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Virtual Shooting with Rheanne Ferguson

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey everyone,

For this blog post, I have collaborated with a friend and model called Rheanne Ferguson who I did my first virtual photoshoot with on 19th May 2021. I have been in various photography and modelling groups on Facebook and somebody discussed their interest of virtual shooting through an app called 'Shutter App' and I decided to try it out with a friend to see the quality of the images! Below are some of the best pictures, and underneath is a short Q&A with the model herself to explain her thoughts regarding the shoot!

'How would you describe the virtual shoot experience?'

It was a great experience! I'm not much of a model (don't know if you could tell), but the photographer made me feel really comfortable, and it was in a familar setting in my bedroom which helped quite a bit. It felt natural and I'm usually quite shy in front of the camera as I haven't been in front of it for a while!

'Good and bad aspects of the shoot?'

The good aspect was that a lot of the photos came out quite well and it wasn't a waste of time. It was quite a fun experience with some useable shots! I don't think there were any bad aspects, but we weren't fully situated with the equipment and it took a bit more time to get used to the settings, such as having to position the camera at first and not being able to see myself. We also didn't realise that the photographer could access my front camera, and although it was initially difficult to adjust myself properly throughout the shoot, we managed to work it out in the end.

'How did you prepare?'

I didn't actually prepare, it was a 'spur of the moment thing' which was good and bad. It was good because I wasn't stressing and it was more natural and made me feel more comfortable being in my bedroom, able to talk, laugh and ensure the photographer was able to get the candid shots.

'Would you be more confident as the model, photographer or both?'

If you would have asked me a while ago, I would have said photographer, but since doing YouTube I guess my confidence in front of the camera has developed more. I was that person who didn't want to be in group photos and dreaded school pictures, but now I am more comfortable in front of the camera. I'd happily take pictures now and I'm not too bad behind the camera, although I haven't taken any pictures or portrait shots in a while, other than with friends which are technically proper photographer type pictures. I guess I would say I am equally as confident at both!

'Favourite image(s) from the shoot?'

A lot of the images where I am smiling with laughter which is almost 95% of them. I used to hate my smile but I kind of started to embrace it. When I fake a smile, it doesn't come out well on camera as well as it does when it's real. You can tell the energy behind the model being natural and genuine, able to feel joyous when you look at it. Also, a few of the shots with the cider can turned out quite nicely as well!



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