On 6th March and the 9th March 2020, I attended TWO very different, but also very inspirational panels. I went to a panel hosted by The New Black society called 'Succeeding against Adversity) which was an amazing panel bring people from all cultures together, and helping to promote people of communities who are often not spoken about in the media. The speakers included Akil Hunte, a recent Law graduate from NTU and Joshua Whitehead, the President of the 'Funky Fresh Collective' dance group at NTU. They, along with a few other speakers told the stories about their life and how they turned their negative situations into positives, to help improve their own lives but inspire others on their path to success!
The second panel I attended was the 'Women in Leadership' Panel where a variety of speakers spoke about their experiences growing up as a female in the working world, and how to motivate not just women, but also men, about how important it is for women in all industries! Bradley Fox, the NTSU President 2019/2020 introduced ex 'The Apprentice' star Bianca Miller to give a little talk about how we can make the best of opportunities that are thrown our way, and how she went from a dreamer, and a runner up on a television shw, to an independant businesswoman, featured in magazines, 'Top 10 influential people' and a lot of other awards/ways of recognition.
After the introduction speech from Bianca, we had a little chat with the people on our table and had to answer a variety of different questions relating to work and general life. Our main question was 'What barriers do people face in life?', and also 'What barriers do people face in the workplace?'
Once the discussions were over and we fed back our opinions/thoughts to eachother, there was a final panel hosted by Chelsea Sowden. The panelists were all female and their names were Anmarie Spaziano (owner of Annie's Burger Shack), Barbara Matthews, Portia Eze and Carrie Paechter.
After the panel it was time to say goodbye, and continue inspiring other people that their dreams can come true. I connected with all of the panelists and Bianca on LinkedIn so that I could keep up-to-date with the work that they complete from this moment on and how they inspire other groups of people!