I thought I would make a quick blog post about a recent group project I worked on with three of my media coursemates. Myself, Holly Hubbard, Matt Bradley and Luke Goncalves came together to make our first Vox Pops as part of our media degree. We had to initially pick a topic that we were all passionate about, and get a minimum of 5 interviews which we would edit together. Along with the group edit, we also had to create a production log (both of which I’ll link at the bottom of this blog post).
To begin our project, we had to think of a topic to focus on, and then some questions we could ask people about that particular topic. We decided to go with the theme of ‘Mental Health’ and aim our project towards students who are going through difficult situations and why so many young people in our generation are going through bad mental health stages, or feel like they aren’t able to speak up about their problems.
For our test shoot, we had to experiement with lighting and angles to see which shots worked and which shots didn’t, and it was my role to approach other students and interview them as part of the project. Luckily, I am quite a confident person and was able to speak to people without much hesitation and we got three test shoots; my friend Constantino who is actually part of NTU Pride, and now works at NTU alongside his masters, a sports scholar, and a group of third year students who were studying in the upstairs part of the Pavillion.
When it came to filming other interviews for our final project, we wanted to experiment more with angles and lighting, but also made sure that the audio was clear. At the end of the day we could have the best visuals, but if you can’t hear anything then there’s no point.
These were the other 10 interviewees that we spoke to about the topic of mental health. One thing that we did make sure when coming up with the questions, is that we didn’t ask personal questions but phrased it so people wouldn’t feel nervous to speak up about it. For example, instead of ‘Have you gone through any mental health problems’, we changes the quesion to ‘Do you know why people in our generation suffer from mental health issues/problems’, so that we are indirectly asking the same question but making it easier for people to answer without having to get too personal with answers.
Here’s our final video project and the production log that we made alongside it. https://youtu.be/JOdFJt7GNWg