Week 5 is the week of Casa Amor. Will the couples stay loyal to eachother or will people's head turn? In this weekly update, I'll be summarising the main parts of the show so read below to find out what happened!
Sunday 25th July
At the beginning of this episode, Liberty explained to Faye and Kaz that she was shocked that she's now got a boyfriend. Toby explained to Tyler and Teddy that it's worth taking a risk and being the 'bad persion', especially if success stories like Jake & Liberty are the possible end result. Toby & Abigail had a cheeky flirt, with Toby saying to her 'don't give me those eyes' and Hugo explained that he didn't want any drama. Hugo asked Toby for a chat and they sat next to the fire pit, with Toby initially stating that he thought Hugo was a bigger man and trusted him not to embarrass him infront of the other Islanders. Hugo explained that Toby had to care about other people's feelings and Toby said that 'your opinions don't matter to me anymore. Hugo & Chloe went for a chat where Chloe explained that Toby doesn't like being in the wrong, with Hugo adding that they will have to agree to disagree.
In the morning, Hugo joked that he and Chloe should be 'booted out of the villa' because they're both hopeless and the girls discussed their NVQ levels whilst the boys described their sexual experiences using football phrases. The Islanders were involved with their own sports day event which saw the Green Team (Toby, Faye, Liberty, Jake, Abigail, Aaron and Kaz) up against the Pink Team (Tyler, Chloe, Lucinda, Liam, Teddy, Millie...and also Hugo, who was also Mr Hammond for the game!). Their games included the 'Egg N Spoon' race, the 'Three-Legged' race and the 'Sack' race. Faye joked that Abigail had alrady stolen Chloe's man so they were going to steal that particular round, and when it was Hugo against Toby, who explained he 'liked to play a game', Hugo said 'Yeah I know you like a game mate' and Toby ended up beating him in that particular sack race. In the end, the Pink Team won 7-6, but they didn't actually win a prize. Toby explained to Millie that his head is going, but his legs aren't moving, and he wanted to apologise to Chloe for his previous actions, so that he could squash the drama and continue getting to know Abigail. After pulling her for a chat, she said 'I hope you know where you went wrong' and added that they clearly weren't compatible.
Aaron and Hugo had a brief discussion about Hugo's intentions whilst being in the villa, and he hinted that Hugo should try and make subtle moves towards Chloe, adding that it won't ruin the friendship, but seeing whether she would be interested in a more romantic way. Chloe also had a private chat with Abigail and explained that she doesn't need to sit away from Chloe or avoid her around the villa, and that 'if you want a snog, just go and snog'. Aaron & Lucinda had a private chat where Aaron explained that it was 'difficult for me to express my feelings, but it was much better than I expected' and then one of the Islanders received a text. The public had been voting to save their favourites couples, and one couple would be leaving the villa tonight. Due to Abigail and Tyler being the newest Islanders, them and their partners (Toby and Kaz) were automatically safe. The first three couples to be saved by the public, were: Liam & Millie, Jake & Liberty and Hugo & Chloe. This meant that either Teddy & Faye or Aaron & Lucinda would be leaving the villa...and Kaz revealed that the lowest rated couple were Aaron & Lucinda, so they were sent packing!
Lucinda was sad because she wasn't going to be able to wake up next to Millie, Kaz explained that she will miss Aaron as he was one of her 'go to' people and Hugo got emotional, stating that Aaron was his best mate in the villa and that he's going to miss him a lot. After they both left, Millie did a cheers to Lucinda and her main catchphrase 'life's too short!'. Jake & Liberty and Teddy & Faye had a quick chat after the re-coupling and were all speaking about how sad it was that a couple had left, as it's difficult enough when just one person goes. Hugo pulled Chloe for a chat and admitted that him and Aaron were 'upto no good' and explained that they were speaking about Hugo's plans going forward in the villa and wondered if there would be any possibility of something happening between him and Chloe. She explained that 'if something was going to happen, it would have happened naturally' and Toby shared his first kiss with Abigail at the fire pit, explaining that 'tjhe lips have locked'
Monday 26th July
At the beginning of this episode, Liberty explained that it had been the quietest that the villa had ever been after the last dumpings that happened. The boys were sent a text that explained they were being sent on a lads holiday and had to try and sneak out of the villa without the girls noticing. There was a clever shot that showed the boys cheering and jumping around as they left the villa, with the girls quietly chatting away on the roof terrace, unaware of what had happened. Liberty went downstairs to either make herself something to drink or eat, or to check up on the boys, but she noticed they had all disappeared. Faye and Kaz both explained that they had just opened up and found new men that they actually liked and they were already gone, and also, the boys didn't make their beds before they left. Once the boys got to Casa Amor, Teddy did a cheers to more love, laughter and life and we were introduced to six new girls who were going to join them for several nights, with their aim of getting the boys' heads to turn in order for them to join the main villa.
The girls were as follows; Clarisse (23), Lillie (22), Amy (25), Kaila (28), Salma (20) and Mary (22). Jake explained that 'there have been some new girls thrown in, who are my type' although he had recently asked Liberty to be his girlfriend. Would his head be turned that quickly? Whilst the villa girls were packing the suitcases for the boys they were coupled up with, Kaz explained that they weren't being 'savage enough'. When introducing themselves to the new girls, Hugo eplained that 'they're all taken apart from me'. Salma explained that she was into guys that were tall, dark and handsome, Lillie was an 'old school romantic' who wanted somebody to reminder her to do things and be dominant, and Kaila was interested in somebody who works out a lot. Tyler explained to the girls that him and Kaz are going from strength to strength, with Liam adding that the new girls have 'no loyalties to the girls yet'. During Hugo's conversation with a few of the bous, he explained that Lillie, Mary and Amy were the three he seemed to like the most, purely based on their personality and confidence. Liam added that he was attracted to Lillie. Teddy & Clarisse had a private chat where she explained that her previous relationship was back in 2019 and she spent lockdown alone, but is now ready to find someone. Teddy explained that it is 'quite hard to turn my head' as he was in a solid relationship with Faye at the moment.
The villa girls were also given their treat when they realised the boys had left one of their phones and they saw the notification about Casa Amor. Of course, it would only be fair if six new boys came into the villa. The boys were as follows; Dale (24), Jack (26), Medhy (24), Harry (24), Matthew (26) and Sam (23). Some of the boys explained what their jobs were, with Dale stating he was a barber, Medhy was a footballer, Sam, an engineer and Harry added that he's a car salesman. Matthew and Faye had a bond over both being lettings agents. Abigail explained that she doesn't know if her head will be turned and it seemed to be quite a chilled introduction. Back at Casa Amor, Hugo wondered where all of the boys were sleeping. Teddy said he was going on the daybed, Toby and Tyler wanted to sleep in the main bedroom and wait for the girls to ask to stay in their bed, rather than asking and potentially seeming a little bit forward. Jake explained to some of the other boys that they're all single lads, there's no labels on their current partnerships and this was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity to try and find love'. Toby explained that it was difficult for Tyler and Teddy, purely because of how close they have got to Faye and Kaz respectively. The boys opened the suitcases that the villa girls had packe for them, with Jake discovering one of Liberty's very large bras, Liam's necklace from Millie and a pink robe for Tyler, from Kaz.
Some of the new boys at the main villa; Dale, Harry, Medhy and Sam were discussing the girls that they had just met, and which ones they wanted to get to know more. Sam stated that he seemed to like Kaz but not sure on how the other girls are, with the other boys agreeing. Matthew and Jack were talking to Millie, Abigail and Liberty about who they wanted to get to know more in the villa, with Millie explaining that she and Liam were really close but she wasn't sure what was going to happen whilst he was at Casa Amor. She added that 'I don't have much trust'. Matthew explained that his last serious relationship was three years ago and he ended up moving to Australia for a while, but recently has been 'connecting with different people' which Chloe asking if that meant that he's been sleeping around. Chloe said that she was wanting to get to know Dale, and Kaz said that she wanted to know more about Jack and Harry.
Let the games begin! At Casa Amor, the 12 Islanders were involved with a sexy game of Truth or Dare, while at the main villa they were playing a more PG rated version of Never have I ever. Kaila decided to kiss Tyler as the guy that she was 'most attracted to' and Liam kissed Lillie for the same reason. Back at the villa, Chloe along with some of the others admitted to cheating, and she was in agreement with Faye, about enjoying looking through her partner's phone. Faye and Abigail also admitted to having sex in a spa. Teddy's dare was to kiss the toe of the girl that he found most attractive, and he chose Clarisse, and Hugo's dare was to kiss the two girls he was most attracted to, choosing Amy and Mary. Toby kissed Mary and Clarisse, Lillie gave Liam a lap dance and Amy chose to kiss Liam, Tyler and Hugo as her 'top three guys'. Back at the villa, Faye and Millie were having a chat about their boys, wondering what they are upto. Faye added that she thought either Teddy or Liam's head would turn and that one of them would be left single, with Millie adding that she had trust issues.
Tuesday 27th July
During this episode, Chloe explained to new boy Dale, that she was currently in a friendship couple with Hugo and in terms of 'her type' she liked short men with tattoos and a good body. She explained to Dale that she was happy to 'overlook' his accessory choice with the golden chains around his neck and they started to get to know eachother. Back at Casa Amor, some of the new girls were talking to Jake and Toby, and they knew that some of the other boys were interested, but decided not to give the girls any clues, as it was upto them to work it out for themselves. Back at the main villa, Abigail was speaking to new boys Sam and Jack about her latest re-coupling with Toby. Jake and Liam were discussing his situation with Millie, and he explained that if Millie 'wasn't here', he would have been more raunchy with Lillie. He pulled Lillie for a chat an both Clarisse and Salma seemed quite surprised when he did. He explained to Lillie that he was happy with Millie, but attracted to Lillie as well. She asked whether he wanted to explore and she asked if she was able to sleep in his bed for the night. Tyler & Amy had their first chat in the Casa Amor villa, with Amy admitting 'I am a snack, but I'm not a snacker'.
Jake, Teddy, Tyler and Hugo were discussing one of the new Casa Amor girls, Lillie, explaining that she is dangerous, in terms of only wanting to know Liam. Hugo & Amy had a private chat, where she explained that she liked both him and Tyler, but Tyler had said he wanted to get to know some of the other girls. Back at the main villa, Abigail explained to Millie, Kaz and Chloe that the girls had connections with their boys in the main villa before they went off to Casa Amor, and didn't feel comfortable getting into bed with anyone else. Kaz said to Millie that she's trusting Tyler, but scared that his head will turn. Tyler, Amy, Toby and Mary were all sitting down, with Mary quickly stating that 'I'm sharing a bed with Toby', explaining that they are able to have private time. Toby added that he wasn't attached to Abigail, not like he was with Chloe. Back in the main villa, all of the new boys were sleeping alone, whilst the girls slept around different areas of the villa, whereas at Casa Amor, Toby & Mary shared a bed, along with Hugo & Kaila and Tyler & Amy. Both Clarisse and Salma slept alone, Liam was with Lillie and both Teddy and Jake slept in the hut outside the main bedroom. Chloe explained to the other girls that she was the only single girl and that she had pick of the boys in 'chat city'. Liam explained to the boys that when he woke up, Lillie ended up with her leg over him, with the boys agreeing that with Casa Amor, it was 'time to explore!'
Chloe stated that out of all the new boys she would definitely snog Dale and Sam said that all of the girls were 'mint' but he wanted to pull Chloe for a chat. Kaz also explained that she wanted to pull Matthew for a chat to see if there was a better connection than what she currently had with Tyler. Amy explained to Hugo that she was very into sports, including tennis, and regularly goes out for dinner with her girls. She asked him if he was competitive and he said 'I'm not a bad loser, but I'm a good winner'. Clarisse explained to Tyler that sleeping with two pillows is kind of like sleeping with two different guys in her bed and Tyler asked her what she would do if she was in his shoes. She explained that 'if there is someone that's better for you'...with Tyler quickly replying 'And you're saying that you're better?'. She explained that she thought there was a better connection between them and that they had more in common. Lillie also said that she wanted Liam's head to turn. During another chat between Dale & Chloe, she was wearing an incredibly bright pink bikini, and they both discussed their joint love for anime shows. Dale asked whether she thought he was funny and she explained that she laughed because it's polite...and they both began to giggle again! Tyler asked Clarisse to put sun cream on his back and they began speaking about how they both enjoyed massages, with Tyler suggesting that he was closed off; and adding that his two Casa Amor girls were both Clarisse and Amy. Matthew was also teaching Kaz to do some more bum exercises with her exclaiming 'I can feel more than a burn!'
The Islanders were then involved with a game called 'Raunchy Races' which was a bttle between the villa and Casa Amor. The challenges involved the Islanders having to get into different positions, snog different Islanders based on height, age or name and some toe sucking...as per usual! Some of the kisses included Medhy & Kaz from the villa and Toby & Mary from Casa Amor who kissed for 20 seconds. The shortest guy then had to kiss the girl he liked the most (and the Islanders at the main villa realised that Jake was probably the shortest guy, and he won this challenge after kissing Mary!), and Liam and Jack had to suck the toes of Lillie and Chloe. Liberty explained that she was a little bit annoyed after Jake won his challenge, especially after she was 'hamster kissing' Matthew in order to stay loyal to her villa boyfriend. She added that 'Jake's tongue has gone down another girls throat', and back at Casa Amor, Liam explained to the boys that Lillie was snogging his face off but he wasn't complaining. Kaz explained to Abigail that her kiss from Medhy was 'spicy' and Millie spoke to Sam about missing Liam, but unsure what he's doing. She also said that she didn't trust him; adding that 'none of these boys are Liam'. Liam asked Lillie if all of her eggs were in one basket, to which she replied yes, and he added that whatever decision he makes, he's going to end up upsetting someone. Liam added that Lillie made him want to flirt with her, but let's see what happens in tomorrow's episode!
Wednesday 28th July
Back at Casa Amor, Tyler explained to Clarisse that he was putting Kaz to the side and focusing on the now, so was open to getting to know Clarisse. Faye explained to Millie that she was having doubts about Teddy, purely because he's 'too calm' for her. She did however explain that she was wearing his ring and his aftershave and she did miss Teddy keeping her calm. Faye said that Sam and Harry were also more her type, in terms of being 'fun' (or funny). At Casa Amor Hugo & Amy decided to share a bed together, with Amy describing him as a 'delicate flower'. Toby also explained that if both him and Abigail came back to the villa with someone, it wouldn't be the end of their relationship, they would just discuss their reasons behind deciding to re-couple. Tyler & Clarisse and Liam & Lillie had another chat individually. Dale & Chloe seemed to be flirting with eachother back at the villa, with Chloe admitting that Dale was her favourite out of everyone. Toby & Mary also decided to share a bed, with Toby explaining 'you might get a cuddle, you might not' and Lillie asked Liam if he wanted another kiss from her. In the morning, Tyler & Clarisse kissed and Hugo & Amy hugged, and Lillie explained that it 'would be nice to be hugged back', hinting at Liam who fell asleep without being affectionate. Chloe woke up as the only girl with the new lads, and she was involved in the first boys chat and then went off to speak to the girls about their first night alone!
Hugo & Amy cuddled, and Amy explained that she felt like she 'passed out' because she usually can't sleep with somebody, but it was easy for her to fall asleep. Tyler said that Clarisse is a good kisser, and Mary said to Toby that there was no pressure at this point of them getting to know eachother. Chloe reassured Kaz by saying that she was the only girl that Tyler spoke to and Faye explained to the other girls that Teddy doesn't make her laugh, but calms her down. Millie added that she wanted to waste everyday until Liam got back to the villa. Jake said to Liam that he seems to be holding back because he's worried about what's happening 'over there' but explained that they're on a lads holiday and none of them are actually in relationships as of yet. At the main villa, Chloe discovered there was a postcard that had been delivered with pictures of their boys kissing new girls and she was quite shocked and decided to run through the bedroom to show the girls what she had found. Matthew explained that he felt bad, but Sam said 'it opens a lot of doors'. Dale said to Chloe that both Tyler and Teddy had messed up and the girls are not going to get mugged off. They both explained that they were going to try and get Matthew to speak to Kaz, and maybe get to know her better. Tyler & Clarisse both explained that they were tired, but they wanted to just 'go with the flow' rather than forcing anything upon eachother.
Faye pulled Sam for a chat and realised she had a one way train ticket to cougarville, explaining that she was wearing the same dress that she walked into the villa with, but it was just a little bit tighter than before. Kaz explained to Matthew that she trusted Tyler and had no reason not to trust him. Matthew said that he values integrity and honesty the most, which is what they both seemed to have in common. Hugo & Amy were having a brief conversation before Hugo picked up on the fact that she seemed to be a little nervous, and they snogged eachother, before his said 'job done'...which left Amy a little annoyed. Back at the main villa, Liberty explained that boys handle situations differently to girls and Faye added that she's no longer going to be vulnerable, especially after the image that she saw of Teddy kissing another girl. Lillie asked the rest of the Casa Amor girls who was likely to be getting a kiss tonight, hinting at Amy. Millie, Faye and Abigail spoke about Sam not wanting to 'move mad' with Abigail adding that it's 'their place to graft...if they want it, they gonna get it'. During another mini girls chat between Kaz, Liberty and Chloe, Chloe stated how she liked Dale, and Sam was her Number two. Faye explained that Dale seemed to be moving for Chloe, and added that she was getting herself a bed tonight. Liberty also spoke to Kaz about her situation with Tyler, and explained that Matthew had a better figure than Tyler, which led them to share a bed together.
Thursday 29th July
At the beginning of this episode, Kaz & Matthew were having a chat and instead of wanting a sip of his drink, Matthew pulled her in for a kiss. Tyler & Clarisse explained that they had tehnically the equivalent of four dates on the outside world. Amy said to Hugo that he didn't seem soppy or full on, like some of the other boys and they both agreed that one of the most important things in a potential relationship is trust, which includes good communication. Abigail explained to Faye that she went from being really confident and 100% sticking with Toby, to now being unsure of the whole situation as he's been away for a few days and could be upto anything. Toby explained to Mary that her eyes were her 'best trick' and teased her as to whether she deserved an iced coffee the following morning, which she explained that she did, especialy after Toby fell asleep on her the previous night.
Liberty, Millie and Kaz had another girls chat, with Liberty explaining that they all did what they could do, by being loyal to their men and Millie seemed to be very upset as she didn't know what was going to happen when Liam came back. Lillie explained to Liam that she'd been naughty, and touched him a lot more than usual and they both kissed in the tent outside the bedroom, with Jake and Teddy both there watching this play out. Liam, Jake, Teddy and Hugo were discussing each of their situations, with Liam explaining that his head said that kissing Lillie was fine, but his hert says that there was something there for Millie. Hugo jokingly added that he had to kiss Liam three times before working out exactly which of the girls to continue getting to know. Tyler, Toby and Liam also had a private chat later on, with the boys suggesting that Tyler should reassure Clarisse about the Kaz situation with Tyler unable to answer which of the girls he would rather pursue, and Toby also explained that Millie was his closest girl mate in the villa, adding that Liam had to be true to himself.
Back at the main villa, Sam & Faye were discussing how Chloe was the only single girl and that he didn't move mad for her, asking what he was doing in the villa. They had a little bit of a flirt and Faye told him that he needed to let Harry know that Faye wanted to sleep with Sam tonight. Dale & Chloe had another chat, with Chloe stating her best conversation so far was with him and that they were able to speak about something serious, to something Scottish. After Dale spoke to Faye, she told him that she was interested in Teddy, so instantly shut him down, allowing him to get to know Chloe. She also suggested that Dale could sleep in her bed if he wanted to, and he said he 'didnt want to give the wrong impression' as he still did want to try and get to know Faye, but also see exactly where his head was at. Teddy & Clarisse had their first proper chat since arriving at Casa Amor and he said that love is in the air, and it makes him miss someone, adding that Clarisse can 'bring out the bad Ted' and he quickly said to her that he didn't trust her. Faye explained to Sam that when she woke up in the morning, she didn't expect that she would be in this situation with a new man and the girls all had a chat about their previous night in the villa. Dale jokingly said that he needed earplugs as he could hear people kissing all night long.
Jake explained to the boys at Casa Amor that it was nice to sleep outside but very difficult to be affectionate or cuddle outside as it was so hot, and Tyler explained that he was excited to get to know Clarisse. Liam also said that he had the worst night and had to respect Millie until he spoke to her later on in the process. Toby spoke with Mary again and wondered if he had more of a connection than just a friendship, or something more, and they kissed at the firepit. Jake explained the Casa Amor situation like a summer holiday, and said that for the first time 'I'm missing school', so he would be able to go back to the main villa and see Liberty. Sam & Faye had another chat about their current situation, which Faye described as a cat and mouse, but the mouse is already dead, and she added that it was good to share a bed with Sam, especially as they were able to switch from big spoon to little spoon throughout the night. She added that she 'wasn't going there', purely because of her loyalty to Teddy. The main villa and Casa Amor both received messages which stated that theree would be a re-coupling, which would allow them to stay with their current partner or switch to one of the new Islanders who has joined them for the last few days. It was the ultimate game of stick or twist.
After a slow and dramatic entrance from host Laura Whitmore (and a sensual voiceover from her husband Iain Stirling), she revealed to the other Islanders that they had the decision to stick or twist with their current partners. In the main villa, the orginal girls were all sat by the firepit, and the six new boys were told to stand up. Up first was Chloe, currently in a friendship couple with Hugo. She decided to re-couple with new boy Dale, and Hugo arrived back from Casa Amor with Amy, and it's safe to say that all of the Islanders seemed pretty happy that he had finally started something special with somebody, and it wasn't just in a friendship way! Abigail was next to decide her fate. She remained loyal to Toby, but he arrived back from Casa Amor with new girl Mary...which was a shock to all of the Islanders, with Chloe adding that he was a 'f*cking idiot'. Nice.
Friday 30th July
During this final episode of the week, we saw the second half of the re-couplings. Liberty stayed loyal to Jake...and he also arrived back from Casa Amor alone, so they remained as a couple! Kaz decided to re-couple with Matthew and Tyler brought back new girl Clarisse from Casa Amor which left everyone in the villa speechless. Faye also decided to re-couple, with Sam, and Teddy actually came back from Casa Amor on his own. Faye had doubts about Teddy's intentions, purely over a single guess which happened during a game. Millie was loyal to Liam, and he also came back from Casa Amor alone...but that chapter wasn't closed. Laura Whitmore explained that Harry, Medhy and Jack were not chosen which meant it was the end of their journey, and she also explained that three of the Casa Amor girls; Salma, Lillie and Kaila also didn't get picked, and their journey was also over. Lillie explained that she was a little bit shocked, as she had started to build a connection with one of the boys, who also explained that they were 50/50 about who they were going to couple up with. After she revealed it was Liam, Millie seemed to be quite embarrassed with Liam stating that he would explain later on what had happened...but Millie was eager for him to explain in-front of everyone else.
Millie, Chloe, Abigail and Kaz were all speechless about Liam having got close to another girl, with Kaz adding that she was genuinely so sorry and Chloe explaining that just because they were allowed to go on a lads holiday, they thought they were going to get away with it. Millie explained that he can't even go four days without kissing another girl and was in floods of tears. Teddy, Liam and Toby were all talking about the situation and Toby realised that he left Abigail by herself and he added that Faye had explained her final chat with Teddy, before he went to Casa Amor, allowed her to bring her walls down, but now her guard is back up. Teddy stated that 'you don't flip because of a kiss!' and was unsure why Faye had re-coupled based off of a kiss in a challenge. Liam decided to go and have a private chat with Millie, stating that 'the longer you leave it, the more emotional you will get'. He explained that the kisses happened in a challenge and hinted at the fact that she was quite forward, by putting all of her eggs in one basket, not wanting to get to know any of the other boys. She said 'you mustn't have loved me that much'. Jake & Liberty ended up on the terrace and Liberty explained that she wanted time apart from Jake to see if they could do it, but realised that she doesn't want to do that again. She explained to Jake that she would smell his Lynx Africa on his t-shirt every morning to remind her of him, and Jake explained that he doesn't wear Lynx Africa...so who's she been smelling?
Toby & Abigail ended up having a quick chat after the re-coupling, and Toby admitted that he wanted to get to know both Abigail and Mary, and brought Mary back so that he was able to spend equal time with both of them. Abigail stated 'how many lessons does one guy need' when she went to the Love Island diary room, but listened to what he had to say. Abigail asked him to tell her exactly what he wants, especially because of what has happened with some of the other girls in the villa. Mary and some of the other Islanders were watching in on their conversation, and they reassured her that there was nothing to worry about. Millie, Abigail and Amy had a chat about the Liam situation and Amy explained to them that he wanted to be respectful to Millie, but kissed somebody else outside of the challenge to see if there was a spark there. Millie stated that it would have been easier if he would have just brought Lillie into the villa, with both of the other girls disagreeing. Amy added that 'sometimes being tested, makes you realise what you have at home'. The final discussion of the night was between Teddy & Faye, whilst Teddy and Toby were having a quick chat regarding the re-coupling, she walked over with a frown upon her face. She explained to Teddy that after receiving the postcard, she wasn't in the best of moods, and decided to go and retrieve the postcard to show him what she saw. Teddy questioned her saying 'this made you pick this guy?' adding that Faye wasn't the only one who let their guard down.
Alright, so we are into the final few weeks of the show and I think I'm going to make some predictions...
(1) Hugo & Amy will not last. She used him just to get into the main villa and find love elsewhere.
(2) Mary and Abigail will both be tested by Toby and he will probably stick with Abigail, and a new man will come in for Mary
(3) Liam & Millie will kiss and make up and hopefully Liberty will realise that Jake's only with her for the prize money (maybe love to begin with...but he's the one that tried to split all the other boys from their original girls, so that their relationship looked the strongest)
(4) Matthew & Kaz could potentially last, but it seems like he got with Kaz because people know that she is popular
Not too sure about any of the other couples, but I hope Faye either gets back with Teddy and they makeup and forget about a kiss that happened in a challenge, or that she and Hugo pair up and get to the final as a popular friendship couple, split the money and start their own businesses!