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Cesar's Reality World: The Game (Season 2)

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hey all!

What is 'Cesar's Reality World?' I hear you asking...Well, it's a real life version of the American Big Brother, but it's done via Discord/Twitter and YouTube. As I have been playing the BB app I've come across a lot of Twitter profiles that people have created specifically to campaign for when their character gets through to the final three, or just for casually communicating and socialising with other players in the community. I saw that applications were open for a season 2 of this particular show, and I thought before I apply, why don't I watch what happened in season 1!

I was able to find Cesar's YouTube channel and I was briefed that there were 21 people in the competition to begin with, and when only 9 players remained...they would go onto a YouTube livestream and complete the rest of the game in real life. I thought this was a really interesting concept for a show and it was quite entertaining to see the gameplay that was happening, alliances that were being made...and the funny facial expressions and gestures when people were put on mute!

Below is the introduction video for the 21 people in this season, so have a look and see who I was up against!

I believe there were 17 people who signed up, but 4 people were players from the first season, who began competing in season 2 as 'coaches' and then after a number of evictions, were able to join the game! Before the competition started, we each had to decide the name of ONE person we wanted to evict, and everybody had to choose a different person. I chose Jeremy, purely because I didn't know him and hadn't spoken to him yet...and each of us were given a number (and I was number 1)! The rules of this particular event, was that a secret power would be given to the person of the first evicted player.

Going into the competition, I knew you had to try and make friends quickly, but I didn't realise that some of these players had been in previous competitions with eachother or knew eachother outside of the Big Brother game, so I was very nervous! On Day 1, I began talking with Erin, Scrubby and Jon in the voice chat and they seemed to all be really friendly and genuine (which is good) so I knew I at least would be able to make a few stable friendships out of being part of the game. In the first ring leader competition, Brando won, and decided to put up Jon and Scrubby for eviction...which is quite funny, as they were two of the people I was speaking to so early on and I wasn't sure if he was psychic!

Makayla (one of the 4 team coaches) won the first veto competition and decided not to change the people up for eviction, and with a score of 12-1, Jon was evicted! After this, team coaches Makayla, Nathan, Faryn and Taylor (all on the first season of CRWTG) chose 4 people each to be in their teams, and below is the order they were picked, and who ended up in each team...

Team Makayla: Michael ('Daddy Michael'), Isaac, Jade/Jaydee and Britt ('Bsanks')

Team Nathan: Zack, Erin, Scrubby and Jeremy ('Holiday')

Team Faryn: Kev, Lachlan ('Nathan'), Sheridan and Brandon

Team Taylor: Brando, Xander, Kisle and Chris

So, I was on Team Faryn, and we decided to create a support group with Makayla's group (but leaving out Britt as nobody had spoken to her at all)...although I was very skeptical that making an alliance so quickly would instantly put targets on people, or allow others to get inside information if there were 'rats' or 'messy' players in the chat...which is what happened multiple times. Jon warned me about Sheridan and Lachlan's bond, and I obviously had the choice whether to use that to my advantage and stick with them both, or not trust either of them and side with another team. During the general voice chat it was Zach and Xander who were talking about tactics quite a lot, and some of the players warned me about Brando...but at this point, me and him got on alright because we had the same name (and he spotted out I spelt my name correctly!).

Unfortunately for Day 2, I overslept by about 4 hours and missed the entire day of competitions, but I managed to survive TWO evictions as there was a double eviction in the same night. I had a chat with some of the players who got me upto date on what I missed, and I believe Jaydee won ringleader, and nominated Jeremy and Scrubby for eviction. Coach Faryn won the veto competition and didn't change the nominations, and with a vote of 9-2, Jeremy became the 2nd person to be evicted! This episode wasn't over, as I was then told that 4 people drew on points in the second ringleader competition, but it was Brando that won it again. He nominated Sheridan and myself (and messaged me after the episode to let me know I was a 'pawn' vote, as he wanted to backdoor Kev). Faryn and Nathan both made deals with eachother that they would save one another from the block, and Nathan vote the veto and used it to save Sheridan. Brando's replacement was Kev, and although a lot of the players weren't sure whether to keep me or evict me, I managed to survive as Kev has 9-2 votes to be evicted, and was the 3rd person evicted from the show!

Day 3 was my final day in the show, as there was ANOTHER double eviction and I wasn't sure how much longer I could stay for in the competition. I was also told that Brando had chosen to evict Isaac, and therefore Brando hadn't got the power, but whoever voted out Jon wasn't revealing themselves...(and I still don't know who voted him out!). My first task was to see where I was with some of the other players, so I'll list several chats that I had and what I tried to discuss:

(1) Faryn: Apologised for not attending yesterday's eviction and knew she wasn't in a good mood as somebody had died at her work...

(2) Team Faryn: Messaged and apologised for not being there, but agreed with Sheridan that a team chat should happen so that we could plan what we were going to do next...

(3) Scrubby: Quick voice chat to be updated about the drama I missed yesterday

(4) Brando: Casual chat to keep Brando on my side, and also try to find out any gameplay/tactics that he had this point, I realised that I hadn't spoken to Michael, Britt or Zack (but as he was on Scrubby's team, I wasn't worried too much about being a target of his). I also hadn't spoken to the rest of Team Taylor; Xander, Kisle and Chris, so wanted to either try and talk to some of them, or hope that they would save me in an eviction!

The first ringleader task for today was to complete Cesar's logo for the competition, and I got about halfway before Brando won...AGAIN! (By this point I wasn't surprised, but I really wanted to be the underdog that pulled through!

Also for anybody wondering 'Who's Plethora?' - she was on season 1, and a link to the final 9 livestream can be found here...Did she win? Who knows?

Ok so Brando decided to nominate Sheridan and Erin...which was another awful selection because one of them was on my team, and I was having some decent conversations with Erin! I remember that the veto competition was a wordsearch, which I believe Makayla won...but she didn't use the veto to save either player...and with 8-3, Sheridan was the 4th person evicted, leaving only me and Lachlan in Team Faryn!

The 2nd ringleader competition of the night was a round robin quiz on American Big Brother. The aim of this game was to post a GIF as the answer to the question, but I've never seen the show so relied on my team to try and help me out! Either way, these were the battles, and in every battle, the person who lost was eliminated, and the person who won, remained...until only two people were left.

Brando vs Kisle, Erin vs Scrubby, Lachlan vs Isaac, Erin vs Brandon, Isaac vs Xander

Chris vs Zach, Britt vs Jaydee, Kisle vs Erin, Jaydee vs Isaac, Zack vs Erin and finally that left only: Isaac vs Erin. Isaac became the 2nd ringleader of the night so I thought I was going to be safe...but I was wrong! I was told that Coach Makayla had exposed our 'alliance' with her team, to Taylor...and that made Team Faryn or Team Nathan the targets.

Isaac nominated both myself and Lachlan up for eviction, and Makayla once again won the veto competition which was something to do with guessing catchphrases/sayings. In the end, the votes were tied 5-5, but Isaac voted me out and messaged me afterwards to say that he had worked out 'better tactics' with Lachlan, which is fair enough, and apparently I wasn't the target at all, but the mix of reasons why I got evicted were that Coach Faryn was inactive, Isaac was pressured into choosing who to nominate, and he didn't want to go against his team.

I also received a message from Jaydee who warned me in advance that Isaac was putting me up for eviction due to their agreement with Team Nathan to keep them safe, and also the fact that they were working with Team Taylor. And a suspicous group alliance called 'Kale' was discovered which had a mix of people in both Team Makayla/Taylor...and that's why Team Faryn were the only final targets, with nobody able to win the veto, unless it was Faryn (who would have probably saved Lachlan anyways!), so I knew my time was up! Jaydee also revealed that she was one of the 5 that didn't vote me out, but she didn't want her team to be suspicious...I appreciated her honesty and it was very smart, but I think somebody realised her screenshot was fake, and she apparently got in some drama...

I admitted to her that I sent the screenshots to Scrubby, who shared them with Nathan, and it was Nathan who told Jaydee about the Nathan played a little bit of a risky move, and I've had some messages from some of the players about their new tactics to get to the final 9, so let's see if it all pays off! And just to end this little section of the post, here's the message that Isaac sent me to admit that Team Makayla/Taylor were working together, and also had a separate deal to protect Team we were screwed...

It was a great pleasure getting to know some of these people, and at least I know that if I join any future shows, I might be able to gain more trust on these people in an alliance...and also be able to build good tactics within the game. It was a great experience and I'm glad I joined...17/21 (or 13/17 if you discount the 4 coaches), wasn't too bad of a result!

I also messaged Cesar directly to thank him again for letting me into the show, so hopefully I'll come back in season 3? Maybe as a coach? Maybe as a discord helper? Who knows? But I'm excited to see who makes the final 9 now. There are currently 16 players left...12 people who signed up for season 2, and the 4 players from season 1 who were able to join once again!

What happened after I got evicted?

Since I got evicted from the game, both Jaydee and Scrubby were pulled out of the competition as there were some disagreements between the two of them that got out of hand and Cesar decided to kick them both out. The next eviction saw Brando & Chris get eliminated from the game, which left 12 players left.

The eliminated players including Jon, Chris, Jeremy, Sheridan, Kev and myself were all given the chance to come back into the competition by playing a 'battle back' game which was simply to just get the most RT's on Twitter. I had 9, I believe Jeremy and Jon both had around 20, but it was Sheridan and Brando who had over 100+, so they both managed to win themselves back into the game. During the battle back, previous coach Faryn, decided to self evict from the game...

Erin then won the next eviction blocker and Brando was the next person to be evicted, and Taylor remained in the competition for at least another night!

To this point, there were only 12 players left; Makayla, Nathan and Taylor were the three remaining 'coaches', alongside Michael, Isaac, Britt, Zack, Erin, Lachlan, Sheridan, Xander and Kisle...

And then there were 11...After completing a survey, I'm guessing the ringleader competition was based around the answers of the questions. Some of the answers included 'Who is playing the dirtiest?' which the majority of people chose Isaac for, and 'Who would give their game up for someone else? which the majority of people chose Britt for! Isaac won ringleader and nominated both Xander and Britt for eviction...Xander was able to save himself in the eviction blocker as he won that, with Taylor as the replacement nominee. Britt decided to use her 'Power of Plethora' and also took herself off the block. In the end, the final nominees were Taylor and Lachlan, and with a vote of 7-2, Taylor was eliminated!

The final 11 played a game of 'Bouncy Dunks' to see who would become the next ringleader, and with 388 points, Britt (@bsanks) won! She nominated both Erin and Sheridan for eviction, but Erin won and was able to take herself off the block - and Britt's replacement was Isaac...As you can see from the screenshots below, with 5-3 in votes, Isaac was the next player eliminated from the game!

The second ringleader competition was a 'sequester' type of competition (with really complicated rules), but I'll share the screenshots below so you can read what the final 10 had to do, with the nominees up for eviction and the final person to be evicted before the final 9's live show.

In the end, Makayla won the eviction blocker and decided to save Nathan from the block. It was between Erin and Sheridan as to who the next person was to be evicted before the final 9...and with a total of 8-2, Erin was evicted! I must say, this competition has been super confusing and stressful to watch, but I have loved being a part of the series and I'm excited to watch the live show!



To watch the full LIVE episode, click the link below (or read on for the written summary):

Firstly, I must say that the final 9 who competed in the live show were all worthy of their place there, and I'll add my personal opinions once I explained what happened in the show! Just to remind everyone, it was Bsanks (Britt), Kisle, Lachlan, Makayla, Michael, Nathan, Sheridan, Xander and Zack who made it to the live shows. During the introduction of the show, some people made comments about Makayla making the live shows after appearing in season 1, and Xander seemed to have a lot of difficulties being unable to work out how to be heard on the zoom call! With all the issues and technical difficulties resolved, Cesar revealed that the first ringleader competition was to complete a jigsaw puzzle of Hayden/'Red's new book called 'Burnout' (as creators support other creators).

Winner: Nathan

Nominees: Xander/Lachlan

Also playing in the eviction blocker, (Tower of Hanoi): Zack/Bsanks/Kisle

At first it wasn't letting Lachlan start the game, and Nathan asked 'am I supposed to be playing Level 6' which means he must have played the game really well! In the end Xander won the comp and saved himself from the block. Nathan nominated Bsanks for eviction, and they both had to explain why they felt like they should remain over the other. Bsanks said 'I hope you guys choose me to stay. This is a sh*tty position to be in. I would like to not be the first person to leave. I respect anyone's game move' and repeated the fact that she didn't want to be the first player eliminated. Lachlan started his speech by saying 'wait what happened I had to pee quick' and after being told he was up for eviction, he said that he'd like to keep on playing, adding 'I haven't won anything yet, so you can probably beat me moving forward...and I'm stressed'. With a vote of 5-1, Bsanks was the first player eviction from the competition and she placed 9th overall!

The next ringleader competition involved answering 5 questions that some of the evicted players had given their opinions on, after leaving the game, and for every correct answer, there was 1 point up for grabs! I have put in the (brackets) the person who answered the question correctly!

1- Who was the biggest floater, Kisle/Lachlan (Makayla)

2- Jon said 'I feel like he/she hasn't made any big moves', Bsanks/Xander (Sheridan)

3- Brandon said 'He/She because they are snaking everyone out and doing everyone else a favour', Makayla/Michael (Lachlan)

4- Tay said 'They positioned themselves on both sides' (Sheridan)

5- Erin said 'I don't think he/she connected with anyone outside of their alliance' (Makayla)

With 2 points each, Sheridan and Makayla had a tiebreaker question...

6- Erin said 'I know he/she talks with both sides of the house and they're in a really good position, Kisle/Lachlan (Makayla)

Winner: Makayla

Nominees: Sheridan/Lachlan

Also playing in the eviction blocker, (Rolling Panda): Michael/Nathan/Zack

After 6 minutes of playing Rolling Panda, Michael won the eviction blocker and decided not to use it to save Sheridan or Lachlan. In the end with a vote of 4-1, Lachlan was eliminated and placed 8th overall in the competition. Before he was removed from the Zoom call he said 'I'm going to be a bitter jury member...take Makayla/Michael to the end and I'll vote for you to win!'

The final 7 competed in a ringleader competition which was simply a crossword competition about countries, and they were all on their own...not help list of words to find or any other clues to make the game easier for them!

Winner: Xander

Nominees: Michael/Nathan

Also playing in the eviction blocker, (Trivia Questions): Zack/Kisle/Sheridan

After correctly answering the first 3 questions, Kisle won the eviction blocker and decided to save Nathan from being evicted. Xander chose Makayla as the replacement nominee, and either Makayla or Michael would be the next person eliminated from the game. Michael said he wasn't going to try and campaign against her, and understood that although he made some good connections, it's a game. He went on to say 'Whatever happens, you'll have my love and support in the final 2, but I hope to continue playing...'. Makayla said that she'd also like to stay as she thinks she's played well and also made great connections, adding 'if you guys want to keep me, I appreciate it, and if not, I understand'. With a total of 4-0, Makayla was the next player eliminated from the game and she placed 7th!

For the final 6, the next ringleader competition was in the style of a 'sequester'. Cesar told the remaining players that they had to either pick between Red, Orange or Yellow. Zack said 'I'll go Green' as he wasn't even listening to the instructions, but in the end, each of the final 6 players had their colour!

Zack (R), Kisle (O), Michael (O), Sheridan (Y), Xander (R), Nathan (R)

Cesar then explained that those who chose Red, were safe (Zack, Xander & Nathan), those who chose Orange, were both up for evicition, and that Sheridan, the only person to pick Yellow would also be playing in the eviction blocker. He explained that if she won, she could either save one of the two nominees on the block and nominate whoever she wanted to, BUT if either of the nominees won, SHE would be the replacement.

Safe: Zach/Xander/Nathan

Nominees: Kisle/Michael

Also playing in the eviction blocker, (Questions about the season): Sheridan

1- Who was the first person eliminated from the game? (Nathan)

2- Who won the first ringleader during first double eviction? (Michael)

3- How many votes was Kev evicted with? (Nathan)

4- When Brando won 2nd ringleader, who did he nominate? (Michael)

5- How many votes did Jon get evicted with? (Nathan)

Nathan won the eviction comp 3-2 to Michael, so he had to decide if he was going to use the eviction blocker. He decided to save Kisle, which meant Sheridan was the automatic replacement. In the end with a total of 4-0, Michael was eliminated from the competition and placed 6th overall!

Only 5 players remained; Nathan, Kisle, Zack, Sheridan and Xander! For the next ringleader competition, all of the remaining players had to see who could score the highest in 'Ninja Math' (a game on Math Playground), and with a total of 142 points, Xander became the next ringleader!

Winner: Xander

Nominees: Nathan/Sheridan

Also playing in the eviction blocker, (Questions about the season): Kisle/Zack

The next eviction blocker game involved Cesar showing the players 2 screenshots from the Twitter group chat which at one time, had all 21 of the players from season 2. The question was simple, which chat/image was posted first, A or B...

Below are the 5 options:

1- Kisle, 2- Nathan, 3- Kisle, 4- Nathan, 5- Zack means that there was a tiebreak between Kisle and Nathan. Kisle got the 6th question correct and decided not to use it to save one of the nominees off the block! With a total of 2-0, Nathan was the next player to be eliminated from the game, and placed 5th!

This was the crucial part of the game, as there were only 4 players left, and the next competition was called the 'drag', which meant that whoever was evicted next, would also drag somebody out of the competition with them...leaving our final 2 players to campaign as to why they should win over their opponent. I must admit that by this point in the competition, Sheridan was incredibly intoxicated, and I'm surprised she managed to make it this far without passing out! The players voted, and with a vote of 3-1, Sheridan, the final girl of the competition was evicted, and she placed a respectable 4th place!

To decide who she wanted to drag out of the competition, she asked each of the remaining three players to send her a screenshot of the person they voted to evict, when Isaac was the ringleader...and when no screenshots could be shown as the diary rooms get deleted when players are evicted from the game, she said 'I know exactly what needs to happen' and she dragged Xander out of the competition, placing him 3rd!

The final two were Kisle and Zack (two people that I had personally not spoken to at all, other than a quick 'Hello' to Zack on Twitter) so I wasn't really sure who I wanted to win. Each of the evicted players of the final 9 were able to come back and ask each of the boys a final question (or questions) to help determine where their votes would go.

Here's a quick run down and summary of the questions asked, and answers provided:

Bsanks @ Zach: Considering you had 0 wins on the ringleader or veto block competitions, why do you think you deserve to win over Kisle? Zack explained that there were 22 people playing, and this game is not like any other house. He said that if you 'try and play all sides, then you'll catch on fire' and he said that his main aim was to make sure people liked him. He didn't make any solidifying deals and went through the whole game without being nominated. He said he sometimes had the swing votes, and multiple early ringleader winners got sent out because of his gameplay. He also explained that in Cesar's game, it's not the game to be winning comps, and it's more social strategy based, and social plays a long way...Kisle said that nobody aligned with him at first and he felt like he was playing alone for a long time. He added that Zack had a coach in his corner that would help him, and the fact that Kisle was in the final 2, was because he worked really hard throughout the entire competition.

The next question was from Lachlan aimed at both players. He asked what was the biggest move that each of them placed, and could take sole credit for without help or influence from anybody else. Kisle said that once he knew about half of the house wanting to take him out in the early stages, he didn't freak out and decided to try and work with people who voted against him, such as Xander. One of his biggest game moves was telling Sheridan to knock out Xander when there were only 4 people left, changing the dynamics of the game! Zack said his biggest move was the Brandon/Lachlan vote where half of the players were telling him to evict Brandon, and half to evict Lachlan, and he realised he was 'well positioned socially'. He added that he built up a strong connection with Isaac, and after Erin was eliminated from the game, he worked on his relationships with Makayla and Kisle, having a stronger bond with Kisle. He used to Erin situation to his advantage when he realised people including Makayla and Michael has betrayed him.

Makayla's question was at Kisle, asking him that when they spoke several days ago, he told her that he hadn't done anything in this game and no arguments with anybody, so whether he thinks that's still true...or not, especially when he asked Sheridan to drag Xander. Kisle initially said that he loved Makayla dearly, but backdooring her was a move he had to do. Makayla asked if he was loyal to anybody, and he said that he was loyal to himself and Xander, until he saw who the final 4 were. Her question for Zack was whether or not competition wins are important. Zack initially replied that it depends on your game, and Brando it was and wasn't important, because ultimately that's what sent him out of the competition. He explained that in a social position, you need to win comps, and they're not really needed to sustain your game. After the first night he reveals that he assessed himself, hoped that people would like him and kept 'doing his thing' which went a long way.

Michael jumped in and said 'I wish I could agree with your statements at this point (Kisle), but to deny you had any relationships at this point is very sad...and listening to you (Zack) try to comprehend any decisions you made has been 'mind numbing'. He added that Zack 'didn't have a strategy' and that 'speaking fast isn't going to confuse anybody'. He wanted to know one word to describe both of their games. Zach said 'Adaptive' and Kisle said 'Social'.

The next person to ask their questions was Nathan. He initially asked Kisle if he had nobody to work with, who would he have liked to work with, and who was his preferred coach. Kisle said that he had 'no solid people to work with' and mostly worked alone. He added that he liked Nathan as a coach, but he would have preferred Makayla as she did good for her team, and he wishes that she would have 'robbed him' when the coaches were picking teams at the beginning. Nathan then asked Zack whether being on a team with him, and after everything they went through, that voting him out would have been good to his game...especially knowing that the evicted players become the jury and ultimately decide the winner of the game. Zack said that he had a good relationship with Nathan, and if Xander would have got voted out then he would have felt betrayed as Zack would have had 'blood on his hands'. He added that he would have liked to see Nathan in one of the winning 2 chairs, but Xander wanted him out, and he had to comply so that Xander wasn't mad at him, and to also ensure he had the majority of the remaining players on the same page. Nathan also added a comment replying to Michael's earlier dig at Zack speaking really fast by saying 'I'm not trying to take a shot, but that's just how Zack talks...he's a fast talker'.

Sheridan was up next and she was determined to find out who evicted her when Isaac was the ringleader, and Cesar has to remind her that the diary rooms (DR's) get deleted when people got evicted, and although she didn't have a question, she wanted Plethora to win...which obviously wasn't possible, but she was very entertaining and I'm sure she'll be invited back to another season of Cesar's Reality World!

The final evicted player to ask a question was Xander, who explained that Zack played the same game as Isaac did, and that he knew what type of game Zack was playing. Within minutes, he was in Xander's DM's using phrases such as 'final 2', 'ride or die' and 'boys for life' and Zack betrayed Xander at every single moment that he could throughout the game. He explained that Kisle was the better social player, but at what point did either one of them decide they were no longer working with him. Zack instantly said that he didn't betray Xander, and was never in power or able to influence any decisions which could put him in danger. Xander stated that 'Honesty is key right now, so just bare that in kind' with Zack replying that what he told other people wasn't true...and explained that he lied to others to try and keep their relationship 'off the radar', and that he had no plans of dragging Xander from the game, if he was to be eliminated at the final 4 stage that Sheridan did. Xander also asked Zack if it was him against Nathan who would he save, with Zack replying that he 'made sure that wasn't going to happen' and that his only final 2 deals were ith Kisle/Xander. Nathan approached him with a final 2 and Michael said 'ride it out'...but to compete against the Makayla/Erin side, it was difficult to 'fight up against' so he had to be careful.

There was one final question from one of the viewers, which happened to be a guy called 'Spin' who was on season 1 of Cesar's Reality World! He asked what Sheridan was on and admitted that she was the 'star of the show' but I'm not too sure she was aware of what happened over the next 30 minutes...Anyways, back to the game! Spin asked each of the final 2 players what their messiest move was that they pulled in the game. Kisle initially said 'I had a lot, but I mean...' before stating that he couldn't think of anything yet and Zack should go first. Zack said that he 'didn't really have a messy move' but there was a move that helped him in the game, and that was by evicting Lachlan instead of Brandon, as he was able to plant seeds into people's minds and not need to be 110% loyal to either half of the house. He added 'it wasn't messy but it kind of was' and asked if he regretted that move, to which he said 'No, I don't regret it; people didn't trust anyone in that house'. Kisle said that his messiest move was something to do with Brando/Bsanks where Cesar had showed everyone who voted to evict him on the first day, questioning them both as to why they had evicted him. He added that he was 'showing my cards too early' but it was also annoying that neither of them told him. Spin quickly promoted his new Big Brother styled show called 'Syndicate' where there is a $250 cash prize for the winner, before saying 'can we check on Sheridan...I think she's on fire'...when in fact she was only smoking, but she has disappeared out of sight!

At this point in the competition, 19 players had been evicted from the competition and all the allowed questions were asked, so it was over to the 7 player 'jury' of evicted players to cast their votes on who they wanted to see WIN the show...Here were the final votes!

Bsanks - KISLE

Michael - ZACK

Xander - KISLE

Makayla - ZACK

Sheridan - ZACK

Lachlan - KISLE

Nathan - ZACK

With a total of 3-4, Kisle was eliminated and he placed 2nd in the competition, but with 4 votes to 3, Zack was the winner of the second season (following the path of Ashley who won the first season!)

Some of the final comments from the players and host are below:

Cesar: Well done Zack you played a good game

Bsanks: Xander was absolutely robbed and the whole world agrees

Cesar: Zack and Kisle thank you for playing and being a part of this...there was a lot of drama but I think it was good!

Nathan: Somebody on my team won with me as a coach, so I'm happy about that!

Cesar: Xander you got screwed, Makayla you got screwed and Lachlan you should have won something dude!

Bsanke: I was #TeamSheridan until she took out the winner of the season

...and Zack's final comment before the stream ended was 'I owned it'...and he certainly did!

21st - Jon

20th - Holiday

19th - Kev

18th - Brandon

17th/16th - Jade/Scrubby

15th Chris

14th Faryn

13th Brando

12th Taylor

11th Isaac

10th Erin

9th Bsanks

8th Lachlan

7th Makayla

6th Michael

5th Nathan

4th Sheridan

3rd Xander

2nd Kisle

1st Zack

I hope you enjoyed my blog post summary, and stay tuned in case I'm part of any other future series' or Big Brother shows! And let's hope I can win tier 3 on Big Brother: The Game soon! *stay tuned for more content*



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