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Getting To Know 'IsThatBrandon'...

Updated: Jan 6, 2024

My name is Brandon and this is my new blog page which I intend to be a lot more active on. I was using SimpleSite before, but was restricted with space so I decided to move over to this site! I hope to share not only my thoughts and opinions about different topics I am passionate about, but to also share projects I have been working on and my growth as a person over the forthcoming months and years (If I decide to blog for that long). Here’s a little Q&A that I decided to do, just so you’re able to get to know me a little bit better if you do stumble across my page!


Are you named after anyone?

So, there’s a singer called Brandon Boyd who just coincidentally has the same name as me, but one of my middle names is taken from my Grandad Frank (Francis), and my other middle name is from a relative of a different generation; Jack. My full name is Brandon Francis Jack Boyd, but I wasn’t specifically named after anyone.

When was the last time you cried?

Hmm, the last time I cried was probably about 1-2 weeks ago. I just sometimes put myself into a sad mood by looking at pictures of my family who aren’t here anymore, or think about people that I’m not longer friends with anymore and why it was MY fault for the connections breaking…

Do you have kids? If no, how many do you want?

Erm no, I do not have any kids. In the future maybe? But I would obviously have to adopt or ask one of my friends nicely to become a surrogate for me; as I am interested in guys and not women…

If you were another person, who would you be and would you be a friend of yourself?

Wow that’s a tough question! If I was to BE another person, I think I would just borrow the spotlight of a singer/musician already in the spotlight…Maybe someone like Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber or Shawn Mendes; and I think I would get on with myself yeah. I don’t see why not, there’s nothing scary or negative about me??

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

ERM HELL YEAH. You can’t go through life without a few dirty jokes or a bit of sarcasm.

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

I know this sounds a little bit cheesy, but honestly personality and dress sense. Whether I meet someone for the first time, or meeting up with a fellow friend/mutual/YouTuber, I always judge someone on the way that they act, and have a little look of what they’re wearing. To be honest, I have NO fashion sense, and if I put together a good outfit then it’s usually done by accident but yeah. I’m one of those people who people who colour clashes, wears ALL black or ALL blue outfits to make sure I’m matching; and I prefer to wear clothes that are often bigger for me, so they flow in the wind. Lol I don’t know why.

What is your eye color?

Brown, apparently.

Scary movie or happy endings?

Well, anytime I watch a scary movie I grab the arm of the person who’s brave enough to sit next to me…I’m one of those people that will get scared by the dramatic music in a film rather than the actual jump scare. I usually miss the jump scare which is a shame, but also means I can enjoy the rest of the film in peace. Hmm, I would say happy endings are boring but I guess every bad story ends on a high? SO yeah, it would have to be a happy ending for me.

Favourite smells?

I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE THE SMELL OF DIESEL PETROL. Ok, I’m not supposed to smell it, but when I get a whiff of it at the petrol station, MY MinD TingLeS. I also love smelling flowers and plants, hot foods like curry or pasta (pretty basic sorry), and chocolate; because even if you don’t eat it, it always smells like Heaven.

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?

Probably Wales, for my Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. I think I must have been away for about a week, or just over a week? But yeah, it was very fun being away from home and having that freedom, whilst also doing something that I am very proud of myself for doing!

Do you have any special talents?

So, it’s not really a talent, but I’ve memorised my Primary school register in alphabetical order of people’s surnames…I don’t really have any other ‘talents’ but I like to think I can play the drums and sing. I’ve always been quite a musical person because my Nan wanted to be a singer when she was younger, lots of my friends are in the media or music industry and I just feel that music has literally been inside of me, so yeah. The register talent and a bit of a musical side…

Where were you born?

I was born in London…in a hospital that has now been shut down rip. Not really that interesting, but apparently I was born just in time for Coronation Street at 7:30pm…

What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in it?

Aries, and no, I don’t really believe in any of the mythical stuff. If bad stuff is going to happen to me, it’s already happened, and if there’s any good in my future, then it will naturally show. I don’t believe in ‘this is the type of person you are’ crap, because my star sign is just reflective on when I was born? Yeah, I never really understood any of the zodiac myths or how people can believe in ghosts, zombies and all that fake stuff.

What are your hobbies?

Anything media related to be honest. I own several YouTube channels, this blog, I’m starting to work on some more interviews (both video and written formats) as well as keeping myself fit and either going to the gym or playing tennis. Like I said in my previous answer, I do have quite a musical side when I used to play the drums, keyboard, guitar and occasionally sing; but I also had a MASSIVE passion for drama when I was younger. I actually completed all 8 Grades of LAMDA and surprisingly got a Distinction in my Grade 8 LAMDA…My drama teacher was just as shocked as I was, but I was doing public speaking, which I used to be really good at back then, so I just needed to fake a bit of confidence and talk about subjects I knew a lot about…

Do you have any pets?

No. I can’t even take care of myself at the moment so I don’t really need anything else that requires 24/7 attention and care. Also, I’ve never been a massive animal lover anyway…Dogs are alright but they bark a little bit too loud and randomly lick your face when they want cuddles…

Do you have any siblings?

Nope. I’m the only child which is a good and bad thing. Good, because all the focus was on me, but also bad, because there was nobody else to talk to when growing up as a child. I feel when brothers and sisters grow up together, they build a connection/friendship/relationship that no other family members or relatives could have…I don’t know…Just what I feel.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

In all honestly, I haven’t got a clue; I just want to be successful. If that means that I lose friends to focus on a job, then so be it. There will be a lot less people around me once I’ve finished University and gone into the industry I enjoy most, and there’s also going to be a lot of competition so I will have to prioritise. I have already lost a lot of friends because I wasn’t ‘putting enough into our friendship’ or just had several arguments which turned sour, aggressive and I thought it was better to drop contact with those individuals. At the end of the day, I need to build MYSELF up as a brand, a person and a businessman, and yes I have a lot of flaws, but one thing I do know for certain is that I want to be successful in spite of the people that never had faith in me or who I was when I was younger.

Who was your first best friend?

First best friend? I’m trying to think…When I was in reception I got very very close with a girl called Georgia, but she moved away to Cyprus at the end of the school year and I’ve not spoken to her since…I wouldn’t really say I have any ‘best friends’, because when I have used that term in the past, I have lost friendships because I thought I had to live upto a particular standard. But most of my friends have come naturally whether it be through YouTube, primary school or secondary school, and more recently University. There’s no way I could make a list of who all of my friends are, but I know quite a lot of people, and I am thankful for the friends and connections I have made in my first 20 years of being alive, because I know that I am currently working on a lot more projects than other people my age, who may not have a job, been school/University drop outs and have nothing going for them. I am trying to put 110% into EVERYTHING I do, and even though I may not like everything I’m doing; I’m giving it my best shot and that’s all you can do at the end of the day.

How tall are you?

Well, the last time I was measured I was around 5’8/5’9 but I could have easily grown or shrunk since that time. I don’t really measure myself, I just know I’m not tiny, and I haven’t reached 6 foot yet. I’m somewhere in the middle…

What is the least favourite thing about yourself?

When I was back in school, I used to hate the fact that I had acne, but to be honest I don’t really care if spots are popping up now, as it’s just something that happens and I’ve just been one of the unlucky ones with it. I think the thing I dislike about myself the most is that I have a skin condition called ‘Hyperhidrosis’ (or I have mild symptoms which make me think I have the condition); where I sweat randomly, and in random places, whatever the weather is. It mainly affects my face, my hands, my armpits and my feet and it’s horrible having to think about that on a day-to-day basis; ‘Am I sweating today?’, ‘Do people think I smell?’, ‘Will I be able to shake this person’s hand?’ etc, and it’s a horrible feeling. People always say to me that there are worse things to worry about in the world, or that they can’t notice it; but I’m not being funny, it’s something that I, and probably a lot of other people have to deal with on a daily basis and I am 100% certain there is a cure for it, or just something I could use to calm it down. But yeah, I would say out of all of my flaws, that’s probably the worst one by a mile.

Funniest moments throughout school?

Well, I have been in education since I was in reception so there have definitely been a lot of memories over those 10+ years! There are three main stories that I love to tell because they are just very very funny stories; one which happened in Primary school and two of which happened in Secondary school.

When I was in Primary school we used to always put on a little Christmas show for the other students in our year as well as our parents, and I think I was playing the character of Santa Claus/Father Christmas, and didn’t realise that the presents had fallen off my little wooden train. It was a bit of a short story and I built it up a lot, but basically I was driving around with no presents so I just looked a little bit lost on the set lol. I got a good laugh out of it unintentionally so I ended up being the star of the show. If only, I could always be a star lol.

But the two main stories that hapened whilst at Secondary school was quite different to eachother. The first story was when I was in Year 8 or 9 I believe…I was just in the lunch canteen trying to carry my food to the table to go and sit down with some of my mates, and I dropped my food on the floor in front of the WHOLE canteen. Bare in mind there were students from Year 7-11 (as well as some Sixth Formers); and me, this little chubby kid made a massive noise. Honestly, it was so embarrassing looking back on it now and I’m not joking, it made the loudest bang to the floor that I have ever heard. Long story short, I started crying and running around the school trying to avoid all the students and teachers who were coming to look for me, and ended up being able to hide behind a door in the humanities department. Wow, I was very cheeky back then but I sat down with one of the dinner ladies who helped me get a new lunch meal. She was actually lovely so god bless her and her family.

The other story from Secondary school actually happened whilst I was in Sixth Form myself. I was studying Photography, and you know at school how they overprice EVERYTHING, from art books, to pens, pencils, rubbers, you name it. Well, there was a technician who used to work in the art department and we would always need to borrow glue sticks, so we would ask, use the glue stick and then give it back to her at the end of the lesson. Myself, Hannah and Antonia (who were the only three people to make it to the 2nd year of A Level photography) would do this quite a lot. It got to the point when she turned around and said ‘Right, if you guys want to use any of the equipment you’re going to have to pay from now on’…and then suddenly we had glue sticks of our own?? Again, long story short, when the technician, Chris, wasn’t in her office, we would sneak in and ‘borrow’ the glue sticks, art books and anything we could find that would either help us with our project or just something we may need in the future. (I’ve still got about 3 sketchbooks that I took once the course had finished, as I know I needed some art books and wasn’t going to spend STUPID money on them in the shops or at the school…Some very funny stories there but I’m so thankful that I survived my school life because during the revision and studying sessions; life was hell!

How many countries have you visited?

Hmm I wouldn’t be able to tell you in a number, but so far I have visited Canada, France, Spain, Greece and Wales (if that counts). So…that’s 5 places so far!

What was your favorite/worst subject in Secondary School?

My favourite subject in Secondary school was Photography, which I took at A Level, because we were given quite a lot of freedom with what we had in our sketchbook, we just needed to pick from one of the given themes…My worst subject was probably something like History, Geography or Dance..because I’m not really a fan of the past, hence why It’s in the past. With Georgraphy I wouldn’t be able to tell you which country is where on the map, and with Dance it was just the hassle of taking shoes and socks off for every session and the silly irrelevant warm ups and dances that I didn’t enjoy A SINGLE BIT.

What is your favourite drink? Animal? Perfume/aftershave?

My favourite drink has to be water. Yes, it’s simple but then so am I. My favourite animal would have to be something like a dog or a fish? Not really a comparison but the first ones that came to my head. Favourite aftershave would probably be something like ‘David Beckham: Classic Blue’ or ‘Twisted Soul LDN//E17’.

What sports do you play/Have you played in the past?

Well the one sport that I still play to this day is Tennis. In the past I have played sports including Hockey, Snooker, Badminton, Table Tennis, Rubgy, Football, Baseball, Basketball and we had a gymnastics site at Primary school, so during our P.E lessons we used to just go on those and that was very fun…when I was like 7 years old…

Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?

So, there are a LOT of YouTube channels that I enjoy watching for a variety of different reasons. Firstly, they’re real, they show their happy and sad sides; not faked for YouTube, and most of them I have actually met in real life…The list of people I watch and enjoy are…

Meddyson Reacts, Rhea Ellen, Tom Harlock, Jack Ben Edwards, BambinoBecky, Jamie’s World, Ayydubs, Tiffany Day, JaackMaate, Courtney Graben, Welcometoloserville, Elise Wheeler, Tom Fearn, Student Vlogs: Dylan, PeteyBoyTV, Safwan Foy, TheUnfittingKey, Jojo Watson, Oliver Potter, Dan & Jon, Riyadh Khalaf, TAP Gaming, Marcus Dickinson, Jack McLain, CrimsonVlogs, CrimsonStudios, Travis Cox, Naomi Whitehead, Olivia Dodgson, Rheanne Ferguson, Lee Westwick, Sarah Kellysen AND MANY MORE! 

This list of people are just people I’m friends with, have stumbled across accidentally and just enjoy the content of, or they’re people who I have discovered myself whilst looking at other people’s videos. I’m sure to do a FULL blog post at some point of my favourite YouTubes, because I did actually make a YouTube video about it, but some people prefer to read than watch…

How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?

Only 2 proper ones to be honest. I actually had one girlfriend which didn’t last very long, as we were better off as friends, and a 3 year online/long distane relationship with a guy…We actually ended up meeting several times and then just lost contact. It was sad, but it made me realise that sometimes people who seem genuine and lovely aren’t always that lovely after all…I’ve now realised that I am FULLY GAY, and I am just looking for a guy to treat me right and to hopefully support any projects that I work on. Last year I was so caught up in looking for a boyfriend, I wasn’t building those important connections with my friends, and this year my aim is just to continue being myself, and IF the right person comes along then that’s great…and if not, then that’s also great. #NoMoreChasing.

How would you describe your fashion sense?

I actually have a whole page dedicated to my fashion and how it’s developed over time. I’ve never been someone to focus on my outfits, and like I said before, if a good outfit is put together it’s probably just an accident. I think growing older, I have come to terms as to what clothes look good and suit me, and what just doesn’t fit my vibe, but yeah, I’ve still got a lot more to learn.

What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)

10000000000% an iPhone. I cannot stand Android phones at all. When I got my first phone it was a little Samsung brick, and then I converted to iPhone5C and now an iPhone6S and I have not been happier with it. For some reason I have just used to the interface of iPhones and the layout of the apps, the camera etc, so I would never turn to Android in a million years. #iPhonesRule!

One word that describes you?

UNIQUE! (#And proud).

Does your name have a special meaning?

I’m not actually sure. *Does a little Google search*. My name apparently means this; 

‘The name Brandon is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brandon is: Derived from a surname and place name based on the Old English for ‘hill covered with broom’. Broom is a prolific weed. Also, ‘From the beacon hill’…’

Or a better definition from the Urban Dictionary…

‘Brandon is one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet. He is fearless, and will do anything sensible, but he knows when to stop. He will love you forever, as long as you do the same. Brandon has beautiful eyes and amazing personalities. his attitude is usually funny, very funny. but he’s smart too, just doesn’t show it very much. He is athletic and tries hard at everything he does. He’s courageous, strong, and beautiful all in one. He is the most amazing thing on Earth.’

And I’m not sure who came up with that, but props to them lol. I’m not that great in reality. Stop it!!! xoxoxo

If on your next birthday, you could have anything BUT money, what would you want to receive on your next birthday?

To be honest, there’s nothing that I WANT. It’s more of things that I would be happy for, but can live without them; such as a car, a house, a boyfriend. It would be lovely to have all of those things, but I can cope without them. For my next birthday I’ll be turning 21 years old, so I do want to host a massive party and invite all of my friends to it! I think 21 is a very important age and I want to celebrate it in style….What would be great for my next birthday would be to have some topless waiters serving me food lol. I can only dream but I’ve got to see what my amazing friends and family have in store for me. ONLY 2 MONTHS UNTIL I TURN 21. THAT IS ACTUALLY MAD THOUGH.

Anyway, thanks for reading these 32 questions with their 32 TRUTHFUL answers. If you did enjoy this blog post, don’t forget to share it with friends, family, anyone you think might be interested in knowing more about me. And watch this space (well, this page), and I’m going to try and post a lot more content of what’s been happening in my University life so far.

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