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Love Island 2021, Week 7 Recap: The 'Island Vibes Club', 3 new Islanders & Showman Jake is exposed

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Hey everyone! This is another blog post update with a summary of what's happened in the villa from 8th to 13th August 2021.

Sunday 8th August

At the beginning of this week, we saw Toby & Chloe getting a lot closer to eachother, with their loud kissing and cuddling, annoying some of the other Islanders, including Faye, who's initial reaction was 'this is a joke'. The girls all had another one of their chats where Liberty explained that she was a confident and bubbly person, but Jake's comment about not wanting to rip her clothes off, made her upset. Faye also explained her concerns with Teddy, explaining that he apparently 'acted like a Saint' when he went to Casa Amor, but didn't explain the entire story, and that he had a potential connection with one of the girls. Teddy explained to the boys that it seemed like Faye was just 'waiting for the plane to crash' with Jake explaining that him and Teddy almost seemed like lost puppies when they were sleeping in the daybed, because they were both staying loyal to their other halves who were in the main villa. Liam also revealed that he wanted to make Millie his girlfriend, but was waiting for the right time to ask her.

Faye was pulled for a chat by Jake, and she explained to him that the situation between the two of them hurt her more than her situation with Teddy. Jake explained that he didn't try and get the other boys to have their heads turned, but stated that they were all single at the time and not in serious relationships, and Faye ended the conversation by saying 'we're too far apart to come to an agreement'. Liberty explained to Jake that the clip shown of him on movie night made her really upset, and Chloe explained to Liberty that he needs to realise what he said and admit that he was wrong. Liberty also explained to Jake that she was going to put her opinions and feelings about his, and Jake responded by saying that he felt better that she now felt better. Liam & Millie had a chat where he said that he was happy as they were now able to both get back on track. Millie explained that their previous kisses in the villa were because they fancied eachother and she explained that she was a happy girl' and ended up snogging Liam that night!

Dale & Mary also had a catch up chat where Mary explained that she had loved getting to know him, but she felt as if it was going too fast. She explained that there seemed to be a lot of pressure as the only two single people in there, but they had only known eachother for 3 days so far. Toby and Kaz had a catchup regarding her love triangle with both Tyler and Matthew, and said that her and Tyler are brillint, for her to just realise that Matthew is still here too. She asked whether she should go and pull Matthew for a chat and suggest that they remain friends. Kaz pulled Matthew for a chat and explained that she didn't want any awkwardness and they wanted to remain civil throughout the rest of their time in the villa. Matthew explained that Kaz had a strong connection with Tyler and was happy to stay friendly with Kaz. Kaz added a comment of 'can we actually smile at eachother before we go to bed tonight?'. Kaz explained to Tyler that she had that difficult chat with Matthew but she had managed to clear the air, and their situation was left pleasantly and respectfully. Kaz explained that now things have cleared up with Matthew, she can be more herself.

Faye explained to Millie that she has been transparent the entire time in the villa, and questioned why she couldn't fins someone who is the same. She explained that she keeps going from being sad, to angry and then she wants to eat all the time as well. Tyler, Jake and Teddy had a small boys chat regarding the Faye situation and they advised her to take Faye to the terrace as Teddy needed closure on their situation. Teddy asked Faye if he could speak to her and she replied with 'can you tell the truth?' and after that awkward encounter, they ended up having another chat. Teddy said that he wanted to hear what was in Faye's head and they ended up having a conversation about Teddy not admitting that he was attracted to Clarisse, but didn't feel like he needed to explain that situation, as nothing actually happened with her. Faye said that she doesn't trust people until they can prove to her they are able to be trusted, adding that 'I'd rather be done than be hurt...'Right now, I want to continue this journey on my own'. Mary had a chat with Teddy and explained to him that Faye had mentioned that on the outside, Faye said that she would get back with him, so maybe they would be able to sort out their bumpy relationship.

The final part of this episode was an announcement that the Islanders were going to the 'Island Vibes Club' with Dale excitedly stating 'let's get this party started!'. Tyler explained to Kaz that Casa Amor made their relationship stronger and Kaz said that she was glad that they were at the place they're at now. Chloe explained to Toby that although he mugged her off at the beginning, they're now back together and Liam explained that his 'situationship' with Millie was a bit of a complicated ride with Millie explaining that they were exclusive, but kind of didn't realise until Casa Amor happened. Millie added that Liam confirmed his word and can't go back on that statement, in terms of wanting to be exclusive with Millie. Laura Whitmore decided to join the Islanders, saying 'sorry to interrupt the party, can you all stand infront of the fire'. She revealed to the Islanders that the public had ben voting for their favourite boy and their favourite girl, and that the Islanders with the fewest votes were Abigail, Mary and Kaz for the girls, and Dale, Tyler and Jake for the boys.

Monday 9th August

Laura Whitmore revealed that 1 boy and 1 girl would be dumped from the villa. Toby was up first to announce which girl would be leaving the party and he said that all 3 of these girls had been on his Love Island journey so it was even more difficult for him, but the boys chose to dump Abigail from the villa, and Chloe explained that this although this boy was a massive part of everyone's experience, the girls wanted to dump Dale. On their way out, Abigail explained that she had some low lows and also some high highs and Dale said that he didn't want to be leaving with anyone else. Millie explained to the rest of the Islanders that she and Liam were exclusive, but not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Chloe received a text that Aaron had chosen her and Mary for a date, and Teddy received a text that Priya had chosen him and Matthew for a date.

After both of the new bombshells Aaron and Priya entered the villa, Matthew stated that she was hot and Priya explained that it was nice to be here. On Mary's date with Aaron, she explained that she was sad Dale & Abigail got dumped and that 'something wasn't there' with Dale. Teddy also explained to Priya that it was 'nice to be wanted'. She asked Teddy to guess her job and she eventually revealed that she was a medical student. The girls asked Faye how she was feeling and she said 'if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen'. Aaron explained to Mary that he sometimes goes from 1-100 really quickly and needs someone who can match his energy with Mary explaining that she needs someone to make her laugh all day. She also said that he had nice teeth. Priya explained to teddy that trust and communication are important when it comes to a relationship, and after Aaron revealed to Mary that he was a footballer, she explained that her ex was a footballer, with Aaron quickly stating 'we're not all the same!'.

During Matthew's date with Priya, he explained that he was 26 years old, from Ireland and he was currently working as a strategic marketing consultant. Priya explained that she was currently 23 years old, a medical student soon to be doctor, and was interested in long distance running with Matthew adding 'I prefer to lift weights and pretend I'm fit'. Chloe asked Aaron why he picked her for a date and he said that he was 'not here to mess around' although she was in a solid relationship with Toby at the moment. She explained that she is interested in Toby and it would take a lot to turn her head, with Aaron adding that he was excited, just to see what happens. Liberty realised that she lost the girlfriend bracelet that Jake had given her and wondered if she should tell him. Faye, Millie and Priya had a girls chat to welcome Priya into the villa and she explained she only had one more yer until she was a full doctor, and enjoyed both of her dates with the best looking boys in the villa. Priya realised that there might have been a bit of jealousy from Faye, as Priya did take Teddy on a date, but Faye explained to her that she's happy to crack on and just see what happens. Aaron explained to the guys that he's a 'boys boy' with Teddy explaining that Priya said lots of nice things about her, especially after what he had gone through in the last 24-48 which almost felt like a rollercoaster. Priya explained to the girls that with Teddy, she wanted the conversation to keep going.

Toby & Chloe had a chat about her date with Aaron and she explained it was a 'really good date' and that Aaron is a nice boy, but there's something missing. She also said that he seemed to be quite forward. Mary said to teddy that hopefully Aaron fancies her the most, adding that she was really happy Aaron had come into the villa today. Teddy said that he wasn't sure if he felt like pulling Faye for a chat. Teddy & Priya ended up having another conversation, where Priya explained that they could finish off theit date from before and see where his head was at. Teddy explained that his situation with Faye was not done yet and he added that he doesn't think it would be right for him to get to know anyone new, and Priya admired his honesty. Faye and Millie had a chat about how she handled the situation and Faye admitte that she didn't react in the wrong but questioned as to whether she overreacted during the cinema night. Faye said to Millie that she wasn't sure if Millie was aware, but she reacts to things very quickly.

Jake and Toby had a chat about Jake being in the bottom three lads, explaining that the worst thing was that he was there and Liberty wasn't, with Toby explaining that Jake hasn't had an easy ride in the villa so far. Liberty was in a chat with both Chloe and Kaz and explained that both her best friend and boyfriend were in the bottom 3 and that's what made it worse for her. Liberty revealed to the girls that she didn't know where the bracelet was, and Chloe remembered that she had seen it under a towl in the bathroom and they managed to recover it. Liberty explained to the girls that she didn't want to tell him anything, until she had found the bracelet. Liam explained to Teddy that he should wait for Faye to full him for a chat and Faye admitted to the girls that she 'dealt with things wrong, and I need to talk to him'.

Tuesday 10th August

At the beginning of this episode, Priya seemed to be the first person who was awake with a 'morning everyone' and her explaning that she was full of energy. Toby asked Teddy what his plan of action was with Faye, and he said 'if you tell your dream, it doesn't happen'. The girls had their daily morning chat on the terrace where Mary revealed that the new guy Aaron was very sexy and she didn't really listen to anything he was saying in their conversation as she was distracted. Priya explained to Aaron that Teddy seemed quite closed off after explaining his situation with Faye, and Matthew came over and brought Priya a morning coffee, apologising for disrupting the conversation. Aaron said 'what a start to the day'. Priya explained that small things like that make her heart melt. Matthew explained to the boys that he had a lot in common with priya, with Priya explaining to Aaron that he is definitely her type on the outside. Aaron said that he wanted to get to know Mary more and he felt more nervous with her, whereas with Chloe, their date was more fun and relaxed. Matthew & Priya did a little pull-up work out at the outside gym and Faye explained to Millie and Chloe that although she wasn't talking to Teddy, she knows that she can trust him now. She explained that they probably both need to apologise to eachother.

Kaz was taking some influencer like photos of Liberty in different locations around the villa to bring her self confidence back to how it should be. Aaron decided to pull Chloe for a chat to see where her head was at, but Chloe explained that she's not sure her head will turn for him. Aaron explained to her that she was in his top 3 and Chloe replied that the fact she was having this chat with Aaron was annoying Toby so she was kin of enjoying it and wanted it to continue. Aaron & Mary had another conversation and Mary jokingly said 'should we skip this bit and discuss how many babies we're gonna have?'. Mary questioned what she was doing in the villa after unsuccessful relationship attempts with Toby and Dale, and a friendship couple issue with Sam...with Aaron asking whether it was perfect timing that he had come in tonight. Priya spoke with Matthew again and explained that personality was number one for her, adding that she's happy that they can have fun in the gym, but they're also able to have deep conversations too.

Aaron & Mary had another chat later on in the day, discussing whether they would approach eachother in different situations. Aaron asked Mary that if he was in a restaurant on the table next to her, would she come over, and she said that she would, and her return question was whether he would come upto her in a club and make a first move, with Aaron confidently explaining that his chat up lines are usually quite good. Mary replied and said 'I don't want this conversation to end!'. Faye explained to Millie that this was the night that she was going to apologise to Teddy for her actions of the other night. She added that she was nervous and she knew that she had done wrong and just wanted to try and get it resolved. She added that she can't promise that there won't be other things that she won't blow up about...but she really likes him and obviously didn't appreciate him looking at other girls during his time at Casa Amor. Faye asked Teddy if he wanted to go for a chat, adding that it would be an adult chat and a quiet chat. She explained that she was sorry for how she spoke to him and the fact that she raised her voice, adding that she cared about him a lot. Millie could see them talking and said 'they're getting a little bit closer'.

After Faye's chat with Teddy, Chloe suggested to her that she should go down to the bedroom in lingerie and see what happens, and after she walked in, Teddy began laughing at Faye in her sexy outfit, especially because he was still sleeping in the dog house and tonight was the night he was allowed to sleep in Faye's bed. Jake explained to Teddy that hopefully a weight had now been lifted off of his shoulders and he can move forward in his relationship with Faye, Tyler explained that he and Kaz went to sleep cuddling and also woke up cuddling, with Kaz saying that she really likes him. Priya revealed that it felt like her and Matthew were already a couple and Aaron definitely wanted to progress further with Mary, even after the short time they have been spending together. Chloe explained to Millie, that there had been so many NVQ's it's like they were in a classroom, with Millie adding that Liam helped her pass with flying colours...and it was actually quite hard. Aaron spoke with some of the other Islanders and arranged a sweet treats brunch for Mary, with Liberty being the distraction and making sure that she didn't turn around to see what was happening up in the kitchen. As all of the Islanders were making this masterpiece of a snack, Priya added that it looked like a birthday cakes, but obviously instead of candles, there were carrots. Aaron explained that he was going to be taking all of the credit for this, but thanked everyone for their help, and his signal for them to bring down the food was when he lifted his hat up and down. After the suprise brunch was revealed, Mary explained that on Day 1 she was given a coffe, Day 2 she was given a brunch and he'd earned a lot of big brownie points so far.

The final part of this episode saw the Islanders take part in a game called 'Sex Gods' where each of the male Islanders did a strip performance, starting with their full togas, and ending up in their underwear, with the next part of the challenge walk through a floor of hot lava (which was probably jelly) with a big ball representing the globe in their hands. The last part of the challenge was to then run over to their 'damsel in distress' and do push ups in order to kiss her through the little cut out hole in the cupboard figure that they had their head poked through! Faye revealed that she can't promise she wouldn't be graduating that night, with Teddy unaware of that meant in Love Island terms. Chloe explained that Toby was the biggest sex god, and she didn't realise she could fancy him anymore and in the end, the winner of the challenge was Tyler, a.k.a the sexiest god! To bring this episode to a close, we saw new boy Brett walk into the villa who was just sitting downstairs on one of the daybeds outside. Priya and Chloe were sitting on the terrace and to get their attention, Brett just coughed, and you could see them running through the bedrom screaming that 'there was a guy' outside...

Wednesday 11th August

In Wednesday's episode, new boy Brett was welcomed by all of the Islanders and explained that he was a model who was on his way to achieving a PHD. Tyler asked 'who's in my garden?' and Brett quickly replied asking 'who dressed you?'. The first comment he received was from Priya who said that he looked great, which he returned the compliment to and she noticed that he didnt say that to any of the other Islanders. Priya explained that he was very well spoken and came across as intelligent, questioning whether it was bad she was comparing both Brett and Matthew already. Matthew explained that he wanted to get to know Priya and Brett added that he wanted to see who would come and talk to him first. Matthew had another private chat with Priya, explaining that their kiss in the challenge was good, but that they could do better. Priya didn't kiss Matthew as she could sub conciously see Brett out of the corner of her eye. Brett received a text asking him to ask out the girl of his choice for a date, and he chose Priya.

On their first date, they spoke about other ideal dates, and they seemed to agree on going on a bike ride, drinking coffee, walking, running, with Brett adding that he was easily pleased. Liberty spoke with Faye, Chloe and Millie about the fact that they had all reached level one of the NVQ scale and Millie suggested that they should all graduate tonight and then celebrate in the morning. Priya explained to Brett that she and Matthew were very similar, but she didn't want to jump into anything too quickly until she knew it was what she wanted. Matthew explained his concerns to both Teddy and Faye, stating that Priya had been pulled for a chat because they have a lot in common, and that he didn't know what else to say. Priya revealed that her head was slightly turned...and she was in fact confused as to which boy she wanted to progress further with. Chloe explained to Liberty that whatever she wears, it would be coming off anyways, as she wasn't sure what outfit to wear for bed...and they all ended up wearing a sexy outfit to bed which made all the boys smile. In the morning, Matthew explained that some of the noises sounded like a train going over a track, and both Brett & Priya explained that they were both very far away from that right now.

Priya lead the graduation ceremony for Millie, Faye, Chloe and Liberty after their graduations the previous night, with Liberty explaining that she didn't graduate the previous night, but she still wanted to attend the ceremony anyways. Brett & Priya had a short yoga session on the floor and Priya explained that she wanted to flirt with and touch both Brett and Matthew. Brett explained that he wanted to be with somebody who was passionate about something and dedicated to it. Matthew pulled Priya for a coffee chat to see where her head was at, midway through her chat with Brett and she explained that the date seemed to go well but she wasn't sure what she was going to do. Brett explained to Teddy and Toby that he would happily spend the whole day with Priya, but he has known her for less than 24 hours so didn't want to rush or seem too forward. Matthew explained to Teddy that he felt like it was going to go his way, adding that he gets the affection. He also explained that he would be surprised if tonight swings her mind in the recoupling. Priya revealed that her and Brett are very similar and they get on really well, adding that the ball is in her court, and she didn't want to deal with this type of pressure. Priya explained to Millie that she was falling in love with Brett's eyes, but with Matthew, it's more exciting. During the recoupling where the girls were choosing; the new couples were Kaz & Tyler, Millie & Liam, Liberty & Jake, Chloe & Toby, Faye & Teddy, Mary & Aaron and finally, Priya big decision of Brett or Matthew...and she chose Brett, meaning that Matthew was dumped from the villa that night.

Thursday 12th August

After Matthew's departure from the villa, Teddy explained that he wore his heart on his sleeve and had too many abs, and they did a cheers to that! Brett explained to Priya that they had a great first date but he was unsure as to whether he would get picked. Tyler explained to Liam and Jake that he wanted to re-enact a 'Love Actually' moment, as a romantic gesture for Kaz and ask her if she wanted to go exclusive. The three of them were on the terrace writing out the word 'exclusive' but they were having difficulty with the spelling, and Jake was on the look out to make sure nobody came out there...and luckily it was only Faye who went into the makeup room and swiftly left after checking her outfit. Liberty was also in on the plan and she made sure that Kaz had her phone so that she could receive the romantic messages from Tyler. She began taking pictures of Kaz and then her phone buzzed and she had to go to various places in the villa that represented their journey so far. It included 'go to where we had our first argument' which was the beanbags next to the swimming pool and finally 'where did we have our first kiss' which she worked out was on the terrace. Liberty left her at the bottom of the stairs and she walked up, giggling, excited and probably nervous as to what was going to happen next.

As Kaz walked outside onto the balcony, she was still giggling, and he was holding the words 'shall we be exclusive' on four different towls and let her read them one at a time. After she said yes, they revealed their new relationship status to the rest of the Islanders and as they came downstairs, Jake suggested that he and Liberty wait at the side rather than letting Liberty go over and give Kaz a massive hug, as it was their moment, but clearly, Jake was more interested in getting more camera time with Liberty. Jake started to giggle and explained that Liberty was sweating, and she explained that she ran so fast, and Kaz realised that Liberty knew the plan all along! The hideaway was open for another night, and there were no doubts about letting Tyler & Kaz share a private night together. Tyler explained that 'quality time alone with Kaz is what I need' and Kaz did a cheers to more memories for the two of them whilst they were sitting in the hot tub. Liberty had a chat with Millie and questioned Jake's latest actions, asking 'what's for the camers's and what's not?' as it was a 'them' moment, not a Jake & Liberty moment, and as Kaz's best friend, Liberty wanted to go over and congratulate her. After Tyler & Kaz's night at the hideaway, Tyler asked how she was feeling and Kaz replied with 'good'. She explained that she didn't want to go back to the bedroom.

The girls were delivered drinks on the terrace from the boys, and during the boys chat, Jake noticed a love bite on Tyler's neck, which he blamed on the insects that hover around the villa at night time. Priya had explained to Brett that she has to wait three days until she will kiss somebody, but his night was cute, and it was a great first sleep in the villa. Liberty was having another discussion with Chloe, and noticed that everyone else seemed to be with their partners, but Jake was having a 1-1 chat with Mary instead, and hadn't spoken to her all day. Liberty explained that she'd been feeling up and down and it would have made her feel better. During Jake's chat with Mary, she asked him how many children he wants to have and he said 2 before 30 would be the perfect number, and boys rather than girls, but then he would like a girl as she would be a Princess. He explained that everything happens for a reason. Chloe said to Liberty that he hoped Jake wasn't taking her for granted and they walked upstairs to the makeup room where they were joined by Faye who was unaware of the situation and they caught her up on the recent events.

Up next was another challenge which was a boys v girls game to see who could raise the most hearts of the opposite gender. Each of the girls came down in their outfits, starting with Kaz who was in a black and red vampire costume with a matching head accessory, with Teddy explaining that he 'didn't even know where to look'. Cowgirl Liberty was up next and Tyler said that she was 'bossing it', with Liberty revealing that although she had a bit of an issue with Jake earlier on, she wanted to 'do me, and put on a good show'. Millie was a sexy officer and Liam explained that his heart nearly stopped, and after her was mermaid Mary, described as 'Queen of the sea' by Aaron. Toby added a comment 'Mary, you go girl!' and Aaron explained that he needed his body temperature to cool down after all that! Faye was up next with a helmet to disguise her face at first and Teddy's reaction was 'someone grab me because that was naughty'. Priya was wearing a nurse costume, with Brett explaining that he was 'immediately in trouble' and priya adding that 'pretty Priya is now portstar Priya' and finally Chloe received a round of applause from Toby, with Jake saying 'I can see why Toby plays at Wembley quite a lot'. Toby added that his heart rate almost came out of his chest, and the final comment was from Liam, who said 'girls, you all smashed it!'.

It was over to the boys to perform for the girls to see how many hearts they could race with Chloe saying 'bring it on!' when the first boy came down. Faye seemed to be a fan of builder Liam's dance by shouting 'woooo Liam' and Millie added that she didn't care if it was oil or sweat, he looked sexy. During Tyler's dance he seemed to eventually only have a pair of tight blue underwear on which Mary replied to with 'his shorts were showing everything which wasn't bad' and after Jake the Viking sprayed water on all the girls, Kaz explained that Jake did things that she had never seen before with Mary adding that he could definitely be a stripper. Pilot Aaron was up next and Faye said that he seemed to have the confidence of the prime minister. During Teddy's dance with Millie, she explained that she 'had a lot of Teddy's PDH in her face...and for those that understood, it meant nothing to do with Science', with Faye adding her comment 'that was hot'. Up next was the roman emperor Brett with Liberty explaining for his first challenge, he came in with a lot of confidence. Finally it was office man Toby who began his dance in a suit and tie, and using his red telephone box as a prop, before transitioning into 'Love Island man' with his main power being...girls? After the challenge, we found out who's heart was raced by who the most...the results will be below!

Boys racing the hearts of the girls:

Faye: Teddy,

Liberty: Jake,

Kaz: Brett,

Millie: Teddy,

Priya: Brett,

Mary: Teddy,

Chloe: Toby

Girls racing the hearts of the boys:

Toby: Millie and Chloe

Tyler: Kaz

Teddy: Millie and Faye

Aaron: Kaz

Liam: Millie

Jake: Millie

Brett: Liberty

Liberty finished the challenge with the final comment, saying, 'at least I raised someone'...Once the challenge was over, we found out that the girls had raised the most hearts collectively and they were the winners of the challenge!

Friday 13th August

The final night of the week began with a chat between Jake & Liberty, with Liberty explaining that she hadn't spoken to him all day and questioned what was going on. She also said that she began to notice small things that she didn't used to notice. Kaz also brought up the topic with her newly exclusive boyfriend Tyler, and he said that Jake seems genuine whereas Kaz revealed that Liberty explained it was her 'gut feeling' that something wasn't right. During Teddy & Faye's conversation, Faye also explained that she loved Jake, but he's a showman and Liam & Millie both admitted that they were falling for eachother, with Millie adding that 'it's mad, you live so far away'.

During the final girls chat of the week, Mary explained that she was so proud of all the girls last night, after their multiple gradutations and Millie explained it's more like 'horny Island' now. Jake explained that he had looked over at Toby during the night and realised that he and Chloe had broken the bed, which Millie fixed and he wasnt present for. Priya explained that she and Brett had morning kisses and cuddles and she felt like she has joined the course at entry level. Liberty told Chloe that during her chat with Jake, she didn't mention anything about his private chat with Mary as she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Toby explained to Jake that there are some things that Liberty is scared to tell him, because she doesn't want a bad reaction. Liberty explained that Jake couldn't have been anymore reassuring last night, and she woke up feeling a lot happier that morning and Millie explained to Chloe and Liberty that it makes her laugh how hot Liam is.

The next part of the episode saw the Islanders take part in a challenge called 'Keeping Up Appearances' which was a challenge based upon how the viewers rated them as couples for a variety of different categories. Here were the results below:

'3 couples who have had the most arguments':

(3rd) Toby & Chloe, (2nd) Tyler & Kaz, (1st) Teddy & Faye

'3 hottest couples':

(3rd) Teddy & Faye, (2nd) Tyler & Kaz, (1st) Liam & Millie

'3 most one sided relationships':

(3rd) Tyler & Kaz, (2nd) Teddy & Faye, (1st) Jake & Liberty

'3 most intelligent couples':

(3rd) Tyler & Kaz, (2nd) Liam & Millie, (1st) Brett & Priya

'3 most genuine couples':

(3rd) Teddy & Faye, (2nd) Toby & Chloe, (1st) Liam & Millie

'3 funniest couples':

(3rd) Jake & Liberty, (2nd) Liam & Millie, (1st) Toby & Chloe

'3 couples most likely to split when they leave the villa':

(3rd) Teddy & Faye, (2nd) Tyler & Kaz, (1st) Jake & Liberty

After the challenge, Liberty said to Kaz that she was trying to not let that challenge affect her and Chloe said that in that game she was being brutally honest with her opinions, but felt like Liberty was more into Jake, based on what's happened recently. Jke wondered about the genuine statement, 'where did that come from?' with Kaz asking Tyler whether he believed it or not. Kaz, Chloe and Millie all discussed the Jake & Liberty situation, with Chloe explaining that she thinks they have got ahead of themselves and had their little problems. She added that she doesn't know whether his intentions are what Liberty deserves. Liam suggested to Jake that he raises his issues out in the open and gets through this situation with Liberty and Faye explained to Liberty that because she was in a couple, it was more difficult to get through the situation.

Kaz stated her concerns to Millie and Faye, explaining that as she's the closest person to Kaz, who is she to tell her that her reflection of the situation is wrong. Liberty joined the conversation and stated that she has said those words to Jake and that she was made his girlfriend almost 4 weeks ago, adding that once she opens up with her emotions, she will come out on the other side. Liberty decided to pull Jake for a chat and he instantly asked her why she was walking so fast, which she replied to with 'I'm on a mission'. Chloe explained to Toby that she thinks Jake is showboating a little bit for perception. Liberty asked Jake why he didn't say the words 'I love you' and questioned how much he actually likes her, and wanted him to communicate what is going on. Jake replied and said that he doesn't just 'throw out those words' and trust and honesty are the best policy in his eyes. He said that because she's his girlfriend, she needs to be open with him about any concerns or issues that he has. Jake continued to say that 70-80% of their conversations are fun, but during their serious conversations they always end up joking around. Liberty asked him again how does he feel, and he replied with the words 'I get nervous, I've found what I've been looking for'.

Tune into the last weekly blog update, and a separate blog post highlighting what happened in the Love Island 2021 final, along with guest appearances, audience opinions, Laura Whitmore's analysis and a Love Island finale that you won't want to miss!



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