The last thing we found out from the previous episode is that Woody was the 'secret influencer' and he had the power to block anyone he wanted from The Circle (apart from Jan the newbie)...After a dramatic walk through the corridor, he decided to block 'Joyce' but had no idea that she was in fact previously blocked players Beth and Jack!
At first, all three of them were slightly confused, but when Woody said 'Hi, I'm Woody', Beth and Jack knew that they had been blocked from The Circle and were quite devastated, but proud that they had got as far as they did...
Woody also revealed to them who his parents were and both Beth and Jack warned him of some of the other players in the game...especially 'Josh'.
'Joyce's identity was revealed to the rest of the players, and to say that they were 'shocked' is an understatement!
Paddy invited both Georgina and 'Sammie' to a girls chat to discuss Beth and Jack (a.k.a 'BJ') and Ella began a group chat with Woody and Tim to discuss 'Josh's errors in the previous game. Tim mentioned that 'Josh' couldn't have gone into his job straight after graduating, and that his message contradicted what Ella said about the Cricket...
Tim invited 'Sammie' to a private chat as they hadn't spoken in a while, and Tim wanted to find out more about baby Charlie. He said that he missed his little one back home, but doesn't want to go before the end because he's too close to the final now...
Ella also decided to invite Jan to a private chat, admitting that she loved her since she added 'round-bodies' to her profile and accepted herself as she was. Jan added that they would be united #CurvyGirlsUnite, and told Ella that 'Josh' had also been flirting with her...
ANOTHER GAME NOW...and this was one called 'Circle Rivals', where each of the players had to state who their biggest competitor was, and why they should win over that person.
ELLA: She admitted that Ella has become her best mate in The Circle, she's probably the biggest competition that Georgina has to face.
WHY: Admitted that she deserved to win over Ella as she would put the money into charity work, including to host a ball...
ELLA: She's a bubbly, warm and popular character, and reminded Jan of a younger version of herself.
WHY: Ella's a lot younger than her and has more time to live, whereas Jan has less time and it would be really beneficial for her to have the money so she can spend it as and when she needs.
TIM: Feels like himself and Tim are both men that have learnt a lot, but doesn't know why Tim would need the money and what he would spend it on.
WHY: He feels as if he would be able to make better use of the money and put it towards trying to build a school for disadvantaged children. (The only part of his plea that Tim found a little awkward, is that Tim hasn't had many chats with 'Josh', so he wasn't sure why he is 'the biggest competition' for him, and that builing a school is going to require a lot more than £100k).
'JOSH': Feels like 'Josh' is his biggest competition because he is the newest player to The Circle.
WHY: He believes that he has tried to convey as much of his personality and life to 'Josh', but he is coming back with such basic and vague responses, and doesn't seem to be authentic to some of the other players.
WOODY: Believes that he is one of the most genuine players, without having to be clever or catfish...
WOODY: He is her biggest competition for all of the reasons that he is also her best friend in The Circle...
WHY: She wans to show that it's possible to win the show based on just personality and being genuine, without having to have a filter on!
TIM: Believes that he is the most popular player in the game, and his mum told him to go for the biggest one first.
WHY: She would love to win the money so she can help other vulnerable/single parents to support their children
ELLA: He feels exactly the same way about her, as she feels about him, and feels that she's helped him come out of his shell and try to spread positivity...
WHY: He didn't explain what he would do with the money, as it's more expensive to enjoy the experience than to just win the prize money and run wild!
Jan said that Woody had been 'keeping it real' and 'Josh' admitted that Tim was somebody to look upto, getting advice from Tim on how to go about setting it up.
'Sammie' then decided to create a private chat with Paddy to discuss his change of plan for the game...He admitted that Paddy was the only person that he could speak to in confidence without feeling jdged or worrying that what he said was going to be spread around to other players... #ScouseAndIrishDuo
'Sammie' told Paddy that he felt like Ella was definitely playing a game in The Circle, by calling everyone her 'bestie', including himself, paddy and Georgina...?? and felt like he wanted to try and dethrone her to make it easier to get to the final. #DethroneElla .
They both decided that Tim, Woody and Ella were the top three most popular people in The Circle, and they needed a third player in their 'crew'. They analysed both Georgina and Jan, and decided that Georgina would be the perfect addition to their group...
To watch The Circle live, it's on every night (apart from Saturday), Channel 4 @ 10/10:15pm!