Hey everyone,
As you've probably seen online, Avatar 3 has finished filming, with Avatar 4 and 5 to be released from 2024 onwards. I decided to watch the second film to see how the storyline progresses from the first film. Overall, it was a great film, with some quite dramatic and exciting scenes showing the different characters fighting off bad people and also dealing with their own issues along the way. We follow the story of Jake and his family who are being targeted by 'air people' a.k.a humans, who have decided to come after him (as he was a human, but decided to continue living his life as an avatar), and throughout the film we see him and his children meeting new people, in battle with children from another clan and also the war between the avatars and the humans.
Some of the scenes are also quite emotional, but as with all of these mythical type of films, the good people always win, but only after being dealt some bad cards and losing some things along the way. I would recommend this film and would definitely make a note of the upcoming future films to see how the story continues to grow and if there are any new characters introduced.