Hey! So about three months ago, I was in conversation with a girl from my University called Michelle Stone, who messaged me on Instagram and is planning on putting together a little play about the LGBTQ+ community. Before doing this, she wants to find out as much information about it as possible beforehand. Being part of the community, and knowing quite a lot of good and bad things about it, including influencers and spokespeople for the community and the various stereotypes that go around, I definitely wanted to get involved. She initially told me that I didn’t have to answer her questions if I didn’t feel comfortable, but I felt that I had to do my duty and answer them all, and as truthfully as possible.
In summary, her questions were whether I felt that the older generations of people are accepting of people’s different sexualities, and the reactions I would have if I came across people who were judgemental or rude about the situation. She also asked if;
1- I have always felt free to be who I truly wanted to be
2- I have any worries or fears about my sexuality in the society we live in
My Response: Yeah that’s fine! To be honest, I am pretty open about my sexuality now anyways. I spent a LONG time trying to work out what I was, and felt like I shouldn’t have had to ‘come out’ and that people should have just accepted me for who I am.
Older Generation- I feel like a lof of older people are secretely part of the LGBT community and are either scared to bring it up in conversation because it was illegal ‘back in their days’ or they feel like people are going to judge them for coming out too late. For instance, my parents didn’t take it very well, but my Nan pretty much said to me; ‘yeah that’s fine, just be safe’ etc.
I think a variety of sexualities are accepted, but I think a lot of people don’t understand what being bisexual is, or what a transgender person is, so it comes across as them being ‘judgemental, when in reality they just need afew lessons, and to be educated on what the names mean. I’m part of the community and there’s a lot of things I don’t know about, but I’m always asking questions and wanting to learn more about my friends, and others in the community as I meet new people quite regularly. I feel like I am free to be who I am.
At the end of the day, the only difference with me and a straight guy, is that I prefer what they have downstairs?! I don’t know why that’s such a big problem in society and there are a lot of other things to worry about such as depression, mental health, suicide, rape, racism, pedo’s etc – and being part of the LGBT community should be a positife thing, as people are finding their crowd of people and making new friends all the time.
In society, everyone is going to have worries, whether you’re straight or gay to be honest, because someone ALWAYS has something to say about someone else. I feel like a lot more countries and people have now become accepting of the LGBT community, and it’s not seen as such a ‘disgusting’ thing like how it would have previously been described as.
I feel like in schools, there should be something taught about LGBT to students, not to make them ‘turn gay’ or whatever, but just so they have a little bit more extra knowledge for when they go into the real world.