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Teddy Swims 'I've Tried Everything But Therapy' (2023) - Album Review

Hey everyone!

For today's blog, I will be reviewing an album by a singer songwriter called Teddy Swims. I've seen photos of him and he looks very passionate when it comes to music and I've heard one of his songs playing on repeat as the vocals are incredible. I would say that this entire album has a great collection of original singles and he has a really masculine and husky voice, as well as also being able to reach a lot of high notes during some of his songs.

The first song on album was called 'Some Things I'll Never Know' which include lyrics such as 'roads lead back to you, memories, where do they go?', which could imply that following a road is quite easy, but memories are difficult to find or remember. He explains that 'some things are too hard to reconcile' which could simply mean that it's a bit too difficult to bring the pieces together of certain situations or to restore harmony or friendship in this particular situation. He also says the line 'when I look into your eyes, there's no answers I cannot find' which is a really nice line of lyrics, as it means that even just with eye contact, he can trust what someone is saying.

The next song on the album is called 'Lose Control' and this is the song that has been playing repeatedly since the album has dropped, with many other musicians and content creators sharing the sound on their platforms. One of the lyrics includes the words 'devil's knocking at my door' which could mean that there is something bad lurking in his life, or something that attracts negative energy or actions. 'What More Can I Say?' was a song that started with the lyrics 'drunken ways came storming in' which could mean that this song is about a form of addiction or feeling like he needs to prove himself to somebody about a situation. He explains a story of somebody not belieiving him when they see a photo of a girl on his phone, which he says is from 'millions of years ago', so maybe there are trust issues from the other side.

Up next is 'The Door' where there is an interesting line 'I took a page out of your book' suggesting that he's learnt some behaviours from someone and is trying to include them in his own life. He goes on to sing 'you took me higher than I've ever been before' which could either mean that he has taken drugs with somebody, or that they have taken him to a very happy place where he genuinely hasn't felt better before. He sings that there is 'no more thinking about you late night, running around with your friends' suggesting that he has moved on from this situation, and that he is able to 'show you the door' to prove that his feelings are gone. 'Goodbye's Been Good To You' is also a bit of a self confidence song which has lyrics suggesting that he has been 'crying a lot', adding that he'll get used to it, including the changing weather which is something to always adapt to. He said moving on from a relationship is usually quite difficult but it was 'easy as you do', almost a dig at the person who has already moved onto someone new.

The next track on the album is called 'Last Communion' which suggests that there is a final chance for someone before Teddy closes the door on them completely. He says 'only love could push the blade right through', which says that love is probably the most painful feeling to feel when it goes wrong, and it would genuinely leave a form of a broken heart. The overall tune sounds like a church/praise kind of song, and he also sings the word s'no one can know about the mess we've made', so potentially he has been with someone that he shouldn't have, or he wants this encounter to be private. 'You Still Get To Me' was the next track on the album where he sings the lyrics 'I still see your green eyes eyerytime I close mine', hinting that he is still able to dream about this individual even when he has put his own eyes to rest. He goes on to sing about the jumper that someone left as his house, and it's 'just one more reminder that makes it harder to forget'. He sings the line 'it hurts me when I hear that song...because you're not still the one', suggesting that although he might be upset, he knows that this person is not the person for him, so almost reflecting positively about the situation. He adds the line 'I've heard you're happy and that's what hurts the most' which again is another form of reflection, but I'm curious as to who has given him this information if he has broken contact with this individual himself...

Track 8 is called 'Suitcase' which in fact isn't anything to do with a holiday. He says that he feels like he is trying to control and aeroplane and stop it from crashing because 'I'm afraid what you'll find if we do', almost saying that this person might know a lot of secrets and information about him. He adds that 'I got a suitcase packed with the lies I could tell...I hope it's not too late to leave all this baggage behind', which also suggest that because suitcases are quite big, he wants to almost hide all of his virtual secrets and bad experiences in a physical place. He could potentially have notes, pieces of paper or diaries with experiences he has had also, or it could just be that the amount of lies and stories he has told, could genuinely fit into a suitcase. He explains that he 'just needs a little more space' and he's 'falling down more than he's falling for you, but I adore you'. These final lines show that he genuinely might care for this individual and that he is maybe trying to change his ways. When he uses the words 'falling down', it suggests that maybe this is a low point in his life where he seems to be bottling up all of his emotions in his brain or in a box / suitcase (whether physically or metaphorically!).

'Flame' is the next track and I don't think it has anything to do with fire. He says that they should 'pour whisky too early in the day...blame it on the weather' so maybe this is a throwack to a summer date or experience he had with someone. He discusses putting on his favourite records and 'turning tonight into a love song' meaning that romance could have been on the cards that night. He also uses quite nice describing words in the next part of the song, singing the words 'just because we can't see, doesn't mean it isn't there...just because we don't feel it, doesn't mean we don't care' which are words that are accompanied by trumpets in the background, and it shows that there can sometimes be non physical things that have more affect on those things that are actually there, and not having emotions doesn't mean that you don't care, it might just mean that you're able to hold yourself together in difficult situations

The final track on the album is called 'Evergreen' and he said that it 'took too long to do my bed' which could explain that maybe he is unable to do simple tasks while thinking about something else. He says that he has 'never felt like this before...feeling something when you're next to me', which says that this individual might have a positive effect on him and he's comfortable in their company. He says that he feels 'intertwined' with someone, but there is nothing in between. These lyrics could suggest that maybe there is only a friendship here or a distant bond, but there won't be anything closer than this.

The album was really soothing and relaxing to listen to and it sounds like Teddy has a similar sounding voice to that of X Factor UK's James Arthur, but with more harmonies, higher vocals and riffs throughout each of his songs! Would definitely recommend listening to the album and I'll sure some more music will be coming from him soon!



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