This is an interview I did with a girl called Aaliyah Duberry, who went to the same secondary school as me (Highlands Secondary School) in North London, and is now currently in her first year studying Fashion, Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University.
Brandon: Hey Aaliyah, I just wanted to send you a few questions about yourself and your interests, as you were always one of the students I kept my eye on at school (not in a creepy way). You looked great, seemed like a hard worker and I don’t think I ever saw you upset…
Aaliyah: Aha yeah that’s fine! Send away x
Brandon: Let’s just start with a simple question then. How old are you and what are you currently studying at University?
Aaliyah: Hey Brandon, I’m 19, and studying Fashion, Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent. x
Brandon: Awesome! Just a bit of a throwback question for you then. When back at Secondary school, what made you study Photography as an A Level option?
Aaliyah: Urm, I’ve always loved Photography both in front and behind the camera, and taking photos in my own time is something I’ve always done. I thought it would be a fun creative A Level to have.
Brandon: Well, was it what you expected?? And did you learn anything new that you didn’t know before?
Aaliyah: Well, it wasn’t what I expected and we didn’t have as much freedom as I expected. It was my favourite lesson though. I definitely learnt a lot more technical stuff about the camera rather than just winging it.
Brandon: Alright well sounds like it paid off then! More of a personal question now; when do you start your blog ‘Aaliyah Duberry’, and what was the main reason behind starting it up?
Aaliyah: Well, I started it this summer and mainly wanted to do it because I was helping a lot of friends who went through what I’ve been going through. I thought it would be a good thing to help more people, and make it clear to people who do or don’t know me, that I’ll be here for them too.
Brandon: Aww well that;s great! It’s amazing that you’re one of those people who like to put other people before yourself” Well, my next question sort of links to that one… I’ve actually been reading some of your blog posts, and on your post about ‘Surviving Social Media’, I saw a paragraph highlighting the main thing about people in the media; and that they are always ONLY posting positive things, their achievements and if there is ever anything negative, they swiftly move on from it…What do you think would happen if they were to dwell on the more negative or bad experiences they have had?
Aaliyah: I think it’s not about dwlling on the negatives, but I think if people were more open about the bad stuff and how they dealt with it, knowing that they aren’t the only person who is having a bad time, it would make it a lot easier for others to do the same. By not being able to see other people’s bad things, you will believe you’re at least 10X worse. I think it would be better if people showed the good, the bad and the ugly.
Brandon: That’s a great answer, so thanks for getting so deep into answering that question. In continuation with that, when celebrities DO speak up about deep topics, they’re ALWAYS listened to, and praised for being ‘amazing role models’ and for ‘speaking the truth’, but what about ‘normal’ people who are living an ordinary life, who are speaking up for the same topics and get no recognition for it? What would you say in regards to that…?
Aaliyah: I think it’s hard to trust when celebrities talk about those issues, because some do it for their brand and image, and celebrities live a VERY different life to those ‘normal people’. The issues are hard to relate to. I think it would be great if ‘normal’ people get some recognition but I guess if you’re doing it for the right reasons, it doesn’t matter about the recognition; it’s just kind of how many people you are helping.
Brandon: Everything you’ve said there is true! Again, another great answer. Alright, back to another Uni question then. You’ve been at University for just under a year now, what have you found the easiest to cope with, and what’s been a little bit more of a challenge for you?
Aaliyah: I think the answer for both is the same. It’s the freedom of Uni, and I love it, because I’ve been able to become my own person and learnt not to rely on other people (a.k.a my mum), but then at the same time having to be in charge of myself, and force myself to do the things I don’t want to do. It is definitely a learning curve because it’s so easy to just be lazy and not a responsible ‘adult’ that I’ve suppposed to be aha. x
Brandon: Well to be honest with you, I was exactly the same! I had the freedom but I wasn’t sure if I was going to make the most of it…Right, I’m very interested by your blog, and obviously I had a look at the ‘University 101’ page, as I am a second year student (would have been third year, but I took a year out to focus on myself). If you were going to give 3 tips to someone starting University next year, what advice would you give?
Aaliyah: Hmm. 1- Don’t stick to what you know, try new things, new people, new hobbies and music…you’ll be surprised what you find out about yourself. 2- Don’t give into the pressure of ‘Uni Life’. You don’t have to go out every night, or drink or do drugs because that’s what you THINK you should be doing. Take your time and do what you want to do, not what you think you should be doing; (University isn’t for everyone, so don’t be afraid if it’s not for you, and you decide to throw in the towel). 3- Have fun! Embrace it all as you are never going to have this much freedom, time or energy in your life; so waste it while you can!
Brandon: Wow. You could definitely be a councilor with a mindset like thi! See, I had the same ideas with University as well…sometimes the quieter people have the best ideas. Just another simple question about Uni…Are you part of any Societies/Big social groups at NTU? And if not, why?
Aaliyah: In my first year I wasn’t and that was one of my biggest regrets, but I am now part of Trent Dance & the Fashion society!
Brandon: Woo Trent Dance! One of my friends was part of that lasy year as well so I know a bit about that! So, moving on then! I’ve also seen your Instagram (and I do like to have a little scroll down people’s feeds to see how they’ve changed over time), and I must say you’re either incredible at makeup or your editing skills are AMAZING! How do you always look so flawless, with or without makeup; and for people with ‘skin problems’, acne, red patches etc, what products would you recommend using (men or women)?
Aaliyah: Haha thank you! I love makeup and I think practice makes perfect, because there’s some pictures that I have now deleted where my makeup wasn’t so flawless! I’ve always been quite lucky with acne and my skin, but one thing I will say is that if your skin isn’t that bad, less is more. Don’t be fooled into buying a ‘7 step night routine’. For those who are struggling, I would say it’s more than a product. Maybe start looking into your diet, hygiene and even the medicines that you are taking (a.k.a the pill). But I also know dermaquest and dermalogic have worked wonders for my sister’s acne!
Brandon: Again, all of that sounds amazing! And I didn’t even know that medicine could affect your face?? Lucky I can’t take tablets anyway, but that’s not the point here aha. Well, I was just going to move onto family and friends actually aha…Have you started thinking about any plans for the future? Plans to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. And what do your family think about you starting a blog, studying Fashion, Comms and Promotion in Nottingham and your interest in makeup?
Aaliyah: Haha, well, the future scares me. I don’t really have many plans other than after University I want to TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL. Plans for a BF, ha, I’d love one, but I’ve learny to stop looking because that’s when the good ones come! My family were all very supportive of my blog, and proud, which was amazing! They are very supportive in everything I do both University and makeup!
Brandon: Honestly, I feel like we’re the same person! When I first started University, I was so caught up in the online world and using dating apps to try and get a boyfriend rather than focusing on the course, but I pretty much feel the same way. If you don’t search for people, the right person will eventually come your way. And that’s a life lesson to be honest. It’s great that your family are also so supportive in what you do, because at the end of the day, anything you go will give a good or bad reputation on your family. Well, that just leaves me to conclude this interview with one final question…Cats or Dogs? And why?
Aaliyah: Dogs always! They are literally humans! Plus, someone told me when I was younger that if you stare at a cat too long, it will attack you…so I’m kind of scared of them now ahaha xx
Brandon: Meow! That’s a funny story to tell a kid; scare them when they’re young why don’t you aha! Well, that pretty much wraps up this interview. Thank you for answering those questions for me! I’m sure we’ll speak soon and maybe even work on some more projects together? But, if people were curious to find out more about you, where can they find you? x
Aaliyah: Haha, I had fun answering the questions! They can find me on Twitter & Instagram @aaliyahduberry and my blog is x