Pride month is basically over, but I thought I would write a quick blog post about what I got upto over the past few weeks leading up-to the main London Pride event! (I actually made a short little commentary video explaining everything in more detail, so I’ll link that shortly!
On Thursday 4th July, I went to an event in London with Regina, hosted by ‘ProudFlare’; Cloudflare’s LGBTQIA+ Group where they gave us an insight to what they did as a company. They are a technology company trying to bring LGBTQIA+ people together without people feeling that they are either being hated on or discriminated against…
A ‘call to action’ straight from their website states:
‘I suggest starting an employee resource group at your company. Whether it be focused on LGBTQIA+, women, people of colour, parents, or other underserved populations in tech, conversations about inclusion and community-building make for a better work atmosphere. Here are some beginning resources I used.
Let’s make our industry a better, more inclusive place for all’.
On Friday 5th July, I met up with Maria in Kings Cross, and we spent the day in London together! We went shopping for pride outfits and accessories and then went to Nando’s (which Maria had never eaten at before) and she said to me that she would ‘definitely peri peri again’…
Later that evening we also RSVP’d ourselves for a Pre-Pride party at the YouTube Space in London! The requirements to go were that you had to have over 1,000 subscribers on YouTube, and you were allowed to bring a +1 (so I brought Maria!).
I wore a light blue Hollister top, light & dark blue shirt, black shorts and black boots!
It was a very fun night and there was lots of free food including burgers, little cupcakes and unlimited water (which was a MUST because the weather was SOOOO hot!!!)

The Vlog: