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Horror films; some of my favourites so far!

Updated: Apr 8, 2023


To begin this blog post, I must admit that I LOVE watching horror films, real murders or documentaries about serial killers...but I'm just an ordinary person with no intentions of ever committing a crime, I just like to sometimes be scared! I must note that most of these films were not watched in the years that they were released, but in fact I discovered them or somebody recommended I watch them, and therefore, that's how they ended up on my list of things to watch! Anyways, before I begin the list of horror films, I thought I would 'lighten the mood' and add three non-horror films, as I do like other genres too!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

This film is very far from the theme of horror, and indeed sees an elderly man grow progessively younger as the film moves on...he falls in love with a lady whilst they are both middle aged, and by the time he has 'grown down' into a little boy, she's an elderly woman...but the love still remains. It's basically a love story but in a non-known way! The acting is great and storyline is even more interesting, so if you've reached 2020 and still not seen this classic, then you better have a watch of it!

The Notebook (2004)

Up next is another romantic film, about a couple who both fall in love whilst they are young, for some reason they happen to separate and then they are reunited with one another before they both die (Yeah, sorry I spoilt that bit), but the film is definitely something that brought a tear to my eye, and I actually watched it in my first year of University, in the kitchen, by myself! I guess that's what studying does to you, ay?

Love, Simon (2018)

Last but most certainly NOT the least, is LGBTQ+ film Love, Simon which was released in 2018, so not too long ago! I decided to watch the film as the actor who plays the main role is actually really attractive; Nick Robinson that's you...if you ever stumble across this blog post! Simon is a closeted student who doesn't realise he's into guys...and begins receiving messages from somebody under a fake name. He draws closer and closer to the them and tries to work out who the person may be...and it ends up being somebody he goes to school with! The dramatic scene of the movie is when Simon invited him to the ferris wheel in a fairground, with his friends and classmates all watching and cheering him on...For a while, he's alone...and then the mystery guy appears and it's a happily ever after story! Honestly, I think more tears flooded from my eyes than when I watched The Notebook, and it was a great story! I really hope there is a sequel to this movie because it definitely made it's mark!

Right, onto the scary ones!

The Sixth Sense (1999)

I cannot believe this film came out only a year after I was born, how insane! Anyways, I have managed to watch it and I was in confusion for the whole film, but the basic understanding that I got, was that one of the children could 'see things' that they weren't supposed to see, such as ghosts, spirits and hanging bodies...(all a little bit creepy). But yeah, I'm not sure how young/old I was when I watched it, but I will always have the memory of seeing a child turn around and seeing the inside of his brain, STUCK inside my head!

The Woman in Black (2012 & 2014)

With these films, I can't remember the entire storylines, but I do know that at the beginning of one of the films, three girls were just playing with their toys...and they all end up crawling outside a bedroom window and falling to the ground. Yeah, and that wasn't even supposed to be the scary part. The 'Woman in Black' apparently used to live at the house or she is just a horrible person, but she is seen multiple times throughout the movie with her black cape, revealing only a slight bit of her face, whish isn't human! The second film came out in 2014 and it was even more disturbing, but from what I can remember...they were great to watch, and definitely made me scared, which was the aim? I guess?

The Conjuring (2013 & 2016)

Another scary film where I can't seem to remember the exact storyline! Ugh, how annoying...especially when I am trying to write a review of the film. Anyways, I think in this collection of films, the little girl happens to see ghosts and creepy figures, and that the house they are living in fact haunted. I have no idea what the characters are called and who dies and survives, but it's one of those films that you need to prepare yourself for...because something dramatic can happen at any point!

Anabelle (2014, 2017 & 2019)

So the storyline of this film is based around a scary toy doll called 'Anabelle'. She comes to life at random points and is therefore locked away in her cage which she can't escape from, right? Wrong. In each of the films, she either manages to break the lock an escape, or one of the children is tempted by her singing voice crying for help! (Like the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but more scary!). I saw the words 'scary doll' and thought this would be a great film to watch in order to have regular nightmares, and luckily I only had a few but I'm perfectly alright now! But yes, if you're into your horror films rather than the blood, guts and gore...then this is the perfect film series for you! The only non-scary thing about the film is her name...Anabelle is actually a really nice name!

Split (2017)

This film is brilliantly acted in by James McAvoy, who plays the character of 'Kevin', a sufferer of dissociative identity discorder and his 23 alter ego personas...In the film he captures three teenagers and they have to make friends with his happy personas before he unleashes his 24th personality, and ultimately could kill them! It's a film of pure confusion and you never know which personality is going to take the 'top spot' but it also shines a light on a real life issue that a lot of people unknowingly face. I believe the girls do manage to escape after a long battle of fighting and believing in themselves, but the journey was not easy! To be honest, I can't even remember how they were captured, but it's one I should add to the list because I remember enjoying it at the time, and laughing whilst also being scared. Not a lot of films can do that to me, but this one did!

Escape Room (2017)

This was a film that I decided to watch on my night time. Not the best of things to do when I was supposed to be up for a lecture the day after. Anyways, I like to this of this film in a similar fashion to the SAW series, but less confusing. The overall story was that a husband bought his wife and 4 friends, tickets to an escape room...without realising that only one of them would come out alive. Throughout their time, they realised they are trapped and each clue they find helps them complete a task, but also puts somebody at risk each time...It's a painful film to watch, as again, you have no idea what is going to happen, and it ends on such a cliffhanger, I feel that there will be a part two (or there might already be a part two and I just can't find it!) Who knows!

Black Summer (2019)

The above title is a Netflix series that sees people in a zombie infested town, try to escape it, and end up at 'the stadium'. Just to note, it's definitely called 'Black Summer' and not 'Black Mirror' - a film series I have not watched! Anyways, we are introduced to characters gradually and it's one of those films not told in chronological order. For example we might see a female body lying on the ground, but the next part of the film will tell us the story of events that happened previously, before that person died...bring the storyline together!

Once somebody dies, they become a zombie and end up killing anyone and everyone they come in contact with, and once bitten by a zombie...there is no way to recover, so those people also have to be avoided at all costs. I believe at the end of the film, the stadium ends up not being a secure place, and only a handful of people get there. My question is...Where are the other survivors? What happened to all the zombies on the loose? And what's the situation with the main characters? Series 2 is to be released in either 2020 or 2021, so stay tuned for an updated post on that, once I've finished it obviously!

SAW (2004-2010), Jigsaw (2017) & Spiral (2021)

And finally to end this list, probably one of my FAVOURITE series' of movies...SAW! I decided to watch the first Episode with some of my University friends, and then we got addicted and ended up watching the whole series (Cheers Libby and Rheanne, I did get scared multiple times, but at least we all went through it together!). This twisted series is by far the best I've seen. People are put in situations where they are risking their lives...they are either captured, or they've done something wrong and are being punished by the voice who asks if they 'want to play a game'.

Some of the memorable scenes across the films include the carousel where there are 6 people screaming and crying, and a guy in front of the machine. As it lands onto somebody, he either has to make the machine shoot them, or if he wants to save them, a clamp like machine goes into his hand and he receives the pain! The characters we are introduced to all blend into the 'SAW family' and we don't know who can turn from a goodie to a baddie at any point, and as we think somebody dies...they be in fact be one of the masterminds behind the future SAW games! Apparently 'Spiral' was supposed to be released in October 2020, but due to the coronavirus pandemic it's being delayed until at least May 2021!

Phew! I'm glad this blog post is over! I couldn't think of any other memorable films I've I guess I have to watch some new ones??? That's one way to 'use my time wisely' I guess!

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