Hey everyone! Here is my Week 5 review of Love Island!
At the beginning of the new week, Lana said to Tanya there you never know what's going to happen, with Samie saying to the girls that if she was to go home then she would still be happy. Tom told the boys that Samie is ticking a lot of boxes for him. Tanya told Ron and Lana that she had a chat with Shaq earlier on but it didn't go very well, and Shaq spoke to Will and Jessie saying that he wasn't able to sleep on an argument, especially the comment about Tanya's ex. Casey said to Claudia that although they've only been together for a few minutes, but they already have a connection, with Claudia adding that she hopes other people can see it too. Tom had a chat with Samie and Tanya, with Samie telling Tanya that her and Shaq haven't seen eachother angry yet, adding that she had heard the same story three times, so she left the conversation and Tanya updated Tom on the situation. She went on to say that there's no ill intent and how he felt like she was talking him down. Tom also had a chat with Shaq with Tom saying that if they would be unable to overcome things, it would be an issue and Shaq added that he felt like he needed to sleep on the situation. Then we saw Tanya walking into the kitchen and getting some food from the fridge, not speaking to or looking at Shaq. Casey told Shaq that he would look back on the situation and see how minor it was. Before bedtime, Casey put on a facemask and scared Claudia when she came back into the bedroom.
In the morning, Shaq said that he has got a lot on his mind, with Olivia observing that this is the least amount of people. Ron told Will and Shaq that he is on mission problem solver and Shaq said that it's important that the boys are being genuine, and themselves. Samie said to Olivia that she's not just speaking to Tom for the fun of it, and she would be doing it on the outside as well. Kai said he could also potentially find a mrs in the villa. Will asked Shaq if maybe he loves Jessie a little more than she loves him. Tanya said to Samie and Olivia that there were some things Shaq did to remind her of her ex, with Olivia adding that he only heard the ex comment in the conversation. Casey, Tom and Kai decided to have a slider race in the pool, with Kai throwing his to the other side and winning the race. Claudia and Jessie were both making breakfast in the kitchen, with Claudia saying that she was going to make bananas for Casey and wondered what his favourite drink was. Casey said that him and Claudia were the last couple to find a connection together, with Will saying that him and Casey were two of the happiest boys in the villa. Kai and Olivia had a chat about being in the bottom three several times, with Olivia saying that it does make her think, but she doesn't care about what other people think. She added that she felt like she was confused how her and Kai were voted less compatible than Casey and Claudia. Kai was sad that he had been in the bottom three multiples times saying that it might be Kai and Olivia that are the problem and that people might not like him, with Olivia saying that everyone loves him and they see what she sees in him.
At the beginning of the episode, Olivia said that the Casa Amor boys are lovely, but wanted to see if they had the chat to match. They all did their initial introductions and Jessie said that she had no idea where any of the places are. Kain said that the girls were all unreal and all his type. Tanya said that she had left her situation on a 'we'll see', with Olivia forgetting Kai's name initially, but saying that it would take a lot for her head to turn. The boys in the main villa could hear the girls having a party, with Shaq asking whether it was necessary, and Will adding that it was torture. Casey said to Tom and Will that Tom's head was likely to turn, adding that he would kiss a few people but not recouple. Lana said to the girls that Ryan was her type, and Bayley said he wanted to get to know all of them. Kain and Lana and Maxwell and Olivia had a quick chat, with Bayley saying that he felt like Olivia's head was at this villa and not the other villa. Lana said to the girls that this was there time, and Jessie said that they should just crack on and deal with the situations when they get back to the main villa. Ron said to the boys that the boys should all go to bed and this is the worst boys night ever, with Shaq saying that he was injecting his love to Tanya through the pillow.
Ryan explained to Samie that she was the best looking in the villa, adding that his mum was also called Samie. He said he wanted to be with someone who he could do all of the fun things with, and Samie said that it's too early to settle down and have kids, adding that Tom is really affectionate. Tanya said to Martin that she really liked his vibe and all of her friends are Nigerian Irish, with Tanya admitting that she wanted to come into the villa and be a player. Martin said that he felt like Shaq was holding Tanya down, with Tanya asking if she needed a test, and Martin saying that he was the exam. Tanya went on to explain that she was very much open and that Martin had come into the villa at the right time. Tanya said that she felt like Martin knows what he wants, and it might be TT. Kain and Lana had a quick chat, where she said she was 25 and he was 21, and Lana said that after the recoupling her and Ron were going in the right direction. Kain said that Lana was at the top of his list, and every time he was speaking, he was looking over at her. Lana said that Kain was a little bit forward. Frankie and Jessie had a quick chat, where he mentioned that he does boxing training five times a week, and he's a lot more mature than other 22 year old's his age. Jessie said that she wants someone to be her best friend and partner, adding that Will is unique. Claudia told Bayley that family is a massive thing, adding that she's not usually into dating. Bayley said that sometimes you will get to an age where having a type doesn't really matter.
Olivia told Maxwell that she wants someone who has got their stuff together, and Maxwell said that he wants to have fun with someone and also enjoy spending time with them as well. Tanya explained to Jessie and Lana that the chat is there between her and Martin but she needs to find the vibe. When checking their suitcases, Lana and Claudia noticed that they didn't receive a note from their boys, will Lana saying that she found hers, and Claudia said that she felt like there was definitely something there with Casey. In the morning at Casa Amor, Ryan asked how the girls all felt with different guys in their bed, and Olivia and Claudia said to Tanya that they heard a lot of whispering, with Tanya saying that there was pillow talk. Back at the main villa, Casey said that their time will come, adding that every time they hear screaming from the other villa, it means one of the girls is having a kiss. The new couples that were starting to form included Tanya and Martin, Claudia and Bayley, Olivia and Maxwell and Samie and Ryan. It was the boys turn to have some fun, and we welcomed six new girls to the main villa! Layla, 28 is a brand manager who said that she wanted to find a man who was all about her, Sanam, 24 is a social worker who said that she wanted to claim what was hers. Sammy, 27 is a beauty buyer in Dubai and says that she has never been rejected by a guy before, Cynthia, 25 from Enfield is a dentist and baker who said that her boobs and bum are all natural. The final two girls were 22 year old Lynda who is a healthcare assistant whos party trick is her bum twerking, and finally 22 year old Lydia from Glasgow, a fashion retailer who said that she doesn't mind breaking up a couple.
Ron said to the camera that six beautiful girls have now walked into the villa and they're got a party of their own. Kai thought he recognised one of the girls and starting shouting out 'Kim Kim', quickly realising that it wasn't who he thought it was, and Layla said that he was very tall, referring to him as a giant. Will asked the girls what their usual type was, and Lydia said that she was keeping that quiet. Sanam asked Casey if he was having doubts about what the girls would do in Casa Amor, with Ron saying that there was definitely one girl who he was thinking about getting to know. The new girls noticed that it was only Tom who had made his bed, with Layla asking Casey which one was his. Shaq asked the girls if they had good looking tour guides, with Cynthia replying 'absolutely'. Sanam told Ron that her best quality is her smile and he said that it was hard being in the villa, but he does like flirting with people. Casey asked Cynthia what she thought about the couples and she said that him and Claudia are very new, and he said that he was excited to get to know the girls, with Cynthia saying that the Casa Amor girls are coming back with a bang. Sammy said to Tom that she was excited to get to know him, saying that he does a lot of flirting with his eyes. Sammy said that she didn't think there was any substance between Tom and Samie, and said that she was going to get him into trouble.
Will and Layla also had a quick chat where he said that there were lots of green flags, including the fact that they both like animals. She asked him if he falls in love quickly and said that she's not going to say his relationship with Jessie isn't real, adding that her perfect date will be made personal to who she's on a date with. Will asked her who she likes, and she said that she wanted to tell her in the evening. At the end of the episode, we saw Olivia and Maxwell, Casey and Sanam and Tanya and Layla and Will potentially all going in for a kiss.
At the beginning of this episode, Layla said to Shaq that she loves a guy with jewellery adding that she doesn't have a physical type and wants somebody to be 'gunning for her'. She said that she has never been in an environment like this before so not how it will be for her, and Ryan said to Samie that he felt like their first chat was good, adding that he needs to play his cards right. Lydia, Tom and Casey all had a quick chat, and Casey said that it's only been a few days that he's been getting to know Claudia for, and their conversation was interrupted by a text message which told the Islanders that they would be competing in another challenge with the main villa vs Casa Amor in 'Raunchy Race'. Olivia said that she felt like her team was going to win, with Lana adding that there's not one person in Casa Amor that is going to make them lose. Each of the Islanders has different text message prompts, such as getting into a sex position with a member of the opposite sex, shortest boy and girl kissing the person that they fancied the most, which saw kisses including Kain and Lana, Casey and Sanam, Tanya and Martin and Layla and Kai. Shaq was the guy with the most tattoos and he chose to kiss Lydia, with Casa Amor's Bayley kissing Claudia. After the challenge, Shaq said that 'it is what it is, a game' after kissing some of the girls in the challenge. Cynthia and Frankie both had to have a three way kiss with two people of their choice, with Cynthia choosing Tom and Casey, and Frankie choosing Lana and Olivia.
Each of the blonde girls (Lana, Claudia and Sammy) all had to kiss the boy they fancied the most, and Will and Kane had to crawl up to the Islander who they thought would be the most animalistic in bed, with Will choosing Lydia, and Kane choosing Lana, with Lana saying that he'll have to find out. Will said that he felt like he was a busy boy in the challenge, and in the end it was the Islanders in the main villa who won the challenge. Casey said that it was time to get down and dirty and Shaq asked Will if he was on job. Casey added that he felt like Will does like Jessie, but that he had to explore, and Claudia said to the other girls that the challenge was a good ice breaker of getting to know the new boys. Sanam told the other girls that she had her eyes on Casey and Kai, and Sammy said that Tom is good with his tongue, with Kai questioning if he thought Olivia was genuine. Olivia said to the other girls that in the nicest way possible, they should forget about the boys. In the evening, Cynthia did a toast to Casa Amor and welcoming the new Casa Amor girls who entered the villa and joined the party. Layla mentioned to Will that she felt like Jessie came into the villa with a mission and she's achieved what she wanted to achieve, by being in a relationship with Will. She said that Will was an easy option, but also the best option. Will said that Layla makes him feel a little bit nervous, adding that he is a kinky boy.
Sanam told Casey that she wasn't expecting him to kiss her, with Casey telling her that she gives off a good vibe. Bayley told Claudia that he was very affectionate and wanted a cuddle the previous evening. Claudia said that she was a giggly person and that he makes her nervous. Maxwell said to Olivia that he was disappointed that he wasn't able to kiss her, adding that they both wanted a lot of the same things. Olivia told Maxwell that sometimes she questions some things about Kai, wondering whether they are actually compatible. Maxwell said that he doesn't like wasting time and if there is something for him to pursue, then he will. Both of them went to the kitchen to chat privately and Maxwell asked her if she had any barriers that were stopping her from doing certain things. She said that she was very much here for herself, and after Maxwell asked for a kissed, they had a short kiss, with Olivia saying to the camera that she felt like they had christened the kitchen. Kai mentioned to Sanam that he has not been in any romantic relationships before Olivia, adding that she has really good eye contact. Sanam said that she knows Kai has been open with his feelings to Olivia and feels like he hasn't found his one. Kai went on to say that he loves the idea of love, but he isn't going to settle. Martin and Tanya had a quick catch-up and she said to him that he's not too much, adding that Shaq has got angry at her for winning challenges. Martin said that he wanted to start thinking about the future, with Tanya saying that she felt like something was in the air.
At the start of the episode, Lydia said that she was excited for a new day with Sanam saying there are many good days to come. Ron and Shaq had and quick chat where he said that if he was not in bed with Lana, he wasn't interested. Will and Layla had a quick chat, with Layla calling him a troublemaker and now she's not so sure. He was having a swim in the pool and Layla referred to him swimming elegantly as a joke, saying that she's trying to find out if he's a massive player or not. Kai and Sanam had a quick chat where she asked him how it was sharing a bed with her, and he replied by saying that there have been a few girls in his head. He said that he wasn't able to speak to all six girls at Casa Amor as he wouldn't have been able to get to know them all on a deeper level, adding that you don't have time to speak to everyone. Sanam asked if he had put sunscreen on and then asked him to put some on her back and bum. Martin had a chat with Olivia to see where she was with Maxwell, and she said that he is attractive, and 'a bit of me'. Martin went on to say that he doesn't think she's in Kai's top three, and that if someone was to come into the main villa he would definitely get to know them.
Kai explained to Sanam that she is the girl he was gravitating towards, with Sanam saying that her top two boys were him and Casey. Sanam explained that kisses don't mean anything right now, when Kai asked what her kiss with Casey meant for the two of them, with Kai saying that he had better chat and was a better kisser and they shared a kiss. Jessie said to Lana that there were similarities with her and Frankie but it's not for her, and the more they talk the more damage it's doing than good. Lana said that she hoped things were good over there and if Ron's head was to turn, she would be 100% done. Ryan told Samie that he had dreams about Samie having her arms around him, adding that if he doesn't do anything, it's not like she'll make the first move. Samie said that when Ryan has to think about what to say instead of just saying it, is where it goes wrong, and this has ended her previous relationships. Tom told Lydia that his chats with her flow and that it's nice, with Lydia saying that she's not really flirting with anyone else. Tom said to the camera that he's got a headache, but it's a good headache. Kai told Will that Sanam mentioned her conversation with Casey was a lot more forced, than with him. Casey and Cynthia also spoke about the joint love for the gym, with Casey saying he was into HIIT workouts and even told a short story of how one of his friends ended a relationship with a girl because of how she runs. Claudia asked Bayley to tell her his best joke, and he said 'Is your surname Jacob's, because you're a cracker?', with Claudia replying by saying that her head wasn't turning either way between Casey and Bayley.
Tanya said that she had the best night's sleep next to the best looking boy in the villa, and she also noticed Martin's cupid tattoo, suggesting that he was still looking for love. Sanam told the girls that that Kai asked for a kiss, with her saying that 'he's all mine' and Ron said to Will that it took him three girls to work out where his heart was. Olivia told Maxwell that she was glad he came in at this point, and Martin told Tanya that the only difference between him and Shaq is that one of them is a two star man and the other is a five star man, with Tanya saying that it was almost too good to be true. Casey asked Cynthia who she was drifting towards, and she replied by saying that he already knew, adding 'I'm right here if you want to kiss me'. Lydia told Tom that the best things happen when you least expect it and Tom said that he didn't think he would have such a difficult decision to make. Lydia replied and said that she would have said sorry that she's made the decision hard for him, but she's not. Lana said to Jessie that they didn't want the trip to Casa Amor, but they needed it, with Lana saying that before they arrived, her decision was already made. Jessie mentioned that she was telling the other boys about how Will made her feel, rather than actually getting to know them personally. Lana said that she loves Will and Jessie together because they're both so weird, adding that she feels like Will is going to remain loyal to her.
Samie told Ryan that she wasn't sure what she was going to do, with Ryan telling her that he knows she moves really slowly, but that's what Casa Amor is all about. Samie said to the camera that she was beginning to have the ick with Ryan, and once she has the ick, she can't get rid of it. Tom mentioned to Casey and Will that he kissed Lydia on the terrace, Will said that Layla was nothing on Jessie and that he's falling in love with her even more, but said that he feels like he's let Jessie down, and now Layla. Tom explained to Shaq that he felt like he was punching with Samie and wasn't sure if she would be kissing or cuddling anyone. Shaq said that he would be standing there by himself and if Tanya comes back with someone then he will be moving on. Kai and Sanam were both talking about their sweet spots, with Sanam saying her upper thigh, and Kai saying his ears and forehead. Will explained to Layla that everything has hit him at once and he said that he was loving getting to know Layla, but that she shouldn't be coupled off just for him because he really cares about Jessie. Casey said to Cynthia that he felt like their conversation flows and it's like they've known eachother for a long time, with Cynthia asking him if he wanted another kiss. Kai mentioned to Ron that Sanam kissed him on the terrace, and Ron explained that he thought Olivia was going to recouple with someone else, and unsure if Kai helped Olivia stay in the villa, and whether her feelings for Kai are actually genuine.
Martin told Tanya that he felt like she was holding back because of what she's got, adding that they've already been quite intimate. Lana said to Samie that if Tom doesn't let people get into his head, then he will stick with Samie, and Shaq said that the terrace had been busy that night!
Casey started the episode by saying that he hasn't been doing any straddling and Kai mentioned to the boys that he had a lot of pillow talk with Sanam. Martin told the boys that he had a kiss with Tanya, Jessie said she wanted to go back to the villa and Will explained to Layla exactly how he felt for Jessie. Casey had to decide whether his conversations with Cynthia were as good as his conversations with Claudia. Olivia said that things with Maxwell are going well but she still thinks about Kai, and we found out that Shaq misses Tanya. Tanya said that when everyone went to bed, she gave Shaq a quick kiss and her decision will be very hard. Kai and Sanam both told eachother that they got carried away being in the same bed, with Kai saying that she enjoyed sharing a bed with him. Ron said to Tom that things seem to be good for Tom and Samie, but how can a girl like that not want to get to know other boys, adding that she might recouple with someone else. Tom said that he would deal with it if she was to come back with someone else. Tom added that he felt lime he had loyalties for Samie.
Cynthia told Casey that she felt invigorated, and Casey added that it was nice that they got to chat a little bit more, with Cynthia saying that Lydia is a little nervous about the recoupling. Lydia told Tom that she wasn't sure where his head was at, with Tom saying that it would have been better if they had more time, adding that the kiss he had with her on the terrace felt right, and that his head was all over the place. Tanya asked Martin if she felt like they would get along and he said yes. Tanya said that she has started seeing the red flags of Shaq and can't ignore them. The Islanders received a text that it was time for the Casa Recoupling #CasaNoMore, with Casey saying that there are going to be some broken hears, and Tom sighing. Cynthia said that she felt anxious, and Shaq said that if Tanya walks in with someone then their relationship is over. Ron added that if Lana doesn't come in alone, his time in the villa will be very short, and Maxwell said that they've all done what they can. Ron said to the Casa Amor girls that it had been a pleasure getting to know all of them.
Maya Jama walked into the villa in a long red dress, and asked the Islanders whether they trusted that their girl has stayed loyal, and it was time to decide whether the boys wanted to stick with their current partner or recouple. Casey chose to stick with Claudia, instead of recoupling with Cynthia, and he said that it was going to take a lot to beat what he had with Claudia, and she walked back into the villa alone. Cynthia said that she was trying to hold her tongue, with Layla asking why some of the Islanders were laughing when Cynthia started to get upset, with Claudia saying that they were laughing about something else. Kai decided to recouple with Sanam, and Olivia came back to the villa with new boy Maxwell who she'd been speaking to as Casa Amor. She said that she didn't not expect this to happen, adding that his loss is her gain. She said that the Casa Amor boys showed her what she was missing and also what the public were seeing.
Ron stuck with Lana, and she also came back to the villa single, with Ron saying that this was their test. Tom stuck with Samie, instead of choosing Lydia, and Samie also came back single, with Olivia saying that a leopard never changes its spots, after Tom said he was sorry for kissing another girl. Will and Jessie also stuck with eachother, with Will saying that after kissing one of the new girls, he has let himself down and hopes he hasn't let Jessie down. The final couple was Shaq and Tanya, where Shaq stuck with her, saying that a piece of him has been missing, with Tanya coming back to the villa with new man Martin. Shaq said to Tanya that he actually meant it when he said that he loved her, and Tanya said that she just wanted to give it more time, it's not the end of their situation, with Shaq saying 'it's the end for me'. Tanya replied and said that they were all there to explore. The other Casa Amor boys Bayley, Ryan, Frankie and Kane, and the girls, Lydia, Layla, Sammy, Cynthia and Lynda were all dumped from the villa.
The final episode of the week saw Shaq a little bit shaken up by the situation, with Kai saying that they could speak about it later on. Jessie and Tom had a quick chat with Jessie unsure what was going on, and when Will came over to talk, she said that she didn't want to talk to him right now. Shaq told some of the boys that he was sleeping outside and Tanya was sharing a bed with another guy, with Ron replying by saying that someone will come into the villa and deserve him. Tanya asked Olivia and Samie whether Shaq meant what he said, and Olivia said that he's going to be angry, but he should get over it. Lana said to Ron that she was glad that they're back together again, with Ron saying that he didn't think she would trust him. Lana added that all of the girls had faith in him. Kai explained to Sanam that it wouldn't have been nice to send her home, after the initial connection that they had, with Sanam telling him that she felt like Olivia's speech was fake. Kai said that now they're out of Casa Amor, they can get to know eachother a little bit better. Jessie said to Olivia and Samie that she's not able to just walk back in and hope everything will be okay, with Olivia saying that she felt like Kai recoupled with Sanam just to stay safe. Samie added that it will make her question everything that Kai has ever said to Olivia.
Casey told Claudia that on the first night he kisses Sanam and that another girl straddled him. Claudia replied by saying it was a bit quick on the first day, and Casey said that no one compared to the time they had before. Martin told Tanya that he felt like he was a test or a speed bump in her and Shaq's relationship, with Tanya replying by saying that this is the first time her and Shaq have been questioned on what they have, adding that she could have been safe. Martin told her that at the firepit he felt like an idiot. Shaq said to Martin that there were no hard feelings between the two of them, and Martin said that Tanya had mentioned that she wanted to explore a new connection. Olivia told Sanam that she was shocked Kai recoupled, and she was torn on which way she was going to go. She added that the way Kai was smiling at her, made her angry. Kai told Maxwell that he's not interested at all in getting to know Olivia. Sanam told Olivia that she felt like her and Kai needed to have a chat, adding that she's had a lot of drama already, with Olivia saying that she's sure her and Sanam will be friends. Tom told Samie that he needed to stand up for his actions and apologise for the kissing and cuddling. Samie replied and said that she felt like there was more to it, with Tom saying that he didn't kiss Lydia in bed, it was on the terrace. Samie told Tom that it would make her feel better if she heard it from someone else.
Samie pulled Sanam for a chat and Samie mentioned that a lot of the boys are using the copout excuse of kissing another girl to test their relationship, with Sanam saying that him and Lydia were only cuddling in bed. Kai said to Olivia that he had no doubts about recoupling, and there were things playing on his mind such as the comments about compatibility. Olivia said that there was a very small chance of her coming back to the villa alone, adding that she doesn't need friends like Kai in her life. Olivia told Lana that she feels like Kai is fake, and that he was trying to make out like she was playing a game. Lana said that feelings are involved, and she's not just angry, she's upset, with Olivia adding that now Kai is saying he's happy, this hurts her as well. Samie mentioned to the girls that Tom had kissed one of the girls on the terrace, and Lana told Tanya that Shaq's ego has slipped. Jessie added that she didn't think Will would be the kind of boy to do this. Will said that he never thought he would be sleeping in the dog house, and Shaq said that he never thought he would be single. In the morning, we found out it was Samie's 23rd birthday and Shaq questioned whether he could trust Tanya, but added that he still loves her, and Jessie said that she needed a bit of time to think.
Ron, Kai, Martin and Maxwell had a quick chat where Maxwell said that he was happy to be here, Kai was happy to get to know Sanam, Martin was happy to be here but added that last night there was an elephant in the room. Jessie told the girls that it leaves a big mark for her, and it's not a way to act. Shaq mentioned to Casey and Will that Tanya's comment of 'bump in the road' wasn't nice and Olivia told Tanya that it's going to take time. Tom made breakfast for Samie which included berries, and said sorry for his actions. He went on to say that he was happy she was even sitting here talking to him. Samie explained that on the outside, his number would have been blocked straightaway. Shaq told Kai that he hoped he would wake up from a bad dream, adding that he can't put effort into someone who has treated him this dirty. He said that he was going to take some time for himself. Kai said that he didn't think Tanya actually wanted him. Martin said to Tanya that she needs to have a chat with Shaq, with Tanya replying 'yeah, but not now' and Maxwell told Olivia that with every conversation they have, it's getting better and better, with Olivia saying that excited what's to come. Shaq asked Tanya for an explanation, with Tanya saying that there were obviously some arguments between the two of them, and how Martin is as a person, she wanted to give herself a chance. Shaq said that it was hard for him to believe her after yesterday, adding that he has been honest about how he feels since Day 1. Tanya said that she wasn't going to stop trying with him.
Tanya had a chat with Maxwell and Martin, and said that she and Shaq had a chat, but Martin needed to separate I love you vs how long they had know eachother, with Maxwell saying that they were both handling the situation very well. Tanya and Martin were sitting in silence for a little bit, and she said that silence speaks a lot, with Martin saying that he was just thinking about what she had said. He felt like he didn't want to be a stepping stone in people's relationships. Samie got a text that her, Jessie and Claudia were going to have a girly catch-up with Cynthia, Layla and Lydia. Olivia said that it's all going to come out now and the secrets will be spilled. Claudia said that she needs to face the situation and not avoid it. Cynthia explained that she was more interested in Casey out of all the boys, and that on the first night he did kiss Sanam, and made it clear that it was between the both of them. She said that on the second night, she kissed him and she sat on top of him giving him a passionate kiss. Cynthia also explained that Casey had said that they were very similar, he enjoyed being around her and that they were very flirty. At the firepit, he also mouthed the words 'I'm sorry', which Claudia said annoyed her the most. Lydia and Samie agreed that boys can sometimes miss out details on things, and she said that Samie's name was never actually mentioned until he was comparing the two girls, saying that there were things he liked in both of them. Samie replied and said that on her first kiss with him, he said it would be nice to kiss outside of the challenge, with no indication that he was leaning towards her. Lydia said that she felt bad for the both of them adding that she wanted to Tom to be good for Samie, and then she began to get emotional. Samie said that he's not worth anyone's tears.
Tom, Will and Casey were discussing their actions during Casa Amor with Tom saying that he felt terrible, Will asking what he was doing and Casey saying that this was the worst part of his experience, adding that they had doubts that the girls would be misbehaving. Jessie said that she didn't really know what was happening, with Layla saying that Will was being flirty with her and that on the first night she could potentially turn his head. Layla said that Will felt guilty and knows that it was gong to be disrespectful, with some of the boys knowing that the girls will just take them back. Jessie questioned how Will could chase a girl after one day, and Claudia said that out of all of them, this was the most heartbreaking. Casey mentioned to Tom and Olivia that he thought Claudia was going to get to know the boys, with Olivia replying and saying that Claudia was 50/50 with Bayley, and she said that Cynthia will not hold back although she doesn't actually know her. Tom said that he didn't pick a new girl because of his genuine emotions towards Samie.
After the girly chat, Jessie said that coming out of it, she feels worse about the situation, Claudia told the girls that Casey said sorry to Cynthia across the firepit, unsure if he was sorry she didn't get picked, or sorry that the connection wasn't strong enough with her. Samie said that Lydia was upset about the situation and that it was difficult for Tom to make a decision, with Jessie adding that she felt like the boys were not truly sorry because they're trying to justify their decisions. Samie explained that she was not going to be sharing a bed with Tom that night!