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Low Girl 'Icarus' - Music Video Review

Hey everyone,

For today's review I will be watching and listening to an artist who has been promoted on BBC Introducing called Low Girl with her song called 'Icarus'.

The entire music video was really fun and simple, and showed Low Girl dancing with a few people who were sometimes playing instruments or accompanying her throughout the video in different enrivonments. She explains at the beginning of the song that 'I've been talking to take the space away' explaining that she is trying to 'shake the feeling' so this could mean that she doesn't like when things are too quiet, or she has been in an experience where things are not progressing forwards. The video has a lot of polaroid/film camera looking shots which throwback to some of the memories that have helped her to create this music video. She also sings the lyrics 'will I feel better if I don't make a sound' almost suggesting that maybe her voice isn't being heard or listened to, and writing a song about it could help her express her emotions.

We see black and white shots in the dark with a few people walking around an Autumn looking forest. She sings the line 'I'm lonely in the crowd' almost suggesting that she doesn't fit in and maybe wants to be the in the centre or on a stage rather than just blending in with everyone else. 'you can take the air out of me, I still can't breathe' almost hints that no matter what you do to try and bring her down, she will always come back fighting, even at an almost death experience which shows her bravery and courage. Other lyrics include the line 'it's like I'm trying to cross a part of myself out' which suggests that she's reflecting on actively wanting to change her personality to fit a norm or to feel appreciated by people, when in fact having differences and unique parts to your persona, will actually make people appreciate you more.

We see some of the cast of the video running down a very green field with a shot of a square which is the short transition shot which shows a cloud and a blue sky, before going back to the previous shot and seeing the group in pairs hugging eachother, with other memories with her friends, band mates or musicians being shown on the screen in different orders and in slightly different shapes and dimensions on the screen. Towards the end of the song is a guitar solo which allows us to see more of the visual aspects of the video, and then the song comes to an end.

Hopefully you enjoyed my review, and until next time... goodbye!



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