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Uni is over; packing begins! London or Nottingham?!?

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey all!

As I'm sure many people are very aware, we are in a difficult situation where people are losing jobs, accommodation and not being able to meet up with family, friends or loved ones. I've been in that situation as well, but as a final year University graduate (and now having finished my course), I won't be supported financially by student finance and will have to ensure that I find myself a regularly paying job so that I can stay in Nottingham, or I'll have to go back to London and stay with my Nan for a few months until I am able to find something (and then move back to Nottingham!).

As a 'Goodbye' to my student accommodation which I have now been in for the last TWO years, I thought I would share some images of what my room is now looking like...during the middle of the 'packing phase'.

As you can see from the above images, I had a very decently sized room with all the features and additions that I needed! The top row shows the main part of the bedroom which included a set of drawers (which will be dumped if I have to go back to London...shame!), a colourful mattress which covered a double bed and an open cupboard with drawers which I used for storing my clothes...

In the middle images, you can see that I had a shelf above my desk and have filled it with items that I am going to regularly be using up until the day I leave (such as laptops, a diary, notepad, hand fan, Vaseline for my dry lips among other things)...

And on the bottom row of images is what my en suite bathroom looked like, with a simple colour scheme and minimalistic decor. You may notice that I have at least 20+ toilet rolls and that was 'just to make sure' (a phrase we liked to use in the Stanford Street accommodation); and I had to make sure, there were enough to last me until the end of the month! Also, the shower was incredible and 95% of the time the hot water worked, I had to have a few cold showers when we lost heat in both the radiators, electricity and shower water...but that was a minor issue!

Overall, staying at this accommodation was absolutely amazing and there were so many memories created here during the two years living here. From 2018-2019 I lived with Moksha, Deepinder, Rheanne, Callum and a random guy called Marcus (who we actually only saw twice and then he disappeared). In 2019 through to 2020, I lived with Moksha and Deepinder once again, but instead of Rheanne who moved in to the opposite accommodation with Libby and Abi, and Callum who went off to do a year abroad in Spain, it was Laura, Ben and Ryan that moved in with us! (How weird is it that I had a class mate called Laura, Ben and Ryan, back when I was in Year 6!)

Cheers to all the memories created with these people and cheers to successful and bright futures (after the coronavirus has ended)!!! #StanfordStreetWillBeMissed #Flat5FriendsForever #ErmScuse #ErmNothingButLove :) x



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