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The Apprentice, Series 17 (2023) - Episode 11 Review

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey everyone! Here's my review of Week 11 of The Apprentice!

At the beginning of ths episode we knew we had the final five candidates who were Megan, Marnie, Rochelle, Dani and Victoria. They needed to meet Lord Sugar, Baroness Brady and Tim at High Low in East London, with Dani saying that her stomach had dropped and Victoria explained that she had only been to one interview. Rochelle suggested that they should all go and read their business plans before the interviews begin. Marnie grew up in a caravan and she explained that no goal is too far to achieve, saying that she was going to approach the interviews with boxing as the aggressor. Rochelle said that this was her most important interview and that she was ready and prepared, and that it could be lifechanging. Victoria explained that she had never written a business plan before and didn't go to University, but she wanted to prove that she knows what she is doing and that she's here to make money. Megan explained that she had a solid business plan, and that having Lord Sugar's investment, it could put her 20 steps ahead of where she currently is. Dani said that although she's not good with numbers, she knows that numbers need to go up. She added that losing is never an option for her and she will always take a risk.

Before the interviews started, Victoria said this is it, interview day, Dani added that by this time tonight, it would all be over, and Megan said that they're going to have a lot to say about their business plans. Dani added that someone is going to get a £250,000 investment in their business and Victoria said that she would be nervous if Baroness Brady was on the panel. Lord Sugar introduced the final five and questioned whether their business plans stack up. He announced Baroness Brady as one of the advisors, along with Mike Souter who we saw critiquing Dani's business as unsubstiated claims, Baroness Brady who briefly told Rochelle that her sales and costs were wrong. Linda Plant told Marnie that her business was just like any other normal opening, with no USP, and Claude Littner advised Megan that her numbers were all poor, and there was no shop fitting. Dani explained that she was nervous, with Victoria telling the girls that she was nervous about Baroness Brady being on the panel, and Marnie said that she had never heard Dani speak so quietly. Dani's first interview was with Claude and she explained that her idea was around buying hair extensions and selling them to other salons, and that her turnover is £150,000 to £250,000 a year. He asked what her profit was and she came up with same same figure, and admitted that she wasn't good with numbers. He asked her why she needed so much hair and she explained that it's hard to know when you will need them, and 84% of the investment will be going into hair, with Claude saying that the interview had come to an end. Marnie said to the girls that Victoria is elegant and classy with Megan adding that she was tough, and Victoria went into her first interview with Linda Plant.

Victoria explained that she wanted to make an online pick n mix company with the added feature of using kiosks. Linda asked what experience she had, and Victoria explained that she has spent 5 years working as a VIP flight attendant and had plated lots of first class food on flights. Linda explained that she felt like there was no gap in the market, and that her idea was saturated. Victoria explained that she wanted to use well presented boxes and already had a company that wanted to place 5,000 orders. Linda said that the airline needed hairdressers at the moment and hinted that she stay in that industry. Dani told the other girls that she was the least worried about Marnie as she can fight her case. Marnie told Mike Souter that she wanted to create a boxing gym, which was the middle market between boutique and standard gyms, and that she wanted to open a gym next to the Bank of England in London. Mike told her that there were already 21 other gyms in the area that she wanted to launch. Rochelle told Claude that she also had a hair company and wanted to have an online academy as well as two new locations, with £25,000 being spent on two new facilities. Claude said that her numbers didn't make good reading, and how she thought she was going to go from £150,000 to £1.5 million profit was reckless, not ambitious. Victoria told the girls that if Megan's interview was to go badly with Baroness Brady, it might knock her confidence. Baroness Brady said that she had a crazy business plan, with no depth, no substance and only 14 pages long. Megan explained that she only had four weeks to create the document as she was super busy before the process, adding that she does take it seriously. On her way out she called Baroness Brady, 'Karren' and she was quickly corrected.

Victoria mentioned to Claude that her first year of kiosk rental would be £90,000 and he questioned her numbers as 7,500 a week for 52 weeks is £390,000+, not £90,000, and she said that she would get the kiosks at a discounted rate if they were to be used for more than a year. He also noticed that there was no stock mentioned in her business plan, with Victoria saying that it wa a mistake. Dani told Linda her idfea of having a mermaid and ocean themed business, stating that it was the USP. Linda questioned whether it was a USP and Dani said that she loves when her clients have the association of feeling like a mermaid, with Linda saying that the idea was hilariously mad. Mike asked Rochelle whether a 50m squared floor plan was big enough for a hair salon, with Rochelle mentioning that she didn't need a bar. He explained that with 26 members of staff, people and chairs, it was a small space, nothing luxurious. Rochelle came to the conclusion that her measurements were too small. Marnie told Baroness Brady that she had over £200k worth of grants fro Sporting England and other sporting assets, adding that she would get the money on the outside. She said that she would also need a letter of confirmation with a signature to secure a lease on a building that she has been three years in progress with. Baroness Brady said that she was concerned that it wasn't signed, with Marnie explaining to the other girls that she admires Baroness Brady so much, comparing her to football like Marnie is to boxing. Linda also questioned Megan's business idea asking whether she was making cocktails or food with families, telling Megan that she would need the alcoholic beverages and a liquor license which could take anywhere between 3 months and 2 years. Megan added that she still believed the business would work by adding cocktails.

Rochelle told Baroness Brady that she wanted her next venue to be in Belgravia, London which is an expensive area, and around £130,000 per year to rent a property being the average price. Baroness Brady explaiend that she was from that area, and the smallest space she knew of was around £230,000, and questioned if Rochelle would only be paying the stylists 12.50 per hour, with Rochelle explaining that it was not a reflection on her. Claude asked Megan where Lord Sugar would fit into her business, and she said that it would be for helping with the brand. He explained that she's not listed her costs, she's got a measly profit and Megan explained that she knows her numbers are not at 100%. Mike said to Dani that it frustrated him that she had a confidentiality agreement at the beginning of her business plan, saying that people usually want other people to read their documents, with Dani saying sorry if it upset you. She explained that she would spend around £10,000 as her marketing budget in order to reach millions of people. Linda told Marnie that she gave up her legal career to be a manager or owner of a club. Marnie said that she understands the boxing market, and Linda said that trainers are an important part of a gym, but added that she felt like things would be done for free, with no wages paid. Marnie went on to say that she would be building up her clientel which would be mutually beneficial for them and her, with Linda saying that she would build up the clients and then they would leave her for their own ventures. Marnie said to the other girls that boxing was her industry, and people can educate her on business, but not on boxing.

Baroness Brady told Victoria that there were so many flaws in her business plan with no staff costs being included. She said she tried to cost five members of staff, including two managers and two people at each of the kiosks, with Baroness Brady telling her that it was hugely disappointing. Victoria said that she worked so hard on the plan and she will be going back to check her numbers. When she came out of the interview, Dani asked what happened, Victoria said that Baroness Brady was disappointed in her and Marnie said that they all know the real Victoria. Linda told Rochelle that she had a fairytale expansion for a new salon every six months, with Rochelle explaining that she had her original salon with two new ones in the five year plan, and that she had set her aims high. Linda said that she had been shown that Rochelle writes unrealistic rubbish. Mike said that Victoria mentioned about having energy and a detailed focus to whatever she does, but noticed 33 spelling errors, questioning whether she actually read back over the document. She explained that was self educated and that she left school after GCSE'S, with Mike telling her that she still went to school. Baroness Brady told Dani that sh had a brilliant online structured shop, but no products. Dani explained that she didn't put in as much effort as she wanted to, as she didnt think she was going to get this far, with Baroness Brady questioning whether Dani didn't have faith in herself. She explained that she holds herself back a little bit, with Baroness Brady saying that she was disappointed, especially because she had worked so hard in the process. Mike continued to say to Victoria that her product was not unique as he had seen soemthing similar on the market, with Victoria saying that her presenttion adn social media was what set her apart from the competition. After being shown the comparison, she said that her box looked more appealing, with Mike saying that she had no USP.

Dani told the girls that they had put in a solid shift and Rochelle explained that it's been intense, but there's 250,000 at stake here. The advisors and Lord Sugar discussed each of the finalists business plans before they were brought back to the boardroom. Claude said that Dani's business was around hair salons and that she would spend £210,000 on hair extensions and sell them to third parties, with Baroness Brady comparing the business to a wholesaler. Mike explained that she has never practised and Linda said it was a massive amount of hair, with Baroness Brady saying that it can sell between 300 and 1,000 per unit, with Claude saying that she had no idea on numbers. Lord Sugar said that Marnie had a seed of an idea and Claude said that she made inroads to get capital for her first adventure, with Baroness Brady saying that she has £350,000 when she signs the lease, and although she won't pay the trainers, she is determine. Linda said that not paying the trainers in a non starter, but she is a gold medal boxer. Mike said that Megan had a sweet shop in Hull and wanted to have a chair of stores and bars, with Lord Sugar explaining that there was certain criteria. Claude added that her numbers were also not good, and fabricated, being confused whether her £240,000 turnover was from the current year or the previous yer. Lord Sugar said that Rochelle wanted to have a hair salon in Milton Keynes adding that it felt like it wasn't Belgravia, it felt more like Barnet, and Baroness Bradley said that she had been in business for over 5 years and created £9 million. Claude said that she had been in business for 14 years and that she can make profit. Mike said that Victoria's idea was around online pick n mix with Baroness Brady saying that she had mis-calculated by over £300,000 and Claude added that she hadn't bought any stock, or calculated the people that she would need.

Back in the boardroom, Lord Sugar spoke to each of their ladies about their businesses, starting with Dani. His first question was why she wanted to spend £210,000 on hair extensions and she said that she would sell them to salons across the UK, and wouldn't be making a middle man profit. She explained that she wanted her idea to be based around mermaids, holidays and oceans. Lord Sugar repeated that Claude had said she had no idea on numbers, sales or her profit in year one, adding that her numbers are a mess and they don't make sense. He asked Marnie about her loans as they didn't make sense, and she said that she had £300,000 worth of grants, loans and a bounceback loan as soon as she gets the lease signed, adding that she delivering something back to her community. Lord Sugar that she didn't have the premises lined up and that the loans sound too food to be true, with Marnie adding that she knows the industry. Megan was questioned on her £240,000 turnover, adding that he wouldn't have been able to work this out from her business plan. She explained that she had forecase over £250,000 of profit, adding that her profit would be higher than what she's been able to achieve in the last two years. Lord Sugar said that business plan was criminal. Rochelle told Lord Sugar that for her salon to branch into Belgravia, everyone needed to start small, and Belgravi was a lovely setting, part of the country and had the right clientel for her business. He said that it's also a quick way to blow his money, but with her £9.4 million turnover, she wants to have 10 salons in 5 years time, with Baroness Brady saying that she knows her business plan better than Rochelle. Finally, Lord Sugar said that Victoria had miscalculated her numbers and that she has no idea on balance sheets or cashflows. She explained that she was new to business and had to write the business plan herself. Lord Sugar added that there was no mention of employees adding that there was nothing unique in the business, and she was fired. Victoria said thank you for the opportunity.

Lord Sugar said that Dani's business plan was bad, and she said that she had proved that she was a business women since the age of 19 year old. He said that he wasn't sure if there was an extension on her business and she was also fired. As she left, she said that she has enjoyed every second of the experience. Marnie, Rochelle and Megan were all sent outside so Lord Sugar could de-brief. Baroness Brady questioned whether Marnie had the right experience, with Tim saying that she puts her mind to eveything she wants to succeed in. They said that Rochelle's business may be scalable in the next 5 years, and with Megan, Baroness Brady said that if they were to see a business plan like her's, it would be straight in the bin, but Tim added that £250,000 of profit every year is a great achievement. They each had to sell themselves one final time before Lord Sugar chose his final two. Megan said that the proof is in the pudding with her business, and she had started running her business at 25 years old with no money. Marnie said that she doesn't have any business experience, but she's investible and has £300,000 of loans. Rochelle added that she knows her industry like the back of her hand. Lord Sugar said that he knew Rochelle had been in business for a while and she was sent through to the final two. Marnie said that just because she has the least experience, it doesn't mean she was the worst option, amd Megan said that her business could be good, especially with Lord Sugar's backing.

Lord Sugar said that Marnie's business was a gamble for him with Marnie explaining that business is all about gamling, and Megan said that her business was already working. lord Sugar said that his gut tells him that Megan was fired, and we found out that the the final two were Rochelle and Marnie. Megan said that she didn't keep Lord Sugar sweet, but she's going to go out there and work really hard. Rochelle said to Marnie that they were in the final and that she couldn't get over it, and Marnie added that it was very overwhelming.

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