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Love Island 2021, Week 8 Recap: The couples rate eachother's compatibility and the babies are back!

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Hey everyone!

This blog post is a summary of the 8th week of Love Island from Sunday 15th August to Friday 20th August 2021!

Sunday 15th August

At the beginning of this week, Jake explained to Liberty that he was never going to say 'those three words again'. During the girls chat, Liberty explained that she explained to Jake how she felt, and he was apparently nervous to speak about his emotions towards her. Chloe suggested to Liberty that Jake was maybe telling her what she wanted to hear, and Liberty asked if she was being stupid. Faye said that she couldn't be part of the conversation otherwise she was going to lose her head, and she gave Liberty a hug and left the situation. Chloe was also soon to follow. During a chat later on with Toby, Chloe, Teddy and Faye, Chloe explained that Jake was 'drowning' and by saying 'I love you' to Liberty, he managed to sway the conversation elsewhere. Faye added that she wanted to be there for Liberty, but she just doesn't believe anything that Jake has been saying.

Mary said that because Jake didn't have a proper answer for Liberty, he thought it would be sensible to just say 'I love you', with Chloe explaining that he has got love for her, but he's not in love with her. Faye added that he said those words to sidetrack any questions that he was being asked, and Kaz added that they all hope that he was saying the words to her genuinely. Jake had a chat with the boys to explain where his head was at, and Liberty decided that she was going to pull Jake later on in the day for a chat, adding that it would be a 'make or break' conversation. Jake explained to the boys, that he stated exactly how he felt, and said that the words 'I love you' had been on his tongue since two weeks ago, and he was waiting for the right time to say them. Teddy said to the boys that from the outside, looking in on the situation, it doesn't look as though it's been ironed out. Toby pulled Jake for a chat to explain that 'it's an emotional time', adding that he was there for support. He told Jake that some of the other people thought he said those three words to Liberty, as a cop out as he was under pressure to give answers. Toby also said that this made Jake come across as not genuine towards Liberty. Jake was not happy with these comments and stormed out of the villa for a break, saying 'I need to get out of this place' and taking some time for himself.

Faye explained to both Liberty and Chloe that Liberty is a strong and independant woman who's had those factors taken away from her by Jake, purely because she tried to back him into a corner in order to get answers. Chloe added that she wanted to be 100% honest with Liberty, as she was with Chloe about her situation with Toby. Faye explained to Liberty that this was probably one of the reasons that she was voted as a 'one sided relationship' based off of Jake's actions. Jake asked both Toby and Teddy where all of these opinions were coming from, and Toby explained to Jake that his biggest priority is to sort out the situation between him and Liberty, not who said that he's a cop out. Teddy said to Jake that he was happy that Jake expressed his feelings for Liberty, but stated that they both have issues. Liberty pulled Jake for a chat and he said that he was on a high, explaining what he had said to the boys earlier on, that his feelings for Liberty were genuine and that because she's his girlfriend, how else can be prove that affection to her. He also asked whether she got the answers to her questions. Liberty replied and said that 'whether the timing was right or wrong', she trusts him.

Jake and Faye went for a private chat to discuss the situation between him and Liberty and she instantly said 'I don't get it Jake', questioning him on his behaviour over the last few days. Chloe decided to also join the conversation as she didn't want 'Faye getting it all'. Liberty explained to Kaz that the girls were explaining the situation how it is, which is what she liked and Jake said that he was 'scared to talk about his feelings' with Liberty. Faye explained to Jake that tonight was the worst night to tell Liberty that he loved her, as she made him say it by asking questions that he didn't want to answer. Faye said to the girls that 'if it's not genuine, then he's not been genuine with any of us' and Chloe explained to the girls that 'he understood what we were saying, which is a good sign!'. In the morning, Liberty explained that the previous night was emotionally draining, and she realised that Jake didn't care about anyone else's opinions on their relationship. Priya told the girls that she had little snogs in bed with Brett and the tongues came out. To recover from the drama, Jake & Liberty had a sun lotion massage session to which Liberty suggested that 'the shoulders and back is good'.

Toby & Chloe had a conversation with Faye and Chloe told her to 'fake it till you make it', with Toby telling her to 'put it to the side and enjoy yourself!'. Priya explained to Brett that she enjoyed their cuddles before bed, but they also respected eachother to go to sleep on their own. Brett explained that he wanted Priya to take him out, and that he wanted to be 'treated like a Princess'. The next part of the episode saw the couples 'cook up a storm' during their couples dinners, with Priya expecting Michellin stars and Chloe expecting cheese toasties. Faye explained to the girls that she didn't eat pasta, and Priya suggested the alternative of garlic bread. The lunch date was pasta and garlic bread which Chloe referred to as 'so European', with Liam explaining that it was hot in the kitchen, and Kaz revealing that she had a really blunt knife and was unable to cut the spaghetti. Kaz questioned whether Tyler was left handed and he explained that he just 'holds the cutlery in the wrong hand'. Liberty discussed with Jake that she likes the olives and bread as a starter and Priya said that it was weird that Brett was 27 years old and has never had a girlfriend.

During the main meal, Mary spoke to the girls about whether they have ever said that they were ging to the toilet on a date and never went back to the meal, with Faye replying that she has 'too much pleasure in rejecting boys' so I'm guessing she would face that head on. After having a few spoonfulls of the pasta, Faye explained that she has put a lot of bad things in her mouth...but not as bad as the pasta, and both Liam & Millie discovered that they had garlic breath. Priya asked Faye how her date was, and she said 'I love him' and then explained that it wasn't her that said that, it was the wine. Priya explained that she seemed to be zoning out of the conversation and he was giving her the ick, with Mary suggesting that she should try and use flirty banter. Mary explained to Aaron that if Priya was on this date on the outside, she would have left by now, adding that she found Brett boring. The Islanders then received a text after their meals which Toby read to everyone else. It said that all couples had to vote for the 2 couples that they felt were the least compatible, and that they weren't able to discuss their decisions with any other Islanders.

During the voting, Mary explained to Aaron that the decision was very hard and Millie explained to Liam that they are all friends. Liberty explained to Jake that it was difficult to vote for Faye as she has had her back in the villa, but it's not about friendships, it's about compatability. Tyler & Kaz explained that they thought Toby & Chloe would work on the outside. Kaz explained that both Aaron & Mary look so good together, and Faye explained that the situation with Jake has raised a lot of concerns about him.

The couples votes were as follows:

Liam & Millie - Teddy & Faye, Brett & Priya

Aaron & Mary - Brett & Priya, Jake & Liberty

Tyler & Kaz - Aaron & Mary, Teddy & Faye

Brett & Priya - Jake & Liberty, Aaron & Mary

Toby & Chloe - Brett & Priya, Jake & Liberty

Teddy & Faye - Brett & Priya. Aaron & Mary

Jake & Liberty - Teddy & Faye, Brett & Priya

At the end of the episode we found out that Jake & Liberty. Teddy & Faye, Aaron & Mary and Brett & Priya were voted as the least compatible couples, with everyone getting 3 votes and Brett & Priya receiving 5 votes. It was over to the public to vote for their favourite couples, with the least favourite couple being dumped from the villa!

Monday 16th August

At the beginning of this episode, Faye explained to teddy that she doesn't know who will have voted for them and Brett said to Priya that there were 2 couples that were less compatible than them. Jake came to the conclusion that him and Liberty would be an easy target based on what's happened over the past week, and Liberty added that 'the test that we have, we are getting through it'. Priya explained to Liberty and Kaz that Brett was quite boring, and on their most recent date, described his energy as 'quite draining'. She added that she thinks Brett sticks in his comfort zone.

Brett explained to Teddy & Faye that he thought his date with priya was very good and he could 'do it all day'. Liberty, Faye and Millie were speaking about how difficult the votes were, and Faye said that she would not be happy if her friends would have voted for her and not been honest with her about it first. Millie stated that Faye is a hot head and that she wasn't going to be happy when she found out the votes. Brett & Priya decided to go for a chat and Priya asked whether he had a catch up with the boys. Brett explained that he was still learning in this new environment, and Priya stated that they could speak about Science all day, but need to have more flirting. Brett explained to Aaron that Priya wanted him to be more flirty and during a chat between Aaron & Mary, he explained that 'you can't really get back from an ick'. During the girls chat on the terrace, Faye and Priya were discussing whether she was compatible with Brett.

Aaron and Toby brought it to Brett's attention that there has been some comments 'floating around the villa' with Aaron adding that 'she said she's got the ick'. Brett quickly questioned her thought process, saying 'I want to get her view on that...'. He pulled Priya for a chat and she explained that when they were chatting, she began zoning out. Brett asked why she couldn't talk to him privately and she explained that she didn't want to be horrible. Brett said that she had made the situation worse by telling everyone else and not him. Brett added that he was 'disappointed how you dealt with things last night'. Jake & Liberty had another discussion about the couples they voted, and Liberty explained that she would have felt more guilting choosing Aaron & Mary instead of Teddy & Faye. Teddy asked Faye what the environment was like in the villa, and she explained that it seemed like everyone was avoiding everyone. Tyler, Kaz and Faye were having a chat about the votes and admitted that they would have both chosen Brett & Priya, but due to situations that happened in the villa, they didn't. Faye decided that she didn't want to reveal who her and Teddy had voted for, and Millie realised that once Faye realised who she and Liam voted for...'it's going to be WW2' - Well, WW3...but we can save the history lessons for another day!

The girls had another chat where Priya's motive was to 'keep away and keep some space' between her and Brett. Kaz replied and said that 'when you distance yourself, you just know'. Teddy explained to Brett that Priya 'needs to do more' and during a chat between Brett & Priya later on that day, she apologised for how she treated him but added that 'after today, I still feel the same as I did after the date'. Brett explained to Priya that there are lots of responsibilites to make her happy, and after 5/6 times, his plan is just to make coffee. He added that 'if you think something is missing, we don't even need to put a finger on it'. The Islanders found out that Brett & Priya had 5 votes, and Aaron & Mary, Jake & Liberty and Teddy & Faye all received 3 votes from the others. The couples that were saved by the public, were Aaron & Mary, Teddy & Faye...and finally Jake & Liberty, which meant that Brett & Priya were dumped! Priya also pulled Faye for a final private chat on the terrace and explained that her and Teddy are a great couple and that they weren't one of the votes for Teddy & Faye!

Tuesday 17th August

During the beginning of this episode, the 3 couples that were saved received a nice comment from Liberty who said 'love you all' after they found out that they were safe. Faye explained that she and Teddy had voted for Aaron & Mary because they haven't had a down moment in their relationship yet. Faye explained that no-one had brought concerns up about her relationship with Teddy and that she did care about people's opinions, with Teddy adding 'the honest ones, yeah'. Both Toby & Chloe and Aaron & Mary explained that neither of them voted for Teddy & Faye, which meant that the other three couples were the ones who had voted them as one of the least compatible couples. Chloe went to speak to Liam & Millie on the swing to let them know that Faye knew who had voted for her and that she wasn't happy, and Liam replied to Chloe's statement with 'she has no right to be angry'.

Faye decided to face the situation face on and go over to Jake, Liberty, Tyler and Kaz who were all sitting next to the fireplace, and sat in the middle of them, stating 'there's votes from both sides, I'll let you both do the talking'. Chloe said to Teddy that she had gone into the lions den. Tyler & Kaz seemed to explain that due to comments that Faye made about Teddy not being funny, that's the reason they voted for them, and Liberty explained it was about compatibility of couples and it wasn't based off of friendships. Faye explained to them all that 'you guys helped me overcome my self sabotage and then you voted for me', with Aaron stating that they were supposed to be her Day 1's. Jake began laughing and Faye started getting angry at him, explaining that she loved Liberty, and she deserved a hell of a lot better than Jake. Mary was shocked that Tyler & Kaz had voted for Aaron & Mary over Brett & Priya. Jake & Liberty spoke to Toby & Chloe who said that they were battling the pro's and cons, but based on what Chloe had spoken about with both of them, that's why she voted against putting them up, and instead choosing Jake & Liberty. Faye also pulled Millie for a chat which Liam soon joined about why both of them voted for Faye as well and they explained that it was based on the conversation that they had on the terrace and that they had different lifestyles. Faye explained that she's had a different lifestyle to everyone in the villa but she's still been able to make friends, so was consued how 'all the ones I went to for advice, voted for me', with Teddy adding that 'they don't want to admit it was a friendship decision'.

Aaron & Mary pulled Tyler & Kaz for a chat and Aaron explained straightaway that 'someone in here has voted for us...I'm not annoyed, just confused' which Tyler & Kaz admitted to. Kaz said that it felt like Mary was more into Aaron, than he was into her. Mary replied and said that Brett & Priya's compatibility compared to theirs was a 'myth' and Aaron added that apart from Science, what else did they have in common? Kaz was then involved in a conversation with Liam & Millie where she said trhat 'if you have your opinion, just listen to the reply and move on' and Aaron shouted up to the swings saying that she has so much to say up there, but she wasn't able to talk in the conversation. Toby explained that this was the 'biggest thing that's happened in the villa'. In the morning, Aaron explained that things have been set and conversation will have to be had today, and Kaz explained to the girls that Aaron owes her an apology. Faye also realised that the votes were purely based on friendship as the 'step by step' of their relationship was exactly what Tyler & Kaz went through. Teddy explained to Jake that it was weird that he had those opinions about their friendship, but didn't speak to him about it. Teddy also said that he wouldn't have put up Liam or Tyler's couples based on what happened with them and the Casa Amor girls Lillie and Clarisse, as he knew that those relationships were actually quite strong, and Casa Amor was a test for those boys. Chloe explained that 'we can all move on and be a happy family now!' and hopefully that will be the case.

Kaz explained to Aaron that she still stands by her points as to why she and Tyler had voted for Aaron & Mary, and Aaron disagreed with those reasons, adding that he felt like it was 'more of a strategic vote'. Some of the Islanders were gathered by the beanbags and Aaron asked if they were able to make 3 wishes, what would they be. Millie explained that she would want to always be happy, have financial support for her family...and an unlimited supply of Fendy products. It was over to the Islanders to take part in the Love Island Talent Show 2021 where we saw Jake & Liberty perform their rendition of 'you're the one that I want' from Grease, Chloe hosted a Countdown with the Islanders shouting out random numbers for her to work out the answers to, explaining that it was like 'Carol Vorderman but on steroids' and Teddy decided to make a personalised rap about his time in the villa so far. Millie performed a piano rendition of an emotional ballad with Jake adding that everyone was so engaged throughout the performance, and it was beautiful. Mary did a tap dance performance, with millie explaining that she didn't realise Mary 'had it in her' and Tyler the artist painted Kaz the life model. Up next were Toby and Aaron, the footballers of the villa who played around with some footballs, and then ended up kicking one of them into the pool. Chloe explained that 'it wasn't the best, but he looked good'. The final performances were from Faye who did a public speech about her time in the villa with the Islander's initial phrase of 'it's all based on personality' and spoke about Tyler sitting on the fence, Jake and his matching bracelet with Liberty, adding that it had 'never been done before and Liam, who sung his own version of Tom Jones' 'it's not unusual' which Millie reacted to by saying 'his singing no longer gives me the ick!'. Faye organised a group photo for the couples in-front of the selfie mirror!

Wednesday 18th August

At the beginning of this episode, Mary explained to the rest of the Islanders that 'no matter what happens now, in a week's time we'll be home'. Liberty added that she had learnt a lot about herself and had a great experience. Liberty explained to Faye that she should be happy and try to get on with things, and Faye explained that all of the OG's voted that her relationship was least compatible, adding that she was 'too nice in the votes'. Kaz explained to Jake & Liberty that with her, 'what you see is what you get'. The following morning saw the return of the Love Island babies with both Chloe and Aaron screaming 'babies' and Millie explained to Liam that they should go and get their baby. Faye jokingly said that 'if it's not a puppy, I'm not interested'. Some of the names of the babies were as follows; Jake & Liberty's baby was called 'Tommy', Tyler wanted to call his baby 'Alvin' but Kaz didn't want a baby named after one of the chipmunks and instead went for the name 'Benjamin'. Aaron & Mary went for 'Sienna' who was the only girl baby in the villa, Teddy & Faye chose the name 'Remi', Liam & Millie named their baby 'Jackson' and finally, Toby & Chloe called their baby 'Marley'. Aaron & Mary realised that baby Sienna is a sleeper, which is why she hadn't been crying so far throughout the episode.

Aaron & Toby were sitting outside on the daybed with their babies and Teddy began chasing Faye around the villa with their baby, with Liam explaining that his baby did a 'stinky'. Chloe and some of the other Islanders were sitting on the beanbags and Toby started to bring the baby down to where she was sitting, and she said 'it's a no buggy zone up here' and she was telling him to get away from her, with Toby saying 'you need to take care of the baby, I only want you to told her'. Faye hid in one of the cupboards in the room upstairs but was still found by Teddy. The next part of the episode saw the girls having 'mother and baby' time with their kids, and the boys headed out of the villa for a day of golf. Toby explained tht the boys already had a lads holiday, and now it was time for them to have a dads holiday. While the girls at the villa were taking care of the children, Kaz managed to accidentlly snap the arm off of Chloe's baby and both Tyler and Jake stated that the girls would probably be crying with the babies. Faye said that she had '99 problems and you're every one' which was directed at her baby whilst she was sitting on the bed with 'Remi'. Chloe and Faye took their babies in prams down the stairs and Faye asked Chloe 'how do you do that so gracefully?'. At the end of the challenge, Aaron & Mary, Liam & Millie, Tyler & Kaz and Jake & Liberty took the best care of their babies with only Toby & Chloe and Teddy & Faye failing the challenge.

At the end of the night, Aaron hosted a cheers to all of the babies, explaining that 'tonight is a parents night, so let's get lit'. Mary asked Aaron why he was so obsessed with the baby and he explained that she was the only girl in the villa so wanted to treat her like a Princess. The Islanders found out that the public had been voting for their favourite couples and the lowest voted couple would be voted out at the end of the episode. The 4 couples that were saved were Toby & Chloe, Liam & Millie, Jake & Liberty and Teddy & Faye leaving 2 couples at risk from being dumped from the villa. The final couple that were saved, were Tyler & Kaz, which meant that Aaron & Mary were the next couple to be dumped from the villa, and out of the competition. Faye explained that 'Mary for me is one in a million, she's incredible' and then there were 5 couples left in the competition.

Thursday 19th August

The final 5 couples left in the competition are Toby & Chloe, Jake & Liberty, Liam & Millie, Tyler & Kaz and Teddy & Faye and only 3 more days are left of the show, so who is going to win? To begin this episode, Liam celebrated his 22nd birthday in the villa and Teddy & Faye were told that they were going on their final date with the hashtags #rosetotheoccassion and #balivibes. Liberty explained to the girls that it's starting to get quieter in the villa, with Millie explaining that both Aaron & Mary were 'both big personalities'. Liam explained that he was 'happy to be spending my birthday in this villa and with you boys' and had his morning breakfast served by both Kaz and Liberty. Jake hinted to Liberty that he likes his eggs in the morning with a kiss, and she came over to give him a short kiss on the cheek. Teddy explained to Faye that she was a 'pain in the ar*e at the beginning..but I enjoyed the chasing' and they were floating in a rose swimming pool for their romantic date. The topic of Casa Amor was brought up and Teddy said thrat he was sorry for what happened. Tyler, Kaz, Toby and Chloe said that Teddy & Faye could 'potentially come back as boyfriend and girlfriend...and a white heart'. Jake & Liberty were also taking selfies next to the bean bags and Jake explained that 'my ears look too big', with Liberty stating that he looked really fit.

Faye continued to explain to Teddy that 'you're the one person that's never judged me!' and Teddy said that he appreciated the fire, 'it's what I'm looking for'. When they came back from their date, Teddy explained that Faye was now his girlfriend and all the boys began to cheer. Up next for their final date was Tyler & Kaz with the note 'your carriage awaits...Lord and Lady of Love Island'. Liberty explained to Faye that she had to be true to herself and she couldn't do this anymore with Jake. She explained that whilst she was trying to give him compliments, he kept putting himself down, repeating the comment that he said 'it's all about you isn't it'. Faye explained to Liberty that she had stayed true to herself, and that was the reason that she was going to be staying in the villa. Back to Tyler & Kaz's date, Kaz asked who the bigger beast was, the horse or Tyler as they were going on a nice romantic horse ride with Tyler saying 'cheers to our first and final date'. After the horse ride, they went off to a romantic venue with musicians playing an instrumental version of Taylor Swift songs in the background. Kaz explained to Tyler that she knows some of the other couples are moving at a faster pace than they are, but she explained that she 'not in a race, not looking to compete'.

Liberty explained to Faye that she felt numb and wasn't sure what was going on at this current moment in time and Liberty decided to have a private chat with Jake to explain her thoughts. She said to Jake that there had been a change in energy and she felt as if she couldn't do anything right. She quoted some of the things that Jake had previously said to her, including the fact that she's messy, doesn't wear heels and is known for wearing bright red lipstick, explaining 'that's just me'. She said to Jake that she wanted him to either 'love me for who I am, or I'll give you this bracelet back and I'm not the right girl for you'. Kaz said to Tyler that they can 'scrap dinner' and Tyler explaied that they should go straight into meeting eachother's family and checking their schedules. She also said that she was 'excited to see where this journey is going'. Liberty explained to Jake that she 'doesn't feel right...I don't think you're into me'. Jake replied and said that everything he says she doesn't seem to be happy with, but added that 'you see things differently than I see things'. Liberty explained to Faye that she does love him, with Faye stating that she was the wrong person to ask because she doesn't like Jake. Jake said to Teddy, Liam and Toby that he doesn't want to change himself for anyone, adding that he's got 'nothing else left to give her'. Faye said to Liberty that she had found a better love in here, because she had found herself.

Friday 20th August

The final episode of the week began with Tyler & Kaz coming back from their date and waking up the rest of the other Islanders. Liberty explained that they had the best date with Kaz adding 'I really did'. Liberty explained to Millie that she doesn't know what Jake is thinking and feeling and Millie said that 'this is all about you'. Jake said to Tyler and Liam that him and Liberty haven't ended in bad blood, but suggesting that they were better apart. Liam & Millie were the next couple to go on their date with the hashtags 'don't count the dates, make the dates count'. Liam said to the boys that he wanted to quickly shave his toes as they were really hairy, with Jake explaining that his toes looked fine. They walked to an outside venue with dancers in dresses and holding fans, and were treated to a romantic meal for 2. Liam explained to Millie that after only having 1 conversation with her, his initial reaction was 'wow', and Millie explained that she didn't expect to find someone in the villa, or have this connection with someone.

Liam said to Millie that he had 'found exactly what he wanted and a lot more' and Liberty updated Kaz by telling her that had broken up with Jake which Kaz was very bamboozled by. Kaz reminded Liberty that one thing she said at the beginnong of this journey was that she was going to be true to herself. Jake & Liberty were both sitting on separate beds and Liberty asked if he wanted to go for another chat. She explained to him that she didn't want him to feel like he couldn't talk to her and Jake replied by saying that whatever happens going forward from now, it's going to be awkward because he's now living in the villa with his ex-girlfriend. Liberty explained to Kaz that she did fall in love with him, but when he said those 3 words, they were just words and not actions, as you would normally 'fight for someone you love' which isn't what Jake did in this situation. Both Liam & Millie noticed that Jake was asleep in the dog house when they got back from their date and Toby asked her how it was, to which she replied 'amazing'. They both spoke about their date with the rest of the Islanders with Millie stating that she 'can't tell you how happy I am' with Toby saying that he was glad that she had a good time. Liberty and Kaz both decided to stay in the daybed together, with Liberty explaining that she was 'definitely hurting a bit' and staying outside was the best thing to do.

Jake & Liberty were the next couple to go on their final date, with Liberty explaining that it would either 'make or break' them. Liberty went to the dog house to where Jake was and asked him whether he still wanted to go on the date or whether they should just leave it. Jake explained that it would be a nice experience for them to go on their final date. Jake said to the boys that when he thinks too much about something, he ends up making rash decisions. Their final date was on a white yacht and Liberty initially explained to Jake that she wasn't sure what happened, but the spark just faded. Jake explained that it was a 'sh*t situation to be in'. Kaz explained to tyler that Liberty was feeling the same as before, but whatever the outcome of their date, they just need closure with eachother. Tyler said that there is a new side to Liberty that he has started to see and he would like for both of them to get back together. Liberty continued to explain to Jake that she wanted him to be happy, just as much as she wants herself to be happy, with Jake stating that he can't say a bad word about Liberty. Once Jake & Liberty got back from their date, they asked if everybody was able to gather round the firepit, and they explained their situation to the other Islanders and that Liberty wanted to leave the villa, with Jake volunteering to leave with her. She explained that 'we don't want to be here and take up a place...we used to be a strong couple, but not anymore'. Millie said that they will both be missed as they were both massive parts of the villa and Faye explained to Liberty that she deserves every bit of happiness. Whilst Jake was packing his suitcase to leave, he said that 'our dream date turned into a nightmare' and Toby said that Jake had to do what was best for himself. Faye also explained to Liberty that 'your dream guy is there waiting for you...and he's probably in your DM's now'

2 episodes of Love Island 2021 are left! 4 couples are left...And we still have one more date to see! I'll see you soon for the final blog post summary of the year!


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