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Lloyd P White '1985' - Music Video Review

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey all,

In today's review I will discussing the song and music video for Lloyd P White's new single '1985' which was released on 17th January 2021!

Before finding this music video, I had no idea who this singer was, but after a quick google search, he's been creating music for the last 18 months from his bedroom which is incredible! It goes to show you don't need a massive team or expensive kit to help you create music...which is something I hope to eventually do in the future!

The style of music video was quite simple, but als very professional, which is something that can only be achieved if you have the right kids of creative vision. The opening scene pictures Lloyd sitting down and watching television, browsing through a variety of memories and also holding an alcoholic beverage! From the overall theme and visuals throughout the music video, I think that the year 1985 must have been the year he either found love or the year he began creating memories with somebody special. A line in the song states 'I might drink and miss school' which is shortly followed by 'I felt better when I'm with you', which could both identify that sometimes hanging out with this person is sometimes more important for him than going to school.

Other interesting shots throughout the video are the various flashes of colour, a mixture of blurry shots with bright lights, and I think the different environments throughout the piece, show you that no matter what time of day or not, the lady that he is spending time with means everything to him, and they will hang out wherever and whenever possible! He sings the lyrics 'It's always dark on my road' which could either mean that the road he lives on is always dark, or his 'road in life' is dark, and that he has nothing else to lose, but knows that if he's able to be with somebody else, it could shed a ray of light which can put him on a better road! I don't think this is the last we will see of Lloyd, so stay tuned and let's wait for some new music soon! He's currently got 5,000 subscribers on YouTube but I'm sure he'll grow very quickly from this moment on!

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