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COVID-19 doesn’t stop Creativity

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hello! If you stumble across this blog post, I'm sure you've seen other things similar to this, but I thought I would share some things you could do during Isolation to spend your time more effectively...

1- Read A Book, A Poem or a Quote

Now when I say 'Read A Book, I don't mean you have to read anything that's relating to your course or studies, but even reading some motivational quotes, poems or short stories would be helpful! For me, I love putting words into sentences and creating my own meanings, so now that everyone is at home, it's definitely something that I can personally start doing more of!

2- Create Content

I've decided to be very vague with this one, because I didn't want to limit anybody in what they could potentially do. So whether you like taking photos of yourself, filming YouTube videos, dancing, singing, cooking...create content for whatever you're doing and post it online! There are so many social media platforms which people don't make use of, and even if you don't have a big following, just by using the right hashtags (#), you can build up engagement easily!

3- Make Use Of Social Media

Similarly to No.2, social media is definitely a way to engage with people and as we are not allowed to go outside, it's the best alternative to 'hanging out with friends'. Something I've done with some of my friends is play games online (whether that be UNO, Jackbox, That's You) or any other multiplayer/phone controlled games! Social Media can also be used to find inspiration for other things such as songwriting, poem writing or just doing live Instagram chats with your fans/followers for a bit of fun! Some creators have taken to YouTube and Facebook and have started doing live pub quizzes or talent shows, so that's always an option too!

4- Take Advantage of Group Meetings & Discussions

Apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Houseparty and Facebook and now becoming more popular due to the amount of people who are staying indoors...(which should be everyone apart from those working in the NHS and on the frontline!!). They are all free apps and allow you to connect directly with your friends, with the click on a button and a sharing link! So, if you're a little bord and don't want to be alone, use one of the above programmes and send the group link to people you want to talk to to keep the conversation going!

5- Learn An Instrument

Luckily for me I actually have my drumsticks with me in isolation so I have been trying to practice a few drum techniques that I have learnt over the years! But if you've got a piano, guitar, xylophone (or maybe even a triangle), don't be scared to make music or to bash a few notes together! Music is fun, and you never know, you could end up making the next track for a James Bond movie..

6- Start A Podcast

This links in with the 'creating content' tip above, but I thought I would add a seperate little mention for podcasts. Is there anything on your mind you want to discuss on your own? With a friend? Or want people's opinions on from around the world? Podcasting is for you! I did start my podcast and I currently have 4 episodes (with a fifth that was released on 1st April as I wanted to start it up again), but unfortunately I haven't found the motivation to continue creating podcasts, so I am now focusing more on blog posting and YouTube videos (along with obviously completing my University work in time)...But with podcasts, you're not limited to what you can speak about and you don't even need to move from the comfort of your bed to record an episode or two, or three or ten!

7- Start A Cooking Show/Channel

A lot of people come from cultures where cooking is not only a hobby but it's also a skil! Why not share these videos online with the world, and help people create new meals that they wouldn't neccessarily have thought about before, as they didn't have time! Countries such as India, China, Italy and the U.S.A are just four countries where food isn't too difficult to create, and there are a lot of brilliant chefs from around the world who would be jealous of the meals the 'ordinary people' are creating! You can turn a chicken burger into a chicken feast, or a plain curry into a fish curry? Not everyone's cup of tea, but there's definitely something in it for everyone to learn!

8- Catch Up On Netflix Shows

Personally, I don't have a Netflix account nor do I have time to watch any shows because I am literally spending every single day working on my University coursework, BUT for anyone who does have time, Netflix and Chill on your own isn't a bad thing! Get the snacks, cuddle the teddies and you can choose whichever films you want without arguing for 4 hours and ending up under the duvets instead...

9- Blogging/Writing

Again this could come under the 'creating content' tip, but I thought I would elaborate why blogging is a beneficial thing to do! There are lots of people around the world who can't access social media sites like YouTube or Facebook, but writing and blogging about your feelings, interests, hobbies, your opinions on the celebrity stories in the news are just some of the ways to share thoughts (and my blog is called 'Sharing Thoughts', that's where the name derived from!!). With blogging you cannot do anything 'wrong', and everyone is able to say whatever they want to with the click of a few buttons! Website builders like Wordpress and Wix are free, and allow you to post a lot of content! Maybe take a picture of yourself, the layout of your room and you could write about your room/the colours/the decor (and I'm sure they'll be some people interested in that kind of thing!)...

10- Workout

Isolation and Quarantine has left a lot of people concerned that their physical health with deteriorate. That's why you could potentially do some home workouts, whether that be in the garden, privately in your bedroom, or alongside professionals who are doing livestreams throughout the week! I saw a video of a man last week who created an outside gym in his back garden just by using trees, and another mate of mine turned a bucket into a weight to do lifts with! There are many tutorials and videos to watch, but you could also make up your own home routines (as long as you're careful and don't try to do anything too dangerous!).

11- Makeup

Again, this relates back to content creation, but for anyone interested in makeup, this is the best time to experiment! You may not become the next James Charles straightaway, but during this time there are so many tutorials you can watch which are being updated constantly, people are sharing tips via social media platforms like Instagram takeovers with makeup influencers or a 'Day in the Life of a Beauty Model' for example! I have a small collection of makeup myself, and I feel that I will have a little play around with some of the products I have, as I won't be judged if I create a 'bad look', as makeup is a form of art. And even those of you who may be reading this and thinking 'Ew, me wearing makeup? Absolutely not!' - there are ways to combat the stereotyping of makeup for only 'girls girls' or 'gay guys'... In the media, lots of masculine women and heterosexual men have to wear makeup to make sure that they don't sweat or look shiny on set. 'Makeup' doesn't necessarily mean having colourful eye shadow and lipstick, it could simply be adding a layer of concealer to patchy parts of your face, or a line of eyeliner to bring out your eyes!

That's 11 things that I can suggest for people to do during isolation as we don't actually know how long we are to be inside for! Hopefully these tips help you find something to do with your time and anything that you create, you're welcome to tag me in on social media so that I can repost to my own channels!

IG - @isthatbrandon

TW - @isthatbrandonn



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