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Love Island 2021, Week 6 Recap: Casa Amor reveals all, Mabel performs a set and another Recoupling

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Week 5 is the week after Casa Amor. Will the couples stay loyal to eachother or will people's head turn? In this weekly update, I'll be summarising the main parts of the show so read below to find out what happened!

Sunday 1st August

During this first episode, Sam explained to Faye that she looked beautiful and Faye apologised for being closed off and borderline rude. Sam explained that he was mature enough to know the current situation that Faye was in, but there was no contact during their conversation which may have been a little awkward for Sam. Toby explained to Mary that he was excited to start getting to know Mary, until he saw Abigail on her own, thinking that she was going to have re-coupled with someone else. Tyler & Kaz also had a conversation with Tyler explaining 'I don't even know where to start'. He stated that he didn't want to make moves with Clarisse because of what he currently had with Kaz, although adding that he ended up in bed with another girl despite that. Kaz explained that Tyler had arrived in the villa and she added that he 'sold me a dream'. Liberty had a chat with Kaz after her chat with Tyler, stating that he didn't have a valid reason to have not taken things further with Kaz. Matthew also pulled Kaz for a chat and she explained that she was happy to be coupled up with him, but sad to see Tyler with a new girl.

Liam & Millie had a conversation following the awkwardness after Casa Amor, and Millie explained that 'I'm kind of over it to be honest...the connection we had obviously wasn't strong enough', after Liam had explained that he did really like her. He explained that they had something, with Millie quickly replying 'Until the next girl comes in?'. Liberty also explained that she didn't believe that yesterday happened, but it actually happened! Teddy also explained that he was holding his cards close to his chest and that he could start getting to know either Amy or Mary. The Casa Amor Islanders; Clarisse, Mary, Amy, Sam, Dale and Matthew were all speaking about their journey in the villa so far. Sam explained that his situation with Faye was mad, but he wanted to continue getting to know her. Mary added that it seemed the six of them had come in as the saving angels with Clarisse adding that she was the devil. Millie explained to Chloe that it was going to be a really weird day, but Chloe reassured her that Liam knew he had messed up, so it was upto him to do the grafting to win her back.

Teddy & Faye had another chat on the outside day bed and he apologised to her for how the photo from Casa Amor made her feel. Teddy asked 'so what now?' and Faye admitted that they both dealt with the situation wrong, but that's just the type of person that she is. Liberty had a chat with Liam and explained that Millie doesn't trust him because of what's happened to her before, so it would be hard for her to get over this situation, if she wanted to. Liberty added that it was down to him to try and re-build the trust, but stated that she will always have that little bit of doubt. Millie explained to Chloe that she knows the worst of the situation as Liam had kissed a girl outside of a challenge, but explained that she needed to know the full story. Millie was sent a text to explain that she would be meeting Lillie, from Casa Amor, for a private one on one chat. After explaining the fact that Liam was putting in 60% effort into her with 40% for Millie, she explained that she was happy Lillie had told her something, as he probably wouldn't have been truthful about the situation. She explained that 'there is literally no nice way to put it' and continued to say that there was no question about sleeping outside and they shared a bed on the first night. Liam and Chloe wondered what Lillie was going to say to Millie, and it was revealed that on Day 1, nothing happened, but they kissed in the Truth or Dare challenge and Chloe explained to Liam that 'she needs some time on her own'. Lillie went on to explain that they actually kissed three times, as Liam needed to give 100% to her to make his decision fair. Millie stated that she was baffled why he didn't just come back with Lillie. Lillie went on to explain that there was a stigma that on a girls holiday, the lads will get with a girl for a few days and then go home to their wives, admitting that 'the connection was there since the beginning'.

Once Millie arrived back into the villa, Liam had a quick chat with Kaz to ask her 'not to add fuel to the fire' and to try and make it a better situation, with Kaz realising that he wanted her to do him a favour. Liam explained that he wanted things to work out. Millie explained to the girls that her and Liam were 'well and truly over' as he played the entire situation down. Mary explained to Liam that if he puts in the graft now, she will forgive him. Toby, Jake and Liam also had a conversation regarding the situation and they both admitted that Liam needed to show her that he truly wants them to work out, adding that they have got something good. Millie went on to explain to the girls that Liam 'thought he could get two girls and now he's got none'. Kaz explained that she was sorry for what had happened, and Faye added that he doesn't seem very apologetic about the whole situation. Faye added that the fact Lillie thought she was going to be picked, shows that there was more action than just three kisses. Liam said to Millie that she looked good later on in that evening, and she said 'I look good, but I don't feel good'. Millie explained to him that she had met Lillie and she was shocked about what she heard. Millie added that she didn't trust Liam at al, and Liam tried to remind her of the connection that they had, adding that he only wanted her and no-one else. Liam added that 'I want this journey to be with you' to which she replied, 'I'm now going to have to continue this journey without you'. Liam asked that 'besides you see a future with me?' to which she quickly replied 'No', explaining that he has hurt her and that he needed to respect her decision.

Hugo also spoke with Liam and said that 'I don't know what happened, but I hope you're alright', and the girls discussed the Liam and Millie situation soon after. Millie explained that she called it off because he kept making excuses. Liam also had a chat with some of the boys, explaining that 'she is telling me no, but I don't believe her'. Teddy & Faye also had a chat about what happened whilst Teddy was at Casa Amor, and she said she was spraying his aftershave on everyone to try and get rid of the smell. Faye explained that she was happy with what she already had, with Teddy adding 'or still have?' and after a bit of nervous giggling, they made out on the terrace!

Monday 2nd August

At the beginning of this episode, Toby had a chat with Jake and Tyler regarding his Casa Amor situation. He explained that when he brought Mary back, he didn't realise Abigail would have been left single, but his head was with Chloe. He added that when he saw Chloe with somebody else, he didn't like that. Toby & Abigail had a chat also had a chat where Toby explained that he was 'dealing with everything that's happened', with Abigail explaining to him that he's 'gotta be honest as it helps people in the long run'. Toby explained that he was still attached to Chloe. Tyler had a chat with Kaz where he explained that he was sorry for how he acted the day before adding that it felt like he had a 'kick in the stomach', but explained to Kaz that he wanted to explore both Clarisse and Kaz. Kaz replied, saying that she added that she feels like she's an option, adding that 'I'm not a second choice'.

Toby explained to Millie that he liked Chloe, and asked 'what do I do?' and she questioned whether he was being serious which led them both to start giggling. Toby & Mary had a chat at the firepit with Mary explaining that she wasn't happy that Toby wanted to start getting to know Abigail, and if something was there, he should have been honest with her. She added that she felt as if she was only brought back as a 'just in case' partner, and he explained that he didn't realise Abigail was going to be on her own, adding that it was Chloe that he actually still had feelings for. Matthew & Kaz also had a chat, where Kaz explained that she was happy to get to know him but waiting for Tyler to pull her for a chat at some point. Faye explained to Sam that she had a kiss with Teddy and explained that she was going to be sleeping on the daybed to avoid any awkwardness during the night. Mary revealed to the girls that she was 'officially on friend island' with Kaz admitting to Chloe that there were no kisses and cuddles from Matthew from the previous night. Millie also jokingly said to Liam that he can 'get used to sleeping anywhere, but here', suggesting that she still wasn't happy with his actions at Casa Amor and that they weren't going to be sharing a bed. Toby explained to Jake and Liam that his feelings weren't with either Abigail or Mary, and said that he had the awkward conversations with both girls. Tyler asked Teddy and Hugo where he should stand in terms of affection with both Clarisse and Kaz, as he didn't want to give the wrong impression to either of them. Hugo said that not doing PDA in front of the other girl would be a good idea, and Teddy explained that he meant no disrepect to Clarisse, but he was rooting for Tyler & Kaz as they 'had something'.

Matthew & Kaz had another chat, where Kaz revealed that she felt like after Casa Amor, he had started to 'slow down a little bit' with Matthew stating that he was 100% wanting to get to know Kaz only. She explained that if he was wanting to be affectionate at his pace, she would have to focus on that and respect his decision. Tyler also pulled Clarisse for a chat and explained that he didn't realise he was 'as set as I was before' with Clarisse stating that Tyler had to 'do what makes you happy at the end of the day'. Dale & Chloe also had a chat where they explained that they had 'vibes' with eachother, but realised that they were better on friendship terms than anything more. Chloe added that it was the easiest dumping she has ever done in her life. Dale explained that he was happy that Abigail stayed loyal to Toby, and that he was actually also interested in getting to know Mary. Millie pulled Chloe for a chat and explained that Toby said he didn't want to pursue anything with new girls Abigail or Mary and that 'none of them are Chloe'. Chloe didn't believe what she heard at first, and Millie said that she was 'really wanting it to happen'. Chloe added that she wants Toby to know what he did wrong and make sure it never happens again, with Liberty suggesting that Toby should graft.

Liam explained to Jake and Tyler that it's difficult to fight for someone when you're not even allowed to talk to them, and decided to send a picture of himself and Millie, to Millie, with the caption 'what a beautiful view'. Chloe and Liberty agreed that he was trying to give her space, but also wanting to try and break the ice. Kaz suggested that she should crop the picture and send the half without him as a reply. Liam and the boys saw the picture and he replied with the quote 'you can crop me from a photo, but you can't crop me from your life' which the girls were impressed by, but Millie said more needed to be done to win her back. Clarisse and Kaz also went for a chat to discuss the Tyler situation and Clarisse stated that she was shocked that Tyler had said 'the door was open' when he was still interested in her. Kaz explained that Tyler had said that his head wouldn't turn and the picture made her upset as it broke their trust. She added that Tyler explained 'if I had to choose one of you right now...I would choose you'. Clarisse said that it felt like Tuler's head was all over the place. Teddy asked Tyler whether Kaz getting to know Matthew was annoying because Tyler as jealous, or because he was doing the same thing with Clarisse. Tyler pulled Kaz for another chat to see if she was alright after the previous night's re-coupling and he asked Kaz whether he was wasting his time getting to know her, if she had planned to continue getting to know Matthew. Kaz explained that she 'wasn't going to just sit there and wait', but wanted to know where Tyler's head was at, for the sake of both her and Clarisse.

Kaz, Liberty, Chloe and Abigail were all having a girls chat, where Kaz explained that Tyler was 'feeding her sh*t', and added that she had beeen open with all of the boys, but now she just wants to shut herself away from everyone. Tyler & Clarisse had another chat, where Clarisse explained that there were things that Kaz said to her, that he didn't even mention, such as him stating that he would choose Kaz over her. He replied that he was 'acting off emotions' and Clarisse said that she was 'mad chill' but she could switch very easily. Before the end of the episode, Jake helped Liam organise Millie's pillows and also spraying the bed with aftershave, so that even if he couldn't sleep in the bed, she was able to still feel his presence there!

Tuesday 3rd August

The Casa Amor girls Amy, Mary and Clarisse were all speaking about the situation that Clarisse was currently in with Tyler, and she explained that she's 'not crying about the situation, it's just a sh*t feeling'. Mary added that all of the girls seem to hate Tyler because of his situation with Kaz. Dale and Toby brought up drinks to the terrace for Abigail and Chloe, and Abigail explained that they need to 'make the boys graft'. Matthew, Sam, Hugo and Teddy were all discussing their plans for the next day in the villa. Hugo explained that he wanted to speak to Amy and Sam explained he wanted to graft with both Mary and Abigail. During the morning girls chat, Kaz explained that this was going to be her world and 'the boys are going to be living in it'. Abigail explained to Dale that the last thing she wanted to do was to steal Chloe's first man, and now her second man. Toby & Chloe had another one of their flirty chats where he explained that Casa Amor was fun, but when he came back and saw that Abigail was by herself and that Chloe was with a new guy, it made him upset. This was all being discussed whilst they were both eating a bowl of cookies, and Chloe said that 'let's use more words and less tongues...more tongues!' and they both began to laugh.

Abigail explained to Jake and Liberty that there seemed to be 'sexual chemistry' between her and Dale and Kaz was quick to head inside as the rain started to pour, and she explained that she was 'not with the rain'. During another flirty chat between Jake & Liberty, he asked her why she doesn't join him in the shower and they ended up playing a game of thumb wars which ended in Liberty falling off her cushion. Dale & Mary went for a chat where she asked if her hairstyle looked good, with Mary adding that she felt like a Pokemon character. They both realised that they were on the same wavelength and Mary added it felt like her and Chloe had done 'swapsies' as Mary was previously talking to Toby, and Chloe was previously talking to Dale. Sam & Abigail also had a chat where she explained that 'all the things you end up hating about someone, you end up loving about them' and Sam added that he was happy for Faye, but wanted to be with someone who was obsessed with him. Mary and Abigail had a private chat where Mary asked her about her chat with Sam, and she also said that Dale was at the top of her list. Mary explained that she felt giddy around Dale, and she'd not felt that in a while.

During the next part of the episode we found out that the Islanders were going to have a party at the villa with special guest Mabel performing a few songs from her latest album and pre release for her newest album which we're going to call 'Mabel #2' for now. As Chloe received a text and some of her song titles were used as hints, Faye began singing 'Don't Call Me Up' which is one of Mabel's songs and instantly realised that she would be the special guest. Liberty explained that she was ready to put on her makeup and party and Liam explained to the boys that he wanted to get on stage and do a shout out to Millie. Mabel was showcasing her short orange hair whilst wearing a black outfit, along with her two backing dancers. Mary explained that she felt like she was famous and that she had a singer at her birthday party. Liam decided to get onto the stage after Mabel left the villa, explaining that he was told to 'go big or go home'. He explained that Millie was one in a 'Millie' and he wanted them to be one in a 'Milly-am'. After the emotional speech, she said that it is a step in the right direction, adding that it was 'not enough, but cute'.

Kaz and Abigail had another chat on the daybed where Abigail explained that she felt 'deflated' as she knew that Dale and Mary were vibing. She added that 'if he was giving me more attention, I'd be here for it'. Toby also explained to Jake that he gave Chloe 'everything she needed to know', adding that he needs to graft in order to win her back. Toby also said 'I like this girl more than she likes me'. Liam & Millie also had another conversation regarding where they were at as a couple, and he said he wasn't expecting her to click her fingers are move on, and that moving 'an inch forwards, is better than an inch back'. Millie explained that she had better sleeps with Liam, so will she be letting him back in the bed anytime soon? To bring the episode to a close, we found out that there would be a re-coupling, where the girls would choose with guy they wanted to couple up with...don't worry, nobody goes home tonight! The new couples were as follows: Liberty & Jake, Kaz & Matthew, Clarisse & Tyler, Faye & Teddy, Amy & Hugo, Millie & Liam, Chloe & Toby, Abigail & Dale and Mary & Sam, who were left for eachother. Mary's only comment was 'fellow Northerners' as she was shocked that Abigail decided to pick Dale.

Wednesday 4th August

At the very beginning of this episode, Clarisse and Mary had their first girls chat since the new re-coupling and Mary was in tears as she wanted to couple with with Dale and felt sorry for Sam that they were left with eachother. Clarisse tried to reassure her and said 'listen, don't cry, it's ok Mary'. Dale & Abigail had a chat where Abigail explained that they get on very well, and explained that she was 'hoping it would bring us closer together, but if anything it's pushed us further apart'. Abigail explained that she feels as if she has got in the way of two people who would have had something good. Tyler, Teddy, Hugo and Liam had a boys chat where Teddy said to Tyler that he needed to explore Clarisse. Dale & Mary had another chat on the terrace, where he explained that he would rather give his energy to one person than 50% to two different people, and soon after, they kissed. Abigail and Mary soon had a chat to discuss the situation, after she had been looking for Mary, and found her with Dale on the terrace. She explained that she was sorry for choosing Dale and didn't know that they had actually started getting so close.

Teddy explained to Faye that he didn't think he was going to trust another girl with his feelings based on his previous history with girls and Millie said to Liam that they need to build a new house, with Liam explaining that their new house was going to 'p*ss all over the old house'. During a chat between Hugo & Amy, she revealed that 'I can be myself around you', Clarisse explained to Tyler that she was not a second option and Toby said to Chloe that he 'didn;t expect to feel like this' after re-connecting with her since Casa Amor. Toby explained to the boys that after resetting things with Chloe, he needed to have a 'big bang', and with the help of Dale, Tyler and Sam, he delivered a morning breakfast picnic for Chloe. Toby explained that this idea would either be a 'make or break' situation, and as soon as Chloe realised what the plan was, she said 'omg we're having a picnic', so I'm guessing she appreciated the idea. Hugo explained to Teddy that Casa Amor was fun, but his relationship with Amy hasn't been the same since they both came back to the villa, adding that he doesn't want a relationship to be dry, forced or unnatural. Amy explained to Faye, Chloe and Millie that she was unsure whether Hugo actually liked her, or whether he was just 'settled'. Teddy explained to Hugo that there was another side to Amy that they hadn't seen yet. During a chat between Hugo & Amy, she explained that she felt distance between the two of them and she didn't know what it was that caused it. He explained that Amy hadn't pulled him for a chat, which she questioned, and managed to resolve the situation by explaining that they should 'just be ourselves and stop putting pressure on it'.

The next game that the Islanders took part in was called 'Playing the Field' which saw the guys having to protect the girls that they were in a couple with, allowing them to kick a ball through a goal. The three cleanest girls would win the challenge. At the end of the round, Millie got 3 points, Abigail got 2 and Mary managed to secure 1 point! In the next round, the Islanders had to kiss for as long as they could before they heard the ringing of the bell. In the end, it was Clarisse, Faye, Amy and Millie who won that challenge and were joint winners of the challenge! Kaz explained to Millie that she was jealous of Tyler kissing Clarisse and admitted to looking over several times. Millie added that 'you had a connection with him didn't you' and added that it seemed as if Kaz was more jealous of Tyler, than happy with Matthew. Tyler and Toby had a chat where Tyler explained that his head was with Kaz, but he thinks that 'that ship has sailed'. He added that if he had the realisition that he knew his decision, 'why am I still trying to get to know Clarisse?'. Tyler & Kaz had another conversation about the situation, and Kaz said that 'the door is open...but just a crack' in terms of their relationship getting back to where they were before, adding that she had 'tiny tiny feelings' for him. Tyler explained that Kaz had put both him and Matthew in a race, and Kaz explained that she knows he doesn't like to lose, by saying 'well, don't lose', which was probably a reference to the kissing game from earlier on when he and Clarisse won the earlier kissing challenge. Kaz explained to some of the other girls that Tyler misses her and wants her back and they seemed to support her decision.

Tyler pulled Clarisse for a chat and explained that he 'couldn't turn my feelings off for Kaz' to which she replied 'I knew this was gonna happen'. She also said that she wished Tyler hadn'd have brought her back from Casa Amor as she could have been at home right now. Tyler and Matthew had a chat about Kaz, where Tyler also explained to Matthew that there was still a connection between the two of them. He added that it was upto Tyler to 'know who you want to know' adding the Love Island phrase 'it is what it is'. Matthew also had a chat with Kaz about the situation where he said that when Tyler pulled him for a chat, it p*ssed him off. He questioned whether Kaz was going to give him 100% to which she replied to with 'I'm gonna try' and he said that he was done with the conversation and seemed to end it there and then with her. At the end of the episode we found out that the Islanders had to gather around the firepit and listen to the results of the couples that were voted as 'the public's favourite couples', leaving the lowest rated couples at risk of being dumped from the villa. The public saved Toby & Chloe, Teddy & Faye, Jake & Liberty, Matthew & Kaz, Dale & Abigail and Liam & Millie. This left three couples at risk, who were: Sam & Mary, Tyler & Clarisse and Hugo & Amy. We found out that in Thursday's episode, 1 girl and 1 boy would be saved, and the other 4 Islanders would be dumped in the same night.

Thursday 5th August

In this episode, we found out that the boys decided to save a girl as they wanted to see her 'continuing that happiness with everyone' and chose to keep Mary. The girls decided that they wanted to save a boy as 'his journey has not been as straight forward as others, but he is on the road to happiness', and chose to keep Tyler. This meant that Sam, Clarisse, Hugo and Amy had all been dumped from the island. Clarisse explained that Tyler 'faked it' and Chloe sai it was going to be weird without Hugo being here, as they started their journey together. Toby explained to Jake that although they had 'their thing', Hugo would always be on his mind, and Jake added that he will probably fall in love with a History teacher, with Toby thinking it would be a Geography teacher. Millie explained to Liam that she was happy that they're both still here, as it means that they can work on their current relationship. Matthew pulled Kaz for a chat and said 'we're done' as he felt like she had been lying to herself about getting to know him.

Liberty explained to Kaz that the girls decided to save Tyler for her, saying to her, 'it's not done with him is it?'. She added that Kaz was strong enough to get through this situation. Tyler explained to Kaz that he wanted to show her gratitude for wanting to keep him in, and she explained that she would have actually chosen to save Hugo because they walked in together. Tyler asked her, 'so it wasn't even your decision?' to which Kaz didn't reply to. She instead revealed to Tyler that Matthew ended it with her tonight with Tyler explaining that it was his loss and that there were 'no obstacles in our way'. Kaz jokingly said that she had started talking to Dale, and the pair of them started laughing as that obviously wasn't the case.

The girls had another chat where Mary explained that the girls she had originally come in with, are now out of the villa, but it was still great to have been saved by the boys. Tyler explained to the boys that Kaz wants them to get back to what they were and apologised to Matthew who didn't seem to bothered anyways, explaining that integrity and honesty are two things that he treasures in a relationship, and Kaz didn't tick either of those fulfilments, which is why he ended things with her. Faye revealed that she had some 'concerns in the road' about Teddy, as he was into jazz music whereas she liked old R&B and Disney, and he was into his fancy clothes, whereas she would browse at charity shops. Chloe explained that she was obsessed with Toby and that it 'wasn't even normal'. Toby and Jake were speaking about Toby's football career so far with Jake adding that he's finally 'blossomed into a man'. Tyler & Kaz decided that they would go back to sharing a bed again, and conversation turned to fish with Dale & Mary, after she asked him what type of fish he would be. Dale said he would be a piranha, and Mary said that she would be a dolphin. Matthew & Abigail also went for a chat and they both came to the realisation that they were on 'friend island', with Abigail adding that she hopes they drop in a saucy bombshell to spice things up. Faye also explained to Teddy that losing Hugo was very difficult, and she said that she has been trying to find every reason not to be someone's girlfriend, and also avoids using that 'G word' too.

At the end of the episode we were introduced to the first part of the 'Mad Movies Challenge' where the 7 girls and 7 boys would all sit down and watch clips from their journey in the villa so far, with pub quiz styled questions for them to compete in. The first question asked 'how many people have sex everyday?' with one of the girls pointing out that there are loads of old people and kids who they needed to think about. The girls had an answer that was the closest and went 1-0 up in the challenge. They decided to play the video clip called 'She's not all that' which was Jake speaking about Liberty at the beginning of their time in the villa, explaining that her personality was good, but that he didn't want to lie to himself. The next question was 'what percentage of people use their smartphones during sex?' with Chloe stating that some people film it, but let's see if they would help them win this round. The boys won this round, and they chose to watch the clip titled 'Fifty shades of Faye'. It showed her explaining that Teddy is not funny, and also a glimpse of her naughty conversation with Sam when they were speaking about sharing a bed and spooning. What will happen when the movies continue tomorrow night?

Friday 6th August

The 'Mad Movies Challenge' continued and the scores at the moment were 1-1. The next question asked the Islanders 'how often do men think about sex' with Abigail stating 'there's no number big enough' and Millie guessing 30 seconds. The girls won this round and went up 2-1, and decided to watch 'Tinker Tyler soldier pie' which saw Tyler kissing Clarisse in the Casa Amor bed, speaking about focusing on the here and now. Kaz explained that it was not fun to watch and she would not want to watch it again. The next question asked 'how long was the longest kiss' and I believe the girls won this round again. They decided to watch 'Moving mad Max' which showed the three way kiss between Liam, Clarisse and Salma and Liam explaining that his head said it was fine, and his heart stating that there was something for Millie. Chloe said that it looked like Liam wanted to cry which was good.

Up next was the question...'how many women fantasise about other men during sex?' with the boys winning that round. The video they selected was called 'Fast + Furious' and showed Chloe speaking about her 'little bit of foreplay' with Toby which made everyone giggle. The other videos that were shown were called 'Teddy player one' which saw Clarisse kissing Teddy in a Truth or Dare challenge, where he explained he was 'technically single', 'Kaz-taway' which was a video of Matthew helping Kaz to work out her butt muscles and not wanting a drink, but going straight in for a kiss instead. The final video was called 'The Jake escape' which was a video that showed Jake explaining to all of the boys that 'you're all single lads' and suggesting that Liam should have a private chat with Lillie. All the girls seemed shocked, and Faye shouted across to Jake, 'I hope no-one treats your sister like you treated all of us' with him reacting 'Was it all me though?'. The girls won the challenge, and none of the boys went over to talk to the girls, with Faye stating 'no-one's come over...they've scurried away like ants!'.

Jake and Toby had a chat where Jake explained his reasoning behind what was shown in the clip. He said that the boys that were single and unsure what they wanted, could find out what they wanted after heading to Casa Amor and being introduced to six new girls. Toby added that 'the girls have a different opinion on the whole situation' adding that they obviously wanted ut to stay 100% loyal and not talk to any of the other girls. Liberty, Chloe and Mary were all discussing some of the clips shown on the screen. Liberty realised that the first clip of Jake was at the early stages of their relationsgip which was understanding, but when Jake said that he 'didn't think she was fit', didn't make her feel good. Faye walked past Teddy and stuck up her middle finger, with Teddy asking 'why am I getting the middle finger?' and Matthew whispered to Teddy saying that there was 'drama over nothing'. Dale had a chat with Faye about the situation and wondered why she was so angry. She explained that Teddy hadn't mentioned anything to her about him having a 'sexual attraction' to anybody at Casa Amor, and he kissed Clarisse in a challenge which she also didn't know about. She added that 'the screen is the reason I don't want to be anyone's girlfriend'. She got very frustrated and explained to Dale that the conversation was over and whilst she was raising her voice, Matthew told her to stop shouting and then went quiet, and Faye quickly told Matthew to shut his mouth, as per usual.

Liam & Millie spoke about the heated discussions that were going on, adding that they 'weren't very nice to see' and Millie added that for them to move forward, she can't dwell on what's already happened. She also said that maybe Liam would be able to have cuddles in bed tonight, it would just depend on how she felt. Jake & Liberty also had a chat about the situation where Jake explained he was not alright with Faye. Liberty explained to Jake that this was the most vulnerable that he would see her, when she explained that she's not a supermodel. She added that when he said he didn't want to rip her clothes off, it hurt her feelings'. Liberty stated that she knows Jake wouldn't do anything to disrespect her and that he was a really trustworthy person. Faye was standing at the bar in the kitchen, describing Teddy as a 'donkey on its last legs'. Teddy tried to approach her to have a conversation and she replied 'if I was you, I'd just keep walking Teddy' and began shouting at him infront of the other islanders. She explained that 'everything on that screen that was shown, you knew', adding that she didn't know anything that was shown about him. He questioned 'why am I the bad guy here?' and she continued to shout at him before they went their separate ways.

Liberty and Chloe had a conversation about Jake, where she doesn't want to say 'I'm sexy, what's your problem' as that's for Jake to say off his own back. Chloe said that Jake should have reassured her as Liberty was now questioning Jake's intentions. Mary added that 'you need to address it now, otherwise it's going to get worse'. Teddy & Faye were finally able to have a private conversation where she quickly explained that 'I know my worth and for me this is done'. Faye asked Teddy to explain what was shown in the videos and he said that there was a sexual attraction to Clarisse but nothing actually happened with her. Teddy replied and said that he was angry about Faye's chat with Sam with Faye replying that 'the screen tells me a lot about you'. He also said that he wasn't happy with her reaction to the videos that were shown and the way she dealt with the situation, and she said 'if you're going to talk about not being happy with my reaction, this conversation is done'. She continued by saying 'my reactions wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for your actions'. Teddy stated that Faye seemed to always be finding an excuse to walk away from situations, and that is what hurt the most!

Ok, that's all for this week's summary post. There are 7 girls and 7 boys in the villa, and on Sunday night's show, we find out who will be leaving the villa...Will it be 1, 2, 3, 4 or more Islanders leaving? Oh, they have their Love Island club party to attend first and then we will see! Until then, goodbye!



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