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The Circle UK Series 3 - Episode 9 (Thursday 25th March 2021)

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

At the beginning of this episode, all the players seemed to wake up on the next day of The Circle. Manrika and Felix were both happy that they had eachother in the game, and Vithun admitted that he needed to focus on the conversations that he's having, as there are more chances of him being blocked now. Tally added that she was feeling positive about Gemma, and Gemma explained that the first few days were quite difficult, but she needs to make sure relationships are established enough for her to survive. Manrika said that Gemma is sly, and she's unsure whether Gemma is a catfish or just a b*tch! Dorothy invited Andy and Syed to a group chat called 'The Morning Club', stating that Andy has a great personality and Syed is lovely. During their chats, Dorothy explained that she needed more botox, and asked if either of the boys had been to the circle gym. Andy said that 'if she's real, she's actually a really really cool Nan'. Vithun also decided to start a new chat with Felix, as he had been getting on well with Andy and Manrika, but needed to get on side with their allies as well. He admitted that he didn't trust the whole relationship thing, but decided to go along with it to keep the bond strong. Felix stated that Vithun was his favourite person that he'd spoken to in The Circle at the moment, adding 'a little bit of Vithun a day, keeps the loneliness away'.

Gemma invited Andy to a private chat just to make sure that their friendship was as strong as before. Andy said 'I accept it's a game, but if I can make her honestly say I'm not catfhsing, and she is, then it's on her and not me'. Gemma admitted she had to keep Andy on side, and Andy said 'no judgement here' and asked 'you would tell me if you were catfhsing me wouldn't you?'. Gemma realised he was trying to use emotional blackmail to try and get her to reveal herself and said she was going to try and swerve the question without making her sound like a complete liar, adding 'he's so clever, manipulating the conversation, whcih is why he's doing so well'. After Gemma admitted tht everything she has said so far in the game has been genuine, Andy said we're together now Gem', adding that he didn't take her answer at 100% face value, but for Gemma to use the words honest and truthful, he revealed that it would be too big a risk if Gemma was a catfish.

The players then played a game called 'Portrait Mode' which gave them all 30 minutes to draw a portrait of another player anonymously. Vithun was more shocked that the canvas was so big, but's a brief summary of who drew who. Syed drew Manrika, with Manrika saying 'that's a really good picture, I almost thought I was looking in the mirror' with Tally and Felix thinking the image looked scary. Manrika worked out it was Syed and said 'I wouldn't have wanted a better person to do my portrait'. Andy's drawing of Vithun was 'harmless' according to Gemma, and it didn't really say anything. Felix's drawing of Dorothy seemed to get a lot of positive feedback but Manrika said although Nanna Dot was going to love the painting, it looked like Pat Butcher. Andy thought that the portrait Tally drew of him was very funny, with Gemma adding 'I never found him funny'. After Gemma's drawing of Felix was revealed, Felix said 'I actually really like that', thinking that it was Andy having a laugh, with Manrika adding that she found it offensive as it almost seemed like Gemma was calling her 'anything', as there was a hashtag suggesting that Felix would get with anyone. Manrika replied 'if anyone's got an issue, speak up hunnies' with Gemma stating that it wasn't a dig at her, but more at Felix as he was flirting with all the girls when he first arrived.

Vithun's drawing of Syed hinted at the fact that Vithun was accusing him of being a catfish with Syed more worried that he didn't use the whole canvas. Andy admitted that he couldn't believe that someone had gne for Syed, adding that 'someone's really p*ssed me off'. Tally stated that she didn't want Syed to get upset with the drawing because he's got a warm heart, commenting on the chat that whether he was real or a catfish, she liked him for the person hw as, and Syed said 'I'm gonna make sure you don't leave!' Dorothy's portrait of Tally suggested that she wasn't who she said she was, and Tally's initial reaction was 'oh my god' with Andy adding that someone's gone in...and Syed was more concerned that there could potentially be a 5 year old in the game. Vithun added that this was something he could have done and Gemma stated that she liked the colours that were used. Tally said 'I'm deffo lost for words, this is deffo a boys drawing, and I feel like I know whose'...adding that 'you've dug yourself a mssive hole...which was directed at Felix! The final image was drawn by Manrika and it was of Gemma. Tally's initial reaction was 'that is nasty, who the hell's done htat then' with Gemma adding 'well, we did expect that didn't*t plus spoon? - as Manrika had drawn poo and a spoon which meant sh*t stirrer probably, and Manrika added that she had to be completely fake in the group chat although she wanted to say it was her. Dorothy said 'one of you have drawn this', as Andy, Tally and Manrika all posted about how horrible the image of Gemma was, and Gemma said she's got to play the vulnerable victim...

Tally invited Manrika to a private chat and said 'I owe it to her to explain the thoughts about my drawing in that game. Manrika wondered what it was that Tally wanted to speak about...and after said that the image was 100% Felix, Manrika said that Gemma seems to be manipulating Tally's brain, and that she was trying to do the same with Manrika but it wouldn't work...and although Manrika didn't want to agree with the above suggestion, she decided to try and hint at the fact that some people in The Circle aren't as genuine as they are seeing. She said 'not everyone that is nie to your face has your back', adding that no man would ever get in the way of a friendship, but Tally was standing up for herself suggesting that she trusted Gemma, and Felix was the problem. Tally added that Felix didn't flirt with her and didn't even want to speak to her, but Manrika added 'I'm from Birmingham, it's full of snakes!' - almost suggesting that she knows when someone is likely to be a catfish! Tally said that she wanted to get to the final with Manrika, but she said 'you ain't gonna get anywhere if you trust Gemma!'. Felix stated that there are no threatening situations at the moment and after the alert popped up on the screen, Syed hoped it would be a circle chat because he wanted to talk to everyone. It was revealed that the players were going to be doing ratings again, but although Gemma is immune, she can rate but cannot be rated.

Both Felix and Vithun rated Andy 1st, whilst Andy chose Syed, Gemma chose Tally, Tally chose Manrika and Manrika chose Andy. She said that she was going to put Tally in 2nd, but said she couldn't see Tally as influencer because she would fight to get rid of Felix, so opted for Vithun instead. Felix put Manrika 2nd and Dorothy put Felix 2nd. Sy placed Tally 3rd, and Manrika played Felix 3rd. Dorothy decided that she would place Tally at 6th as she's 'not had that spark with her, she won't be missed'. Vithun placed Dorothy in 6th and Gemma placed Manrika in 6th as a tactical move. Tally put Felix 6th and Manrika chose Tally to be in 6th place as 'her judgement is majorly cloudy' at the moment. As a reward for completing the earlier drawing game, 'all players can add one new picture to their profile'. Felix chose a topless pic on the mountains, Gemma chose an image with her wearing an NHS top, Tally used a picture of her on a Quad Bike, Manrika uploaded an image with her and her Dad, Vithun was sat on a camel, Andy seemed to be in his offic, Sy's image was of himself and a younger lady and lastly Dorothy's image was of her and a friend called Harry when they were younger. After a quick look around the profiles, Gemma stated that Andy's image seemed like he was a 'man who's got a good job and earning decent money' with Tally adding that he 'oozes a nice genuine person'. Vithun thought that Dorothy's profile still looked like a catfish, adding that it could be somebody related. Manrika was impressed by Felix's image, saying 'he's fit' with Tally adding that it's 'too bad your personality doesn't match'. Felix stated that Vithun looks like a handsome young boy, and Vithun said that Tally's image looks like the typical 'popular person picture'. Manrika added that she was gutted she couldn't see more of her family. After Gemma's picture was seen by some of the players, Tally said 'you wouldn't lie about working for the NHS, would you?' with Manrika adding that if Gemma lied, she would be having words with her!

The ratings were revealed, and The Circle said that 'only the bottom two players are at risk of being blocked' with Manrika saying 'oh no I've put Tally 6th! It was revealed that Dorothy and Tally were the two lowest rated players. Syed said 'how did that happen?', Felix 'was not expecting that' and Tally said that she was blaming Felix. Manrika added that she made a big mistake and Gemma said 'I put Tally 1st!' let's see what happens in tomorrow's episode! Who will be blocked next?

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