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Britain's Best Parent - Episode 4 (Overview)

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey all!

Episode 4 of Britain's Best Parents! In this episode we see Mark & Simone whose parenting style is based upon vegan based meals, Sophie & Phil who are competitive parents and Jen & Tom's 'back-to-nature' approach.

The first part of the show Mark & Simone's vegan approach. After serving a meal that included no meat, it saw some of the children slightly upset from not being able to make a choice about meals, and some of the parents also stated that the parents had a choice for what food they were able to eat, so why weren't the children given the same opportunity? There isn't anything wrong with having a no meat diet, and instead it makes you think harder about what other options there are available. For example, you're still able to eat Quorn foods (which often taste similar to ordinary chicken nuggets/sausages etc).

Most children enjoy playing on their electronic devices or watching television, but in Mark & Simone's household one of the things they teach the children is to recycle and reuse items! The first task was simply walking around their local neighbourhood and picking up rubbish, and then making choker designs using sequins and arts and crafts pieces from old materials/clothes that weren't needed anymore, instead of throwing the items away!

Moving onto Sophie & Phil who like to push their children into as many opportunities and extra curricular activities as possible; such as pony classes, dancing and trampolining! In terms of the kids playtime, they like to make sure that the children only have one toy out at a time, and that they put it away when they're finished, before playing with something else!

During the meal times, there was a meat buffet which included sausages, chicken, pork pies - along with some non meat options of peanut butter, salad, bread and cheese! It looked like a horror scene to Mark & Simone and Sophie felt really bad that there weren't any 'vegan friendly' foods, and said that she could see that one of the girls would have loved to try a sausage, but due to them being 6 years old, they were unable to make their own decisions and had to follow their parents rules! And in the end, all the children were given the opportunity to go to the pony stables and have a little ride before going home!

The third and final parenting style was from Jen & Tom who took a laid back approach, bringing the kids back to nature! They both quit their jobs, sold their house and instead bought 13 acres of land for their children to have fun at! Their toilet was a wooden cabin outside, they had caught food for dinner (such as a fish with its eyes still in...ew) as shopping wasn't an option and with no electricity there's no access to televisions or electronical devices, so the children had to find alternative ways to have fun!

In addition to this, the children were motivated to get dirty whilst searching for fossil fuels and were even taught how to make their own arrows (with vegetable peelers) to be launched from their bows...which some of the other parents weren't really a fan of!

In the end only ONE set of parents could ge to the final, and this weeks winning couple was... JEN & TOM!

Until the final, goodbye!

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