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Love Island, Series 9 (2023) - Week 3 Review

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

Hey everyone! Below is the summary of what happened during the third week of Love Island!

In the first episode of the third week, Jessie explained that she was not happy about Ellie popping a balloon on Will, with Zara saying it was just a game and Jessie replying by saying that it was childish behaviour. Jessie went on to say how Tom had 'been good' to Zara to which she replied and said that she was mad when Tom chose Olivia's face in the challenge and that Lana had said they were the least compatible couple. Lana said to Tom that he needed to speak to Zara and the fact used to words 'the face' to hint at what the conversation was going to be about. Tom questioned how long an initial attraction could last. Spencer had a quick chat with Ellie and Tanya, where he realised that Olivia was still interested in getting to know Tom, adding that she could have been honest with her feelings. Tanya said that if someone new was to come into the villa, Ron's head would definitely spin. Will also had a chat with Jessie about how it wasn't a good move when he was giggling during the balloon situation.

Tom had a chat with Ellie where he said he was happy that she chose him, with Ellie explaining that she would prefer a private place to have a kiss with him. She went on to say that messy Ron has been messy and that Tom was her number one. In the bedroom, Tom noticed that Lana was upset and said to Ron 'I think someone needs a cuddle'. In the morning, Zara came to the realisation that maybe her and Tom were not compatible with Tom explaining that after last night it could be a wake up call. Ron also said that he regretted his lack of communication with Lana and that they are not going to be back where they were before. Will said he was not interested in Ellie romantically. Spencer pulled Olivia for a chat as he wanted to see where her head was at. She said that she was 'hung up on Tom' and still had feelings for him. Will said to Ellie that there seemed to be cracks that she could break through and Ellie noticed that Jessie was putting cream on Tom's back and got a little bit jealous. Tom was doing weights into the outdoor gym and Ellie said that it was done between her and Ron, with Tom saying that things were going well with Zara for the first two days and then they went downhill. She began flirting with him and he replied by saying 'you're trouble'. Tom also pulled Zara for a chat saying that she shouldn't think that he dislikes her at all, but that he was still getting to know other people. Zara admitted that she has held her tongue in certain situations, such as the 'face over body' choice, adding that there is no coming back from that. Tom said that they were both very strong characters and they wouldn't change for anyone, but Tom explained to the camera that he felt relieved about that situation. Shaq and Tanya said that she gave it her best shot.

Tom explained that he had unfinished business with Olivia and Tanyel explained that the guys seemed to be getting closer to eachother than the girls. Shaq took over from Ron's ironing as he wasn't doing it correctly, and Zara was manifesting for a good night. The boys received a text that they should go to the sundeck to meet 'Samie' with the #HappyHour and #GetOnJob, to which they all screamed with excitement. The girls were telling the boys to quieten down and Lana came to realisation that the boys might have got a text. Samie was introduced as a 22 year old from North London who said she's looking for a bad boy with a good heart, adding that she was here for herself...'bring it on'. Olivia ran with the rest of the girls following her and they went onto the terrace to see the new girl with the boys. Tanya said that she couldn't see her face, with Olivia saying that she was pretty, and Lana even tried zooming in on their Love Island phone to get a proper look at her! Samie said that she needs someone that's funny, ambitious and likes to travel. Shaq revealed he was also from North London and Aaron invited her over to Australia. Samie said that she's not worried about the girls, adding that she is a girl's girl, but at the moment has no loyalties to anyone. She also said that her ex boyfriend had brown hair, saying to Tom 'he's got nothing on you'.

Jessie spoke to the rest of the girls about what their game plan was, with Lana suggesting they be cool, calm and collected. Samie revealed to the girls that she does the boring paperwork and wants to see who makes her laugh. Ellie commented by saying there is nothing about her that isn't top tier. Shaq said that she was sexy, and Tom asked if Kai was going to talk to the new girl. Shaq said he was worried about Ron, to which Ron said that 'it's all about fighting temptation'. Kai pulled Samie for a chat and she said that all of the boys are all better looking in real life, and he said that he would be happy to go home, knowing that he was true to himself. Olivia pulled Tom to go for a chat upstairs to which he replied 'you're not going to stick one on me are you', and they agreed that there was a sexual attraction there but wanted to know if there was something deeper. Olivia said that he was a flirt, and the thoughts have been lingering, but it would be wrong to not give it another chance. Kai explained to Ron and Tanyel that he likes the new girl, with Ron saying to Tanyel 'you're a bit worried'. Ellie also pulled Tom for a chat on the terrace and asked if the chat was awkward because of the situation that he was in. Downstairs, Olivia was telling Lana and Tanyel that she wants to know if there is something deeper between her and Tom, and after Ellie revealed to Tom it was her first time on the terrace, he stared into her soul and they kissed. Tom said again 'you're trouble aren't you' and they said that it was their little secret.

Ron spoke to Kai and Aaron, with Ron saying that he's not sure if he's interested in Ellie, and that he wanted a girl that chases him. Tom explained to the boys that he didn't kiss Ellie but not sure if there is a spark there. Olivia said to Spencer that Tom thought there was still something simmering between the two of them, but she needed more effort from his side, adding that actions speak louder than words. Spencer also said that Samie is Ron's perfect type. Ron explained to Tanyel that all of the guys think new girl Samie is very pretty, and the boys are going to move a lot quieter than giving away their strategy. Ron asked that if Samie makes a move on Kai, will she still be friendly to her, and Tanyel replied...'No'. Ron also explained to Lana that the new girl is his type on the outside world, but he has learnt from his mistake, questioning 'how many times has that ever worked' when going for someone that is your perfect type. Jessie explained to Lana in the bedroom that it wasn't a very assuring comment from Ron, saying that he likes Samie, and Spencer told Olivia to be careful about the Tom situation, telling her not to get hurt again.

In the morning, the boys were all speaking about Samie, with Ron admitting that she will be on job, and Olivia saying to the other girls that if Samie is able to make someone's head spin, the boys were never fully focused on the original girls to begin with. Shaq questioned whether she would come over and talk to the boys. Ellie and Samie had their first introduction chat with Ellie saying that she hasn't stepped on any toes yet. Kai said to the boys that if her personality is like her looks, then things might change in the villa, with Tom admitting that there was something there with Olivia, but after having more chats with Ellie, there's also something there. Lana said that Samie is a lot of people's types in the villa. Spencer spoke to Samie and they both agreed on not being a serial dater, with Samie saying that she needs to be with someone who she has common interests with, but won't go in the sea although she would be up for skydiving. Tom did some skipping in front of Ellie, and Olivia said that she wanted a lot more effort from Tom, but he's just spending a lot of time in the gym. Will also spoke to Kai, with kai suggesting that girls don't want to get to know him because they know it will annoy Tanyel, with Will saying that Samie won't be scared of Tanyel and she's attractive, as well as having a nice personality.

Samie had a chat with Aaron, Spencer and Tom, with Aaron asking if they wanted to go for a chat, and Samie quickly saying that she was going to chat to Tom first. She asked him if he's getting used to being so popular and admitted that there seemed to be an initial attraction from her side, adding that Tom is quite cheeky. Kai said to Ron and Tanya that he was struggling to understand Tom's game, with Tom saying to Samie that she should get to know everyone, but that he would be watching her with one eye open. Samie also said that Tom does this thing where he stares into your soul (like what Ellie said earlier!). Ron said that for Samie she has the easiest decision as she can choose whoever she wants, admitting that they are both each others usual type on the outside. Lana and Tanyel both agreed that Ron will like Samie, and Lana said that she felt like he was convincing himself that there is no love there for Lana, so that he can crack on with someone else. Ron said to Samie 'I'll wait for you to narrow your search and then swoop in and win you'. Tanyel said that Lana shouldn't worry, and just move on. Ellie told Tom that she was going to look for her water bottle and said that she would be on the terrace if he wanted to chat. Tom said that he was a good flirt and Ellie admitted that if they were to meet in a pub on the outside, they would have the best night ever. Tom managed to end the conversation without another kiss by saying that he was going to try and cheer everyone up and have fun tonight, with Ellie saying 'we'll have fun tonight, don't you worry'.

Olivia mentioned to Tom that Spencer is really open and honest, with Olivia saying words are great and Tom adding that actions speak louder than words. He said that he hadn't had the chance to explore whether there was something between them, telling her that he wasn't really feeling Ellie. Kai said to Samie that with every bombshell that walks in, they think people are coupled up, but it's important to find the person you're most compatible with. He added that he's never been with a girl like Tanyel before, and she said that you have to be honest to yourself. Tanyel and Jessie had a chat to discuss who they think the boys would like, adding that 'boys can react to something new'. Jessie said that kai should be shaking in his boots if a new bombshell walks in, because she's sure that Tanyel will definitely get to know them. Aaron asked Lana how he was feeling, suggesting that your gut never lies, and with Ron admitting that the new girl was his type, he still shouldn't be ignoring Lana. He also said that a lot of people in the villa have not been honest, with Lana saying that she just needs to back herself a little bit more, asking herself 'how many red flags can I ignore'. Kai spoke to Ron and said that they've managed to narrow down the boys that Samie likes, stating that it was between the two of them and Tom, with Ron adding that him and Kai could be in trouble.

Ellie explained to Will that Tom is very sneaky in the villa, and that she needed to tell her little secret to someone that she can trust, and she went to Will. She mentioned that her and Tom kissed on the terrace, and he revealed that he was indecisive what he should do with the information. Ellie said that they had a secret kiss, and Will added it would be more interesting if people know. Ron explained to the boys that he wouldn't go, if Lana went as they're not married, and Zara said that she hoped the boys were coming with good energy. Tom and Olivia had another chat on the terrace, both matching in pink outfits and he revealed that he wanted to get to know both her and Samie. He said that he wanted to see the fun side of her, and Olivia replied by saying 'maybe you don't get the hints'. Kai and Samie had another conversation adding that the villa was good vibes, and Samie replied by saying that she had enjoyed every chat she had with Kai so far. Tanyel said to Ellie, Jessie and Zara that all of the boys have been distant since the new girl came into the villa, and Samie revealed that every time she speak to Kai, it gets better and better.

Shaq, Tanya, Jessie and Will were all sitting on the terrace having a chat as a four, and Tanya and Jessie bonded on watching Shaq in the gym. Will explained that there as something happening in his mind and he needed to tell them about the kiss between Tom and Ellie. Jessie said that if it didn't come from Ellie, things would blow up and Will said that they should try and get Ellie to tell Olivia. Will and Jessie also revealed a text that they were off for their first date, with Aaron adding that it was their first romantic date. Tanya quietly went to go and speak to Zara, saying that she had news but Zara couldn't go and start spreading it. Zara said that she has held a lot of secrets in the villa, with Tanya telling her about the kiss he had with Ellie. Zara added that he was a busy boy, with Tanya replying by saying that Tom is snaky, dangling Ellie and he knows that she's into him. She added that she needed Will to tell Ellie, to tell Olivia, with Zara adding 'if she doesn't tell him, I will', saying that girl power was the most important thing. Zara also said that Tom was definitely in the doghouse tonight. Zara and Tanya walked at very fast pace through the villa and went up to the terrace to get Olivia and update her on the situation...but we don't get to see that until the next episode.

Will and Jessie had their first date with a lot of yellow candles. Will did a cheers to being on a beautiful date with a beautiful girl, with Jessie explaining to him that she usually runs away when she is given attention by boys. Will explained that he has never met somebody who makes him feel so relaxed, to which Jessie replied that she was never going to break Will's heart. After Tanya and Zara brought down Olivia from the terrace and the boys had a confused look on their face, Tanya said to Spencer, 'you'll know soon', hinting at the secret kiss that Tom had with Ellie on the terrace. Tanya added that Tom hadn't been honest with the boys, with Olivia adding 'want to get to know you my ar*e'. Spencer told some of the boys who were in the kitchen, that Tanya and Zara ran upstairs to the terrace, and Tom knew he was in trouble when Olivia pulled him for a chat. Zara slyly said to Ellie 'I know who you've been kissing'. Olivia asked Tom about the terrace situation with Ellie, adding that he is playing a smart game. His reply was that it was 'only a kiss', which Olivia replied to by asking why he didn't feel like he could tell her about it, saying that she felt like she's been mugged off twice. She went on to say that she doesn't know why Tom is here, and that people have true emotions.

Shaq had a chat with Tom and Aaron, and he said that Tom has to start being honest, with Tom replying and saying that it was a friends vibe, but there was only a kiss. Tanyel questioned whether Tom actually liked Olivia, and she said that Tom felt like he's done nothing wrong. Ron explained to Lana that Samie had pulled him for a chat, and that he wants to get to know her, and is unable to shut himself off completely. Lana said that she felt like he doesn't even like her anymore, adding that there was s chance of losing her. Tanyel called Kai insensitive for getting to know new girl Samie, rather than speaking to Tanyel about wanting to get to know her. She added that she feels like she's not Kai's priority, and didn't accept Kai's apology. Before walking away, she said that she needed her own space and there was nothing to talk about. Tanyel continued her rant with Tanya, Shaq and Olivia, saying that she wouldn't take this sort of behaviour on the outside and that she doesn't care about his apology. Tom pulled Ellie for a chat to let her know that it was just flirty, and nothing more. Ellie said that Tom doesn't say much, flirts with everyone and then says 'whoops' when they say that they like him. After Will and Jessie's date, they both came back and spoke to the rest of the Islanders. Will said to the boys that he wanted to pull Ellie for a chat to see how she was feeling about the kiss revelation. She said that she was happy it was out rather than later, as she knows that she doesn't need to waste her time anymore getting to try and know Tom.

Zara wanted to pull Tom for a chat to let him know her thoughts on the situation but she decided to speak to him in front of the rest of the boys, saying that everyone coming out of his mouth was crap, adding that his parents must be proud of how he has behaved. Tom was obviously quite angry at the situation and stormed inside, with Tanyel and Aaron getting involved with the drama, and Aaron explaining that there was no need for the girls to get angry, with Tanyel replying by saying that Aaron is always getting involved in situations when he doesn't need to. Ron said that Kai was in the wrong for pulling Samie for a chat right in front of Tanyel's face, and both Tom and Kai were going to be sleeping on the daybeds. Tom said to Kai that he had done nothing wrong, and Lana said to Tanyel that she doesn't want to lose something, but she's also not a mug, with Tanyel joking that she hopes the wind blows them (Tom and Kai) away. In the morning, the Islanders celebrated Tanya's 23rd birthday. The topics of discussion included the Tom and Ellie situation where he said he needed to apologise to Olivia and not speak to Zara after she came at him with personal comments about his family, Ellie referring to him as flirty and Olivia questioning whether the door is still open for Tom. Zara added that the situation showed that he never cared for her. Kai said that Tanyel has put him off of her and he's not going to craft. Lana said that there seemed to be another thing getting in the way, referring to Samie potentially getting to know Ron.

Tom admitted his kiss with Ellie when speaking to Olivia in a private chat, and he said that he would have told her eventually. Olivia replied by saying that she didn't care about the kiss, it was more about the sneakiness of it. Tom also had a chat with Ellie and said to her that he should have just explained it was only a friendship between the two of them. Ellie added that she had to be on the defense, and although she hasn't been crying, it doesn't mean that she wasn't upset. Aaron and Tanyel managed to speak to eachother about their little argument with Aaron explaining that it's a new day, and his intention was to try and diffuse the situation, not make it worse. Ron revealed that he was a little bit more bouncy when Samie entered the villa and Lana said to Tanya that she felt like the sparks had gone between her and Ron. Will told Aaron to go and have a chat with Lana after her falling out with Ron, saying that she might be a lot more open. Aaron replied by saying 'I'm going to trust you' and went to go and chat with Lana. She said she's leaving Ron to it, and she knows her feelings are valid but she will just wait to see what happens. Aaron asked her if she's ready and open to getting to know someone and she said that she was. Kai said to the boys that he felt like there were a few chats he needed to have. Samie said to the girls that she hopes it's a good night and that there are no surprises. Kai said to Samie that when she entered, she seemed really nice, and he added that he's not interested in Tanyel anymore, with Samie saying that he should be true to himself. Tanyel said that she doesn't really want to chat to kai and she notices a bit of awkwardness and tension with nothing to say to him. Ron suggested that she pulls him for a chat so that they can discuss openly.

At the end of the episode, Ron got a text where they were told to gather around the firepit immediately. It was the boys to choose which girl they wanted to couple up with, leaving one single girl who was going to be dumped from the villa.

At the recoupling, the pairings were as follows; Will and Jessie, Aaron and Lana, who said that she 'deserves more than she's got', Spencer chose Olivia, Shaq chose Tanya, Kai revealed that this girl has 'lovely characteristics and wants to take this further', before choosing Samie. Ron chose Tanyel adding that she is his best friend in the villa, and it was down to Tom to choose Ellie or Zara. He said that this girl has had a rough ride in the villa, adding that she deserves to get to know someone whether it's him or not, before choosing Ellie and sending Zara home. Zara said to the girls that she felt like it was her turn to go, with Olivia adding that although they had a little disagreement, she was a great girl. Tanyel said to Ron that Samie looked a bit disappointed when Kai picked her, and Tanyel said that she would rather be with Ron, than a second option for someone else. Kai said that he thought Ron and Tanyel suit really well, with Ellie and Spencer in agreement. Lana said to Ron that she seems Samie wanting to be around him, adding that Ron has the gift of the gab with what he says. Samie said to Kai that she was shocked to be picked by him, but happy to be in a couple, adding that all of the boys have different qualities. Kai also said that he felt like Ron and Tanyel had a proper spark. Ron also had a chat with Kai, saying that Samie looked disappointed when he picked Samie, adding that 'no other girl will do what Samie does to you', and Ron admitted he is going to try and open a book that's been closed twice.

Tom had a quick chat with Ellie who said that she wasn't expecting him to choose her, and he said that it's because she's genuine and she deserves to find somebody in the villa. Ellie said that sometimes it's better to know if there is something platonic with someone or anything else, and she had to explain that it meant being non-romantic with someone to which he looked quite upset about. Shaq and Tanya had another chat on the terrace where he revealed that what they have is very special and they both said to eachother that they loved one another. Jessie noticed that Zara did her strut on the way out, and Samie said to Tanyel that she had seen the fun side from two of the boys, but not yet from Kai.. Tanyel jokingly said to Ron for him to not try and kiss her when he's got 3-4 girls on the go at the same time, and Tanya said that she wouldn't sign a pre-nup for Shaq. Tanyel woke up the next morning and said she had a dream about kissing Ron, and he kissed her back. Tanyel received a text that two new boys Jordan and Casey were about to enter the villa, and there wee mimosas waiting downstairs for them. We found out that Casey is a 26 year old recruiter from Tring, who had blue eyes, a nice smile and better chat than the other lads. Jordan is a 28 year old senior HR advisor from London, stating that being 6'5 is his best feature and no-one is safe. Ron stated that the new boys won't have any loyalties, and Olivia said that it seems like the boys are getting a taste of their own medicine.

Before going to meet the boys, Tanyel said 'new husband I'm coming to get you' and Olivia said that she was excited to meet two new boys, before correcting herself and saying 'men'. Tanyel said that the new boys need to teach the others how to be mature. Ellie said that she was sweating, and not because of the sun, with Lana, Tanyel and Ellie all admitting that they were currently in a friendship couple. Casey said that he wanted a fit girl with personality and Jordan noticed that Olivia was giving him a lot of eye contact. Tanya told the girls that she found Jordan fit, and Lana said that it's like somebody sent a gift by sending them two new guys. Ron said that sending in the two new bombshells is a test for Lana, to know that he is the better man. Samie added that the boys seem very relaxed with Tanya adding that the girls have the power. Casey and Jordan both received a text that they were going to go on a date with three girls of their choice, #BombshellsOnJob. The first dates were Casey and Lana, Jordan and Tanyel. Ron said 'I knew it' when Casey picked Lana, with Ellie saying to the girls she knows when guys try and laugh off their feelings, suggesting that Ron was hurt. Tanyel said to Jordan that this was her first date in the villa to which he replied 'You're welcome', and she said that it was nice to get to know everyone on a deeper level. Casey said to Lana that he's confident and will go for whoever he wants to get to know, adding that Lana is his type.

Jordan also said to Tanyel that he's ready to settle down, with Tanyel saying that she was happy he was older than her. Lana also told Casey that she was a massive believe in energy and he had a good vibe when he first walked in. She said that you don't always need to be the loudest in the room to be the best connection for someone. Tanyel briefly spoke about how all of her ex-boyfriends are completely different and she doesn't really have a type when it comes to guys. At the end of their dates, Lana went to go and get Olivia, and Tanyel went to get Samie. Kai said to the boys that he thinks all the boys messed up their situations, with Will jumping in and saying 'Not all of us'. Ron said that this was the situation they all needed in order to test their relationships. Shaq asked Ron if he thought he had done anything wrong, and then went on to say that he felt like he had taken advantage of Lana, saying one thing to her and then his actions being different to what he says. Spencer added that Lana wouldn't drop Ron because she was too nice!

On Thursday's episode of Love Island, Kai said to Ron that if there was a genuine connection and he does like Samie, then he needs to continue talking to her. Ron added that he feels like it was acceptable for people to hound him on the situation. Kai said to Ron that if he was to start getting to know Olivia, who would Spencer start getting to know. Olivia explained to Kai that there is no spark there yet with Spencer and Kai added that he thought she was closed off only for Tom. Olivia explained that they had a good friendship so far and things can grow. Lana told Olivia that Casey is a nice guy with good chat, and Samie liked Jordan's confidence. When Olivia went on her date with Casey, he instantly complimented her by calling her gorgeous, and she said she was coupled up with Spencer, but it was early days. Samie said to Jordan that she was surprised he picked her, and Casey complimented Olivia on her good chat, whilst she complimented him on his nice teeth. Samie explained to Jordan that she wanted to have at least 5 years of travelling before settling down with anyone, which was different to the plan he wanted. The final dates were for Casey and Jessie, with Will saying that he should lock Jessie in the cupboard to stop her going on the date, and Jordan picked Olivia as his third and final date. Samie said to the girls that there wasn't anything romantic there between her and Jordan because they both wanted different things.

On Jordan's date with Olivia, he said that she really interested him and he wanted to see what was behind her layers. Casey said to Jessie that she was a lovely girl with lovely eyes. Jordan and Olivia agreed that they were both level headed and quite similar, with Olivia saying that at age 27, she was finally ready to settle down with someone, and had never been a relationship as her main focus was on her career. She said she wanted someone who could add to your life. Jessie seemed to friendzone Casey on her date, by saying that she could put in a good word if he wanted to get to know some of the other girls. Casey said to the boys that all three girls were attractive, with Olivia and Lana's personality being very different, and Olivia added that Casey is nice, but Jordan is quite cheeky. In the evening. Jordan did a cheers to new beginnings and good vibes, with Casey jumping in to say 'and kissing lots of girls'. Lana said to Casey that the dates weren't as good as the one he had with her, and Casey admitted it was nice to spend time with some of the girls, with Lana adding that he was what she needed.

Ron said to Shaq that he is calm and collected and won't hold back on his opinions, with Shaq saying that he did involve himself a little bit too much in Ron's situation. Ron said that Samie is amazing, but there is something special between him and Lana. Spencer pulled Olivia for a chat and said that he likes her, but hasn't seem her fun side, and Jordan said to Ellie that there are some people who would look away from her eye contact, with Ellie adding that everyone is keeping their cards close to their chest. Kai and Olivia had their first proper chat on the terrace and he said he should speak to Samie about the situation as they are currently in a couple. He added that he thought Olivia was bad news, adding that she would have to pull him for chats a little bit more. Ron said to Lana that he knows things will go well with her and Casey, and assumed that Lana wanted to end what the two of them had. He said that he wants them to be the way that they were before, and Lana replied by saying that his words are a lot, but she wasn't seeing any action, adding that he shouldn't assume anything and that she doesn't want to end anything, she's just exploring with someone new.

Kai explained to Samie that he is getting to know Olivia, and they keep getting drawn back to eachother. Samie said to the camera that it was a vibe that they both senses, in terms of not going any further romantically. Ron said to Kai that he has to try and take Lana from Casey, adding that Kai should be with Olivia and he'll be with Lana. Jessie revealed to some of the girls that Kai had a huge grin on his face when he came down from the terrace. In the morning, Kai told everyone he had a dream about dragons, and Jordan said that Ellie was 'cool vibes'. Casey said he liked Lana, but knows that Ron isn't happy. Ron said that Casey is going to be in the running for Lana and Kai said that getting to know Olivia and speaking to her for the last few days, had showed him that they were his best chats in the villa so far. Olivia told the girls that there's no spark with Spencer and she would be getting to know Kai a little bit more. Casey asked Lana if she wanted breakfast but Ron had already started preparing her something to eat, saying that 'if you want to be on job, you need to be quicker'. Kai made breakfast for himself and Olivia, and Jordan came over to look, before Kai said that he was going to enjoy his breakfast date, hinting at Jordan to leave them to it. Lana said to Ron that it was brave for Casey to offer making her breakfast on day one, with Ron saying that he is cheeky and confident. Casey said to Lana that he didn't realise how much they would click, with Lana saying that Ron has put in a shift but he may have already turned her head. Will said to Jessie that he was fortunate of the position that they were in.

The Islanders received a text that they would be locking lips in today's today, the kissing competition, and Samie shouted at all the boys to go and brush their teeth. The next shot was all of the Islanders in the bathroom either flossing, using mouthwash or brushing their teeth which was very funny, and the boys would be blindfolded whilst the girls would be kissing. Olivia was rated 7.5/10 from Spencer, along with some 8's and 9's, with Kai giving her a 10/10 and saying she had nice lips. Up next was Samie who received 8.5 from Jordan who said she had soft lips, and Ron gave her an 8.5 adding that it felt like she was making love. Tanyel had a passionate kiss with Ron which went on for a long time according to Olivia, with Spencer complimenting the lip bites, giving her 9.5, Ron knowing who it was and giving her 8.5, Tom rating it a 2.5 and Kai rating it a 9/10. Jessie got 3/10 from Shag, 0.5/10 from Aaron who said that there was nothing good to say, and Will gave her 7/10 saying that it was not a friends kiss. Ellie told the girls that none of their men were safe and Tom said she gave the best kiss, rating her 9.5/10 and Ron also giving her 9/10. For Tanya, she got 10/10 full marks from Shaq who said the kiss had everything, Spencer wanted more, rating her 9/10, Jordan also gave her 9/10 and Ron said it was close to a 10, but gave her 9.9/10. Lana was rated 9/10 from Casey who said it was intimate and Ron who said it gave argument sex vibes. The lowest scorer was Jessie, with Ellie in 4th, Lana in 3rd, Olivia in 2nd and Tanya in 1st place. Shaq's first comment was 'shock', and he was not happy.

Olivia explained to some of the girls that the Tanyel and Ron kiss went on for a while, with Jessie explaining that there is something more there. Olivia added that it lasted a little bit too long. Samie asked Tanyel what the long kiss was about, and she said that she felt comfortable with him, questioning why Olivia is so concerned. She added that she doesn't fancy Ron. Olivia also spoke to Lana about the kiss, saying that it made people feel uncomfortable and for Lana to make her own judgement. Lana said that the kiss was so long that she had to look away. Ron said to Lana and Samie that Tanya needed to talk to Shaq, with Lana adding that she wasn't sure Shaq was happy. Tanya said to the girls that if anything was to give her the 'ick', it would be this. Shaq spoke to Ron and Tom and said that he didn't want someone to embarrass him like that, and that he wasn't going to talk to her at the moment. Tom said that he needs to think before he does anything, with Ron adding that he should explain to her how it made him feel. Shaq said that if Tanya was to say that it was just a challenge, he would walk away, with Tanya saying that Shaq having his little tantrum is also giving her ick. At the end of the episode we found out that we would be voting for our favourite boy from the season so far as there was potentially going to be a dumping happening very soon.

On the final episode of the week, Shaq explained to Tom that he loved Tanya and he was trying not to be stubborn around the challenge. Tanyel did a cheers to all of the kisses she got, and to finding the one. Shaq had his first chat with Tanya and he said that she only wants him, not anyone else. Shaq said that he felt like Tanya was more interested in winning the challenge than respecting him. Olivia also had a chat with Tanyel and said that if your best friend is kissing somebody you like, it looks like you fancy him and Tanyel replied by saying that she was just kissing people that she felt comfortable with. Tanyel said that it felt like Olivia was trying to get involved with the situation, and continued to say to the camera that she knows who she likes and who she doesn't like in the villa. Ron said to Kai that Casey is the only guy who Lana will talk to, adding that he doesn't have any bad history and can start from scratch with a clean slate. He also said that he spoke to Samie and made it clear that there is still something there between him and Lana.

Tom pulled Samie for a chat and asked her who her favourite kiss was, to which she replied that she does like him so far and that's all he needed to know. Tom added that he felt like he wanted to see if there anything between the two of them. Kai said to Olivia that he thinks Ron and Tanyel would end up in a couple, and Kai said it was a bit weird that Tanyel kissed him as he thought that she didn't like him. They kissed on the terrace, and Kai asked whether he should keep it secret or whether he can tell the others in a few days. Kai told Will and Shaq that Olivia only opens up to boys that she likes, and told them that he secured a kiss with her. Olivia also told Tanya that she kissed kai, and Ron joined the boys conversation to double check that Kai was happy because he got a kiss with Olivia. Spencer said to Tanyel that he wanted to speak to Samie and Tanyel revealed that she had loyalties to Lana and Ron, but she was able to tell Lana things that she couldn't say to Ron. Ron spoke with Samie, who said she had just had a really chilled chat with Tom. Samie said that she's not able to kiss people that she doesn't like, with Ron giving her 8.5/10 for their kiss. Ron admitted that if he was going to continue getting to know Samie, Lana wouldn't like that, and Samie asked what would happen if Lana was to pick Casey. TRon explained that it would mean that it just wasn't his time right now.

Ellie asked Jordan who his top three girls in the villa were, and he said Ellie, Samie and Olivia. he added that not many people can say they have had a few dates on their first day, with Ellie admitting she didn't want to kiss anyone apart from Jordan. Will told Kai that he looked fresh, and that's why he got a kiss, with Kai telling Olivia that she looks elegant when taking her makeup off. Will did a little dance with Jessie shouting 'breakdown', giving Will electric power in his legs, and Casey said to Jordan that it felt like he had known Lana for years. In the morning, Jessie revealed that the villa snorer is Spencer, Olivia's best kiss was with Casey, Tanyel is unable to kiss small lips, and although Jordan sleeps with a lot of pillows, he doesn't use them to support his head or neck. Lana said to the girls that she likes Casey, but it has been only 24 hours, and Tanyel told her to do what she thinks is best. Ron also said to the boys that he wants what is best for Lana, with Casey rushing downstairs to make breakfast, Kai telling the boys that he kissed Olivia, and Olivia saying that her journey is finally beginning. Tanya also said that when she says sorry, she really has to mean it.

Casey had a quick chat with Will to discuss what he should make Lana for breakfast, and he suggested that Casey made an iced tea. Shaq said that it was nice to see someone putting energy in with Lana, with Casey showing that she is important. At first sight, Lana thought that her breakfast was in the shape of a fish, when in fact it was a smiley face, as Casey cannot stop smiling when he is around her. She said that a lot of love had gone into the breakfast, with Ron whispering to some of the Islanders that she doesn't like fish. Lana said that she was trying not to look over at Ron through her peripheral vision. Ron said to Spencer and Tanyel that it seemed like his couple always gets taken away. Tanyel said to Spencer that he is very different to her, and that because he is calm, its easy for him to calm her down. She admitted that she was very standoff ish in the beginning, but Spencer is really fit, a breath of fresh air, and away from the drama. Ron asked Lana who did the better breakfast with Lana saying that Ron's was the best, and being in the villa was the best place for her to make someone her boyfriend. Lana had a chat with Tanya and Samie, and Lana said that it felt like she was at two different stages with Ron and Casey. Samie said that Ron was muddling up everyone's head and that he was very flirty, with Lana asking if he was still keeping his options open. Samie replied by saying that he is being careful with his words, but that if he was to close the book, he would try and make it work with Samie.

Casey said to some of the boys that he has been compared to Bradley Cooper or a young Leonardo DiCaprio, with Spencer asking 'who said that?'. Lana also said to Casey that when he first came in, she had stopped talking to Ron, and now they're talking again, Casey felt like he didn't want to be in a trio situation. Ron said to Tanyel, Elie and Jordan that Casey had taken her to the kissing corner. Lana also said that she had known Ron for nearly 2 weeks and Casey for only 48 hour, but Ron has upset her with some of his actions. Ron also pulled Samie for a chat and said that he didn't want this to be a massive thing or ruin her night, with Samie quickly replying to say that Ron says a lot of things, and compliments, but she wants him to be straight up and tell her what he wants. Ron said that he wants to follow his heart with Lana, and Samie replied that she hopes what Ron is doing with Lana, is right.

Ron asked Lana if she kissed Casey on the terrace as there would only be one reason to take a girl to the terrace, and she said that they didn't kiss, but Ron's actions had hurt her. Ron admitted that he gets nervous around Lana, adding that the situation was really painful, and Lana said that his ego needs pumping down a bit. Maya Jama entered the villa and said to the boys that 'tonight is not your night', revealing that 4 boys had been saved by the public, Will, Shaq, Tom and Ron, and the other three boys had the fewest votes and were at risk of being dumped from the Island. Out of Spencer, Aaron and Kai, two of the boys were going to be dumped...and it was the choice of the girls to make that tough decision.

To see a review of Week 4, stay tuned!



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