Hey everyone! Here's my daily review for Week 9 of Love Island!
Hey everyone! This isn't really 'Week 9' but I wanted to create a separate post for the final two episodes of the show. To begin this episode, Shaq said that last night wasn't great and Ron said to Will that he now has his first girlfriend. Lana explained to Ron that it was mad that birds don't feel electricity, with Ron saying that they stay on the floor because otherwisse they would float, and that's why they have wings. It was time for the Islanders to see some familar faces from back home, with Ron's dad Rodney, and friend Harry, and Lana's mum and sister entering the villa to say hello. Lana's mum said that Lana had fallen up the stairs that they walked up, as they went to the terrace. After surprising Ron and Lana, Rodney said give us a kiss son and Lana said that this was the best day of her life. Lana's mum said that she was very proud of her and that she's done so well, with her sister saying that it's so nice to see her and Ron together. Harry said that he never thought he would see the day that Ron would have a girlfriend, and Ron said that he needed to make sure that whoever he couled with, gets on with his family. Lana said to her mum that she knows she wants Lana to have someone who loves her for her, and her sister said that she can't wait to see them both on the outside. Rodney explained to Ron that when Lana comes to visit, they will be in separate rooms, and Lana explained that even after everything that happened, they were always together. Her mum said that she's grown stronger and been able to deal with things, and Ron said that his family love her, and she gave off good first impressions, and he said to Lana's family that he had never brought a girl home before. Lana's mum said that she knew Ron was good looking and he had all the chat, but he redeemed himself and Lana's sister said that Ron always looks at Lana when they're talking, with Lana adding that it was the best day ever, and Ron's dad saying to Lana's mum that you can see what they have is real.
Up next we saw Tanya's Mum Polite and Auntie Cynthia, and Shaq's sister and best mate Levi. Tanya said that it's going good between the two of them, but she thought she was going to be a player. Shaq's friend Levi said that she is a nie girl but she did him dirty, and they were all upset at home. His sister added that there are some things that have happened and neither of them dealt with it well, with Shaq saying that he knows Tanya has made some massive mistakes. Shaq's sister went on to say that he shouldn't be too quick to forgive. Tanya's Auntie said the word 'Casa Amor' and then began laughing, saying that at the end of the day, love wins. She added that they have seen Shaq and Tanya grow, fall out and pick up the pieces, adding that it was love. Shaq introduced his sister and friend to Tanya, saying trhat this was the nive sister who was going to have a bold choice of words to say. His sister said that he wants the other person to give Shaq 100%. Tanya's Auntie also said that she fell off the couch when she came back from Casa Amor with Martin, with Tanya saying that she can't let him go. Shaq's sister said to Tanya that they needed to have some conversations on the outside. Samie's mum and sister and Tom's mum and sister were next into the villa, with Tom asking anyone if they had been away from their family for this long. Samie said that it was so weird that her family were in the villa, with Tom's mum saying to him that she missed him. Samie's mum and sister both agreed that Samie's smashing it, with her mum saying that she missed her a lot. Tom explained that Samie is stunning and tells him exactly how it is, adding that Casa Amor was his hardest point. Tom's sister said that she is the one for him, and that Samie's got nothing to worry about. Tom's mum also asked if he was eating plenty, with Samie asking her mum and sister whether Nan liked Tom. Samie's mum joked about taking Tom to karaoke, and Tom's mum said that she was going to arrange singing lessons when he gets back, with Tom saying that he's got a good one.
Kai's mum and step dad and Sanam's mum and best friend were next to enter the villa, with Sanam saying that she's never met a guy's parents before, and that this was big for her. Kai's mum said that she shouldn't believe they were here with him, and his dad said that everyone he has done has been amazing. Sananm's friend that she has done very well, with Kai telling his family that Sanam is a nice, lovely girl. Sanam's mum said that her Dad would have loved Kai, and he would be looking down as a very proud man. Sanam's friend said to kai that it was nice to meet him in person, and she explained that Kai had been looking after her since the first day she entered the villa, and that there was nothing she could fault about him. Kai's mum said that they need to just keep being themselves and that they are doing really well. Jessie's mum and sister Alice, and Will's dad and brother were next to enter, with Jessie explaining that she hadn't seen her family since Christmas, and was unsure whether anyone would actually come over for her. Tanya said that Jessie's sister looks like her, and Will said that it was so nice to meet her family. Jessie's mum said that they came all the way over for them, with Will telling his family that he was having the best time of his life. Jessie said that Will understands that their family is hyperactive and Will's dad that she would fit into their family, with Will adding that she is a sweet and innocent girl. Jessie's mum said that as Casa Amor, she knew how much Will liked her and Will's brother said that he messed up but he sorted things out, with Will's dad saying that he was punching above his weight. Jessie told her family that she asked Will to be her boyfriend and Will's brother said that he needed to go into this chat grovelling. Wil was shocked that Jessie's mum and sister had never left Australia, and Jessie's mum said that she didn't think she would find someone who would top Jessie for energy, with her sister questioned at first why Jessie was going for Will, and maybe because they are so different, that's why it works. Will said that he wanted to apologise for his actions in Casa Amor, with Jessie's mum saying that she cried at work during that moment, and that he has their family's heart, and that Jessie's dad is also ready for them to get married. Jessie said that Will's dad seemed really nive, Tanya said that today was the best day of her life and Lana said that she has never felt a feeling like today.
Tom said that the best things in life are free, which include friends and family which are what you need, and Jessie did a cheers to having everyone's family, and the villa family that they had created. Kai said to Sanam that even she has been in the villa for a while now, with Sanam saying that it had been four weeks. The Islanders received a text to stand by the firepit, and that the public had been voting on the three couples who were voted the least compatible. The first couple safe was Kai and Sanam, and Jessie said congratulations with a smile on her face. Between Ron and Lana and Will and Jessie, only one more couple was safe...and it was Ron and Lana, which meant that Will and Jessie were dumped from the villa. Sanam whispered to Kai that she felt so responsible for that and Jessie said that they have all been on their journeys. Will explained that it was a sad situation but he was happy, adding that he was in such a great place, adn Ron said that Will was the best, and that he was one of a kind. Lana said that Jessie was a massive part of this journey and she started her villa journey with Will, and Tom said that Will lit up the room and that he's a top fella. Will said that everyone was beautiful inside and out, with Samie saying they are perfect and that she will miss both of them to pieces. Shaq asked Will to give them one more sexy dance, and Jessie said that she was so happy to be leaving with Will, as boyfriend and girlfriend. Samie said that it was a horrid decision, but she was glad to be here surrounded with everyone else. She got a text that explained that they had all made the Love Island final for 2023. Shaq said that they were in the final, Tanya said, final, we're ready', Ron said that it didn't feel real and Sanam said that it's like a dream and she's loving it. Tom said that it hasn't sunk in and Sanam added that she was speechless. Samie said to Lana that she couldn't believe they were here, and Sanam said that it's going to be weird not hearing Jessie saying good morning, with Ron saying that they all deserve to be here, #JobDone and Sanam telling Kai that he makes her happy. We were told to vote for our favourite couple out of Kai and Sanam, Ron and Lana, Shaq and Tanya and Tom and Samie, to crown the winners of Love Island 2023, the Winter series!
The final episode of Love Island 2023, the Winter series and at the end of this blog we will all know who the winners are! Kai noticed Maya Jama, saying that it was party time, and Maya wondered if they were all ready for the final. Sanam said that they made it to the last day and all the Islanders began shouting final final, with Ron adding that they were in the final and Shaq doing a cheers to the final four couples. They received a text that they were all going to be given a dance moves lesson by a professional couples with the hashtag #FinalFourOnTheDanceFloor. Kai questioned whether he was finally going to be able to dance now with Sanam saying that she wanted the dress, and Ron saying that half of this lot won't be able to do the dances. Lana asked Ron not to rip her arm off, and Tom said that they're magicians on the dance floor. Sanam said that she was a professional and Kai said that he needed shin pads. Shaq told Tanya that the dancing was something that they would do on the outside, and the girls then received a text that they were going to get pampered and indulge, and enjoy a spa day and to get glam for the final. Samie did a cheers to being at a lovely spa and being awat from the boys, with Sanam looking at all the items and Tanya saying that she wanted to try the mask. Samie said that usually she has a three week ick, and the boys would be gone, with Sanam adding that she felt like a different person since being in the villa. Ron said that he wanted to write something in his speech that he hasn't said to Lana before, and Shaq explained that he got an A* in English Literature if any of them need help. Tanya gave the girls advice, to speak from the heart and that boys like it when you say things how they are. Samie said that now she's started she can't stop, and lana said that she doesn't usually do soppy very often, so this will be a load of sop, adding that this is their Chapter one of a very long book. Tom said to the boys that they should get ready.
We saw the final four boys, Tom, Kai, Ron and Shaq all standing in their suits, waiting for the girls to walk back into the villa. Ron said how great the set up was and Shaq told the boys to all have a deep breath. Samie was wearing a long red dress with Tom saying that she looked lovely. Tanya wore a blue dress with long silver earrings with Shaq saying that she looked unreal and Tanya saying that he looked smart. Sanam wore a pink dress with gold earrings with Kai saying 'look at you being all beautiful' and asking for some of her lipstick. Lana walked in with a black and pink dress with Ron saying that she was beautful, and Lana saying that he looked amazing. Tom did a cheers to an amazing run, an amazing journey and cheers to Love Island 2023 and their futures together. Maya Jama said it's going to get emotional and told everyone to get their tears ready. After the break, we saw the speeches from all of the Islanders. Up first it was Sanam who said that she was filled with nerves at Casa Amor and Kai always managed to make her laugh. She explained that they are going to go on all of the dates they had planned on the outside, such as eating Caribbean food, and she can't wait for one day to be official. Kai explained that at Casa Amor, the most amazing thing happened and that he dedicated all of his time getting to know Sanam. He explained that they are both from the Caribbean, both working with kids and they have similar morals, with Sanam saying that it was really cute. The next speech was Tom and Samie. Samie started by saying that she spotted Tom straightaway with his tall, dark and handsome build, with his chat not being bad, and that she was excited to visit Barnsley to one day meet his family. She said that he wrote her a poem and now it was her turn, and Shaq said that he loved it, with Sanam saying that it was cute. Tom said that he thought Samie was a worldie from North London, adding that she is one in a million, and he's not used to speaking about his emotions to a girl. He said that standing here tonight, he is in love with her.
Ron and Lana took to the stage next, with Lana saying that she saw his cheeky side and knew it was him, and only him. She said that there has been something missing in her life, and it was Ron. She explained that times have got tough in here but her heart never left him, and when she saw him standing alone after Casa Amor she knew he was the one. Ron explained that Lana is a kind hearted angle who ticks every single box, and he said he didn't lose sight of her, it was just his bad eye going on a wander, adn his good eye was always looking at her. He said that he had something to tell her, and that it was that he loved her. Tanya explained that at 23 year old, she didn't realise she would be blessed to find her soulmate, adding that she loves how Shaq cares for her, the way he cuddles and smiles, and that he has a heart of gold. She asked where he had been all her life, adding that she loves him. Shaq said that the first time he saw Tanya in her orange and blue bikini, he was trying to keep it cool, but she gave him those looks. He said that he never believes in love at first sight but maybe it was that way for him. He said that when she pied him at the beginning, it was humble and the second time, he thought she was taking the mick. Shaq explained that she came along and everything changed in a heartbeat, with Samie saying that the speeches were beautiful. We saw all 8 of the finalists doing their final dances with their partner, and then they all jumped into the swimming pool, with Shaq saying that it was the best experience of his life and Kai saying trhat he was buzzing to have got a girl.

Maya Jama interviewed all of the Islandres, with Tom saying that being in love with 'this one', he could only saw wow, and Samie said that she was speechless and that it was unreal to be in the final. Shaq said that he had a lot of upss and downs, but Tanya is the girl for him. Kai said that Sanam's eyes caught him, and Sanam said that she always knew it was Kai, and that he is her number one. Ron said that he didn't think he would fall head over hills for Lana, adding that he didn't realise they'd put girls like Lana in the villa. The votes were closed and after the break it was announced that the couple in 4th place were Shaq and Tanya. Shaq said he never thpought he would be here and Tanya said that she was leaving with the love of her life. He said he fell for Tanya very quickly and she said that Shaq is a keeper. Tanya explained that it was a hard decision for her coming back with Martin, and it was difficult seeing Shaq standing there by himself. Shaq added that he didn't expect it, but even after the bumps and the hurdles, he knew she would be his. Tanya said that Shaq's sister was giving her cold vibes because of Casa Amor and that she owned up on what she did and hopes to prove that she can make Shaq happy. Shaq said that Tanya was gong to meet the rest of the family, including another sister. In 3rd place was Tom and Samie, with Samie explaining that her mind had been blowing for the last three days, and she knew that she liked Tom when he left the villa to go on a date with Claudia. Tom said that his highlight of the show was writing the poem for Samie, and the words were eactly how he felt in the moment. He said that they have so much to experience on the outside. Samie said that Tom's mother and sister are lovely, and they are a credit to Tom. She added that it was an unreal experience, with Tom saying that it was the best experience of his life.
It was between Ron and Lana and Kai and Sanam for who the winners of this series were going to be, and before it was announced, Maya was hit by a gush of wind as it was quite breezy in South Africa. Sanam said that she was still shocked to be here and Kai repeated the words big journey, saying that it was an understatement. He said that Sanam blew him away straightaway and they got closer and closer with every conversation that they had. Sanam added that she always said that Kai was her number one, and it wasn't just his looks. She said that she also didn't think that she would be in the final, and that everything came together naturally, and that it wasn't forced. Kai said it was amazing being in the villa where people arrange all of the dates for them but on the outside he wanted to arrange things for Sanam. She also said that she has never introduced somene to her parents, and it meant a lot to her. Maya asked what's next and Kai said that he wants to make Sanam his girlriend on the outside, but on his terms. Ron said that the situation was not real and Lana explained that her mind was still blown. She added that they have had their ups and downs, but they knew they were going to have eachother, adding that he is a cheeky chap and that she wanted him when he first opened his mouth. Ron explained that it was weird being away from Lana and he said he tested himself a fair few times, adding that this girl was perfect. Ron also said that he felt a bit sore when Casey coupled up with Lana as he knew what they had. In response, Lana said that she had to go and do her own thing, and needed to make sure that if there was a connection with someone else, that she would try it. Ron said that they spent so much time apart, and coming back together felt like home. he said that Lana was his first Mrs and hopefully forever. Lana explained that she likes quiet intimate things and happy it was just the two of them in the hideaway, adding that Ron loved to make her cry and that she had no expectations when she came in. Maya asked what happens after Love Island, and Ron said that they would have their own bases, and Lana said that they would spend a lot of time together.

Before the winners were announced, we had video messages from some family and friends of the finalists. In the end it was Kai and Sanam who were announced as the winners, with Sanam being the first person from Casa Amor to go on and win the show. Maya wanted to get an interview them all. but said 'they don't care...enjoy!', and told Kai and Sanam that they had won a massive £50,000. Sanam said that she was still surprised to even be here and Kai was happy that they won. On 19th March we found out that Love Island: The Reunion would be on with all 35 Islanders coming together for a special show! Thank you for watching my reviews and reading my blog reviews.

Love Island 2023, Winter series: Kai Fagan and Sanam Harrinanan
Until Love Island 2023, the Summer series! Goodbye!