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DofE/NCS Coordinator & Social Media Intern

From December 2016 to August 2017, I worked at JLGB as I was taking a gap year. My roles included being a DofE and NCS coordinator and my daily tasks involved communicating with parents and students. I was sat at the back of the office and there is only a small team that work at the headquarters. We had to speak to parents, students and teachers using the telephones and through email. Sometimes we could get other calls and we could put the people on hold to speak to somebody in the office or try and give a sensible answer.

Other things that I did as DofE coordinator included organising paperwork in the relevant folders about which participants had completed Bronze, Silver and Gold. I also had to prepare DofE packs depending on which session I was teaching. (This included how to pack a rucksack, the health and safety aspects with completing DofE, food that was allowed and not alowed, along with various other aspects that needed preparation. I had to go into the schools and lead a class on my own and make sure that they had all completed their tasks at the end of the session.

With NCS, it was more hands on (but I also had to still deal with email and phone call communications). NCS is a three work programme and as an extra member of staff, I worked alongside the other staff in helping to prepare equipment and resources for the events throughout the week.

Along with these roles, I was also given an extra role of 'social media intern' which meant that I had to create content in photo, video and written form to promote the events ran by JLGB. I was also in control of posting this content to JLGB's official Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter accounts!

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