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The Circle UK Series 3 - Episode 4 (Friday 19th March 2021)

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

At the beginning of Episode 4, Andy and Syed still had to decide which player they wanted to block from The Circle, and out of the 5 players at risk, Andy said that they both agreed on the outcome, and the player they decided to block was...PENNY! Penny was able to go and see one of her fellow players, admitting that they had one interaction with Andy and he's more of a detective than they thought he was, but she went to see Syed...who was hiding next to the sofa behind a pillow, and shocked that Penny was in fact Millie...and was doubley shocked when her father Jamie also walked in! Syed was quite shocked at Penny being a catfish but explained that the character he is playing is one of his Dad's friends from the restaurant, and although he is catfishing, his intention is pure! After a short visit, Jamie and Millie had to leave. Andy went to bed admitting that it was good that he had a big tick next to his face, and Orange Tally was still worried that both Manrika and Gemma were still in the game. Manrika added that the people at the top were doing the dirty work for her, and Vithun explained that any conversation matters from this point on! The next alert from The Circle was an update on the newsfeed where Penny's video was shown. Manrika initial thought was that if she was real, 'she had the personality of a radiator', explaining that she felt sorry for saying that, and after they revealed that somebody they visited wasn't who they say they are, Gemma thought that she might have gone to see Andy, adding that she didn't think Syed is a catfish.

In the next part of the show, we saw Billy attempt to put up a mini basketball net and Andy decided to play kick ups with a little football. Gemma decided to create another group chat with Blue Tally, Orange Tally and Vithun to get the players to do a variety of different work out poses. Blue Tally admitted that she wasn't feeling very relaxed, and when Gemma was introducing the next dance moves, Blue Tally said 'this one's called Orange Tally shut up' as a joke, but I'm guessing she's had enough of the fake persona trying to take over! Billy also invited Manrika to a private chat and they both shared some of the worst chat up lines...which Billy wrote down to probably use later on in his journey in The Circle. Gemma also started a private chat with Gemma, who wanted to plant a see of who she thinks Penny went to see, suspecting Andy! Syed wanted to try and get the suspicions away from Andy, so admitted he had a group chat with Penny and Manrika, so thought that Manrika could have been working with her. He added that Manrika needed to go and she was a threat. The Circle revealed that one of the Tally's would be blocked from the game, and Vithin admitted that he was nervous, even though it wasn't even him being blocked! Manrika invited Blue Tally to a private chat explaining that she knows she is loyal, and Blue Tally wondered if Manrika was going to give her more reassurance as she was typing two messages in a row! Manrika also added that Orange Tally seemed to be trying too hard almost 24/7.

Orange Tally decided to start a chat with Billy, Syed, Vithun and Andy, naming it 'Orange Tally and my Boys; with Andy instantly thinking that Orange Tally is trying t go for an all boys route, and she's flipped his opinion. Billy added that it was a clever idea as there's more boys in The Circle than girls. Orange Tally said that if anyone had any questions, she would be happy for them to 'please fire away'. Manrika decided to invite Syed for a private chat as he hasn't spoken to him much yet. During their chat she added that Andy is her older brother, Vithun is her younger brother and Syed was her Circle Uncle. They spoke about their families and Manrika asked Syed whether he was missing his family or cooking. She then opened up about her Dad having a drinking problem, but thankfully he's now 3 years sober. Syed's reaction was that he felt like he didn't know what to say when people open up to him as he's a catfish, but wanted to express his true feelings, but filter them through the profile of Syed.

The next game was called 'Story of my Life' which saw Blue Tally and Orange Tally going head to head, telling the tale behind each of the pictures shown on the screen. The first image was of Tally with a headset on. Blue Tally said it was her working at the doctor's surgery with Orange Tally claiming it was a call centre. Image number 2 was of Tally and her dog, which Blue Tally had revealed sadly passed away. Manrika replied to Orange Tally's answer asking how anyone can buy what this girl is saying, with Orange Tally stating that she was smashing the game. The third and final image was a picture of Tally sitting next to a bath in a pink dress. Blue Tally explained that this was an image she travelled 5 hours for, and was a picture taken at her 22nd birthday. Gemma admitted that Manchester is 5 hours away from Brighton so it all made sense with Manrika agreeing that she knows exactly where the venue is, stating that she is right! Blue Tally admitted that 'it's all coming to an end now' and she wants Orange Tally to admit that she's not who she says she is. Blue Tally invited Orange Tally to another private chat to try and talk it out with her, and Orange Tally stated that she hoped it would be a calm and relaxing conversation...Blue Tally seemed to go straight in with her opening question, asking why Orange Tally stole her identity and asked if she could at least admit it in a private chat. She continues by saying 'I'm all up for winners, but there's a's personal', adding that she nibbles and she bites.

It was Emma Willis' time to see and speak to all of the players in The Circle. She introduced her little speech by saying that one player has been cloned by another player, and they've both been trying to convince you that they are the original Tally, with Manrika excitedly shouting out 'it's Blue Tally Emma!'. She explained trhat the game of clones was coming to an end and only one of them can remain in The Circle, with the other being blocked. Emma also said that both Blue and Orange Tally had the last opportunity to explain why they should stay over the other, with Blue Tally saying 'I'm not good with words...I have an advantage because it's me being me, you can't get much better than that!'. After Blue Tally's plea, some of the responses included 'bang on' from Manrika, 'that's why I think blue is real' from Gemma, and Billy thought she was playing the sympathy card. After Orange Tally's plea, Billy explained that her message seemed a lot more calm and Vithun added that she doesn't believe this Tally, but more tempted to keep her in to act like a troll. Manrika simply said that everything she jut said was fake, and Syed added that Orange Tally's plea seemed a little more heartfelt. Billy also said that part of his gameplan should be to keep in Orange Tally, and she could help with his game, and Syed explained that Blue Tally seems more valuable to Manrika, who is now valuable to him...Orange Tally stated that she didn't know which was this was going to go.

It was over to Emma to ask each of the players in turn 'who are you going to block?' and she came to Manrika first who instantly chose to block Orange Tally. Billy blocked Blue Tally, Gemma blocked Orange Tally and Vithun also chose to block Blue Tally, which meant the current score was 3-2 to block Orange, and it was all down to Andy whether there would be a tiebreaker. Andy decided to block Orange Tally, and that meant Yolanda's two chances were officially up, and she was fully blocked from the game! Gemma asked how Andy and Vithun could have believed Orange Tally's stories, with Blue Tally adding 'that's what you get for being a liar!'. Orange Tally was able to visit one of the other players in The Circle and explained that Syed did her dirty, Vithun has been like a little brother to her, but she was interested in going to see Blue Tally to see if she is who she says she is. Blue Tally was already prepared, saying 'I am ready for her, bring it on!'. The only thing we saw in the final part of this episode, is Yolanda a.k.a Chris and Orange Tally walking into Blue Tally's apartment, not looking very happy...and Blue Tally having a shocked expression on her face! Let's see what happens tomorrow!

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