Week 3 of Love Island! Here's the recap of what happened from Sunday 11th to Friday 16th July.
Sunday 11th July
At the beginning of this episode, we found out that new boy Teddy was going to be going on speed dates with 4 girls of his choice. Firstly, he chose Kaz, and at the beginning of their conversation he explained that he was bad with names, but Kaz said 'don't forget mine' and I think that was the start of some flirty banter. Kaz explained that her relationship with Toby had pretty much ended, quoting 'thank u, next', out with Toby and in with Teddy. Millie, Lucinda, Liam and Brad were all talking in the villa about who they think Teddy will choose to go on a date with, and they agreed that it probably wouldn't be Lucinda. Teddy explained to Kaz that he wanted somebody to share passions with and enjoy travelling with, to which she said she was looking for as well. Up next was Rachel who noticed Teddy's good shoulders which started off their date and finished the first date with Kaz! Kaz went back to the villa with the others and spoke with Liberty, explaining that she still doesn't know what job he does, and that she would rate him a 7.5/10 but added that she does fancy him.
Teddy said to Rachel that he can be quite spontaneous, and wanted to know what plans Rachel had made at last minute. She explained that she went to Paris for 24 hours to spend time with a guy, adding that 'it obviously didn't work out which is why I'm here!'. She added that she doesn't want men to always pay for her meals or open the door for her. Up next was Sharon who had explained that she had been having a chilled night in the villa so far, and it was nice to have some more men arriving. Faye and Rachel discussed that Teddy seemed to be a really confident guy and that he was very sexy. During Sharon's conversation with Teddy, he told her that he was a senior financial consultant which was labelled as a 'serious job' and Sharon explained that she was a civil servant and was looking for somebody to add another level to her life, as she's already got her friends, family and successful job, but needed somebody to love! The 4th and final date Teddy had, was with Faye who questioned his genuinely good intentions when he pulled her chair out for her, stating 'is this how you normally are?' to which they both giggled at. Teddy explained that Faye had stunnng eyes, and Faye explained to Teddy that she was looking for a man not a boy, and she doesn't like to fake her emotions.
Kaz, Rachel, Liberty and Sharon were having a girly chat, with Rachel calling Teddy a 'proper man', and Sharon explaining she was really flirty with Teddy, adding that she wasn't sure if Faye would fancy him. After a romantic chat between Liam & Millie, Liam decided to fall up the stairs on the way back to the kitchen, and they ended up snogging on the outside chair. Millie explained that it was good to do something about the connection that they were feeling towards eachother, and felt too awkward to initially snog in front of Faye. Faye explained that it was a fair playing field with Teddy, and after they both entered the villa, the boys were quick to ask Teddy which of the dates he enjoyed the most, to which he replied 'they've all got good personalities'. Sharon added that there seemed to be a lot of competitiveness between the girls. Teddy asked Brad what would happen if he coupled up with Lucinda, and the rest of the boys laughed! Teddy then went over to join the girls during their conversation about the dates that had just happened. Sharon called their chat 'the lions den' and Liberty was hinting that some of the girls are saucy, and asked whether Teddy would be shooting his shot into many baskets or just one.
Rachel explained that she was going to graft like she has never grafted before and Teddy explained that there was some chemistry between him and Rachel. Liam & Millie and Toby & Chloe all slept outside, and both couples ended up snogging quite loudly, with Chloe adding 'there was so much snogging' after she was asked what happened the night before...Liam & Millie weren't too pleased with sweating outside so decided against sleeping outside for another night! Chloe, Lucinda and Millie had their girly trio gossip where Chloe explained that she gave Toby a massage and that he got 'very excited' and they added that they think all of the girls will be called for a chat. Teddy explained to Chloe that there were 2 main stand out dates and Kaz explained that 'he's 4 of our mans...I don't like sharing' and she decided to have a flirty conversation with Teddy in the sun. Teddy & Faye had another conversation to which Teddy said he had been having a good day so far, with Faye jokily adding that he's had a good day, by ending up in the dog house (as he's not coupled up with anyone yet due to it being his first night!). Faye explained that she was keeping an eye on Teddy, but explained that he gave her a confidence boost.
Rachel and Kaz were discussing about the lack of romance they have both had in the villa, with Rachel explaining that she missed the 'thrill'. Teddy & Sharon had a quick chat in which Teddy asked her 'what's next for Sharon?' to which she replied, 'I was hoping you'd help me with that' and she explained that she was like an open book, and quite open minded. Teddy added that the conversation they had was really interesting and that she wasn't just a pretty face. Teddy & Rachel then had another chat where she explained that she didn't want the day to end, but would instead want un-interruped time where she would be able to get to know him better. At the end of the episode, we found out that the Islanders would be involved in another recoupling, and the girl who isn't chosen would be dumped from the villa! Hugo said 'You can all book your appointments, I'll be waiting' as he wasn't currently coupled up with anybody, and he had already created a friendship coupling with Chloe, whilst she was busy getting to know Toby!
Monday 12th July
During this episode, we saw another recoupling taking place. Hugo spoke with Teddy and asked him whether he was going to shock the rest of the Islanders, and he didn't give anything away! Faye and Sharon had another girls chat and Faye stated that she had a really lovely conversation with Teddy, but wasn't sure if he was genuine. Liberty added that if Kaz gets dumped from the villa, that she would be devastated. The results were as follows:
Jake chose Liberty, explaining that 'she's me with a wig on', Liam chose Millie, adding that 'she definitely caught my eye', Toby chose Chloe, adding the fact that she 'pulled out a side of me I don't know. Brad chose Lucinda, adding that he 'had a feeling something was there', Aaron chose Kaz, as he 'wants her to find someone she likes' and Hugo chose Sharon, adding that 'love is round the corner for both of us'. The final pairing was for Teddy to decide, and he had between Rachel and Faye to choose from. He explained that the girl he was going to couple up with, had 'naughty tension' which he wanted to know more about and that the conversation between them flowed from the minute he set eyes on here. He chose to couple up with Faye, meaning that Rachel was dumped from the villa.
Aaron & Kaz had a brief chat to which he explained to her that she was one of his favourite humans, adding that it was the ideal friendship coupling, and that he wanted to avoid the complicated relationship he had with Sharon, as he felt like she liked him more than he liked her. Toby & Chloe had another snog, with Jake and Liam watching on, adding 'as you were!' before Toby & Chloe made out once again! Faye and Kaz had another conversation where Kaz explained that she was happy Teddy gave her another chance, and Faye was excited to get to know the new boy, as she didn't really have a connection with anybody else in the villa. Teddy walked over to Faye to have another conversation with her, and sthe stated that she could smell him halfway across the villa...so it must have been the amazing aftershave he was wearing! During the night, Liam & Millie, Brad & Lucinda and Toby & Chloe all snogged, and for breakfast the next day, Toby decided to make Chloe a plate of melon in the shape of her initials. Millie had to step in and help, and she also suggested to Toby that he probably wanted somebody to turn his world upside down which he agreed with. Teddy then explained to Faye that he had a scar on his bum after falling into a spikey fence and Faye seemed quite intrigued to see it!
Millie explained to Liam that her dad was a neon artist and after explaining that she would help Liam have a wash when he got back from work, he explained that he didn't like baths...unless they would be with Millie! Up next was a couples challenge called 'Spit the Roast' which involved the Islanders to catch food in their mouths without using their hands, and create the best looking roast dinner in their couples...the food ingredients included chicken, carrots and gravy among other things. The winners of the challenge were Liam & Millie! Liberty and Faye had a deep discussion about how Faye doesn't like opening up to people, as she realises this will stop her from getting hurt, but she wanted to give Teddy a chance because he seemed really lovely. Liberty added that she should 'take it at your own pace'. Liam & Millie had another chat, adding that they should couple up with eachother so they can be seen as a proper couple, and Millie explained that 'that's what we're all here for', a proper relationship. After joking about not having enough deep chats, they both agreed that they shoul have some deeper chats. The final chat of the episode was between Faye & Teddy, where Faye explained to Teddy that he made her feel good for the past few days and that they not only had a great first date, but the conversation between them is easy, and they had their first proper snog on the terrace.
Tuesday 13th July
At the beginning of the episode, Faye, Kaz and Sharon had a discussion about Faye's new recoupling with new boy Teddy, and she explained to Kaz that his heard could be turned, but at the moment they seem to be having an easy conversation, adding that he is also very affectionate. Jake & Liberty and Toby & Chloe were all sitting on the outside beds discussing their current relationships in the villa, explaining that it was a safe space for the 4 of them to speak openly about their feelings. Liberty explained that she's getting a little bit of a feeling for Haje, adding that she really likes him. Toby asked whether there was anything holding her back, and she explained that it's difficult for her to open up to people, especially when she was comparing herself to girls everyday in terms of looks, but now realises it's more important to look for personality when she is thinking of dating a new guy.
As winners of the previous challenge, Liam & Millie were given access to The Hideaway for one night, which involved a lot of back massaging and bum slapping from Millie, and led her to dressing up as a sexy nurse for her new man. Jake and Toby had a double date idea for their couples, and wanted to surprise them with food at the bar. Kaz and Sharon had a chat and discussed that her and Hugo were coupled up at the beginning they were separated and now they're back together, so wondered if there was any potential of anything happening between the two of them, or whether they are just good friends. She explained that she liked Hugo as a person, and that the missing qualities in Aaron, were easier to find in Hugo. Kaz asked Sharon whether she should go and have a conversation with Hugo to see where his head was at with the whole conversation, so they could work out whether to try getting to know eachother more.
Hugo and Liam became barman for the 4 person date, and delivered plates of avacado for Jake & Liberty and Toby & Chloe, teasing that next time the girls should make dinner for the boys! Lucinda and Millie also had a discussion which included what their favourite animals were. Millie said her favourite animal was a dog, and Lucinda said a baby cub! Lucinda received a text and she was told that she was going on her first date with Brad! During their discussion, Brad explained that he would never find someone to date in Amble, as it's a small town, or his friends would have already got with all of the available girls. Lucinda explained that Brad lived really up North and she lived really down South (near Brighton/London). Kaz pulled Hugo for a chat to discuss the Sharon situation and he instantly revealed that there was nothing romantic there at the beginning of their time in the villa together, and added that they were 'both in the same situation'. Lucinda asked Brad whether his head would be turned, and he said that at the minute, based on 'the level of attraction' which is 'unreal', he didn't think it could happen. Lucinda said the same thing, but added 'never say never' because you never know who is going to be walking into that villa next! Kaz and Sharon had another de-brief conversation after Kaz went to speak to Hugo privately, and she explained that he didn't see any romantic at the beginning of their time in the villa together, to which Sharon replied to with 'he would have pulled me for a chat if he was interested in me as more than just a friend', so let's see what happens with that little triangle of confusion!
Some of the Islanders were discussing potential date ideas to which Chloe said 'drinks', Faye replied to with 'going on a dog walk' and Liam explained that he would want to 'get drunk and see where the night ends!'. The Islanders received a text message that explained that the public had been voting for the couples who they thought were the most compatible, and in no particular order, the first 4 couples that were saved, were; Liam & Millie, Jake & Liberty, Aaron & Kaz and Teddy & Faye. That means the bottom 3 couples (voted as the least compatible) were Toby & Chloe, Brad & Lucinda and Hugo & Sharon. It was revealed at the end of the show that the couple with the fewest votes were Brad & Lucinda, and that one of them would be dumped from the villa...by the other.
Wednesday 14th July
On Wednesday's episode we saw Brad & Lucinda have their final chat as a couple, before one or both of them were to leave the villa. Lucinda said that she felt sick and Brad suggested that she stays in and that he goes. During this part of the episode I think it was clear to see that Brad hadn't come into the villa to find love, but just for future opportunities...and Faye seemed to be really angry at both of them because of that. She also said that if Lucinda really liked Brad, then she would have left with him, but for her to stay it seems like she's only staying for the opportunity to build her platform even more. Faye and Lucinda had a chat and Faye saif that Brad was her best mate in the villa, so unsure why she didn't just leave with him. Lucinda explained that she'd only been in the villa for a week so she didn't want to rush any decisions and thought it would be better for her to stay to see if she has a better connection with somebody else. Toby & Chloe had a discussion about being one of the least compatible couples and Toby didn't seem to be very happy at all, and Chloe seemed to think that they were in the bottom probably because of the way he dealt with being in a couple with Kaz. Chloe explained this to Millie, adding that people don't like him because of the Toby/Kaz situation, but wasn't sure if he was genuinely interested in Chloe, as it shouldn't matter what other opinions are of you...as long as you're happy in love!
Toby & Kaz had another conversation where he openly asked whether he dealt with the situation wrong and Kaz explained that there is no bad blood between the two of them, so to just try and forget about what happened, and try to make up with Chloe. After re-arranging his meat and vegetables, Hugo pulled Sharon for a quick chat to discuss how they were feeling after also being in the bottom 3 couples. Hugo explained as the only friendship couple, he thought that they would be in trouble, but he's happy that he and Sharon are both able to stay and potentially find true love. Chloe asked Toby why he was so bothered about what the public vote stated about their relationship, to which Toby replied with 'I thought we were in a good place so unsure why we were in the bottom 3', adding that he felt like he handled the situation completely wrong and that everyone makes mistakes. Liberty, Lucinda and Millie had a chat after the first night without Brad being in the villa and they all agreed it was very quiet without Brad being around. Kaz said to Lucinda that she should think of her relationship with Brad as long distance, rather than a breakup! Toby & Chloe had another conversation to which Toby said he was said to see Brad go, but in the villa there are tests that you either get through or you don't.
The Islanders were then involved in a challenge which required them to 'lock horns and rustle feathers' and it was called 'Stags vs Hens' which was a game that saw the boys competing against the girls. In the first game, the Islanders had to tip a bucket of water over their head and try to flip the bucket upside down, which the girls won by a mile! The other minigames were called 'Pin to the Post', 'Ring of Fire', which required the Islanders to throw rings on an inflatable willy, and 'Down It' which saw 3 of the boys and 3 of the girls trying to down a pint of non-alcoholic beer as quickly as they could. At the end of the games, the boys won, and therefore a new girl was going to be entering the villa very shortly! The girls were all sitting on the terrace as the boys were downstairs in the main part of the villa, getting ready to have a celebration in order to welcome the new girl to the villa. Faye explained that she wasn't going to hand her man over to anybody else, as she knows what issues can arise from doing that. The new girl called Andrea Jane a.k.a AJ walked into the villa with a tight black dress, saying 'Hey boys...eyes on the prize!' before all of the Islanders looked towards her and the episode ended!
Thursday 15th July
In this episode we saw AJ enter the villa, and quickly explained to the boys that she was more interesting in personality when it came to dating, adding that she didn't really have a type. She explained that she was a bit fiery, she's strong, independant and confident. Toby explained that 'we all came through for you' as they won the challenge, and the girls on the terrance didn't seem too happy with that comment. Whilst chatting with the girls, AJ explained she was half English and half Filipino, and she said that she would be honest with the rest of the girls. Hugo explained that her introduction seemed to be a game move, with Teddy explaining that he wanted to get to know her, and now there are 2 women who he could speak to; Faye and AJ, but wasn't sure if AJ was into him! Jake explained to the boys that he thinks she knows what she wants.
Teddy & Faye had a quick conversation after AJ had begun settling into the villa. Faye also said that she wasn't going to give her all to Teddy, unless he had the green light of approval, adding that AJ is the test. AJ, Sharon and Lucinda were joined by Aaron for a very quick chat, before AJ swiftly invited Aaron to a private 1-1 chat away from the other girls. Kaz said that she wouldn't mind AJ getting to know any of the other boys, apart from Jake, as she wanted him and Liberty to be in their own little bubble. AJ began complimenting Aaron after finding out that he is a model, stating that he looks good. Aaron also saved AJ from a dragonfly that was stuck to her face, and he explained that he had a very good first chat with AJ. Faye said that she wasn't being big headed, but she rated herself above AJ, and revealed that she was more scared when Millie and Lucinda entered the villa. Hugo was up next to have a chat with new girl AJ, and she said that she was very clumsy. Hugo explained that he's one of the nice boys in the villa, and AJ cheekily joked about whether he has a naughty side, and just saving it for the right person. She explained that she also wanted to get to know Hugo a little bit more and was shocked why he hadn't already been coupled up with somebody!
Jake, Liberty and Lucinda were all having a chat outside in the kitchen, and Lucinda explained that she needed to try and get to know the other guys in the villa, with Liam hinting to her that Aaron was interested in getting to know her better. She said that Aaron was her No.2 and Liam said that she should try and make him, her No.1. She initially explained to Aaron that she can't flirt, or was she flirting without realising and their conversation seemed to flow very well about what they were both looking for; adding that neither of them had really spoken to anybody else in the villa so far. Sharon explained that Aaron seemed to be into Lucinda from the beginning, but she's only just stopped crying about Brad, so is it the right time for her to start talking to someone new. After another night in the villa, Liberty woke up with incredibly messy hair and Lucinda spoke with AJ about getting to know Hugo and Aaron, but as the new girl, needing to speak to the other guys as well. Jake & Liberty had a morning boxing session, to which Hugo replied to with 'That's all I want, is that too much to ask?'. AJ explained that she needed to speak to some of the other boys and Teddy asked if she wanted to 'get one out of the way', suggesting that he was free to go for a chat! He explained to AJ that he felt like his territory was being marked by Faye, but wasn't going to shy away from getting to know the new girl. Toby hinted to Faye about the private conversation that was happening between Teddy & AJ, and at first Faye seemed confused, and then explained that if AJ wanted to try and rattle her, she would rattle her back! Teddy also explained to AJ that he wanted to visit Asia, with AJ explaining that he could 'touch half of Asia now' as that's where she originated from. They also compared star signs, with Teddy explaining he is an Aries, and AJ stating that she was the fire sign, Sagittarius.
Aaron & Lucinda had another private chat, and this time the topic of conversation was AJ. They both said that she seemed really mature and confident, and they both said that you can't really be shy if you're in the villa, so it's important to try and speak to as many people as you can. Lucinda questioned whether Aaron would graft in order to get on someone's good side, and they both seemed to nervous giggle. Hugo & Sharon also had a chat to see where their current relationship was at. Sharon was hoping to get some clarity about whether there could be a potential between the two of them as she was friendzoned in the first 30 minutes of meeting Hugo, but he was quick to explain that he didn't want to be in a friendship couple forever, adding that he didn't 'see you in a romantic way'. Hugo & AJ then had a chat by the swimming pool and again, AJ jumped as there was a dragonfly that flew in front of her face, and Hugo was there to save her (or laugh at her!). AJ explained that she couldn't fault any of the boys, adding that 'if you accidentally fall into my bed, I won't be moaning'. Jake explained to Teddy that he thought AJ was into Teddy the most, out of all the boys in the villa so far. Hugo, Teddy and Aaron then had a little chat on the outside beds, and Aaron said he was happy that Hugo was getting to know AJ, and he could easily just re-couple with Kaz, but he doesn't want to just sit back.
Up next, Faye organised a minigame called 'Suck the Egg; which involved all of the Islanders, and a bucket of eggs. They each had to pass the egg to the person next to them, and if the egg dropped, they woiuld have to kiss that islander either on the lips or the cheek! In the end, Hugo & AJ made the final 4 and had a cheeky kiss, but it was Kaz who gave herself the title of 'egg sucking Queen' as she won the game! The girls were then getting ready for their first night in the villa with new girl AJ and Faye explained that Chloe was the first person she knew, with the name 'Chloe' that was actually a nice person, and Hugo & AJ were seen having a little chat on the terrace. AJ explained that she would have snogged him in the challenge, but didn't want to give any wrong impressions, with Hugo adding that she should have done it, as it was her time to make a statement! AJ thought that Hugo might be somebody who she wants to get to know a little better as he probably wants to suss people out before rushing into anything.
Aaron & Lucinda had another conversation, where she described him as cool, calm and collected and she seemed to have lots of nervous giggles whilst she was talking to him. Kaz received a text message and it said that there would be a new islander called 'Danny' who had chosen 2 girls to go on a date with, and Kaz was the first option! She seemed to be very happy, and explained that she had been asking Love Island to 'send me a man who's going to pick me!'...and today was her day! The hashtags were 'handyman' and 'tradeup' which suggested that he was a guy with muscles. Liberty made a little song for the girls to sing along with, which went like this; 'Go and get that hand man, that's going to handle ya', and after a few attempts she lost her voice, but at least she was excited for Kaz!
Friday 16th July At the end of the previous episode, we saw that new boy Danny had invited Kaz as the first girl he wanted to go on a date with, before entering the villa and meeting the rest of the Islanders. He explained that he worked as a water engineer and lived at home with his cat. Teddy & AJ had a discussion, as AJ needed to find out where the other boys' heads were at. Teddy explained that he had built a connection with Faye, and although he and AJ had a great chat, he was still thinking about Faye, which kind of left AJ in the friendzone. Danny invited Sharon as the second girl to go on a date with, and she explained that her experience in the villa had been good so far, but added that she was receiving more love from the girls, than the boys. After Kaz updated the girls on her date, Liam & AJ had a quick discussion about who he was wanting to get to know more in the villa, although he was already moving swiftly with Millie. Liam explained that if you ignore an opportunity, when a spark is there, then that's an unfortunate thing to happen. AJ said to Liam that he was her perfect type, stating that he was furry and attractive. Millie said that she wasn't sure who AJ was gravitating towards...
During Danny & Sharon's date, she explained that she is looking for a man who she would be able to introduce to her friends, and added that she would rather 'be chosen to couple up with someone, rather than being chosen because she needed to be safe'. Liam explained to Millie that he didn't want to shut AJ off completely, but said that he was happy with the current relationship he was in. After Danny entered the villa, Millie said that the other guys should be worried about Danny because he was confident and good looking, with Sharon explaining to the girls that the date was a success. Sharon pulled Danny away from the boys to introduce him to the girls, and he explained that he didn't like stuck up girls. The boys were all in agreement that Danny would speak with Sharon to try and get to know her a little bit better. Sharon, Lucinda and AJ also had a little girls chat, with Lucinda stating that she wanted to get to know Aaron, and AJ was more into someone's personality, for somebody to be flirty, and somebody that she could see herself being compatible with on the outside world.
Liam & AJ had another quick discussion for her to see where his head was at, but it seemed like she was more interested in him. Danny & Lucinda also went for a quick chat, where Lucinda explained that it was traumatic what happened to her the night before, and she asked Danny if he was a flirt, to which he replied with 'I'm a little bit of a flirt, but only with the right people'. AJ and Kaz agreed that eye contract and focus was very important in a relationship, adding that 'the eyes are the windows to the soul'. AJ explained that she was getting on well with Hugo, Liam and Aaron, adding that her chats with Hugo were very easy, but she wanted somebody she was sexually attracted to, but somebody who could also be her best friend. Danny admitted to Sharon that he was intimidated by her on the date, and said that he 'wanted to go in at the deep end first' by choosing her to go on a date. After explaining that he had recently come out of a long relationship and that he was very picky with who he goes for, Sharon said that 'I could probably have you if I wanted to...I'm a smooth moover'.
Hugo, Kaz and AJ were speaking about the new bombshells of the villa, with AJ explaining that if you put yourself out there, you have to prepare yourself for rejection. Within minutes, Hugo decided to go off and work out with the boys, and AJ explained to Kaz that everytime she comes over to try and have a conversation with him, he 'runs away'. Not sure if this means he's not interested, or if he's trying to play hard to get! Danny & Kaz had another conversation on the outside swing, and she explained that the villa was missing his energy, with Danny saying in reply that 'once you get to know me, I'm a bit of a mad one'. During the evening, Faye explained that there was a funny vibe in the air, with Hugo explaining that he was trying to get ready, and AJ was his distraction. Chloe, AJ and Lucinda were also chatting about the boys again, with AJ continuing to talk about what she likes in a guy; adding that it's not about having a big personality, it's just about a guy having the right morals, and she said that she also thinks Liam is very fit.
Jake and Danny had a 1 on 1 chat to see where Danny's head was at after his two dates. He explained that he was surprised about the date he had with Sharon, and added that she's incredibly well spoken, he 'got lost in reality', and although they were completely different people, their chat flowed. He said there was a completely different vibe when he was speaking with Lucinda, but stated that at this point of his journey in the villa, he hadn't ruled anyone out. At the end of the episode, the girls persuaded AJ to try and get to know Danny, and they all realised that he hadn't spoken to Chloe at all...so was he planning to graft on her soon? Who knows? We found out that on Sundays' episode, there would be another re-coupling...with AJ and Danny choosing first, followed by the guys. The last remaining girl would be dumped from the villa!