have independently verified the details of the case. Ken Roth added that 'nobody should be subjected to that sort of confinement' with Tiina saying that she looked 'so pale', going on to say 'she hasn't seen sunlight for months, and she can move from her room to the kitchen and back...and she was wearing the same t shirt she had on the boat, so she wasn't even allowed new clothes. Her cousin added that 'she didn't get the medical care, didn't even have a toothbrush'. Latifah said that 'everyday I'm worried about my safety and my life, and don't know if I'm going to survive the situation...I'm not safe here'.

Pictured above: Princess Latifah's private video recordings from her secret phone in 2018

Latifah explained some of the details from what happened on that night in 2018. On 4th March, there were about 12 or 15 commandos. She goes on to say 'this guy came with a small pouch, like a camoflauge pouch and he took out the needle and injected me in my arm. I shouted don't do that don't do that, and I thought it was tranquilisers, but it didn't take any effect on me'. She goes on to say 'I was like ok, assess the hands are tied, there are 2 guys sitting on you, you're at the bottom of a small boat, so just calm down and there is no fighting at this point'. She goes on to explain that she was transferred to an Indian military ship, and into a big room with 4 or 5 generals infront of her. She continued to repeat what her name was and that she wanted to get to Dubai to seek asylum...she kept going and did not stop. She saw a private jet infront of her and at that point she said that she was not going to voluntarily go. She says 'I was man handled by a commando, he grabbed me and lifted me up whilst I was kicing and fighting...I noticed his sleeves were rolles up and his arm was exposed, so I bit him as hard as I could and shook my head...and he screamed...he tranquilised me again and put me on a stretched, I lost conciousness whilst being carried up the stairs and then passed out'. When she woke up, the private jet had landed in Dubai...and everything she was working on for so many years to get her freedom was 'gone', and she had no access to medical help, no trial, no charge...nothing!

Mary Robinson believed that Princess Latifah had a bipolar problem, and worried that there was a stigma for people who had it in the UAE. Both her and Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein (one of Skeikh Mohammad's wives) had been told an 'elaborate lie'. Her medical contion was said in a way that was convincing with the family not wanting her to 'go through anymore trauma' and not wanting to go public with it. Latifah explained that the only topics discussed were sports, veganism and the environment...and that they didn't discuss her or her case. Mary was asked if she regrets not asking her about her situation, and she said she didn't know how to address somebody with biploar, and didn't want to bring it up in conversation over a nice lunch. Princess Latifah explains that she knew 'something was going on', with Princess Haya adding that she wanted to remember this lunch. Latifah was sat between Princess Haya and Mary Robinson and Latifah explained that she looked at the camera and her face was not was a set up, and they had been tricked. Mary Robinson added that she was aware the photography was being taken, but didn't realise it would be part of 'Hollywood proof' to prove that she was alive.

Pictured above: Princess Latifah alongside Former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson

Princess Latifah goes on to explain that she felt bad for going out of the house for a few hours, just be dropped back off...mislead by a friend because she was also mislead. Princess Haya had since fled to London with her 2 children because she was so fearful of the sitiation. In July 2019, the step mother got a divorce, and the news was the had escaped...but for Sheikh was 'business as usual'. Latifah explains in another video that her 'situation is getting more desperate everyday' and that she's 'tired of this now'. Tiina says that after Latifah went quiet for so many months, she was hoping Princess Latifah would reappear and didn't want to believe it, but finally she did. She added that there were so many things that she should have said, and so many other things that left her with sadness. 'What if I don't get to speak to her again?' is the question that she asks, adding that 'we are extremely worried about her wellbeing. If we assume she got caught with the phone, her conditions are probably a lot worse now'...Latifah's cousin Marcus also explains that 'family are supposed to be there to support and love you, not to lock you up. he adds 'I'm not against my family, I just don't want to be involved in the politics. She just wanted a quiet peaceful life, and that was really important to her'.

Tiina explains that 'since a lot of time has passed', they decided to release some of the evidence to media channels including the BBC, but they hadn't taken this decision lightly. She adds that 'there have been some sleepless nights thinking about this, but it's time to do something'. She also says that she feels Princess Latifah would want us (Tiina and David Haigh) to fight for her and not give up. The UN have made no public statements so far about Princess Latifah, but Tina, Marcus and David all hope that the evidenve will make the UC take effective action. Mary Robinson adds that the continues to be very worried about Latifah, and that 'things have moved on...and I think it should be investigated'. Ken Roth says that 'any decent father would end it'.

Princess Latifah's most recent video explained how she thought about the situation. She says 'for me it's simple, am I free or am I not free. The world is going to know thrat I'm not free...I'm not going to go along with the propaganda, that's just how I am'. Since the events of 2018, the Government of India have still not commented on the events froom March 2018, and both Dubai and the UAE say that she is 'safe with the family' and her father Sheikh Mohammed states 'to this day, I consider her return to Dubai was a safety mission'

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