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I'm A Celebrity (2022) - Week 3 Summary

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

Here's to the final blog post for I'm A Celebrity 2022. It's been a very funny, exciting and 'nail biting' final week, so here's my final weekly summary for you (with the big spoiler alert of who wins the show!)...

Sunday 20th November 2022

At the beginning of this episode, we saw Seann desperately needing to go to the toilet, and after screaming for help, Chris managed to remove a very small spider, saying 'you know how some men exaggerate about size'. Owen explained to the camp that by having fingers, you've got 'arms at the end of your arms' and Sue explained that she was feeling low and 'hit a wall', adding that she didn't feel upto doing a trial, challenge or another night sleeping with Mike and began to breakdown in his arms. Seann, Babatunde and Matt were all discussing about their biggest achievements yet, with Matt explaining that he 'rode in a race' and was a winning jockey, Babatunde survived living in Tottenham and then Seann went on to explain that he was the naughty student at school who would misbehave through the window of the classroom, explaining that if felt like having his own TV show. Matt also openly discussed his autism, and Babatunde stated that he went from being a Tottenham born Nigerian man, with a middle class life in Stevenage and that was his biggest achievement.

The next trial was called 'Speak Uneasy' which Jill and Mike were both volunteered for. Chris said that it will involve something to do with drinking or being at a bar, and Owen explained that he could already see 10 stars. Seann spoke about how he and Chris would not be suitable for the challenge, stating 'not everyone can be a hero...he's a terrified man and so am I, I don't live in a jungle, I'm from Brighton'. Mike said to Jill that they should be the 'makers of happiness' before dialling a code into a secret telephone box and meeting Ant & Dec for the trial. They explained that the drinks are free and this is where the rangers come and party. In the challenge, both Jill and Mike had to drink a variety of weird combinations, which for Mike, included 'whisky on the cocks' (blended cockroach) which tasted 'feety', 'gin sicky' (blended vomitfruit), to which he said 'I wonder why no-one buys it' and 'harvey wellwanger' (blended pig's penis) which tasted similar to pork scratchings. Jill was tasked with drinkins 'allwgrow' (blended huntsman spiders) to which she said would make her 'legless', 'southern discovered (blended fish eyes) which had a 'horrible off salty fish' taste and 'bum and cola' (blended cow's anus) which Jill explained as tasting like a 'lumpy cheese bumhole'. For the final drink, they had to decide their own ingredients, to which Mike chose 'v-ginger beer' and 'grimbean' (a mix of blended sheep vagina and pig uterus) and Jill's final drink was 'b-curdi' and 'lemon slime and soda' (blended fermented bean curd and snails), to which she replied with 'I'm glad we got the stars, but don't know if I'll want the meal'. They both headed back to camp with the full 10 stars that were up for grabs!

After returning back to the camp, Babatunde reacted to the challenge by saying 'blended pig's penis is disgusting...who even thinks of that?' Seann read the campmates a short notice that they would be playing to win eachother's letters from home with the caption 'your letters are hanging in the balance', hinting at the minigame they had to play. They all organised themselves into three groups, with the weakest balancing group going first to test out the game. George, Sue & Chris were up first, with Sue saying to Chris that he should 'join the oldies'. After the second round which involved Babatunde, Matt, Seann & Mike, they left the balancing down to Matt, and 2 of the letters (for Mike & Chris) were secured. The final team, Jill, Scarlette & Owen had a wobbly start but managed to win everyone's letters for camp, with Jill explaining 'the pressure was definitely on'.

For dinner the campmates had 'silkies' and Owen explained that he 'didn't know black chickens existed' with George saying to Matt that he should have part boiled the potatoes, after some of the other campmates thought they should cook them a different way. A summary of the letters from home included the following:

Babatunde read for Scarlette - 'great teamwork, proud of Auntie Shar'

Chris: For George - 'it's late for Mum but she watches on catchup, happy on exposing Hamilton'

Owen: For Jill - 'you're a great person...will have a flat white waiting for you'

Matt: For Seann - 'Mildred bought in a wet leaf, proud of you, Grace'

George: For Chris - 'my baby, my everything...the house is on the market'

Sue: For Mike - 'needing some pappa hugs'

Jill: For Matt - 'quite the experience...almost got the electric slide'

Mike: For Sue - 'proud of what you have achieved so far...where's the dishwasher tablets?'

Seann: For Babatunde - 'not hanging off building to terrifying heights, you did amazing'

Scarlett: For Owen - 'watching I'm a Celeb for many years and fills us with pride'.

In the next eviction, it was Scarlette or Babatunde who was next to leave the jungle, and Babatunde stayed another day as Scarlette was voted out. Whilst she left the jungle, Scarlette had survived 16 days in the jungle, became a jungle VIP and even faced her faces of rats in 'jungle on sea'. She explained that she was absolutely gutted, but added that 'the jungle is incredible'. Chris described her as a 'ray of sunshine', Mike said that she was 'fun and lively' and Owen explained that she was 'beautiful inside and out'. As jungle VIP she explained that she loved sleeping but wasn't a fan of George's snoring, and after spotting a spider in the RV she almost cried into tears, but when another spider appeared, she was able to face her fears and remove it. Ant & Dec explained that Scarlette managed to keep busy in the camp, and she replied by saying 'I did everything', adding that she was a team player but also liked to get involved with everything. She also explained that she managed to keep her cool as they were all in a small space and they had to show how they dealt with difficult situations, especially with the lack of food, as she described Owen looking at her as if she was a chicken drumstick. Scarlette explained that she would like Babatunde to win the show as they had their brotherly/sisterly bond throughout their time in camp.

Monday 21st November 2022

To start the episode, Sue sang the lyrics 'another day of paradise' with Jill explaining to the other campmates that they were missing England playing a football whilst being in the jungle. Seann noticed that Matt had forgotten to check on the cooking, adding that there were no problems with cooking when Charlene was still in camp. Chris explained that Scarlette was only the 2nd person to leave, but it would leave a massive hole in the camp and George added that he started his journey in here with Scarlette as a VIP and it's 'not going to be the same'. It was announced that the next trial was 'Boiling Point - The return', the trial Chris was only able to bring 1 star back for. Owen explained that he liked swimming and wanted to do something physical, adding that he would 'go in there and think about will be done in a minute'. After making his way through the various underwater tunnels alongside cockroaches, mud crabs, eels, frogs, water dragons, crocs and toads, he managed to get all 9 stars for camp! As the final two in camp, Sue and Jill spoke about how it was almost their time to shave their armpits, and Owen came back to the campmates to reveal the good news with Babatunde reacting by saying '9 star sexy Owen!'. Mike, Chris & Owen all spoke about different situations that they had when it came to going out with people. Mike said that when it was arranged for a group of his friends to go for a dinner, he'd make a suggestion to someone who said 'let's go anywhere', and then not be happy with the chosen restaurant, which Seann replied to by saying 'that is me'. Chris added that another issue with going out with people is when it comes to paying the bills and people asking to not split. George said that he wouldn't take someone to dinner if they couldn't afford it, and Owen admitted his love for voicenotes. George jokingly asked when Seann knew he was straight, and said that he didn't know when he was gay as he couldn't answer such a difficult question. Jill added that it 'doesn't define you' and explained that it felt easier to be yourself in women's football than men's football.

For the next challenge, Babatunde & Seann took part in a Deals on Wheels challenge called 'Catch my Match' where after Babatunde received a phone call, angel Seann had to go and find the right celebrity to match the statement by walking across a wooden bridge. Some of the statements included 'who won 4 Olympic Gold meals' (Serena Williams), with Seann choosing Jessica Ennis-Hill...after several incorrect answers, some of the clues related to Edwina Currie (former MP in I'm a Celebrity), Paul Hollywood (professional baker who trained a sculptor) and Ronaldo (most followed celebrity on Instagram). The question for the celebrities was 'Which celebrity appeared in Eastenders, Walking the Dead and New Tricks, out of Babatunde, Seann and Sue. After correctly choosing Babatunde, the campmates won themselves Love Hearts! Seann added that nobody read the quotes, they 'went straight in'.

For dinner was Moreton Bay Bugs with Matt describing it looking like lobster, with Babatunde giving credit to Matt and Jill, with a lot of help given by Sue. For the next eviction, after singing 'I've got my tight pants on' it was Sue that was the next campmate to leave the jungle. She survived 17 days in camp, dealt with cockroaches, was gunged in offal and had her fun in some of the trials at the Unfair Funfair. She explained that her time was done and she explained that she loved living with Charlene everyday. Sue added that camp life was great, but Ant & Dec could 'stuff the trials where the sun don't shine'. Sue also went on to explain that she is quite a private person, keeping work and life very separate but was able to speak openly down in camp. She was also referred to as 'No nonsense Sue' when it came to shouting at Matt for leaving his shaving cream in a bowl and the chefs having issues with their cooking styles. She went on to say that she was going to have a pizza with Charlene, her chats were 'free therapy' for Seann and 'humans who have no control are vulnerable'. Sue explained that Mike had been like her brother in there and the experience had been the ride of her life, but she explained that she wanted to see Jill win the show!

Tuesday 22nd November 2022

For this episode, Babatunde woke up incredibly early adding that he wanted to sleep but his body said 'No'. Chris had a small chat with Owen saying that almost anything would make him hungry, using examples such as tables and chairs where he would think that he was having a proper meal, walking down the street where he would eat standing up, and being in bed where he would eat lying down. Babatunde said to george that he was happy to stay or happy to go, and after George ate the leftover banana, Seann called him a 'disgrace' with Owen explaining that you don't eat spare food when he's around! The next trial was called 'Grot Yoga' which incolved Seann, Mike & George, with Seann explaining 'I'm sick of being a coward'. For the same, each of the guys had to do a specific yoga pose and hold it for 1 minute before passing the star down the line and into the wining bucket. Some of the poses included the pigeon, mud crab, stick insect, kangaroo, toad and the leaning tree. They had lots of things thrown on them including fruit and veg and fish guys for Mike and Seann, and blue gunk for George. Seann jokingly said 'that's the problem with this...the names' and they managed to win all 8 stars for camp. After explaining the challenge to the others, George said it was the right task for him and Chris wouldn't have liked it.

George started another conversation speaking about his career explaining that 'my dad does what he does and I do what I do'. He added that sometimes his dad used to gamble and he was told to not answer the door incase it was the bailiffs. For the next Deals on Wheels challenge it was over to Owen and Chris who had to work out a puzzle by guessing the emotion and animal acted out by the other campmates. They passed the puzzle, and the question asked the campmtes which broadcast had the highest amount of UK votes, Men's Euro final of 2020, Women's Euro final of 2020 or The Queen's funeral, and after choosing the wrong answer they didn't win chocolate brownies or the England v Iran result for camp. For dinner, the campmates were treated to ostrich egg, with Seann and George watching Owen eating the leftover rice and aubergine at the bottom of the pan. Babatunde explained that the best thing to top it all off, would be a beer - and Jill excitedly ran down to camp to tell the boys that 'The Jungle Arms' would be opening, and it was their chance to win food and snacks to go with the drinks! The game was beer pong and in pairs they had to raise the water in the beer pong cups to win balls to use in the game. Jill managed to win some bar snacks and pizza, Seann also won bar snacks, and Matt managed to win pizza as well! There was a total of 10 bar snacks, 4 pozzas, 6 lots of chips and celebrity karaoke to keep them going for the night, with Babatunde nominating himself as the karaoke judge. Seann asked if Matt was telling the campmates something when singing the lyrics 'I want to break free', Mike did his rendition of Ice Ice Baby, and to top off the night, George and the remaining campmates sang Karma Chameleon, with Matt adding 'I murdered one of the high notes, I'm sorry'. After an entertaining evening, George was the next campmate to be evicted.

Wednesday 23rd November 2022

In episode 18, there were only 7 campmates left, which meant we were nearly at the end of the series. Jill said that it was a nice feeling waking up with a full belly and Owen added that it was his first night sleeping without feeling hungry. Seann explained that he wanted to remain in the jungle, adding 'YOJO' (You Only Jungle Once) as his one word to describe his experience. Mike asked what they would do without the sounds of George, although it was nice to finally hear the birds singing. The next trial was called 'Critty Critty Fang Fang' and although nervous Chris put himself forward alongside Babatunde and Matt, it was Jill who said that she had only done one trial and that she had some hungry boys to feed. She simply had to find a total of 7 stars in the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car which would be in the middle of the air. In the car were cockroaches and mealworms among other things, and after putting her hands in the hell holes in the dashboard of the car, the final star was above her head. Whilst reaching up to collect the star, she was dropped in mid-air, accidentally swearing and apologising to her family as she was genuinely super nervous. Chris explained that behind 6 average men, there's a great woman', after Jill came back to reveal her 7 star win! Sean and Babatunde discussed their comedy journeys so far, with Seann stating that he only had 30 people at one of his shows in Edinburgh, adding that's when he thought his career was over, and Babatunde explained that he seemed to have a mental block, was invited by Mo Gilligan onto a podcast, and has now performed at venues including Apollo, the O2 and now featured in I'm A Celebrity.

The next Deals on Wheels challenge was for Mike and Matt, who had to solve an anagram by working out letters by slashing through balloons filled with all sorts of gunk and accessories. The letters they eventually found were 'N E E N Y - I N I T' and after finding another N, Mike quickly worked out that the anagram was 'NINETY-NINE', as they were popping 99 red balloons (a song by the band with the name in it's title). The campmates had to guess the total amount of the Adele album titles added together, 70, 94 and 95, and after relying on Chris, they got the answer incorrect, losing out on chocolate cookies. Seann started a new topic of conversation speaking about previous jobs each of them had worked in, with Seann explaining that he worked at TK MAXX, before falling asleep under a pile of coats and getting himself sacked. Chris met Elton John who came onto his radio show and dropped the 'F' bomb 10 seconds into the show and continued talking as if nothing happened, and Babatunde replied saying he met Chris Rock backstafe of a show at the O2. Owen also explained his experience of being at University and cooking chicken and boiled rice, answering his phone to his agent who said to him 'I'm really sorry because you have to clear your schedule, s you've got the part'.

Seann explained to the campmates about an easy way to fall asleep, with the step of closing their eyes, to which Jill replied with 'you're not going to hit us are you'. For dinner, the campmates had hare, banana blossom ginger and me me. Owen added 'we've got a rabbit and a flower' with Jill calling it Ed Sheeran as it had ginger hair. After Chris described the dinner as 'Bugs Bunny', the next celebrity to leave the jungle was Babatunde. He survived 19 days in camp, faced his fear of heights, sang at The Jungle arms and dealt with his other fear of toads. He said that he 'loved it in there, but I wanted some freedom', adding that 'it's intense'. Babatunde also said that the only thing they talk about in there is food, and he thought his time in there was going to be a train wreck, especially after not being able to complete the first challenge. After taking part in the trial with the toads, he said that Ant & Dec were evil and added that the toads 'look like they were birthed in the pit of hell'. He was also praised on being supportive to the other campmates when facing trials, with his phrase 'man like', and added that he wanted to see Owen win as he was brave, hungry and a good lad.

Thursday 24th November 2022

For Thursday's show, Mike needed to hear the birds and Chris reminded everyone that Charlene left the jungle only 5 days ago. Seann explained that there was no food, toilet flush or time..'just things here that can kill you' and Mike said that Babatunde was lovely to be around, with owen adding that he has lost his 'go to geezer'. The name of the next trial was called 'Savage Sorting Office' which Chris decided to put himself forward for, with the help of Owen. Owen was harnessed into a crane and Chris had to control the crane whilst blindfolded and being shocked every 30 seconds. Some of the boxes that Owen had to rummage around in had snakes, crabs and green ants among other thing - and Owen explained that he was fuming when he kept missing the red postbo, adding 'how small is this letter?'. At the end of the trial, they only got 1 star for camp but Owen took the blame for the loss. Back at camp, Jill explained that she was in a room with the CEO of Apple, to which Seann said needed to 'sort out the battery life' and she also told the story of when she was in an escape room, reading the electricity meter on the wall, with a voice saying that it wasn't a clue, but that 'nobody had ever done that before'. Seann asked Matt, Jill and Mike who they would invite to a house party - one dead person, a famous person and a fictional character. Jill chose Joey from Friends, Princess Diana and Roy Keane (with David Beckham as her naked chef). Matt chose JFK, Kevin Keegan and Pocohontas (with Marilyn Monroe as his naked chef). Mike would have invited Robin Williams, Samuel L. Jackson and Jason Bourne, with Seann finally choosing Jerry Seinfield/Jim Carrey, Chaplin. Ray from Ghostbusters and Owen as his naked chef!

Chris decided to host a short CMQ (Chris Moyles Questions) and asked Matt how politicans were able to get potential new roles and what the process looks like. In short, Matt explained that they are all brought to the House of Commons to either be fired or hired and discuss the roles. There is a whiteboard with a list of roles from Senior to Junior and the roles are all given out. He explained that you do not need to be the subject matter expert, but be able to handle parliament, trusted by the public and good at making decisions. Jill and Seann took part in the next Deals on Wheels challenge which asked them to put the planets of The Solar System in order from the closest to the furthest away from the sun. Jill said that 'me and you on a challenge is quite worrying' and after getting some of the planets in the right place, they decided to switch as it was easier for Jill to keep her balance. After completing the challenge successfully, Jill thought that the machine was broken but they went to Kev to see if they were able to win a prize! The question asked which way Kev turns his handle when celebrities get his questions correcty, and after guessing 'forwards' they each got small pieces of chocolate to enjoy. Owen was curious how his Mike's relationship with Zara started, adding whether there was any pressure since she was part of the royal family. Mike explained that they started as friends first and he had stayed at Buckingham Palace many times so it didn't faze him, and he also reflected on his smallest piece of chocolate that was awarded for getting the question correct.

Matt gaves some tips to the campmates about things he was taught when he met Barack Obama. Over communicate otherwise other people will fill in the gaps and wear similar/the same outfits as the focus should be on your face. For dinner, the campmates had venison with Jill saying 'Oh dear' and Owen saying that if he didn't laugh, he'd cry. Seann also explained that he would order venison, but a bigger portion, with Jill adding that their dinner time was 'quicker than fast food'.The next challenge was for Matt, Seann & Mike who had to correctly put together different food items to win breakfast for camp. Round 1 was for beans and tomatoes, and they had to simply assemble 6 hotdogs with ketchup and mustard through a conveyor belt machine. After a failed attempt, they completed the task. Round 2 was to win bread and hashbrowns, with the task being to decorate a birthday cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Kev', and the final round was for bacon and eggs, and the task to fill 6 ice cream cones with sprinkles and sauce. After winning all the breakfast items for camp, Seann explained that 'Owen is going to lose his mind'. Owen explained that he managed to fall asleep dreaming about food and he woke up hearing about food. At the end of the evening, Chris was the next campmate to leave the jungle, leaving the fabulous final 5 as Mike, Matt, Jill, Seann & Owen.

Friday 25th November 2022

At the beginning of this episode, Jill began dreaming about having a breakfast, with Owen adding 'the smell of that bacon cooking...oh my God'. Chris advised them to make a sandwich with a full English breakfast inside. Seann explained that it was the hardest day to leave the show, after the fun they had the previous night, and he wanted to try and stay so that he could do the cyclone challenge. For the next trial 'Fallen Stars', 2 of the celebrities had to take part, and the chosen ones were Mike & Matt. Owen said 'maybe it's the 4 stars I dropped yesterday' with Seann adding that the title of the challenge doesn't have the word 'monster' in it, and Jill saying that it was clear that Matt wanted to do another trial. One of the guys had to fix the broken stars, whilst being in a box filled with rats, green ants, cockroaches and mealworms, and the other (which in this case was Mike), had to correctly answer general knowledge questions in order to win time for Matt to put the puzzle together. In the end they won 4/5 stars. Back at camp, Seann & Jill made out that they had never seen the jungle before to make the most of their free time, with Seann stating that Jill is funny and that she could appear on Mock of the Week. he also said that getting 4 stars was a massive improvement from yesterday's challenge.

The campmates took it in turns to do impressions, with Seann doing a spot on Michael McIntyre improvising a short scene on how to apply suncream lotion, Owen had a go at David Attenborough, and Owen managed to use his acting ability to show some of the others how to do a fake cry, which is something that he watched X Factor and Britain's Got Talent auditions for, in order to help bring the tears. He explained that you need to look at a particular place and not blink, with Seann adding that it was making him fall asleep. The final 5 were discussing superhero names and what they would call themselves, with Jill coming up with the name 'Mrs Stopwatch' so she could stop time, Matt wanting to go back to the times of King Charless II (or 'Mr Hanclock') and Owen said that he wanted to be transported to an oasis gig, and have the name 'Aviatowen' so he could travel as fast as he wanted to. Seann added that he would love to have the superpower of being able to eat whatever he wanted to, without putting on weight. the campmates tried again to do the Michael McIntyre accent and Seann admitted that Jill hadn't quite nailed it. For dinner, they were served with crocodile tail with Matt adding that it was going to be 'absolutely fantastic' and owen adding that crocodile meat is his favourite meat. The next celebrity to leave the jungle was Seann, and then there were the final 4; Owen, Matt, Mike and Jill. Matt said 'thank you for everything' and Owen added that he 'smashed it'. After 19 days in the jungle, being a Camp Mole and avoiding the trials, Seann came 5th, and after exiting the jungle, he said to Ant & Dec 'that was crazy...what was that?' adding that his experience was slightly surreal and his eyes were tearing.

After going into the jungle, he didn't expect to become a mole, and after seeing Matt Hancock enter, he said 'maybe I'm not going out first'. He added that he hasn't got over any fears, but managed to get closer to a spider than before he went into the jungle. Seann also explained that Boy George was a wonderful man, adding that 'in comedy you don't really go outside of that', adding that to not only meet a popstar, but also wash his back, is something he didn't realise he would do. After Ant & Dec explained his friendship with Babatunde, Seann replied and said 'I cannot wait to see him again'. He also said that he was anxious about people would perceive him, especially being anxious about his past, but we all listened to eachother in there and there was so much support...accepting eachother for who we are today. The final question was who he wanted to see win the show, and he said 'Jill...she's the winner, she deserves it!'

Saturday 26th November 2022

Saturday's episode saw the return of Celebrity Cyclone with the Matt explaining that he wanted to stay in the jungle to see the show through. Mike noticed that Matt had been leaving his items in-front of the camera so that people could see his campmate number and 'advertising himself' to the public. Jill explained that she would sacrifice a star to get the football result from the England match. Mike said that Seann had a great heart, great soul and was 'funny as hell', and Jill asked them all how they would remember him. Matt's impression was by scratching his head, Mike's was sean repeatedly asking 'what did you say?' and Jill re-enacted him doing his chores and then going back to bed. The superhero names were as follows...Mike (Quicksilver), Owen (Goldicocks), Matt (Bronze Broncho) and Jill (Purple Rain). When they all appeared at the trial zone, Mike said he was feeling 'gassed' and admitted he was turning into Owen, with Owen adding that this was something on his bucket list since he was a young kid so he was excited. The order was Jill, Matt, Mike and Owen, and they had to take all the stars to their spot, before the next celebrity could continue taking them to the top of the cyclone. They were tasked with avoiding fire, water and bouncy balls being sent in their direction by the rangers. Jill managed to get to her spot after a few falls, and Matt was next up, who started walking up the cyclone rather than crawling, and he dropped the stars several times before also making it to his spot. Mike managed to get up the cyclone pretty fast and jumped onto Matt's back to ensure that he didn't slide back down. It was Owen who was going to place the final star at the top of the cyclone, but there were two drops sent down for the campmates, one was filled with big bouncy balls and then also red gunk which made them all drop back to the bottom of the cyclone. They managed to win all the stars and Matt explained they had to 'give the public what they want' with Mike adding that Matt was the anchor.

After returning back to camp, the campmates received a note that 4 choc-ices were hidden around camp, and they therefore had to find them before they melted and Jill said that Owen had a 6th sense when it came to looking for food, and after Owen finding ne in the RV, Matt dinging one in a bowl, Jill finding one at the creek, Mike managed to find the final choc-ice in the jungle room (where they speak to the cameras), and on the sticks were the results from the first football matches where they realised that England had beaten Iran! The next game was to match quotes with celebrities who were involved in the 2022 series of I'm A Celebrity'. Some of the quotes included George asking people to give him jobs, Matt feeling 'slightly dizzy' aftter being stung and Seann losing a kettle. The prize for winning the game, was to select a previously lost treat from Kev's Deals on Wheels. Matt chose brownies and crackers which he shared with Jill, Mike had 2 nachos and Owen was happy to receive the brownies, complaining about how Kev needed to work on the portion sizes.

For dinner, the celebrities had a feast of flathead fish & yams, with Jill adding that 'fish and chips on Saturday night, gotta give it a 10/10. They all discussed their highlights of the season, with Jill saying it was receiving the letters, Matt's was overcoming the octopus trial and bringing all the stars back to camp, Mike added that the comedians were very funny, and owen explained that he struggled with the hunger, but has grown up a lot since being in the jungle with such incredible people. The next celebrity to be evicted was Mike, which meant Matt, Jill and Owen were your final 3 campmates of 2022!

After surviving 22 days in camp, having a masterclass in Grot Yoga and taking on the celebrity cyclone, Mike's time in the jungle was up! He said that it had been a long time and that his body was getting ready to leave the jungle. He said that one his main highlights was of Seann, and that he will always stick in his mind, and also added that he wanted to be there for people. Mike added that you 'feed off others' and after Babatunde struggled with one of the challenges, he managed to have a change in his mentality when he then went on to win stars for camp. Mike also said that he went on the bunk bed with Owen and slept at the bottom so that he wouldn't get wet as Owen was the shelter. Mike was asked if any of the trials fazed him and he said 'no, not particularly' and he added that you can prepare yourself for pain to ensure tht it doesn't affect you, such as hunger. Ant & Dec also asked if the budgie smugglers were his idea or Zara's, and he said it was his ideas as they are 'always a bit of fun'. Mike said that he wanted Jill to win adding that the show has been a pleasure!

Sunday 27th November 2022

The final episode saw our 3 finalists Owen Warner, Jill Scott and Matt Hancock MP battling it out to be the King or Queen of the jungle! The campmates were about to find out who the next celebrity was to be eliminated from the show, with Matt stating that they were trying not to talk about that, and Jill adding that Mike was a legend coming into the show but an even bigger legend going out of the show. The final 3 had to take on their final bush tucker trials and they were able to watch eachother completing them too! In order to win the starters for all of them, including her prawn cocktail salad with butter, and her own treat and drink, Jill had to take part in 'Rat Race' where she simply had to get the stars off of a pole by only using her mouth. She started the challenge by saying 'bring on the rat race' and during the trial she was given words of encouragement from Matt who said 'you're smashig it!!'. During the trial she changed her tactics and began using her tongue to get the stars off a lot quicker, covered in cockroaches and mealworms in the mean time. She won all 5 stars!

Up next was Owen, who was playing for the main courses along with his own treat and drink as well in a trial called 'Bush Tucker Bonanza', the eating trial. He was asked if he wanted to do the trial and Owen replied by saying 'I've never passed on a dish'. After eating fermented duck egg which he said 'tastes like egg', camel's testicle and a camel's eye which was similar to the taste of beef, Owen won all 5 stars, and his main course which was a quadruple stacked beef burger with bacon and halloumi. The final trial was for Matt who took part in a game called 'Flood Your Face' where he had to put his head in a box and have all sorts of insects and wildlife thrown into the box, along with water. He was joined with yabbies, frogs and spiders among other things and also managed to win 5/5 stars. We saw a recap of the 2022 cast in action and then found out that Matt was the celebrity who came in 3rd place. Matt survived 21 days in camp, taking part in challenges such as the house of horrors, the eating trial and celebrity cyclone. He had his interview with Ant & Dec, and after showing him his best bits he said that he remembered everything, adding that his experience was 'something'. He added that he wanted to show what he was like as a person, adding that it was the most extreme way of showing who he was. Matt went on to explain that Seann made everybody look good because he would laugh at everyone's jokes, and Matt knew he was going to be grilled, but it was a realease for him to say what he thought, having adult conversations without any aggravation. Matt also said 'I know it was controversial me being here' and also wanted Jill to take the crown.

We watched Matt, Owen and Jill eating their final 3 meal, where Matt described it as having 'civilisation in camp' and Owen's realisation of Coca Cola never tasting so good. For starters, Matt enjoyed his garlic king prawns, Owen had calamari and Jill enjoyed her cauliflower cheese with Jill adding that it has been one of the best journeys ever. For dessert, Jill had a cheeseboard which was 'very sophisticated' and Owen had cookie dough but was unable to finish it...'I can't eat anymore, I've been defeated' with Jill adding 'Food 1, Owen 0'. Jill and Owen had both spent 23 days in camp, with Jill taking part in eating trials and Owen successfully ticking off being able to take part in celebrity cyclone. After watching her bist bits, Jill said that it was the first time seeing herself and couldn't believe she was in the final 2, adding 'I thought something happened to the phonelines'. She explained that there were elements of working together and also wining challenges and she made sure to keep the spirits high in camp at all time, especially as an ex-professional footballer who was able to boost morale better than the actually football. Jill added the importance of young people getting into sport at a young age, being involed with the winning and losing aspects, as well as being shown how to be a good person. Jill was also reminded of her funny puns and phrases in camp, adding that she sometimes forgot she was on a television show. Being in the final with all the boys was not a problem for Jill as she explained that she is a tomboy and all the boys were very welcoming. She also thought she had managed to avoid doing a trial involving rats, but she was proud that her and Owen were in the final, adding 'there's nobody I'd rather be sat here with'.

During Owen's best bits, he explained that he had been watching the show almost his whole life, at only 23 years old...and the show now in its 21st series. He thought he was going on a holiday in Australia and 'no idea what he signed up for'. Owen also explained that the most difficult thing for him in camp was always being hungry and at home he often eats 6 meals a day with little snacks in between. Ant & Dec also revealed to Owen that Chris is in fact not a professional world dancer or a sprinter, with Owen wondering why he didn't dance throughout the camp. Owen also explained that at the beginning, he struggled a lot in camp as he was surrounded by lots of strong characters and he kept comparing himself to the rest of the cast, but then he concentrated on himself and his own journey and grew more mature throughout the experience. He said that he was disappointed in the trial where him and Chris only managed to win 1 star, but that 'Boiling Point' was his favourite trial. He added that he was going to 'copy and paste' Jill's answer, saying that she is a lovely girl. The cast described Owen as maturing in-front of their eyes (Sue), the fact that he is amazing, and needs to understand what he can give to the world (Charlene) and acaring guy (Seann). They described Jill as being humble (George), a 'do everything' kind of character with perseverance (Scarlette), nice and steady (Seann) and the most genuine in the jungle (Mike).

With over 12 million votes cast by the general public, the winner of I'm A Celebrity was in fact Jill, who became the Queen of the Jungle! Owen explained that he was 'so gassed for Jill', adding that nobody deserves it more than her, and Jill explained that she couldn't believe it, but she wouldn't have been able to do it without an absolutely incredible, great team. The 'I'm A Celebrity' coming out show is due to be released on 1st December 2022 to see what happened when they left camp! I hope you enjoyed my reviews, and I'll be back next year for the return of Big Brother UK, Love Island and any other shows that I want to watch! Bye!



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