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Love Island, Series 9 (2023) - Week 2 Review

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

Hey everyone! Week 2 of Love Island UK and this is hopefully where the drama continues and the love is found between some of our Islanders!

At the beginning of this episode, Tanya reminded Shaq how much he meant to her, after choosing him at the firepit and sending David home in the first dumping of the series. Shaq replied by saying 'we're still early...we've got the rest of our lives to look forward to. Haris asked Olivia if he was able to get a hug tonight, adding that she made the right decision by choosing to couple up with him. Tanyel and Lana said that they were still 'best friends', with Lana just explaining that she didn't want anything happening between Tanyel and Ron behind her back. Tanyel said that she wanted to give Ron as much of a chance as any of the other guys in the villa. Will explained to Lana that he didn't think it was his time to leave the villa and he thanked Lana for choosing him, even if it was just in a friendly way, with Lana admitting that she needed to speak to Ron about the situation.

Olivia and Anna-May discussed their boy situations, with Olivia saying that she was gravitating towards Haris, but there was still something there with Tom. Ron joined the conversation, and Olivia said that she was a bit concerned when Zara said that 'he made his feelings very clear' at the firepit, after Tom had told both girls he wanted to get to know them both. Zara explained to Tom on the terrace, that she felt comfortable in the relationship with him, and also noticed that he had really nice eyes. This was followed by some giggles from the both of them, and Zara went in to kiss Tom on the lips. Ron explained to Lana that this was a mad place, explaining that his head was still with Zara. Zara pulled Olivia for a chat and Zara said that she seemed buzzing, adding that she was happy for Olivia. Olivia explained that it seemed like Zara was coming for her, especially with the comment in the beer pong game, talking to Tom and also what Tom had said to Olivia about getting to know them both. Zara explained that was not the situation and either Tom was just trying to be nice, or he's playing a game. Olivia and Tom had a chat and she wanted to know about the possible potential between the two of them, with Tom saying that when Zara came in, there was an instant connection.

Olivia and Tanyel had a quick girls chat with Tanya saying that 'it's always the nice ones', which is probably suggesting that it's usually the nice guys who cause the most drama, and Ron noticed that Tanyel got into bed super quickly, with her adding that her nighttime wear 'was not really covering anything'. After the night of sleep, there were lots of giggles from Tanyel, and she revealed that although she was sharing a bed with Ron, she still missed Kai. During the girls chat, they discussed how Lana woke up with a face like a 'slapped arse' and Tanyel replied by saying there wasn't any flirting, just a lot of giggling. Tanya got cuddles from Shaq and Zara said that she kissed Tom on the terrace, saying to the camera that she 'didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but it's going to hurt someone'. Ron said to the boys that he has a lot in common, and lots of good chat with Tanyel.

Kai, Ron and Tom had a boys chat where Kai said he was jealous that another guy was in Tanyel's bed and Ron said that his head hasn't swayed yet. Haris made a cooked breakfast for Olivia with waiter Will bringing over the plates and offering to make more drinks if they needed a refill. Haris said to Olivia that he has never made food for a girl, not even his sisters. Zara explained to Tom that she doesn't always get sexual chemistry straightaway with someone...and it was announced by text that the Islanders were going to enjoy a pool party. We saw Olivia, Tanya and Tanyel doing some squats before the party and we were introduced to two new bombshells who were going to rock things up. Love Island Australia's Jessie from series 2 and Aaron from series 3 both entered the villa to see if they could try and find love (again). Aaron admitted to the girls that he had no luck in Australia, and at age 25, he wants to settle with someone for at least 5 years. He added that 'I don't want a problem, but if there's a problem created, then there's a problem'. Jessie said to the boys that she thinks all of them are fit, and she's into social media, but not giving away who she likes the most. Ron explained that it felt like there were lots of girls in the candy shop, and Aaron said that he was the oldest guy in the villa, with Olivia quickly commenting by saying she was the oldest girl.

After the bombshells arrived, Shaq said to Will that he really fancies Jessie, and Ron said that if Lana wasn't in the villa, he would definitely have 'stuck it' on Tanyel. Lana pulled Will for a chat to try and work out a game plan for how he could be set up with new girl Jessie, and Aaron and Olivia bonded over the fact that their dry humour can someone's come across as rudeness. Ron said to Tanyel that in order to win over Aaron, she would need to be good enough for him to travel across the world for you, with Tanyel replying by saying that Ron and Kai are both cheeky, but she wanted to test the energy with Ron to see if there is potential there. Will and Jessie had a quick chat on the terrace, where she explained that she used to work at McDonalds, and also said that Will didn't come across as the type of guy who would work in an office. He said 'pick your bags and let's go', hinting at the fact that she could move from Australia to his hometown as they already had similar lifestyles.

In the next episode of the show, Ron and Shaq were both speaking to Will, who said there was 'definitely something there' with him and Jessie. Ron said that he needed to chill out with the giggling and silly jokes as it gives girls the wrong impression, and he said that there seemed to be a little bit of flirting with some giggling, but they've at least had their first chat. Lana pulled Ron for a chat to ask him about the giggling from the previous night with Tanyel, as she heard giggling out of context, and they both agreed that Tanyel is a nightmare, but she wanted to know if Ron was interested in getting to know her more. Kai and Tanyel had a quick chat, where she said they should do a cheers to how beautiful they look together, and they discussed their other options of getting to know Ron and Anna-May. Kai admitted that he felt like Tanyel was starting to be nice to him, adding that 'I'm not feeling to your ego' and that she was being a lot nicer to him now, than before she knew he was interested in Anna-May.

The next game was called 'Never have I ever' where the Islanders had a variety of questions to answer or drink to. Anna-May and Tanya admitted that they had both cheated on somebody, purely because it happened to them already, with Tanya adding that the relationship was 'toxic vibes'. Olivia was the only Islander who didn't drink to 'never have I ever had sex in a public place' with Kai saying he had sex in Budapest, Tanya in a spa, and Jessie surprisingly on a surfboard. Shaq revealed he had sex with a 'good looking 50 year old' which Ron compared to being the same age as his parents, and Olivia, Lana and Zara had a previous relationship with somebody famous, an athlete for Olivia, actor for Lana and a kiss with Usain Bolt for Zara. Tom asked whether anyone wanted to be in a different couple, with Ron saying he would rather be with Lana, and Anna-May and Tanyel saying that they wanted to be with Kai. The final never have I ever was asked by Tanyel, who said 'never have I ever thought that somebody around the firepit was playing a game and not looking for love', with Shaq saying that there was someone faking it with every person, and Kai adding that somebody wanted 'clout' and to 'stay relevant' - but no names mentioned!

Ron explained to Lana that the game could have been juicier and wondered which actor Lana had previously dated. She said it was Owen Warner who just competed in I'm a Celebrity, with Ron saying that he really liked him on the show, but not anymore. Olivia gave Jessie the low down on the situation with Tom, explaining that him and Zara seemed to be getting very close, with Jessie asking her if he's still in the picture, Olivia replying 'No'. During their session, Tom made them both a cup of tea, and Jessie said 'I love how he's making us a tea during our bitching session'. Olivia added that she was not going to be a second choice. She pulled Tom for a chat because she knew he wouldn't pull her for one, and Tom admitted to kissing Zara on the terrace but didn't want to shut the door on getting to know Olivia. Zara said to the camera that if she was in the villa from the beginning, they wouldn't even be a thing. Olivia said to Tom that if he's still interested in getting to know her, she needs to see a lot of effort. When they both walked back over to the day beds, Zara questioned what their conversation was about, with Olivia saying it was private, asking if her and Tom were married. Zara explained that because he is in a couple with her, she wants to know the chats he is having with other people...with Olivia quickly saying that she felt like Zara was playing a game. In the end, Olivia walked off and the other Islanders including Ron and Lana tried to calm Zara down, but she also walked off. Lana said to Olivia that she doesn't know why Zara thinks she owns Tom. Zara pulled Tom for a chat to ask what their conversation was about, adding that even the way Olivia pulled him for a chat was rude. She added that 'we can do us, I don't know why she's involved'.

During the next morning chats, Aaron said he wanted to pull Olivia for a chat, and Tom said he liked everything about Zara, apart from what happened the night before. Kai said to Ron and Will that there were lots of good chats with Anna-May but there didn't seem to be a spark. Ron added that he was a lot better and a lot more fun when he is around Tanyel, adding that there will be fire, and it will take time for her to trust a guy to open up, but it might work. Olivia and Zara also discussed the events of the previous evening, with Olivia saying that she wanted to sweep it under the carpet. Zara explained that she entered the villa in a different way to Olivia and didn't expect the connection with Tom that she had. Olivia replied and said that they are both very strong girls and for everyone else's sake they just need to be civil, adding that she was now going to focus on getting to know Haris more.

It was time for the Australians to go on a date with 2 people of their choice after both receiving a text. Aaron chose Olivia and Lana, and Jessie chose Will and Tom. Jessie explained to Will that she was settling into the villa well and it was nice to have him around, and Olivia questioned whether Aaron was romantic, who joked about setting up the environment for the date. Aaron went to open a bottle of bubbly and Olivia said that if it goes wrong, it could be an ick for her. He asked if she was happy with Haris, and after saying that she was...she questioned herself asking him, 'Do you not see it working?', and he said that her body language was different to what she said, but it was for her to find out herself. Will asked Jessie if she wanted to go on a second date with him, after feeding her grapes and giggling during their first one. Ron and Haris were both speaking at the villa, saying that it was only them that had girls who were out on dates. Haris said that new guy Aaron picked Olivia because he must fancy her.

During the second round of dates, Lana asked Aaron how he was, and he said he was feeling good, adding 'better now' when she joined him for a date. Lana said that she has not gone for good people in the past, and wants a best friend who can turn into a boyfriend. Olivia said that it was important for Lana to have this date, with Will adding that Ron needs a test. Jessie said to Tom that she goes for the smaller things, such as banter, before Tom repeated the word and they started giggling over his Australian accent. Aaron said to Lana that he is a romantic, and was asked where his perfect date was. He said walking along the beach with the sunset, to which Lana clarified was in Australia as there is usually no hot weather in the UK. Aaron then asked if this put pressure on her and Ron. Back at the villa, Anna-May explained to Tanya that she 'feels a bit ick', with Tanya questioning whether she's not seeing the best qualities in Kai. Anna-May said that she felt like she was getting childish vibes. Aaron said to the boys that he enjoyed both of his dates, with Olivia being quite fiery. Olivia said that her head was elsewhere...and not with Aaron. Aaron added that Lana had said she wasn't totally closed off with Ron, and the date with her also went well. Lana said to the girls, her head wasn't was here at home'. Jessie also said to the other girls that she wanted to speak to Will a little bit more. At the end of the episode, we found out that the public would be voting for their favourite boy and girl, and those with the lowest votes would be dumped at the end of the week.

Episode 3 of the second week in the villa and Jessie spoke to Lana about the dates, with both of them agreeing that they really enjoyed their dates. Olivia said that she didn't feel much of a spark with Aaron. Will pulled Jessie for a chat and explained that although it had only been 24 hours since their first date, he liked what was happening with them. Will added that 'all my eggs are in your basket. Kai and Tanyel had a chat after the dates, and she explained that she was going to see how it goes with Ron, adding that she doesn't see him as more than just a friend. Kai explained that he liked her a lot more than he thought, with Tanyel jokingly suggesting that he kissed her cheek, with Kai saying that he should just kiss her on the lips. Ron and Lana had a chat after the dates, with Lana explaining that she felt like she managed to keep Ron on his toes but that she wasn't interested in Aaron, adding that she was a 'good date'. Kai decided to pull Anna-May for a conversation to be honest that he gets on really well with Tanyel, with Anna-May saying that she felt like her and Kai got along really well as friends. Anna-May also had a chat with Will and explained that she wanted to find someone, and began to get upset as even after a week she thought she would have had a connection with someone. She added that seeing everyone finding someone else was a bit frustrating for her.

Kai and Tanyel were in the bedroom and they had a weird flirty hug on the bed, with Tanyel explaining to Olivia that she was happy new girl Jessie has a lot in common with Will. Ron said to Jessie that he felt like he didn't have eyes for anyone else and Tanya said to the rest of the girls that she liked 'the pitch' that she was seeing with Shaq, with Lana asking 'what about the balls?'. Shaq and Zara both decided to have a chat with Zara explaining that she hadn't spoken to him properly, with Shaq saying that because both of them were from London originally, they would understand eachother. Shaq and Tanya had another chat where he said he spoke to everyone about Tanya, with Tanya asking 'Do you speak to Zara about me?'. At the end of their conversation, she asked whether Shaq had to continue talking to Zara as it made her very jealous. Tanya and Anna-May had another girls chat, with Tanya asking why Shaq sees something with Zara, and telling her that he said there was a potential vibe with her and his interest in getting to know her more. Anna-May said to Tanya that she felt like Zara just wanted to stay safe in the villa, adding that 'if she likes Shaq, and not Tom 1,000%, she wouldn't have blown off the other night'. Kai told Tanyel that he isn't able to make the bed, adding that it took him almost an hour to work out that the bed sheet was too small.

The next part of the show saw the Islanders taking part in the 'Space Raunch Challenge'. Each of the girls had to wear a sexy silver playsuit and appear out of what looked like a spaceship, before coming out with a space related joke and trying to impress the boys by walking through the 'floating planets' and choosing a guy to snog on top on the rocket launcher. Tanyel's rocket line was 'bet you haven't seen an asteroid like this' (Kai), Tanya said 'forget G force, I'm looking for D force' (Shaq), Anna-May explained that she was about to have a 'big bang' (Tom), with Tom admitting that she was a good kisser. Jessie explained that the rocket had just landed (Will), Zara said that she hoped 'the rockets are full' (Tom), with Tom explaining that Zara looked sexy when she was walking and dancing. Finally, Olivia said that she was sure someone wanted to 'blast off with this pocket rocket (Haris), walking past Tom and saying 'you had your chance' before snogging Haris, to which he said 'not a bad kiss at all'. At the end of the game, the boys voted that the sexiest girl was in fact Zara. After the challenge, Will said to Kai and Shaq that after a difficult week of not talking with anybody, it's nice to have a kiss. Shaq added that he seems to have found a balance of being funny sand also being a lovely guy. Will added that he didn't want to let her go after the kiss in the challenge, with Shaq saying that he didn't change who he was. In the evening, the Islanders did a cheers to sexy dancing, sexy girls...and the boys.

Olivia and Zara had a quick chat where Olivia complimented Zara's boots and Zara liked Olivia with her hair down, and Olivia explained that there was some unfinished business with Tom, with Zara replying by saying 'do your thing...I don't want a man that doesn't want me'. Kai also said that he liked Tanyel with her hair up and she explained that she finally felt comfortable around him and was happy that they kissed. Olivia said to Tom that she was happy getting to know Haris, but was worried about him and Zara being closed off from everyone else. She added that 'I don't want to come out of here with no regrets'. Will said again that all of his eggs were in Jessie's basket and she doesn't want him to give her the cold shoulder. Zara noticed that they were getting close and everyone started clapping and cheering when Will and Jessie had their first proper kiss of the series. Kai, Tanyel, Shaq and Tanya were all having a chat with Tanyel saying that she had laid all of her cards on the table, and Shaq received a text for the Islanders to gather around the firepit. It was revealed that the public had been voting for their favourite boy and favourite girl, and boys at risk were Kai, Tom and Haris, with the girls at risk being Anna-May, Tanya and Tanyel. The decision was for the Australian bombshells Aaron and Jessie, as they would decide one boy and one girl to dump from the villa.

At the beginning of this episode, Aaron instantly said to Jessie that he had no idea who they should dump from the villa, with Jessie saying that she loves everyone who was standing up there. She explained that Haris is a sweetheart, and one of her closest friends in the villa, but Aaron questioned whether he is mature enough to go all the way. Aaron went on to say that Tom has had a lot of chances in the villa, but also knows that Olivia wants to continue getting to know him. Jessie said that Shaq and Tanya are good together, with Aaron adding that he might potentially want to get to know Zara. He said that Anna-May has also had a lot of chances and Jessie said that she wasn't sure where Tanyel's head was at. It was over to Jessie to reveal who they had chosen to leave the villa, and she said 'These two Islanders had had a lot of opportunity but not sure if they have further to go', with Anna-May and Haris being the next two Islanders to be dumped from the villa. Tanya said that Anna-May was her bestie and Haris told the boys not to worry about him. Tanyel got the girls into a little group huddle and said that they were going to pray for health and happiness, with Lana adding that she was like a little sister in the villa. Olivia said that she didn't expect Haris to go, with Tanyel saying to her that she was also heartbroken for him to go. Jessie entered the girls room and said that it would have been worse for him to stay and watch her grow with somebody else. Olivia said that now that he has gone, it means she's not going to hold back as much.

Zara said to some of the boys that she had a feeling Anna-May would go, but wasn't sure who was going to be dumped out of the boys. Aaron explained that it was going to be a difficult decision whoever they chose, with Jessie saying that two of her best friends have now left the villa, but they had to say two names. Shaq said that he was happy Tanya was still in the villa and kai said to Tanyel that he felt emotionally drained, and he felt like he would have wasted his time if one of them was to be dumped from the villa. Tanyel added that she would have been more upset if they got separated. Olivia pulled Tom for a chat on the terrace, with Zara being heard in the background saying 'ooh the terrace', and he explained that things between him and Zara were very good right now but there must be something between him and Olivia. She explained that she wasn't able to be affectionate with him since he's being affectionate with someone else. Will explained that it felt weird without Anna-May being in the villa, and Zara said that Olivia now likes Tom again because her other option is gone, with Lana explaining that there must have been some history between them that they need to discuss, with Zara adding that it's only been a week. During bedtime, Zara said that Tom needed to make a decision as it wasn't fair on her or Olivia.

After a good night of sleep, Jessie and Aaron agreed that they couldn't just be sad all day, and they had to continue their Love Island journey. Olivia explained to the girls that whenever she gets something good, it gets taken away and added that she needed to be selfish and do what she wants. Zara added that it was a bit awkward because she was listening in to the conversation, and questioned if she only lied Tom now because he was talking to her more, saying that maybe it was too little too late. Ron also said that Olivia has the right amount of fire, and that he would be overwhelmed by Zara on the outside. Tom and Zara had a chat in the outside gym where he said it's too early to make a decision or be exclusive with anyone, adding that his head was still with her. Zara explained to Tom that it's not fair on either of the girls, and now that Haris is gone, her only option is Tom, otherwise she'll end up like Anna-May. Tom left the conversation and Jessie came over to the gym to continue the chat with Zara, saying that they had unfinished business, with Zara replying by saying that she hated the phrase. Jessie asked if Zara intended on speaking to Aaron, but she said that would give more time for Olivia to continue speaking to Tom.. Tom and Olivia had another chat where she said that she's in here for herself, asking Tom what he thought when he looked at her. He said that she's obviously a stunning girl, but that he could see something more with Zara on the outside at the moment.

Will pulled Jessie for a chat and explained that he hasn't spoken to her since the previous night, and Ron, Lana, Shaq and Tanya had a chat, with Lana noticing that the girls were both from up North and the boys from down South. Lana wanted to call them the 'foursome' but Ron decided to call themselves a 'square', adding the comment of 'cheers to staying strong'. Aaron and Zara also had a chat in the gym, where she explained that they get on really well, and he explained that Zara was more of his type outside the villa. He also said that he has never heard a girl say the things that she does, adding that it was a compliment. Olivia explained to Lana that she felt like a spare part, explaining to Ron and Lana that she still had hope. Jessie also said to Will that she could never eat pasta at home because her mum is a chef, so they'd have to go out to a restaurant, and then the Islanders received a message that they would be going to a 90's party! Lana said that this is what everyone needs, and Shaw said that he would be bringing out all of his dance moves. After the party it was recoupling time, and Zara explained that the girls all needed to wear high heels otherwise she would be taller than them all. It was over to the boys to choose who they wanted to recouple with, but Olivia received a text that there were 'two big decisions' to make. Bombshells Ellie and Spencer walked into the villa and they had to choose who they wanted to couple with based on first impressions. Ellie is a 25 year old law executive from Norwich and said that she is fun, flirty and unpredictable, has good eye contact, and will go for whatever she wants to make sure they are hers. Spencer is a 24 year old e-commerce business owner and explained that although he looks like a player, he isn't one, adding that he would be forward if he likes a girl and that the boys should be worried and 'hold onto your girls'.

At the beginning of the episode, Ellie said that the boy that she wanted to couple up with was funny and handsome, adding that he hadn't met his match yet, and chose Ron and Spencer said that he was going to choose the girl who had a lot of ups and downs in the villa but seemed quite genuine, and chose Olivia. The rest of the couples were as follows: Shaq and Tanya, Tom and Zara, Kai and Tanyel, Will and Jessie, Aaron and Lana, and Aaron told her to keep her head up high and keep being herself. Olivia commented on Ellie and Spencer entering the villa, saying 'what an entrance' in response to her first comment, with Ellie saying that she would be able to pull Lana for a chat a little bit later. Lana said that whatever happens, happens. Ellie said to Ron that he comes across really well and that there 'doesn't seem likes sparks flying' between him and Lana. Ellie added that she is also quick at making decisions. Ron responded by saying that she is a good looking girl 'so far'. Olivia said to Spencer that he came in at the right time, and he also suggested that she has a hard exterior but she's all goo inside. They both began talking about perfect dates, with Olivia speaking about a beach, with candles and good views, with Spencer replying by saying 'you're speaking my language'.

Ron explained to Lana that Ellie seems like a nice girl but there needs to be a nuclear bomb to get his head turned away from Lana and towards Ellie. He added that Ellie is another test, jokingly questioning why he has to be such a catch for the girls. Olivia had a chat with Tanyel and Lana, with Lana saying she was happy, and Tanyel suggesting that Spencer is a little bit posh. Lana also said that ti was weird for a man to own a vibrator company. Will said to Jessie in conversation that he 'didn't have much choice' and quickly managed to re word his sentence by saying that he knew exactly who he was going to pick and it would be difficult for his head to turn. Jessie said to the girls that Ellie is gorgeous, smart and nice, and Zara explained to Shaq and Tanya that they look good together. In the morning, Tanyel explained that she slept like a baby, with Kai jokingly saying 'call me daddy', Will had a good sleep and Olivia asked Spencer whether he would make the bed. Shaq explained to the boys including Spencer, that Olivia is a good girl and you can't get better than her, with Olivia saying to the boys that her mood has definitely changed, and Ellie noticing that Tom has really nice blue eyes. Ron explained that he has spent a lot of his time in the villa away from Lana, with Lana saying to the girls 'I'm sure we'll be back together soon'.

The Islanders were treated to a croissant and fruit date, where the new couples were able to start getting to know eachother better. Ellie noticed that she didn't look into Ron's eyes when they did a cheers, and said that it brought 7 years of bad sex for them both, with Ron adding 'not with me'. Kai and Tanyel were both teasing eachother during their date, and Will said he would explore cuddles with Jessie. Shaq admitted that he could see himself falling in love, and Tanya said that for a new guy to turn her head, he would need to be 1,000% that guy. Aaron said that him and Lana seemed to have a lot in common, Ellie joked about Essex boys being trouble and Olivia said that she wanted to see a soft soppy side of Spencer, adding that she is really affectionate, but it takes a while for her to get comfortable, adding that with Tom it didn't come naturally. Tom said to Zara that he's sometimes too nice, but his head was still with her, Ron explained to Ellie that he's not 'wifed up' with Ellie saying that she doesn't care about anyone else's opinions, and Jessie explained that she was a family girl and would love to be a mum one day. Ellie pulled Tom for a quick chat and explained that nobody likes her socks, because everyone else isn't wearing them, adding that people are desperate to being married off in the villa. Tom replied by saying that the drama follows him everyone, and that a relationship is about trust, with Ellie commenting on how lovely and tall he was.

Tanyel said to Lana that new girl Ellie didn't need to put another girl down, although people are entitled to their own opinions. Lana said that she couldn't blame the girl for wanting to choose Ron. Tom asked Lana if Ron only had eyes on him and replied by saying yes, but they both agreed that things are quick to change in the villa. At the end of the episode, Ellie pulled Lana for a chat on the daybeds, with Ellie starting the conversation admitting that her entrance at the recoupling was savage. Lana asked her what she meant when she said Ron hadn't met his match, with Ellie explaining that 'it didn't seem like sparks are flying' from what she had seen from both sides. Lana said that Ellie hadn't seen it all, with Ellie stating that she is still interested in getting to know Ron and that she would be pulling him for some chats.

At the beginning of Fridays episode, Lana said to the other girls that nobody was safe, with Olivia listening to Ellie speak about how she finds Tom calm, kind and someone she would gravitate towards. Shaq told Ron that he and Lana that he felt like they would end up together with Ron admitting that he wants to be selfish and do what he wants do do. Lana said to the girls that if Ron was open, she was going to be open to getting to know other people too. Ron had a chat with Lana saying that 'she's never going to touch this', adding that he was going to end things with Ellie. Spencer and Zara had a quick chat where she said it was still early days, but she's one of the newest girls who's in a solid couple, and that she was jealous of Tom talking to other people, but that you need to 'find your feet and your feelings'. Ellie explained to Tom that he looked really moody when she first walked into the villa, with Tom giggling it off and saying that he's not exclusive, and isn't bothered about Zara talking to Spencer, with Ellie replying by saying that it was a red flag to her, because someone is talking to the girl he is coupled up with. He began stuttering his words so it seemed like he was quite nervous around her. Ellie suggested that Zara is making out like they were both solid. Kai told Tanyel about how she can look up at the moon in the sky and that if she was upset, her family and friends would be looking up at the same moon. kai got a text which sent a couple to the hideaway, and they all cheered for Shaq and Tanya, with the Islanders shouting 'Shaq attack'. In the hideaway was a swimming pool, shower and even a cupboard that had the words 'play time'. Zara pulled Tanyel for a girl chat and explained that Tom had spoken to new girl Ellie twice, but not even updated Zara on the situation, adding that she doesn't need mixed signals and wouldn't accept this on the outside, with Tanyel reassuring her by saying 'don't doubt the situation as he's a nice boy'.

Lana was sitting talking to Olivia and they watched Ron going over for a chat with Ellie. She said that he doesn't need to dim his situation with Lana as she likes him as a person. Ron said that he wanted to at least give it a chance getting to know Ellie, adding that Lana was not his girlfriend. He also said that he was transparent with Lana about the situation with Ellie saying to the camera she has a gut feeling he will run back to her. Tanya did a little rose catwalk for Shaq, saying 'I like you' several times, with Shaq asking if that meant she loved him yet. Zara was walking behind Tom over to the sofas saying that 'you walk really fast' and she asked what the situation was, getting to know Ellie and not being able to update her. Tom said that they're not exclusive and that she had all his energy, and Ron came clean to Lana by saying he wanted to give Ellie the time of day. Lana said that Ron shouldn't have told her about ending it with Ellie if that was not his intention, adding that she was going to take a step back as she didn't want to get involved in a 'trio thing'. Ron explained that he has never done this before, but that he wanted complete confirmation, with Lan replying by saying 'you can't be in two worlds, and I'm not in your world for now, I'm out'.

Ron had a chat with some of the boys including Spencer, Will, Kai and Tom and said that he kind of messed things up with Lana because he wanted to speak to Ellie to see if it was exactly what he wanted. Lana spoke to Tanyel and Olivia explaining that she was never going to be a second option. Olivia decided that she might for a 'bougie' outfit (maybe to impress new boy Spencer). and Lana said to Tom that it's up to Ron what happens with their relationship, with Ron saying to the boys that he quickly needs to get to know Ellie and that he needs to make a decision quickly. Will scared Kai under the duvet, Shaq said to Tanya that he could wake up to her face every day, and Tanya said to him that being in the hideaway shows you what the outside world is going to be like. In the morning, Tanyel asked Tanya what they did and she replied 'Everything' with Shaq admitting to the boys that he was a '5 star general. Lana updated Tanya on the fact that she and Ron fell out because he wanted to get to know Ellie, and she said that she was going to leave the decision making upto Ron, as the ball was in his court. After Ron told the boys, Shaq said that he didn't agree with what Ron was saying about Lana, with Kai jumping in to say that she might lose trust in him altogether. Ellie had a chat with Ron and Shaq, speaking about how she was settling into her first few days in the villa, adding that sometimes people need to lighten up. She received a text that her and Ron were going on their first date in the treehouse. They did a cheers to the date and she explained that she was 'buzzing', and she asked Ron if he was happy to be on a date with her specifically. Ron said that maybe there would be a little bit of pillow talk between the two of them but it was still early days. Lana explained to Tanyel that she wouldn't be bothered...(but secretly she would be bothered) if Ron wanted to get to know Ellie better, but said he can 'crack on'.

Ron admitted to Ellie that he still has super strong feelings for Lana, but in the villa you are pushed to make large decisions, adding that he would never let someone rush him to make a decision. Ellie explained that if he doesn't get to know anyone else, he would be restricting his experience by just going back to Lana. Ron explained to the boys that after the date, 'it's not there' with Ellie saying to the girls that it's up to Ron. Ron continued by saying that she was too forward and too flirty and also kept firing digs at his relationship with Lana. Shaq told Ron not to say anything to Lana and that he just needs to think about the situation first. It was Spencer and Olivia who were the second couple to have their first date in the treehouse and Olivia said that she needed to see his soft side. Spencer explained that they had some amazing views of deer and mountains, with Olivia jumping in by saying '...and a hot girl'. She continued by saying that she loves banter, but wants to see him on a deeper level, adding that she would have chosen him at the recoupling, but if he was not there, she would have chosen Tom. Olivia also explained that constant banter does turn her off, but there could be a little cuddle on the cards. Will had a little barn dance in the shower and we saw all the girls getting their hair and makeup done, whilst the boys were filing their nails. Ron pulled Ellie for a chat by saying that he wanted to have a conversation after the date, and said that there wasn't a 'major spark' between them. Ellie replied by saying 'if you gravitate towards someone, just do it'.

Spencer explained to Lana that her and Olivia were his top two, and Lana compared the girls to 'chalk and cheese' and they get on really well, but they both have really different personalities. She added that Ron might be jealous of them having several chats, but he should be as she was jealous when he was getting to know Ellie. Ron pulled Lana for another chat and said that she might have lost trust in him when he said something without meaning it, but added that she was always on his mind. Lana said that if he wanted to get to know someone, she would prefer him to tell her and be honest about it. She added that she was now getting to know Spencer, saying that she has been honest about her intentions, which is something he should have done. The final part of this episode was a 'Game of Dates' challenge (which always cause a bit of un needed drama!). Olivia asked if everyone was ready, and she had to start by kissing the two Islanders who she thought fancied her the most (Tom and Spencer), Spencer had to snog the three best looking girls (Tanyel, Lana and Olivia) and Tanya had to explain the Islander who gave her the biggest ick, with a reason (Will - because of his weird roar). Ellie had to kiss the fittest Islander (Tom), Tanya had to give the sexiest Islander a lap dance (Shaq) and Ellie had to do a slow dance with the most boring Islander (Kai). Aaron had to name the Islander most likely to talk behind people's back, before saying 'I've already seen it' (Zara), Lana needed to choose the most and least compatible couples (Most - Shaq and Tanya, Least - Tom and Zara) and Olivia said that the person that her family would like the most was probably Tom (Tom). Zara had to snog the Islander she thought was most trustworthy (Lana) and blow a kiss to who she thought was least trustworthy (Olivia). The final dare was for Tom who had to choose 3 Islanders who would make up his perfect girlfriend (Face - Olivia, Body - Zara, Personality - Lana). It got a bit awkward at the end of the episode...but let's see what happens next week!



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