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Interview with Thomas Walmsley – Media with Pathways (NTU)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

This is an interview I did with one my media coursemates called Thomas Walmsley. We are currently both in 2nd year at NTU, and I feel that he is a very interesting character who has been a part of lots of projects both inside and outside of University, and thought I’d give him another platform to share some of his work and expertise.

Brandon: Hey man! Just thought I’d start off with a simple question. What’s your full name, your age and what do you currently do?

Thomas: Hi! My name is Thomas Walmsley, I’m a 20 year old freelance videographer from the Isle of Man.

Brandon: Awesome! So, I’m going to go straight in with a media related question. I’ve seen pretty much on your Instagram accounts that you’re always working on projects; whether it’s with car companies or for weddings etc…When did you first realise you had a passion for the practical side of media?

Thomas: I first realised I had a passion for practical media back at GCSE. I was studying graphic design at the time and was approchaed by my teacher, asking if I would be interested in filming a video for the local government council. I borrowed my friends camera and shot the film over two months. The council were thrilled with the video and used it in their waste recycling campaign, where it became a finalist entry at the ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ Awards! From there, I was hooked and have continued making videos to this day!

Brandon: Oh wow, that’s amazing! So, that one opportunity basically opened a lot of doors for you? That’s an amazing story you could tell interviewers, and that it was an accidental project that actually made you hooked! Well, out of all the projects you have worked on so far, what’s been your favourite one (and if there’s a link to the page or the video, add that here so people can see it! x

Thomas: Yeah for sure! Most of my projects came from referrals, so to have such a great first project really helped me out. One of my favourite projects has to be the in-store promotional video that I shot for Graypaul Maserati! I loved taking the time to make shots as cinematic as possible, and really pay attention to the small details. The final video is probably one of my best to date, and one of the projects I am most proud of!

You can check the Graypaul Maserati video out here.

Brandon: Wow! All of that sounds amazing. If only people would refer me to jobs aha. I also believe you’ve made yourself a website? If so, what do you generally post on there, and if people like myself want to check you out; where can they go?

Thomas: Yes! I’ve had the website for just under a year now. It’s really a place for people to understand what I do, at a glance. I often post my recent videos on there, along with past clients I’ve worked with. There is also a small section that directs people to the filmmaking equipment I use, for anyone that’s interested! The best place to check out what I do however, is probably my Facebook page…

Brandon: Oh wow! Just from that I think you’ve got ME hooked now into finding more about you. But yeah, overtime people are going to work on more and more projects, hopefully getting progressively better, so you don’t really want to dwell on projects you’ve done too far in the past, because then it becomes irrelevant! But that sounds amazing! Is there a link to your Facebook page?

You can check out Thomas’ Facebook page here.

Brandon: Awesome! Thanks for that! Well, I’ve got two more questions for you then Tom. The first one is more about travelling…I feel like you’re the type of guy who would want to travel (idk, you just give me travel vibes); so I was wondering if you had been anywhere interesting for either a casual holiday/for work; and what you usually do when you’re away, who you go with etc?

Thomas: I do like to travel! I went to Canada last summer, where I managed to fill up all of my SD cards with photographs! I had always seen pictures of the places we went to on Instagram, but to see it in person was INSANE! And wherever I travel, I always have my camera on me!

Brandon: Well that’s great then! Photography as a passion but also as part of your normal everyday life! I wish I could travel but can’t find anywhere that’s cheap enough or company to go with aha! Have you ever travelled anywhere alone, and if so, what are the pros and cons?

Thomas: I’ve never actually travelled somewhere alone before, but it has to be high on my bucket list! I’ve always wanted to do some photography out in Iceland, so maybe in the new year!

Brandon: Well, with the positive mindset you seem to have with everything, I’m sure that bucket will be filled! Like me, you’re also studying Media with Pathways at NTU. What’s your favourite part and least favourite part of the course so far?

Thomas: My favourite part of the course would have to be how the University not only encourages you to build up a professional profile and to find work, but also involves it as part of the course. I only wish that the course had more practical aspects and directly linked more with the industry!

Brandon: Honestly! That’s exactly the same mindset I have. I picked the practical pathway for next year, but I feel like they’re too heavy on the exams and essay writing! It’s great for practice don’t get me wrong, but for the creative industry that you and I want to go into, it’s not going to help in the long run; having written a 500 word essay on Marxism or Feminism for example…It;’s interesting to learn about, but yeah, more ACTUAL practical stuff needs to be taught I feel as well.

Thomas: Thanks for taking the time to interview me! I’m sure we will collaborate at some point in the future!

Brandon: That wraps up our little interview! Thank you for answering those questions for me and I hope to either collaborate with you on some more projects in the future, or persuade you to start a YouTube channel lol; one of the two aha! Have a good day!

Thomas: Haha well thank you!



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