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Love Island 2021, Week 2 Recap: New girl Rachel causes a stir and 'Line of Booty' creates new drama

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Hey everyone!

One week of Love Island down, lots more to go! Below is a summary of what happened in the villa, during the second week the second of the series. If you check out my Twitter feed @isthatbrandonn, I am live tweeting along with the show enery night (kind of) so show me some love on there!

Sunday 4th July

During this last episode of the week, we saw Rachel finally enter the villa, greeted with the only two single boys at the moment; Brad and Chuggs, knowing that she would choose to couple up with one of them, sending the other home! She explained that she doesn't really have a type, but she's not into 'pretty boys'. Hugo and Chuggs had a quick chat about new girl Rachel as to where his head was at, and whether either of them were attracted to her. Chuggs then went on to have a chat with Rachel and after they discussed their ages; Rachel being 29 and Chuggs at 23, he explained that she didn't look that age! (What a flirt!). Rachel joked about looking good for her age because of the Hertfordshire tap water that she has been drinking regularly.

Hugo & Chloe had their first proper chat since coupling up with Chloe explaining that it's nice to share a bed with somebody that she likes, whether they stay as friends or develop into something further. We saw Aaron & Sharon have their first snog on the balcony, and both Brad and Chuggs were in competitin with eachother to win over Rachel within 24 hours. Brad made her a cup of peppermint tea, and Chuggs was quickly shut down as Rachel didn't eat breakfast, although she suggested making a lunch meal together later on that day. Aaron, Brad and Toby also had a conversation to help Toby try and move onto the next stage of his current relationship with Kaz. He said that he wanted to 'progress' but didn't want to give her hugs and kisses as that would give the wrong impression of how he is as an individual.

It was time for Rachel to spend some quality time with both Brad and Chuggs. Up first, she went for a chat with Brad who she explained her job to as 'booking holidays for rich and famous people', asking Brad whether he was really interested in her, or if he's just wanting to stay in the villa with her as friends. She then spoke to Chuggs who seemed to have similar interests to Rachel, including his love for salmon and sushi. Hugo spoke with Jake to discuss his doubts with being coupled up with Liberty as he wasn't sure the relationship was progressing the right way, and explained that if another blonde Islander was to enter the villa, his head could be turned.

During the next minigame of 'Undercover Lover', the Islanders had to save the person that they were coupled up with by performing a sexy dance whilst wearing a suit, before carrying their partner over to a vibrating mat and making them a drink of their choice. Brad won the challenge as the sexiest performer. Brad pulled Rachel for another chat suggesting that he thought there was a mutal attraction between the two of them, but she seemed to give the impression that she trusted Chuggs more than Brad. Rachel explained to Chuggs that she didn't want to cut his journey short, adding that Brad seemed to already have his chance to find love in the villa, and didn't take advantage of it! Rachel was also pulled for a chat by Chloe who explained that she liked Brad as a friend, but thought that Rachel was going to couple up with Chuggs based on the interactions she has seen between them so far, so let's see what happens!

Monday 5th July

Rachel had less than 24 hours to decide which of the boys she wanted to couple up with, out of Brad and Chuggs and in the end she decided to couple up with Brad, making Chuggs the second Islander to be dumped from the Island. Chuggs explained that he's been in bed with two of the best looking boys (speaking about Brad and Liam) so didn't seem too disappointed to be dumped from the villa.

Liam & Faye spoke about their slime kiss from earlier on in the week and Liam asked if he could have another guy, but without the slime...which was a clever way to be able to kiss Faye again! Brad & Rachel had their first proper conversation in the kitchen and started to get to know eachother. Brad stated that it's not always based on looks, and usually if a girl is at least an 8/10 and their personality is good, he'll usually want to continue something with that individual. Rachel asked him what he would rate her out of 10 and he said '8/ for improvement' which was almost like a slap in the face and Rachel didn't seem very impressed. Jake, Toby and Liam were also having a boys chat to try and help Toby move things along with his relationship with Kaz. He explained that he wanted to take it at his own pace as he was doubting his own feelings and doesn't want to hurt Kaz!

For the first time of the series, the 'Hideaway' was open for one couple to spend the night away in peace from the other Islanders. Everyone chose Jake & Liberty and they were treated to a set of oil massage creams which Jake took the lead in, and they seemed to enjoy their first night alone...although it was a bit windy at times...(Blame Jake!). They both discussed that they had both been in one relationship previously, with Liberty adding that her's was for 2 years on and off. During the morning shots of the villa, Rachel explained that she needed to calm herself down before she got in trouble, so not sure if she got upto any naughty business with Brad in bed the night before? Who knows! The Islanders were treated to a brunch where they were able to sit across from their couples, and the conversation seemed to go smoothly for some couples, with some awkward silences between others. Jake & Liberty were discussing the night before in the hideaway where Jake couldn't seem to open anything...whether it be his trousers or a muffin, which Liberty added with 'but you can sweat'. Liam & Faye seemed to only speak about the fact that Faye had two cats and that Liam wasn't a cat lover, and with Aaron & Sharon, she explained that she had only dated doctors, wasnt interested in having children and seemed to be very career driven. Hugo & Chloe also described themselves as a 'power couple'. Rachel and Faye had a private discussion about the different issues they were having with both of their partners, with Rachel breaking down into tears after Brad had suggested to her that she needs to start getting to know the other guys, and she wasn't sure if she made a massive mistake by sending Chuggs home...

At the end of the episode we saw a few of the couples beginning to crack, Hugo and Sharon's friendship seemed to be on the line, and we welcome the arrival of two new islanders Millie & Lucinda! Let's see what happens tomorrow night!

Tuesday 6th July

At the beginning of this episode during the dates, we saw Jake explain to Liberty that she knows his type is blonde girls, and if there was to be a new girl that walked in, he would want to at least get to know her. Brad & Rachel had a discussion about where their relationship was going to go, with Brad explaining that he would expect the girl he's with, to be able to get on with his mates and vice versa. The Islanders were then involved in a game called 'Knowing Me Knowing You' to see which of the couples knew the most about their partner. Sharon and Toby had some quick preparation with Sharon telling Aaron her entire name, and Toby explaining to Kaz that he said 'I love you' to somebody on a first date.

Other questions that came up included 'favourite sex positions', 'what turns you on' and even a more shocking question; 'if your partner wasn't coupled up with you, who would they choose'. Liam, Toby, Brad and Aaron all admitted that they would have probably been coupled up with Chloe. Hugo was also asked what his type is on paper which Chloe said was 'real' and Hugo added that he doesn't like a fake personality or somebody that is 'fake' - which didn't go down with Sharon and Faye who have both had surgeries and were taken back by those comments by Hugo. Rachel and Sharon had a quick chat after the challenge, and Sharon admitted that the word 'fake' could be seen as a negative thing and the stereotype around the word needs to go.

Sharon had a chat with Hugo who explained that she wasn't happy with the way he used that word in the challenge, and he explained that he didn't mean anything malicious by it, it's just his preference when dating girls. She explained that sometimes people have personal reasons to have surgeries done, and Hugo further explained that Faye is most certainly not his type, but he likes her personality which is why they get on so well. Faye joined the chat, and said that at 13 she was very under-developed and was treated to a full breast surgery at age 18 because of how body concious she was in front of the other girls and she wasn't happy with the way that Hugo used that phrasing either.

Aaron pulled Sharon for a chat to discuss her actions towards Hugo after the challenge, stating that he doesn't like too much aggression in a relationship so he wanted to ask her about why she dealt with the situation in the way that she did. Chloe also explaiend that she likes being centre of attention and has quite a big ego, so wasn't affected by the boys stroking her ego a little bit more! The girls were then sent off to a 'Boozy Brunch' without the boys, and they were welcomed by a nice array of food and drinks where they were able to openly discuss their current couplings and whether they see potential with anyone else. Unaware of the situation, new girls Lucinda and Millie entered the main villa and surprised the rest of the boys who were sitting there talking amongst themselves. It's an understatement to say that they were 'excited'. After getting to know all of the boys, and receiving a selfie from the girls at the brunch, the boys decided to treat the girls with a selfie (including the two new girls who had just arrived) which sent shockwaves through the other girls who were quite nervous!

After finding out that Lucinda is naturally brown haired, Brad explained that she's literally his perfect type, and she was involved in a conversation with Brad, Aaron and Liam to discuss what kind of guys she's into and what she enjoys. She explained that she's pretty chilled out and is probably the loudest out of all her friends. Millie was also having a chat with Jake, Toby and Hugo to discuss her current love life situation and admitted that she liked Anthony Joshua's looks but wanted the personality of somebody like TOWIE star Joey Essex!

Wednesday 7th July

After returning back to the villa, the girls invited Lucinda and Millie to a chat to see where their heads were at, and which boys were taking their fancy! Lucinda explained that her top 3 were Brad, Toby and Aaron, but that she though Hugo was really sweet, and Millie explained that she liked Liam and Toby. Rachel explained that there might be a bit of competition with Lucinda over trying to impress Brad and Aaron explained that Sharon repeatedly said that she didn't care, it made him think that she did care, and with new girls in the villa, his head might be turned. Liam also explained to Faye that he likes both of the new girls but obviously just needs to get to know them first, which Faye seemed happy enough for him to do.

Millie received a text stating that she had to select three of the boys to enjoy a meal with. One of them would be cooking her a starter, a main and the other would be making her a dessert. She chose Aaron for starters, Liam for her main and Hugo for her dessert. Lucinda received the same text and chose Brad for starters, Hugo for her main and Aaron for her dessert (with both Jake and Toby not being picked by either of the girls!)...During Millie's meals, Aaron explained that he preferred chilled out girls and whilst Lucinda & Brad were having their starter together, he said that he has made chorizo and prawns and told her again that she was his perfect type For the main courses, Millie was in disbelief that Liam was 6 foot 6, who also explained that Faye isn't his type, and with Lucinda & Hugo, he saw her as smart and classy, and Lucinda thought that he was really cute, and was disappointed when Hugo explained that some of the girls told him that he was a little bit too nice. During dessert time, Liam and Brad stayed around the kitchen, with only Hugo and Aaron going on a date with both of the new girls. Millie explained to Hugo that she recently got a degree, and wanted to somebody who could have an easy chat with. Hugo added that he is looking for somebody who is passionate and able to have their own hobbies and side hustles, as that is something he has put his own time aside for.

Rachel gave Millie a little pep talk to get to know all of the boys, and not just sticking with one who could potentially re-couple up with someone else - hinting at her potential relationship with Brad which is probably not going to go anywhere now. Sharon explained to Toby that she didn't see either of the girls as a long term partner for Aaron, so it didn't really bother her that they both went on dates with her current man in the villa! New girls Lucinda and Millie also had their own private chat where Lucinda said that she wanted to get to know Brad better, and the same with Millie who wanted to get to know Hugo better. Faye and Chloe also had a quick conversation explaining that there's no pressure in getting to know the new girls, or for them to get to know the guys and just see what happens. Aaron also spoke to Toby and Hugo who he admitted to, that he initially didn't think anything of the new girls, but after going on a short date with them both he realised that there's more of a connection with both of them, than with Sharon, and he wanted to have a quick chat with her to explain the situation. Aaron pulled Sharon for a chat to explain that he asn't happy with her fiery side taking control over her in heated situations, and said that he wasn't happy with how she dealt with certain situations in the villa. He explained to her that he didn't want to continue the potential relationship that they could have had in the villa, and explained that he does want to eventually have kids as well as a family, which she explained previously that she was not interested in.

Thursday 8th July

At the beginning of this episode, Aaron had a chat with fellow Islanders Toby and Jake about being completely honest with Sharon. Rachel and Faye also had a conversation about playing Devil's advocate and that one of the new girls had to steal someone's man. Millie and Lucinda discussed their plans of action in terms of getting to know the boys. Brad and Hugo made drinks for the girls who were sitting on the terrace, and they didn't seem to be impressed with the coffees so stated that they would make their own next time! Chloe explained to Lucinda that she liked Toby. Brad & Lucinda had a chat with eachother and they were excited to get to know eachother more.

Toby & Chloe had a quick conversation where Toby explained he was interested in her, Jake explained to Millie that he was a water engineer and Liberty and Kaz watched Jake chatting with Millie to see what they were going to be talking about and whether Jake was loyal. Toby spoke with Chloe again and explained that his type was somebody that he could chat with and it was also important to be attracted to them. Chloe added that in a relationship, she wants it to be all about her. Kaz pulled Faye for a chat and said that she was disappointed with Chloe and hopes Toby will be honest in terms of what they had spoken about before.

The Islanders were then involved with a game called 'Line of Booty' which required the girls to perform a sexy strip tease for the boys and slide down a slide, before choosing which boy would be going in the 'boy jail'. Kaz decided to search through Toby's lower half and find an aubergine, Liberty kissed Jake after finding a cucumber, Faye kissed Liam on the lips, Sharon gave Aaron a peck, Rachel kissed Brad and Chloe snogged Toby which didn't go down with the other girls, including Kaz who said she was a 'snake in the grass'. Millie kissed Liam and Lucinda kissed Brad! So much kissing, but I thought I should include that! Kaz explained to the girls that she wasn't happy and called Chloe 'sly, slimey and snakey' and questioned whether or not he enjoyed it. Chloe explained to Millie and Lucinda that there was a little something there and that Kaz should be mature enough to understand that this is Love Island and people should be able to get to know other people.

Toby had a chat with Hugo, who had questioned whether his relationship with Kaz would work on the outside. Liberty & Jake also had a private chat and Liberty explained that they get on really well, but she doesn't want anything if he's not going to give her 110%. She added that he needed to make her laugh more. Kaz had a private chat with Chloe and explained that she wasn't happy about the fact that Chloe kissed Toby in the earlier challenge and questioned why she couldn't just kiss Toby somewhere else or Hugo, or any of the other boys.

Chloe, Lucinda, Rachel and Millie were all sitting on the bed having a chat about the challenge, with Chloe admitting that she wants to get to know Toby a little more - and Sharon, Faye and Kaz were sitting at the bar talking about something else! Chloe said to the girls that it wasn't great what she did, but it wasn't the end of the world, and Rachel said that she 'doesn't think it's worth having a chat' and went to go and sit with Faye (after Sharon and Faye walked away from the bar!). It seemed that Rachel had gone to tell Faye what was being discussed by the other girls and after Chloe's name was brought up in the conversation, she and Faye had a heated argument as to why they were speaking about her! Toby also pulled Kaz for another chat, and she explained to him that he was the topic of conversation, admitting that the progression was so slow on his part and that he has realised that what he has with Chloe has developed from a friendship. He asked if she had anything to see stating that it seemed like she was holding back, and Kaz said that she didn't know what he expected her to say. She walked over to Sharon and Aaron and said 'hello from the latest single b*tch in the villa' and Toby shared a snog with Chloe on the terrace after they started to get to know eachother in private, adding that they both wanted to get to know eachother a little better!

Friday 9th July

We are finally at the end of another stressful week of Love Island! I can't believe we're only going to be having the third dumping on Sunday...after we lost Shannon at the first recoupling and Chuggs at the second. After last night's kiss between Toby & Chloe, we see them both awkwardly walking to the kitchen where some of the other Islanders are, including Kaz, Sharon, Hugo and Aaron. Sharon suggests to Kaz that they should leave and go to sit down somewhere privately, and Chloe explains to the boys that she and Toby 'may' have had a kiss on the terrace. During Sharon and Kaz's conversation, Kaz described her as being 'chirpy', adding that Toby looked awkward. Chloe sat down and spoke to Faye about the situation with Toby, and Faye apologised for getting angry at her earlier on in the night. Liam & Millie also sat down for a chat, and he explained that he doesn't have anything with Faye, and Millie revealed that she didn't realise she would have 'this' with somebody when she came into the villa. She explained that she didn't want to snog him whilst the others were watching, but they were both so eager to make out, I'm sure it will happen soon!

Brad & Lucinda had a chat next to the pool and after they had kissed in the challenge, Brad thought it would be sensible to bring that up in the conversation...and minutes later they snogged! He explained to her that he thought his luck was running out, but now she's walked in and they've got a connection, he probably won't be going anywhere soon. He did explain to her that he's 'never had this feeling with any of the other girls' until Lucinda walked in, but isn't that the same thing he said to Rachel...and that's why she coupled up with him over Chuggs? Hmm. The viewers on Twitter think Brad is going to try and chat up new boy Teddy, and say that 'you're literally my type on paper, and I've never felt like this before'...but I'm sure Teddy's head won't get turned by Brad. During the night scenes, we saw Toby explaining to Kaz that they will chat tomorrow about the Chloe situation and that it won't be awkward, and Liberty decided to wear her sexy pink outfit for bed but Jake wasn't allowed to touch her during the night!

In the morning, the boys and girls had their separate morning chats, with Toby explaining to the boys that he has something with Chloe, and Liberty explaining to Kaz that if Toby isn't giving her enough attention, she can find somebody else who will treat her right. Chloe, Lucinda and Millie also had a conversation and Lucinda said that Brad made the bed once, and Chloe said that she 'may or may not' have snogged Toby on the Chloe & Toby, Millie & Liam, Lucinda & Brad? How long will each of those relationships last? Toby then pulled Kaz for a chat, explaining the situation to her, and Kaz replied back with 'I like you but not a lot, is how I hear it' so that potential relationship is probably on hold at the moment! Chloe spoke to Kaz and said that she was sorry for not speaking to her sooner, but it felt right for Toby to explain the situation first, although they both thought he could have spoken to her the night before. Jake & Liberty went on their first proper date in the villa, and before Jake had even poured his drink, Liberty got a bit excited and started hers! Jake explained to her that another blonde girl coming into the villa was a good test for him, to see whether he was fully invested in Liberty, and he realised that after a few chats with her, they didn't really have anything in common. After their chat, Jake was even lucky enough to get a little kiss before heading back to the villa. Liam said to Millie that they could match up at the recoupling just to confirm their new relationship and Liberty told Kaz she might be falling in love for Jake!

Faye and Lucinda had a girls chat speaking about Brad, as that was who Faye was previously coupled up with. Faye asked whether the conversation flowed or whether he knew anything about her, and she looked confused by the questions, before stating that she didn't...They agreed that Brad was talking a lot about himself and his friends but doesn't have very good chat when it comes to getting to know girls. Liam & Millie had another chat and Millie said that she hadn't spoken to Faye but she was jealous of her breasts. He was wearing a black outfit and Millie was in a pink dress...and I must say, they did look pretty good together! She explained in the Love Island room that she wanted to rip his clothes off and snog him, but explained her point from before that she didn't want to do it infront of anyone. We found out that new boy 'Teddy' was heading into the vila and he had to choose 4 girls that he wanted to go on a speed date with. From the teaser we saw, I think Faye and Rachel were two of them, but let's see what happens on Sunday's episode!



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