'Judy' was blocked from The Circle and was able to visit a player of her choice...giving that person immunity from the next blocking! Richard Madeley...a.k.a 'Judy' went to see Georgina because of the deep and meaningful conversation that had earlier that day!
He explained the whole story of why he was in the show, and that he quickly had to turn from 'Nice girl Judy' to 'Unpopular girl' in the group, in order to give immunity to another player. He also stated that the feelings and what he said during their private chat were 100% him, but obviously he couldn't reveal his identity and had to still remain in character. 'It was a no-brainer giving the immunity to you' was what he first said when meeting Georgina, and she was very shocked that 'Judy' was in-fact a celebrity!
It was a very emotional meet, but definitely gave Georgina the motivation to go on and try to win the show, given the fact that she has already been influencer once, and has now been given a golden ticket to avoid the next blocking!
Woody and Ella had another private chat to catch up on the 'Judy' situation and that Woody was flirting with her...once it was revealed who 'Judy' really was, he felt very embarrased!
It was also revealed to the rest of the players that Georgina had in-fact received immunity and was the lucky player who got the visit from Richard! 'Jay' quickly invited her to a private chat to congratulate her once again, but to also see who Georgina didn't trust and if 'Jay' was someone she was unsure about...
The next task for the remaining SIX players was to write a birthday message in Brooke's card. She had turned 25 that morning (with Georgina's birthday the day after), and it was up to the players to see if they could spot the fake handwriting...
Tim and Woody had another private chat and were discussing whether 'Jay's handwriting looked real or not? Suspicions were at an all time high...BUT would 'Jay' survive another blocking?
After the birthday celebrations, the players were able to celebrate with some alcohol and music #OctoberFest #CircleParty
We found out that TWO new players would be enterting The Circle...but would they be playing as themselves or would we be seeing more catfish enter a show that's already got TWO catfish players?!?!?
To watch The Circle live, it's on every night (apart from Saturday), Channel 4 @ 10/10:15pm!