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Britain's Best Parent - Episode 2 (Overview)

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey all!

Episode 2 of Britain's Best Parent has now been aired and saw another three different parenting styles!

Hannah, the first parent takes a 'parent-centric' approach, which I didn't understand at first, but it simply means that the parent puts themselves first and the child fits into their life. In the programme we see her son helping her take pictures for Instagram, making her tea or going out shopping - which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but instead teaches the children to be kind and considerate for others. I believe with her method she wanted to teach her child to be independant rather than relying on her all the time to do she won't be around forever! With this type of parenting, it also means having fun, playing games with the kids and not being afraid to be competitive - there's no point letting your children win otherwise they'll never learn how to lose!

Mia and Adam had a completely different approach, where they would always prioritise their children's needs over their own at all times. This is also an interesting and successful parenting method - which some parents should take the advice on! With this type of parenting style, it means that there are a lot more options and variations when it comes to having free time, what the children want to eat, but it can also be a lot more costly and time consuming if everybody wants different options, which is what happened in this episode. Each of the children from the different households wanted different types of meat and so Mia and Adam had to ensure they all got what they wanted! When asked at the dinner table if the children preferred to eat inside or go out, Hannah's son revealed that he would often go out to restaurants with his mum (or even the pub!) - which there isn't anything with. Who doesn't love a pub grub?

Thirdly and finally, Nicky and David's parent approach is a strict regime with discipline. Like a lot of households, there are certain rules of what children can and can't do and in this episode we saw some of the children get in trouble. When it came to lunch, unlike Mia and Adam who make food based on the children's preference, it was the parents' choice what was for lunch, and if the children didn't like it - then they would go hungry. I feel that this is a very smart process, because as parents I believe you would understand what foods and drinks your children does and doesn't like, and if for some reason they don't eat the meal you've provided, at least the parents' know not to make that again!

Aspects of all these of these methods actually work really well - such as making sure the parents' are happy, so they can provide for their children. For the children to have options, allowing them to vary up the food they want or activites they want to do, but also ensuring that there are rules in place and that the children abide to those particular house rules!

In the end it was Nicky and David's parenting approach that won the hearts of the audience, and they became the second set of parents' (alongside Rin and Robin from the previous episode) to go through to the final!

To see the full episode, click the link below:

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