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Interview with Evelyn-Mae Wright – Student/Air Cadets friend

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

This is an interview I did with one of my old friends from Air Cadets. We initially met up and our personalities just clicked straightaway. She is definitely an interesting character so I thought I would ask her some questions in an ‘interview style’.

Brandon: Hey Evelyn!

Evelyn: Hey, how it’s going?

Brandon: Not too bad aha! Just thought I’d ask you introduce yourself for those people who don’t know you. Full name, age and what you currently do.

Evelyn: Evelyn-Mae Betty Cecilia Wright (Yes, my name has legally been changed, it’s a long story)..17 years old and a student!

Brandon: Aha wow that’s a long name! I’ve always been intrigued by your multiple names! I remember you having ‘Caspian’ as a middle name as well, where did it go???

Evelyn: My dad apparently hated the name since I was born, but my mum insisted that I kept the name. My mum isn’t in my life anymore so he was like, ‘f*ck it’. He used a name that my Grandma always wanted, but after she passed away a couple months before I was born she used to call me ‘Evie-Mae’, so instead of changing my name completely; Evelyn-Mae was born!

Brandon: Oh that’s sick! Sorry to hear about your Grandma, but it’s a sick name!

Evelyn: I know right!

Brandon: So, I was actually part of the Air Cadets for a few years before you joined…and I believe we started having a chat because I complimented a drawing you did?? Or something like that aha! What made you initially join the Air Cadets, and what do you get upto on a weekly basis?

Evelyn: Well, I joined the Air Cadets because my family are very heavily military based. All my older brothers are either serving or have seved in the RAF, Royal Signals or the Marines which is pretty cool, and I thought I wanted to do something similar and go from there. We actually do a range of activities from shooting, drill (including marching and field craft) or just chatting/having catch-ups whilst doing other productive things…

Brandon: Wow sounds awesome! Well, I felt like I was just there for too long and had to eventually leave. Another thing question then, for those who are unfamiliar with the rank structure, could you briefly explain it?

Evelyn: Okay so with cadets there is a rank structure, or a chain of commands. Each rank holds a certain responsibility and the higher the rank, the higher the responsibility. Everyone starts out as a cadet, with the next rank being a Corporal (CPL) and will be referred to as an ‘NCO’ (Non commissioned officer).

An NCO is someone who doesn’t hold a commission from the Queen, therefore you cannot salute them. A junior NCO is just another name for a ‘Baby NCO’ lol. They’re basically learning, and once they’re ready, they will get promoted to Sergeant (SGT), becoming a Senior NCO with a lot more responsilibity. After that, Flight Sergeant (Flt SGT), and with this rank you pretty much oversee all of the activities that are going on. The last and most prestigious rank is Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) which you can only obtain once you are eighteen years old, and you have to go through quite a hefty process to get it. Once you receive it, you’re almost the ‘best of the best’

Brandon: Oh wow! Seems like you know your stuff aha! Well, a quick question about the ranks then, I know you’ve progressed from Cadet to Flt Sgt, but what sort of responsibilities are you given at the higher ranks, that you wouldn’t necessarily have as a cadet?

Evelyn: There are many responsibilities that you are given, which as a cadet, wouldn’t be capable of doing. Throughout the years and promotions, you gain knowledge which you will then use to teach classes and get cadets through the ‘cadet syllabus’. There is also a course that Senior NCO’s go on, qualifying them for that- (but that’s separate). The main job of an NCO is just to guide and teach those who have less knowledge than you, and just being there to help them progress. I always say to my cadets that I never want them to be like me, but to be better than me, and I will help them become that. 

Without the knoweldge, they will never be able to progress through the ranks, and the knowledge often comes from the senior NCO’s who have ‘been there and done that’…if that makes sense. Their responsibility is to control and mediate activities that the cadets take part in.

Brandon: Wow, sounds amazing! That’s a perfect motto to have; ‘don’t be like me, be better than me’. Love that. Well, away from the Air Cadets aspect of things, what sort of food do you enjoy the most aha. I know we both love a good Domino’s, but what else would you go for?

Evelyn: Always gotta have chicken and chips! That’s literally the bain of school life. After 3pm, you see every school child EVER gathering around a chicken shop aha.

Brandon: Ahahaa that’s fair enough! Anything else that tickles your fancy? Chinese? Fish and Chips? Etc..

Evelyn: I always crave a kebab…Chicken Shish, it’s the best! Especially with sauce..Omg the sauce!

Brandon: Ooohh I do love a good Chicken Shish, yummy! That’s making me hungry so let’s stop talking about food ahahha. In your life upto now, I’m sure you have had some really bad experiences, but what THREE positive achievements can you say you have achieved so far?

Evelyn: Well, I think one of them would probably be just achieving the stuff I have whilst being in the Air Cadets! I got to the role of Flt SGT, in the process of doing a flying scholarship etc. Another one would be just staying in education, and as small as it sounds, school has never been for me and I really struggled. But getting this far, and having made some decisions including to leave sixth form early and head to college instead, and continue on to doing an apprenticeship, has been a big change for me. My third and final big achievement would be becoming a qualified advanced first aider, as I can now go out and help people a lot, which I believe can help me towards my future job.

Brandon: Aha that’s sick! Three completely different achievemtns but they’re all so awesome! Well done! You also mentioned to me before that you’re actually studying in a college or sixth form? What are you studying and how has the course been so far?

Evelyn: Right now I’m doing an apprenticeship with college in advanced clinical care, which is pretty amazing to be honest, as there’s lots of stuff I get to do and see!

Brandon: Ooh clinical care sounds exciting! What exactly is it and what sort of things do you see?

Evelyn: Advanced clinical care involves learning techniques that paramedics would use when out and about, a well as learning about some health and social care subjects and emergency care. This could be simply using an Annie Doll for CPR, or actually doing into people’s homes/a hospital and doing medical assessments!

Brandon: Oh I loved those Annie Dolls! As embarrassing as it was to use them, it’s actually a life saving procedure! But that all sounds amazing! Well, final question before we wrap up this interview then…What plans do you have for the future?

Evelyn: Well, eventually I want to become a HEMS paramedic; a paramedic that works in helicopters, but before that I’ll probably go into the RAF as a medic, just for the experience.

Brandon: Gosh! You’ve already got your life planned. Honestly, I knew you were always going to do something amazing with your life because you’re just so passionate about everything that you do! Well, thanks again for taking part in this interview and I hope to speak with you soon!

Evelyn: Yeah no problem! I’m always happy to help, have a good one.



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